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Kabasi S, Roy A and Chakraborty S Paper 2000220 mathematical modelling/risk & probability
Reliability analysis of structures by iterative sequential sampling based response surface. Received 29/08/2020; analysis
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Structures and Buildings, Accepted 05/01/2021
ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Structures and Buildings

Reliability analysis of structures by iterative

sequential sampling based response surface
Sounak Kabasi BTech, MTech Subrata Chakraborty PhD
Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Engineering
Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India (Orcid:0000-0001-6466-7371) Science and Technology, Shibpur, Howrah, India
Atin Roy MTech (Orcid:0000-0002-4792-3844)
Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of
Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, Howrah, India
(Orcid:0000-0002-7353-3903) (corresponding author:

In the metamodelling-based Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) framework for reliability analysis of structures, the
training samples used to construct the response surface should be as close to the failure plane as possible to
ensure sufficient accuracy in reliability estimates. For this, an algorithm based on the maximin distance criterion
combined with an error norm based on leave-one-out cross-validation (CV) is proposed to construct a moving
least-squares based response surface for improved reliability estimate. The algorithm hinges on the fact that the MCS
points having predicted responses less than the maximum absolute error obtained by the leave-one-out CV approach
are likely to have the maximum effect on the accuracy of the reliability estimate. Relying on this, two points are
added at each iteration, ensuring that the new data points are sufficiently close to the actual limit state and
adequately far from existing data points. The improved reliability estimation capability of the proposed algorithm
considering the direct MCS-based results as the benchmark is elucidated numerically by considering two example

S matrix of training samples

Sl input vector of lth training point
A1 section area of top radial bars of space dome truss
W diagonal matrix of the weight function
A2 section area of peripheral bars of space dome truss
wl weight function corresponding to lth training point
A3 section area of bottom inclined bars of space dome truss
X input vector
c free parameter for weight function
xi ith variable
D N  p matrix of Euclidean distances
y output vector for actual responses
d Euclidean distance between points
yl actual response at lth training point
dij Euclidean distance between ith candidate point X i
ŷlCV response at lth point approximated by the training set
and jth data point S j
of a CV approach
(d min)i minimum value of the ith row of the matrix D
ŷðXÞ approximated response
E Young’s modulus of material of space dome truss
β vector of unknown coefficients
eCV vector of cross-validation (CV) error magnitudes
l β̂ estimate of coefficients vector
eCV CV error magnitude at lth point
β0, βi, βii unknown polynomial coefficients
CV maximum value of elements of vector eCV
Δallow allowable maximum displacement of the top node of
F design matrix
the space dome truss
f(X) vector of basis functions
ΔzP1 maximum vertical displacement of the node under
fy yield stress
load P1
g limit state function
σeq equivalent von Mises stress
k free parameter for weight function
Ω set of candidate points for adaptive sampling
N number of candidate points in the set Ω
n number of input variables
P1 load at centre node of space dome truss
P2 load at each of the six nodes of the middle hexagon 1. Introduction
of the space dome truss Uncertainty is introduced in a structure due to uncertainty in
Pf,i probability of failure estimated at ith iteration the parameters required to characterise it (e.g. geometry,
p number of training points material properties, boundary conditions etc.) and loads acting
p0 internal pressure on it. Structural reliability analysis (SRA) is a theoretical fra-
R radius of hypersphere of influence mework that accounts for the effect of such parameter uncer-
r0 internal radius of hollow sphere tainties. The primary task of SRA is to estimate the
r1 external radius of hollow sphere probability of failure (PoF); this requires the computation of a

