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p p 15 W.

Rieman, "The Value of the Hagenbach Factor in the De-

Table 2 Kinetic energy correction factor h defined by ^ ^ = 64Z* + 2/i
pv/x termination of Viscosity by the Efflux Method," Journal of the
American Chemical Society, vol. 50, 1928, pp. 46-55.
This investigation 1.090
Siegel (cubic profile) [8] 1.040
Siegel (quartic profile) [8] 1.053 DISCUSSION
Schiller [7]
Boussinesq [4]
W. Pfenninger 3
Langhaar [2] 1.140 During 1950 and 1951 the discusser conducted laminar flow
Atkinson and Goldstein [3] 1.205 experiments in the inlet length of a tube at high Reynolds num-
Experimental bers at low Mach numbers. The results of this investigation were
Schiller (7] (1.058-1.225) 1.159 published in references [16 and 17]. The theoretical results of
Knibbs [15] 1.135 Campbell and Slattery agree closely with the experimental results
Rieman [15] (1.110-1.134) 1.124 of references [16 and 17]. Further transition experiments in the
inlet length of laminar flow tubes were run at higher speeds (ref-
useful in viscometry. Experimental and theoretical values of this erences [17 and 18] by W . A. Meyer and this discusser). Com-
factor are given in Table 2. Differences between theory and pressibility effects caused a slightly stronger flow acceleration, as
experiment may again be attributable to the assumption of a compared with the results of references [16 and 17], which were
uniform velocity at the tube inlet. obtained at lower flow speeds in the tube. Full length laminar
flow was observed during these experiments up to 53 X 106 length

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Reynolds number.
4 Conclusion
a Equations (20), (23), and (24) are the best over-all descrip-
Additional References
tion of velocity profiles within the inlet section of a tube cur-
16 W. Pfenninger, "Experiments With Laminar Flow in the Inlet
rently available. Length of a Tube at High Reynolds Numbers With and Without
f> In this problem, it is more important to account for viscous Boundary-Layer Suction," Northrop Corporation, Norair Division
dissipation within the boundary layer by applying the mechanical Report, May, 1952.
energy balance to all of the fluid in the tube than it is to employ 17 G. V. Lachmann (editor), "Boundary Layer and Flow Con-
trol," vol. 2, Pergamon Press, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1961, pp. 970-
a more elaborate description of the velocity profiles. 980.
18 W. Pfenninger and W. A. Meyer, "Transition Experiments in
the Inlet Length of a 1-Inch Tube at High Reynolds Numbers and
Acknowledgment Low Turbulence," Northrop Corporation, Norair Division Report
One of the authors ( W . D . C . ) wishes to thank the D o w Chemical BLC-24, November, 1953.
Company for financial assistance during the course of this
Ascher H. Shapiro4
Reterences The main point of interest in this paper, in the opinion of the
discusser, is not so much the calculation of the entry flow, which
1 W. D. Campbell, MS thesis, Northwestern University, 1960.
2 H. L. Langhaar, "Steady Flow in the Transition Length of a had already been quite well established, but rather the use of a
Straight Tube," Journal of Applied Mechanics, vol. 9, TRANS. ASME, new idea in boundary-layer theory. Since the integral methods of
vol. 64,1942, pp. A-55-58. boundary-layer calculation have been so well explored, the authors
3 S. Goldstein, "Modern Developments in Fluid Dynamics," are to be congratulated for conceiving the idea that it may be
vol. 1, Clarendon Press, Oxford, England, 1938.
4 J. Boussinesq, "Sur la maniere dont les vitesses, dans un tube better to calculate the pressure gradient by an energy integral over
cylindrique de section circulaire, evase a son entrSe, se distribuent the whole flow (including the inviscid portion) than by an appli-
depuis cette entree jusqu'aux endroits ou se trouve etabli un regime cation of Euler's equation of inviscid motion to the flow outside
uniforme," Comptes Rendus, vol. 113, 1891, pp. 9-15, 49-51. of the boundary layer.
5 T. Tatsumi, "Stability of the Laminar Inlet-Flow Prior to the
Formation of Poiseuille Regime," Journal of the Physical Society of Nikuradse's results are, for many reasons indeed, open to ques-
Japan, vol. 7, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1952, pp. 489-495. tion. Hence it would be risky to draw conclusions from Figs. 1,
6 R. B. Bird, "The Equations of Change and the Macroscopic 2, and 3. Regarding Fig. 5, it seems that the results of reference
Mass, Momentum, and Energy Balances," Chemical Engineering [9] remain the most accurate for the range of experimental values
Science, vol. 6, 1957, pp. 123-131.
7 L. Schiller, "Die Entwichklung der laminaren Geschwindig- reported (10~ 6 < z < 10 ~ 3 ). The authors' curve shows some
keitsverteilung und ihre Bedeutung fUr Zahigkeitmessungen." peculiar wiggles (could there possibly be numerical errors in calcu-
Zeitschrift filr Angewandle Mathematik und Mechanik, vol. 2, 1922, lation?) as well as observable but small deviations from the
pp. 96-106. measured results.
8 R. Siegel, "The Effect of Heating on Boundary Layer Transi-
tion for Liquid Flow in a Tube," DSc thesis, Massachusetts Insti- For the future, perhaps the most important question is whether
tute of Technology, 1953. this means of calculating the streamwise pressure gradient can be
9 A. H. Shapiro, R. Siegel, and S. J.Kline, "Friction Factor in the adapted to external flows, and whether there is any advantage in
Laminar Entry Region of a Round Tube," Proceedings of the Second so doing. Here the writer does not have in mind the energy inte-
U. S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics, ASME, 1954, pp.
733-741. gral of the boundary layer, but an energy integral which includes
10 B. Thwaites, "Approximate Calculation of the Laminar at least some of the external flow. Would the authors please
Boundary Layer," The Aeronautical Quarterly, vol. 1, 1949, pp. 245- comment on this question.
11 L. Prandtl and O. G. Tietjens, "Applied Hydro- and Aero-
mechanics," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, N. Y.,
1934, p. 27. James H. Whitelaw 5
12 E. Reshotko, "Experimental Study of the Stability of Pipe The authors are to be complimented on their improvement to
Flow, I. Establishment of an Axially Symmetric Poiseuille Flow,"
the Schiller method of defining the flow in the entrance to a round
Progress Report No. 20-364, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California
Institute of Technology, Oct. 24, 1958. tube. This improved treatment provides a solution which is
13 W. Pfenninger, "Further Laminar Flow Experiments in a 40-
Foot-Long 2-Inch-Diameter Tube," Report No. AM-133, Northrop * Director, Boundary Layer Research, Northrop Corporation,
Aircraft, Hawthorne, California, Feb. 20, 1951. See also Reports Hawthorne, Calif.
AM-128 and AM-147. * Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of
14 F. Kreith and R. Eisenstadt, "Pressure Drop and Flow Charac- Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Mem. ASME.
teristics of Short Capillary Tubes at Low Reynolds Numbers," TRANS. 6 Research Associate, Division of Engineering, Brown University,

