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Foot Paw Base Written

Thank you so much for purchasing!!
For any questions please email
or message me on instagram
@ Soul_Smoothie_ !!

Materials/Tools Needed:
1’ Foam
Hot glue gun + hot glue
Lining fabric (Optional but suggested!)
Outdoor footpaw material (Typically garage mat material)
Yoga mat material (optional)
Elastic (optional)

Important: The pattern will need to be doubled for 2 feetpaw bases. One for each

Step 1:
YAY! You’ve received your pattern. Make sure to print all of the pieces and cut them
out. The Base B piece as well as the Foot Sole piece will need to be taped back together.
Line up the patterns using the guides on the pattern.
You will then need to line up Base A and Base B, then tape those together as well. Clear
tape will work best for this so you can see the patterns clearly!

Step 2:
Time to cut out your materials. Each of the patterns have a number on them. (Example
x4) This means you will need to trace out 4 pieces. Everything but the Foot sole will be
traced out onto the foam. The foot sole needs to be traced onto the garage mat
Important​: The foot sole pattern will need to be mirrored to created 1 whole
piece and cut out.
Using the example x4, you will need to flip the pattern and mirror the front side of the
paper pattern piece. The only piece that does not need to be mirrored is the
‘Connecting Piece Base To Toes’

Step 3:
Once these patterns are cut out, you will need to cut the ​inside​ of the toe patterns, and
the base pieces at an angle. This will make it so you can connect the pieces. If you’d
prefer the top of the toes to be wider, you can cut partially up the toes (starting where
the toes would meet the foot sole) at an angle and leave the top uncut. An example of
both versions of this part is here vv
Step 4:
Time to glue the toes and the base pieces together! Use the hot glue to glue the ‘Outer
Toes’, ‘Base Pieces’, and the ‘Inside Inner Toes, and Inside Toe’ pieces together. I
typically start at the bottom and glue up the Toe or Base.
Now you may glue the Base piece to the ‘Foot Sole’ piece. Start where the toes will
meet the base piece and glue around the back of the sole until it has wrapped around.
You may cut off excess foam if there is any.
Step 5: Optional but Suggested!
(This is optional but I highly recommend these steps!! Your feetpaws may be
uncomfortable without the cushion inside them, and without the liner and the elastic
they may not fit very well. Some people like to wear their shoes inside their feetpaws,
which is the only reason I’d recommend making the paws without these things. Though,
elastic would still be a good idea to keep your paws in place over your shoe!!)
Now you will need to add your lining before adding the toes. If you’ll be adding cushion
to your feetpaws, create an oval piece that will fit the length and width of your foot, and
glue it into the footpaw.
To create the lining pattern, take the measurements of your foot and draw a ‘boot’ on a
piece of paper that matches your measurements. Once that is done, trace your boot
pattern onto your lining material and cut it out. You’ll need to sew these two pieces
together (leaving the top of the pattern open as seen below)
Now take your sewn lining and trace a bottom liner piece around the bottom of the
‘boot’ piece. Sew that to the liner as well. In the end you should have a completely
enclosed liner piece that you can sew to the fur later on. Go ahead and glue that down
to secure it to the paw.
If you choose to use elastic (which I highly recommend even if you aren’t lining your foot
paws) glue that down to the foot sole. It should hold your foot in place while you walk.
(Make sure it is not loose!!)
Step 6:
Now that you’re done with the inside work, you can continue with connecting the foam
to the foot sole! Go ahead and glue the toes down to the Foot Sole. You’ll want the
outer toes to be glued close together to make room for the inner toes. Once you have
those glued down, you can add the inner pieces! The inside pieces need to be glued
down close to the outer toes to make room for your foot. They should all be touching if
glued down correctly. There should be no space between the toes. Lastly, go ahead and
glue the inside pieces together by putting glue on the inner inside toe pieces and hold
them together until they are secure. You’re so close to being done!
Step 7:
You’re left with the connecting pieces! The Connecting Piece (Base to toes) should be
glued first. Glue the piece to the inner toes. Once the glue is dry, connect the top of that
piece to the base. Finally, take the two ‘Connecting base between toes’ and enclose the
space that is left between the toes. The example should help if you’re having trouble
figuring out how these pieces should be placed!

Step 8:
Now that your feetpaw base is done, go ahead and finish furring it! I’ve not provided the
furring pattern, this is only the Base pattern. A lil tip when adding the fur, make sure to
sew the lining to the fur before gluing it down to the base (This makes things a lot
Fursuit makers have wonderful tutorials on youtube for furring if you’re new to creating
fursuits :). Thank you so much for purchasing and if you have any trouble/suggestions
for how to improve these instructions or the base PLEASE message me!! I love
constructive criticism <3

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