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Structures and Buildings Reliability analysis of structures by
iterative sequential sampling based
response surface
Kabasi, Roy and Chakraborty

multi-dimensional integral over the unsafe domain, involving involvement of the analysis can be reduced dramatically. The
the joint probability distribution function (PDF) of the related applications of the LSM-based RSM in reliability analysis of
random input variables. The joint PDF of the input variables structures are based on a global approximation of scatter posi-
is rarely available. Moreover, the exact computation of such an tion data. However, the LSM is one of the major sources of
integral is often computationally demanding. Several methods error in prediction by the RSM and needs a considerable
have been developed to estimate the PoF, which can be number of training points to ensure the necessary accuracy. It
classified into two groups – approximate analytical techniques thus becomes computationally intensive for practical engineer-
and methods based on statistical simulation (Ditlevsen and ing problems involving too many variables.
Madsen, 1996; Faravelli, 1989; Haldar and Mahadevan, 2000;
Kwon and Elnashai, 2006). Approximate analytical techniques To improve the efficiency and accuracy of the RSM, the
are based on the second-moment method, which has attracted applications of various adaptive metamodelling approaches
criticism with regard to the accuracy of the estimated reliability are notable – for example, the polynomial-based moving least-
index. Moreover, such approaches require evaluation of not squares method (MLSM) (Kang et al., 2010; Kim et al.,
only the limit state function (LSF) but also its gradients 2005), artificial neural networks (ANNs) (Elhewy et al., 2006;
during iterations, which is computationally challenging in the Lagaros et al., 2009), kriging (Kaymaz, 2005), polynomial
case of the implicit LSF of a large complex structure. chaos expansion (Blatman and Sudret, 2011), support vector
machines (SVMs) (Ghosh et al., 2018; Li et al., 2006; Roy
The most accurate and conceptually straightforward means et al., 2019) and so on. The MLSM-based RSM is noted to
of SRA is based on the Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) tech- be the simplest among these. In this regard, it is important to
nique (Au and Beck, 2001; Dymiotis et al., 1999; Melchers, note that, for accurate estimation of reliability, the design of
1999; Shinozuka, 1983). This approach is preferred as it experiment (DoE) points should be as close to the LSF as
does not require an assumption about the shape of the failure possible. Based on this fact, Bucher and Bourgund (1990) pro-
surface. However, such a full simulation approach requires a posed a sampling method to construct an improved LSM-
large number of repetitive evaluations of the LSF in order to based response surface for SRA. The approach was further
achieve acceptable confidence in the reliability estimates. If the modified by Rajashekhar and Ellingwood (1993) for iterative
performance function is explicitly available in closed form, the improvement of the RSM. Such iterative improvements are not
numbers of performance function calls do not play an impor- only limited to LSM-based RSMs (Farag and Haldar, 2016;
tant role. However, the performance behaviour of real large Gaxiola-Camacho et al., 2017) but have also been studied
complex structures is usually defined by an implicit form of in the framework of adaptive metamodelling approaches – for
the LSF because an explicit form is often unavailable. example, by metamodels based on the MLSM (Goswami
Although reliability analysis of structures involving an implicit et al., 2016) and SVMs (Richard et al., 2012). However, these
LSF can be performed by the direct MCS technique, each approaches require the complete replacement of DoE sets after
performance function evaluation typically requires analysis of each iteration step. The number of iterations required may be
a finite-element model, which involves high computational large in many cases and the replacement of DoE sets may
cost, especially for large complex structures (Ditlevsen and demand much computational time, especially when the LSF
Madsen, 1996; Haldar and Mahadevan, 2000). The compu- is implicit and highly non-linear. Thereby, such approaches
tational involvement for the analysis of structures to extract reduce the efficiency of the RSM significantly. The iterative
the necessary responses for statistical analysis was studied by improvement by adding a new data point to the existing train-
Kwon and Elnashai (2006). The number of simulations ing dataset after each iteration step to improve the reliability
required may be of the order of several thousand for an accep- estimate is appealing in this regard (Echard et al., 2011). The
table estimate of reliability, depending on the function being approach selects adaptive sampling points based on the uncer-
evaluated and the magnitude of the PoF (Faravelli, 1989). As tainty in the prediction and the magnitude of the predicted
an effective solution to such problems, the metamodelling LSF by the kriging method. However, such an adaptive sampl-
approach based on the polynomial response surface method ing procedure can be employed in metamodelling only
(RSM) is widely used to overcome the computational chal- when the prediction variance is available. However, most of the
lenges of MCS-based reliability analysis of large complex metamodels, not being Gaussian process based regression, are
structures involving an implicit LSF (Bucher and Bourgund, unable to provide the prediction variance. Sequential adaptive
1990; Faravelli, 1989; Liu and Moses, 1994; Rajashekhar and sampling for such metamodels to improve MCS-based SRA
Ellingwood, 1993). The RSM simplifies the simulation process seems to be attractive in this regard.
by fitting a response surface model to replace the implicit LSF
approximately. The response surface is an approximated poly- Roussouly et al. (2013) attempted a sequential adaptive sampling
nomial function of random variables. The coefficients of each for the polynomial RSM by searching a hypercube with the
term in the polynomial can be obtained by the least-squares most probable failure point as its centre and the hypercube con-
method (LSM) using the actual structural responses at a lesser sidered as a reduced space. A similar sequential adaptive
(but sufficient) number of times. Thereby, the computational sampling was proposed by Guimarães et al. (2018) with a few