ASME, vol. 79, 1957, pp. 1070-1078. Providence, R. I.

Journal of Basic Engineering MARCH 1963 / 4 5

Copyright © 1963 by ASME
Fig. 7 Comparison of theoretical and experimental
values of pressure drop

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more than satisfactory for most practical applications, although v. dv,/dz,
it should be remembered that the original assumption of a
velocity profile composed of a straight line and a parabola exists. from the authors' equation (1) is assumed to be
One of the few applications where a more precise formula is re- V dv./dz
quired is transpiration viscometry and in this, although the cal-
culated values of the "kinetic energy correction factor"—Table 2 This hypothesis linearizes the equation of motion and leads to an
in the paper—are useful, the boundary conditions employed in exponential solution of the form
the various theoretical evaluations are seldom fulfilled in practice.
The characteristics of the individual capillary viscometer and, in
particular, the shape of the capillary ends may cause the value of v,(z, r) = 2
2(1 - rVK )

the kinetic energy correction factor to be outside the limits sug-

gested by the various theoretical investigations. The experi-
mental values obtained b y Schiller indicate the scatter which may
be obtained from one bell-mouthed tube to another while the
careful experiments of J. F. Swindells, J. R . Coe, and T . B . R 1 » -WMS-|
Godfrey 8 show mean values ranging from 1.12 to 1.17 for bp/dz = -SpV/R2 1 + I V e "VR'
various tubes whose ends had been ground off at right angles to L 2 m-1 J
the axis of flow.
Some years ago, at the University of Glasgow, the writer
together with L. D . Savage made some measurements of the pres- where ym is a root of the algebraic equation Ji{y) = 0 and
sure drop across a series of glass tubes from a plenum chamber to R y/PmpV/p. = iym.
atmosphere. These measurements were not of sufficient accuracy The results obtained from this solution have been compared
to yield reliable values of the kinetic energy correction factor but with those of other authors in a graph available [7]. A study of
when graphed as shown in Fig. 7—the pressure drop being that this graph shows that the trends of vJV with respect to Z* are
from the capillary entrance to exit and not that from the plenum similar to those in the present paper for values of r / R > 0. H o w -
chamber to exit—it may be seen that in the range 2 X 10~ J < ever, the center-line velocities appear to be slightfy greater than
z those displayed in the present paper.
2R2Vp/n ^ va^ues roughly between the suggested

curve of Atkinson and Goldstein and that of Langhaar. The

eight glass tubes used in these experiments had their ends ground
at right angles to the axis of flow. I t would be of interest if the
Authors' Closure
authors were to indicate their values of pressure drop with respect Professor Shapiro's suggestion that the streamwise pressure
to the figure which is more suitable for comparison purposes than gradient might be calculated by means of an energy integral
Fig. 5 given in the paper. over the boundary layer and a portion of the external flow is in-
An alternative approach to the problem was brought to the teresting. The obvious difficulty is deciding what portion of the
writer's attention by Prof. J. Kestin. This is presented b y N . A. external flow to include in the energy balance. Such a decision is
Slezkin' and is a solution of the usual equations in which the complicated b y the fact that, while the pressure gradient normal
term to the b o d y is negligible within the boundary layer, this may not
be true in the external flow.
• J. F. Swindells, J. R. Coe, and T. B. Godfrey, Journal of Research
As Dr. Whitelaw requested, the results of our computations
of the National Bureau of Standards, vol. 48, no. 1, January, 1952, p. 1.
7 N. A. Slezkin, "Dynamics of Incompressible "Viscous Fluids," have been added to Fig. 7. Our results asymptotically approach
Gos. tech.-teor. izdat., Moscow, USSR, 1955, p. 357 (in Russian). those of Schiller as z* goes to zero.

46 / MARCH 1963 Transactions of the AS M E

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