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Structures and Buildings Reliability analysis of structures by
iterative sequential sampling based
response surface
Kabasi, Roy and Chakraborty

modifications. However, a reduced space with a regular hyper- fundamentals of the usual LSM- and MLSM-based response
cube shape includes a huge amount of unimportant regions. surfaces are first discussed in this section before presentation
Xiao et al. (2018a) developed three learning functions for select- of the proposed algorithm in Section 3.
ing the most suitable sample point at each step of iteration for
all types of metamodels. However, the relative weights for these 2.1 LSM-based RSM
learning functions are heuristic and require experiences. Xiao The RSM is used to uncover an unknown analytical relation-
et al. (2018b) proposed another learning function to select ship (an empirical model) between several inputs and outputs.
sequential training samples combining the cross-validation (CV) The reduced quadratic polynomial model (without cross-
method, the weighted Euclidean distance and the weights of terms) is mostly employed to replace the unknown LSF for
sample qualities in the input parameter space. The CV method reliability analysis due to its trade-off between simplicity and
was employed to estimate the average probabilistic classification accuracy (Wong et al., 2005). The reduced quadratic poly-
error function on the candidate sample point. However, the nomial RSM can be expressed as
probabilistic classification function requires both the prediction
and its variance at the candidate sample point. Thus, application X
n X

of this learning technique is also limited to regression methods 1: ŷðXÞ ¼ β0 þ β i xi þ βii x2i ¼ f ðXÞT β
i¼1 i¼1
based on kriging or other Gaussian processes. Recently, Roy and
Chakraborty (2020) developed a sequential sampling for support
vector regression based on the maximin distance criterion. where ŷðXÞ is the approximated response for input vector
X consisting of n variables, xi denotes the ith variable, β0, βi
In the present study, an algorithm based on the maximin and βii are unknown polynomial coefficients, f(X) = {1, …, xi,
distance criterion combined with a leave-one-out CV based …, x2i , … }T is the vector of basis functions and β = {β0, …, βi,
error norm is proposed to construct a MLSM-based response …, βii, …}T is the vector of 2n + 1 unknown coefficients. The
surface for an improved estimate of reliability. Specifically, unknown coefficients are obtained by the usual LSM. The
the proposed algorithm attempts to select training samples to training data are obtained by constructing a DoE and evaluat-
construct a response surface as close to the failure plane as ing the corresponding actual responses of the structure. The
possible to ensure sufficient accuracy in the reliability estimate. LSM minimises the sum squared error (SSE) at all the sample
It hinges on the fact that the MCS points having predicted data points considered for training to estimate the polynomial
responses less than the maximum absolute error obtained coefficients. The error norm (SSE) can be expressed as
by the leave-one-out CV approach are likely to have the
maximum effect on the accuracy of the reliability estimate. In X
p X
n X
this regard, it can be realised that misclassification of a point 2: SSE ¼ y  β0 
βi xli  βii ðxlii Þ
l¼1 i¼1 i¼1
can only occur if the error in approximating the LSF at any
sample point is more than the magnitude (irrespective of the ¼ ðy  FβÞT ðy  FβÞ
sign) of the approximated LSF. Hence, it can be intuitively
anticipated that the points corresponding to a magnitude of where y = {y 1, …, y l, …, y p}T is the output vector of actual
approximated LSF less than the value of the noted absolute responses at p number of training data points, S ¼
error obtained by the leave-one-out CV approach are most fS 1 ; . . . ; S l ; . . . ; S p g, F is the design matrix composed of p rows
likely to be misclassified. Hence, the accuracies of MLSM- containing f(X)T for each training point. The LSM-based esti-
based metamodels in approximating the LSF at these points mate of the coefficients vector ( β̂) is obtained as
are of paramount interest for an improved estimate of the PoF.
Thus, a specific error norm based on the leave-one-out CV is  1
3: β̂ ¼ FT F FT
used to decide a reduced input space that is concise and con-
tains only the important regions. Relying on this, two points
are added at each iteration from the reduced space by ensuring
that the new data points are sufficiently close to the actual Once the vector β is obtained, the LSF at any point from the
limit state as well as adequately away from the existing data input space can be approximated by Equation 1.
points to avoid clustering effects. The improved reliability esti-
mation capability of the proposed algorithm considering the 2.2 MLSM-based RSM
direct MCS-based results as a benchmark is elucidated numeri- The MLSM-based RSM is a weighted LSM having various
cally by considering two example problems. weights with respect to the position of approximation. Thus,
the coefficients of the response surface function change with
2. RSMs the change of approximation point of interest. This procedure
The present study deals with the sequential updating of the is interpreted as a local approximation. To fit the polynomial
MLSM-based RSM for improved estimates of the reliability of function to scattered data, the LSM evaluates the unknown
structures. To explain the proposed algorithm, the coefficients of the function by minimising the SSE. However,

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Structures and Buildings Reliability analysis of structures by
iterative sequential sampling based
response surface
Kabasi, Roy and Chakraborty

in the MLSM approach, the SSE is defined as the sum of based error norm to construct a MLSM-based response
weighted errors as surface model for an improved reliability estimate.

p X
n X
The algorithm starts with an initial DoE. As the failure
4: SSEðXÞ ¼ wl y  β0 
βi xli  βii ðxlii Þ plane is not known beforehand, training samples for the initial
l¼1 i¼1 i¼1
DoE should be uniformly selected from the entire input space.
¼ ðy  FβÞ WðXÞðy  FβÞ Thus, a single-shot DoE is obtained by Latin hypercube
sampling considering the upper and lower boundaries of all
where SSE(X) is the weighted SSE at the training points, which the related random variables. The algorithm hinges on the fact
depend on the location of the point of interest X, wl is the weight that the training points close to the failure plane should be
corresponding to the lth training point and WðXÞ is the diagonal added to the DoE for improved accuracy of approximation of
matrix of the weight function for point of interest X. The weight the LSF close to the failure region. This, in turn, is expected
matrix WðXÞ is constructed using the weighting function in the to improve the accuracy of estimated reliability by the RSM-
diagonal terms. It may be obtained by using weight functions based MCS approach. Once an approximate LSF is con-
such as constants, linear, quadratic, higher-order polynomial, structed by the MLSM based on the initial DoE, a reduced
exponential functions and so on (Kang et al., 2010; Kim et al., domain containing candidates for adaptive samples can be
2005). In the present study, the weight matrix WðXÞ is obtained identified. To provide a measure of fit of a model to a dataset,
using a Gaussian weighting function of the form the CV approach in regression analysis is frequently applied
(Kohavi, 1995; Roy et al., 2019; Roy and Chakraborty, 2020;
2k 2k Xiao et al., 2018b). A fitted model having been constructed,
eðd=cRÞ  eð1=cÞ
5: wðdÞ ¼ 2k
each data point, in turn, is held out and the model is recon-
1  eð1=cÞ structed using the remaining data. The process of evaluating
  the error at each training point by excluding that point
where d ¼ X  S l  is the Euclidean distance between the from the entire training dataset to build a model based on the
point of interest X and the lth training point S l and R is the remaining data is referred to as the leave-one-out CV
approximate radius of hypersphere of influence for X. In approach.
Equation 5, the parameter k is taken as unity to ensure the
Gaussian nature of the weighting function. The value of the par- Let the entire training dataset be represented by fS; yg with
ameter c is taken as 0.4 (Taflanidis and Cheung, 2012). It can be p training points, where S ¼ fS 1 ; . . . ; S l ; . . . ; S p g and the
noted from Equation 5 that the weight associated with a particu- corresponding actual responses y = fy1 ; . . . ; yl ; . . . ; yp gT. In
lar sampling point S l decays as the point X moves away from S l. the leave-one-out CV approach, the lth data pair fSl ; yl g is
The weighting function has its maximum value (1.0) at a nor- held out from the training dataset fS; yg and a metamodel is
malised distance d/R = 0 and minimum value (0) outside the constructed with the remaining data to predict the response at
influence hypersphere (i.e. w(d/R > 1) = 0). The function value Sl (say, ŷlCV is the approximated response). The CV error mag-
l l

 absolute value) eCV at S can be expressed as eCV ¼

decreases smoothly from 1.0 to 0.0. The value of R is so chosen l
nitude (i.e.
in order to secure a sufficient number of neighbouring exper- y  ŷ . Thus, a vector of CV error magnitudes eCV ¼
l l
fe1CV ; . . . ; eCV ; . . . ; epCV gT at all training points is obtained.
imental points to avoid singularity. To calculate the weights
using Equation 5, the radius of hypersphere of influence R is The maximum absolute error at data points obtained by the
taken as the distance between X and the farthest training point leave-one-out CV approach is the maximum value of elements
from it. Now, the coefficient vector β (X) can be obtained as of the vector eCV, which can be expressed as emax CV = max{eCV}.
In this regard, it is noted that the CV error magnitude is
6: β̂ðX Þ ¼ FT WðX ÞF FT WðX Þy usually higher than the magnitude of the actual error in
the prediction by the metamodel. Intuitively, it is unlikely that
the actual prediction error magnitude at any MCS point will
be greater than emax CV . Thereby, the sign of the LSF can only
It can be noted from the above equation that the coefficient
be misrecognised if the error magnitude is higher than the
β (X) is a function of the location or position of X. Thus, the
magnitude of the approximated LSF. Hence, it can be assumed
procedure to calculate β (X), being a local approximation and
that the MCS points for which the predicted absolute values of
a moving process, is to perform a global approximation over
the approximated LSF are less than emax CV are the most likely to
the entire design domain.
be on the other side of the actual limit state as compared
to that predicted by the metamodel. Such points are expected
3. Proposed adaptive MSLM algorithm to have the maximum effect on the accuracy of reliability
for SRA estimates by a metamodel. Thus, the accuracy of the predic-
The aim of this study is to explore an algorithm based on the tions at these MCS points should be improved. These MCS
maximin distance criterion combined with a leave-one-out CV points are thus considered as candidates for adaptive sampling

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Structures and Buildings Reliability analysis of structures by
iterative sequential sampling based
response surface
Kabasi, Roy and Chakraborty

in the proposed algorithm. It is desirable to include a The algorithm is summarised as follows.

minimum number of adaptive training points into the DoE
for efficiency of the metamodelling approach. To fill the & Step 1. An initial single-shot DoE is constructed by Latin
subdomain with adaptive samples effectively, avoiding cluster- hypercube sampling over the entire physical domain of the
ing, the minimum inter-distance of the training samples can input variables.
be maximised similarly to the widely used maximin distance & Step 2. The metamodel is trained by all the data points of
criterion (Johnson et al., 1990). If p data points are already the DoE.
in the DoE then, to add data point p + 1, a set of can- & Step 3. Using the leave-one-out CV approach, note the
didate points Ω is first selected. An N  p matrix can be absolute maximum error emax CV .
obtained as & Step 4. The LSFs at all the MCS points are predicted by
the metamodel to estimate the PoF.
0 1
d11 ... d1p & Step 5. The reduced space is built by the MCS points
B . .. .. C   having the absolute value of the predicted response less
7: D¼B
@ .. .
. A; dij ¼ X i  S j 
than emax
CV .
dN1  dNp & Step 6. Two points from the reduced space are selected
based on the maximin distance criterion, each one on
where N is the number of candidate points in the set Ω and dij either side of the approximate limit state.
& Step 7. The actual responses corresponding to the new
is the Euclidean distance between the ith candidate point X i
and the jth data point S j. points are evaluated and these two data points are added
to update the DoE set.
& Step 8. Go to step 2 until convergence of the PoF is
The minimum value of the ith row of the matrix D (i.e. (d min)i-
= min{di1···dip}) is the Euclidean distance between the ith can- observed.
& Step 9. The final reliability index is calculated
didate point and the nearest data point. The candidate point
having the maximum value of d min is the next best choice for corresponding to the converged PoF.
the new data point and it is included in the DoE. At each iter-
ation step, two new data points are added. The MCS points A flowchart explaining implementation of the proposed algor-
situated in the approximated unsafe domain, having the magni- ithm is provided in Figure 1.
tude of the approximated LSF less than the value of emax CV , are
considered as candidate samples to add as the first point. 4. Numerical study
Based on the mentioned maximin distance criterion, one point The effectiveness of the proposed adaptive MLSM approach
from this domain is added to the existing DoE. To add the based on sequential updating of the training dataset is now
next point, the MCS points having the magnitude of the elucidated numerically using two examples.
approximated LSF less than the value of emax CV are selected
from the approximated safe domain as candidate samples. 4.1 Example 1: Sphere subjected to internal pressure
Thus, the latest two adaptive samples (one having the predicted This first example is to approximate the von Mises stress of a
LSF greater than zero and the other less than zero) are hollow sphere under internal pressure (Figure 2). The material
included in the DoE. The actual responses corresponding to is homogenous without spatial variety. The LSF (g) is defined
the two new points are evaluated to update the training based on the equivalent von Mises stress (σeq)
dataset. Subsequently, approximation of the LSF by the
MLSM is updated with the current MLSM-based response 3p0 r31
surface. Now, a new reduced domain of candidate samples is 9: g ¼ fy  σ eq ; σ eq ¼
2 r1  r30

obtained based on the current approximation of LSF and the

modified error norm obtained by the leave-one-out CV
approach. Subsequently, two new points can be included in the
DoE. This enrichment of the DoE is continued until a suitable where fy is the yield stress of the material of the hollow sphere,
stopping criterion is satisfied. In the present study, the stopping p0 is the internal pressure and r0 and r1 are the internal and
criterion is decided based on the convergence in the estimated external radii, respectively. p0, r0 and r1 are assumed to follow
PoF as a lognormal distribution with mean values of 1200 MPa,
50 mm and 100 mm, respectively. The coefficients of variation
  of all the random parameters are assumed to be 7.5%. The
Pf;i1  Pf;i 
8:  0:05 physical limits of the random variables are taken as the
Pf ;i
mean ± 3SD (SD being the standard deviation).

where Pf,i and Pf,i−1 are the PoFs estimated at iterations i and To study the effectiveness of the proposed adaptive MLSM,
i − 1, respectively. the response of the sphere under internal pressure was

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Structures and Buildings Reliability analysis of structures by
iterative sequential sampling based
response surface
Kabasi, Roy and Chakraborty

Perform leave-one-out CV
Train the metamodel
Initial DoE approach to note
based on the current DoE
the absolute maximum error

Predict the LSF at all MCS

Evaluate the actual responses points by the metamodel
corresponding to the new point sand add
these two points to the existing DoE

Estimate the PoF

Select two MCS points from the reduced

space based on maximin criterion, each
one on either side of the limit state

Build the reduced space from the MCS

points having the approximated LSF Yes
value less than the noted CV error
Obtain the final PoF
and the corresponding
reliability index

Figure 1. Flowchart of proposed algorithm

r1 MLSM-adaptive_initial
p0 MLSM-equivalent_DoE
Reliability index

fy 3.2


Figure 2. Schematic diagram of hollow sphere under internal 2.8


approximated by the proposed MLSM-based response surface. 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274
To perform the MCS study, 105 random samples were gen- fy
erated according to the assumed PDF for each variable. The
reliability results were obtained for varying values of fy. To Figure 3. Comparison of estimated reliability indices with varying
study the effect of the size of the initial DoE, reliability results fy considering 11 initial training samples
were obtained using the proposed MLSM-based response
surface starting with three different sizes of the initial DoE
(11, 14 and 17 samples); the results are shown in Figures 3–5, are considered as the benchmark. It can be readily seen that
respectively. In these figures, the results obtained by the the reliability results obtained by the proposed approach were
MLSM-based metamodel using the initial DoE and those much better than those obtained by the equivalent single-shot
obtained from the proposed MLSM-based metamodel with DoE with the same number of training points as required
converged DoE after necessary iterations are denoted as by the proposed approach. It is important to note that the
MLSM-adaptive_initial and MLSM-adaptive_final, respect- improved performance of the proposed MLSM-based
ively. For a meaningful comparison, the reliability results were approach was observed for all the DoE configurations, which
also obtained by the MLSM trained by an equivalent single- shows the robustness of the proposed algorithm.
shot DoE with the same number of training points as used to
obtain the final converged results by the proposed adaptive Figure 6 shows the absolute percentage errors in estimating
MLSM (denoted as MLSM-Equivalent-DoE in Figures 3–5). reliability indices for each step of the proposed MLSM
The results of the most accurate direct MCS (denoted DMCS) approach (denoted as MLSM-adaptive_i for the ith step)

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Structures and Buildings Reliability analysis of structures by
iterative sequential sampling based
response surface
Kabasi, Roy and Chakraborty

3.8 18
DMCS MLSM-equivalent-DoE
16 MLSM-adaptive_1 MLSM-adaptive_2
3.6 MLSM-adaptive_initial
MLSM-adaptive_3 MLSM-adaptive_4

Error in reliability index: %

MLSM-adaptive_final 14
3.4 MLSM-equivalent_DoE
Reliability index

3.2 10

3.0 8
2.4 0
267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274
fy fy

Figure 4. Comparison of estimated reliability indices with varying Figure 6. Comparison of absolute percentage error in estimating
fy considering 14 initial training samples reliability indices for each iteration step of the proposed MLSM
approach considering 11 initial training data points with varying fy


50 m
3.6 MLSM-adaptive_initial
MLSM-adaptive_final 15
3.4 16
Reliability index

17 14
3.2 8

25 m
21.65 m
3.0 3 2 7
9 13
2.8 4 1 x

2.6 10 5
6 12 24
267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 11
20 23
fy 22
Figure 5. Comparison of estimated reliability indices with varying
fy considering 17 initial training samples 12.5 m
25 m
y 43.3 m

starting with 11 initial training samples and the corresponding P1

MLSM-Equivalent-DoE. It can be seen that the errors
P2 P2 P2 P2 x
reduced dramatically after the first iteration by the proposed

MLSM-based metamodelling approach. The improved capa-

8.216 m

bility of reliability estimates using the proposed approach with

only four iterations can be readily noted from the figure. The
final estimate of reliability using the proposed approach was
very close to that obtained by the direct MCS technique (a z
deviation of around 1–2%). Comparisons of the absolute per-
Figure 7. Schematic diagram of space dome truss (redrawn from
centage of errors for the other two initial DoEs are not shown
Keshtegar (2017))
here for brevity, but the observations were similar.

4.2 Example 2: A space dome truss

The second example involving an implicit LSF is a space of all the bars, the section areas of the top radial bar numbers
dome truss (Keshtegar, 2017), a schematic illustration of which 1–6 (A1), the peripheral bar numbers 7–12 (A2) and the
is shown in Figure 7. The Young’s modulus (E) of the material bottom inclined bar numbers 13–24 (A3), the point load P1 at

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Structures and Buildings Reliability analysis of structures by
iterative sequential sampling based
response surface
Kabasi, Roy and Chakraborty

the centre node and the point load P2 at each of the six nodes 3.6
of the middle hexagon (see Figure 7) were considered as the
six independent random variables. The statistical properties of 3.2 MLSM-adaptive_final
these variables are shown in Table 1. The implicit LSF is MLSM-equivalent_DoE

Reliability index
defined as 2.8

10: g ¼ Δallow  ΔzP1  2.4

where ΔzP1 is the maximum vertical displacement of the node
under load P1 and Δallow is the allowable maximum displace- 1.6
ment. The Ansys mechanical APDL module was employed to
obtain the maximum displacement ΔzP1, which is necessary for
0.01 0.01025 0.0105 0.01075 0.011 0.01125 0.0115 0.01175
evaluating the LSF.

As in example 1 (Section 4.1), three initial DoEs consisting of

Figure 9. Comparison of reliability indices for different values of
20, 25 and 30 training data points were constructed within the Δallow considering 25 initial training samples
physical domain (mean ± 0.3  mean) of the random variables.
For the MCS, 105 random simulation samples were generated.
The reliability results for different values of Δallow estimated by
the proposed MLSM-based metamodels starting with 20, 25 DMCS
2.8 MLSM-adaptive_initial
and 30 initial samples are compared in Figures 8–10, respect-
ively. The absolute percentage errors in the reliability results 2.6 MLSM-equivalent_DoE
with varying Δallow when compared with the direct MCS using
Reliability index


Table 1. Details of the random variables of the space dome truss 2.2

Probability distribution 2.0

variable Type Mean Coefficient of variation 1.8

A1 Normal 0.013 m2 0.1 1.6

A2 Normal 0.01 m2 0.1
0.01 0.01025 0.0105 0.01075 0.011 0.01125 0.0115 0.01175
A3 Normal 0.016 m2 0.1
E Normal 205 GPa 0.05
P1 Gumbel max. 20 kN 0.15
P2 Gumbel max. 10 kN 0.12 Figure 10. Comparison of reliability indices for different values of
Δallow considering 30 initial training samples

3.6 the proposed adaptive approach with 30 initial data samples

MLSM-adaptive_initial after each iteration and the corresponding equivalent single-
3.2 MLSM-adaptive_final shot MLSM-based reliability results are shown in Figure 11.
Observations similar to those noted for example 1 can also be
Reliability index

noted for this example. The errors were dramatically reduced
by the proposed MLSM approach even after the first enrich-
ment of the DoE.

5. Summary and conclusions
1.6 A new adaptive MLSM-based RSM based on a maximin
space-filling design criterion combined with a leave-one-out CV
based error norm is proposed for improved reliability estimates
0.01 0.01025 0.0105 0.01075 0.011 0.01125 0.0115 0.01175
of structures. The algorithm relies on two points being added
after each iteration. The maximin distance criterion combined
with a CV based specific error norm ensures that the new data
Figure 8. Comparison of reliability indices for different values of
Δallow considering 20 initial training samples points added sequentially are sufficiently close to the actual
limit state and, at the same time, are sufficiently far away from

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Structures and Buildings Reliability analysis of structures by
iterative sequential sampling based
response surface
Kabasi, Roy and Chakraborty

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