Serving Edible Water in Family Gathering To Reduce Plastic Bottle in The Sea - Full Paper

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1st Aretha Puspa Indriani, 2nd Reinata Cecilia Abeline Chelsea Krisdianti, 3rd Khansa
Nova Ramadhani, 4th Nasywa Adinda Ayu Naila Tsani
1) Leader, MTsN 3 Malang, Malang, Indonesia (
2) Author, MTsN 3 Malang, Indonesia (
3) Author, MTsN 3 Malang, Malang, Indonesia (
4) Author, MTsN 3 Malang, Malang, Indonesia (

Long time ago people serve drink use cup, day by day the people wants something simple they do not
use glass for serving the water but use soft drink with plastic bottle so they don’t Need to wash the dishes. But
the packaging of this drink can also have a bad impact because not all plastic can be decomposed, if one family
(during Eid Al-Fitr) consumes 50 plastic bottled mineral water, it is estimated that 100 families can donate 5,000
plastic waste? They have an impact on the terrestrial and marine environment such as being polluted and a lot of
plastic waste. It’s thrown into the sea so that it does not decompose completely. Plastic waste that is not recycled
eventually ends up in the sea and can be eaten by fish, indirectly humans consume fish that has been
contaminated with micro plastic. In that case it can automatically make human health decline. Most of the plastic
packaging is designed in such a way that it must be thrown away after a single use. 9% of the total plastic
produced in the world is recycled and the rest is only disposed of in landfills that are completely exposed to the
environment. This study aims to find out the process of making edible water used to reduce plastic bottle waste
during the Eid al-Fitr period. This study uses a qualitative approach with Research and Development (R&D)
research methods with data collection techniques using observations, questionnaires, and interviews. The data
analysis technique in this study was to describe all the suggestions, opinions, and responses of the validators
obtained from the criticism and suggestions sheet. Data from the questionnaire is qualitative data which is
quantified using a linkert scale with 4 levels of criteria then analyzed by calculating the percentage of item
scores in each answer to each question in the questionnaire.. The results showed that from 15 respondents that 5
(33.3%) stated that edible water is very delicious; 7 (46,6%) stated that edible water is delicious; 3 (20%) stated
that edible water is quite testy to drink. The result of developing stage in this research is the creation of edible
water using the main ingredients, mineral water, sweet tea, Strawberry flavored Fanta, Orange flavored Fanta,
and Coca Cola.

Keywords: edible water, Islamic event

1. Introduction being polluted and a lot of plastic waste. It’s

thrown into the sea so that it does not
A. Background decompose completely. Plastic waste that is not
The most of Islamic people in the world have recycled eventually ends up in the sea and can
traditions visiting their family in Eid Al-Fitr. be eaten by fish, indirectly humans consume
This tradition is known as halal bi halal. Long fish that has been contaminated with micro
time ago people serve drink use cup, day by day plastic. In that case it can automatically make
the people wants something simple they do not human health decline. Most of the plastic
use glass for serving the water but use soft drink packaging is designed in such a way that it must
with plastic bottle so they don’t Need to wash be thrown away after a single use. 9% of the
the dishes. total plastic produced in the world is recycled
But the packaging of this drink can also have a and the rest is only disposed of in landfills that
bad impact because not all plastic can be are completely exposed to the environment.
decomposed, if one family (during Eid Al-Fitr) Single-use plastics (SUPs) are made primarily
consumes 50 plastic bottled mineral water, it is from fossil fuel–based chemicals and are meant
estimated that 100 families can donate 5,000 to be disposed of right after use.
plastic waste? They have an impact on the Plastic is found in an almost infinite number of
terrestrial and marine environment such as applications, while packaging contributes the
most to the demand for plastic.
Around 300 million plenty of plastic is design which then conducts field tests, evaluates
produced annually worldwide, half which is for and makes improvements so that certain
single-use items (Courtney Lindwall, 2020). require-ments for effectiveness, quality and
Due to their improper recycling, SUPs are standards can be met.
causing an increase in pollution.
“ooho! Bubbles” was the first product that was In line with this, the researchers made Edible
developed based on the concept of “edible water Water which is expected to be an alternative Eid
bubbles”, by the Skipping Rocks Lab. The drink dish that can contribute to reducing plastic
bubble is formed as an edible seaweed waste in Indonesia.
membrane, made from alginates and calcium
solutions, by a method known as spherification B. Development Approaches And Procedures
(Amy Frearson, 2019). The main aim of these
The development of edible water that will be
edible bubbles is to reduce the use of single use
served on Eid al-Fitr uses research and
plastic bottles, and in turn reduce pollution.
development methods in this study. This
In an effort to reduce plastic waste in Indonesia,
Research and Development research aims to
edible water balls are one such solution that
produce new products through the development
cannot completely reverse the damage but can
process. The edible water development
provide temporary assistance to stop an
procedure refers to the Research and
impending disaster. Seaweed packaging
Development procedure, with the steps that the
material can be made from sodium alginate
author will take to achieve the research
which is easily extracted from Brown Seaweed
which is available in the sea and can be grown
easily. 1) Needs analysis
Analysis is research on something to reach
B. Problem Formulation the truth of something to be achieved. In
the research data obtained from direct
Based on the existing background, the
interviews with parents of students. Based
researchers determined the formulation of the
on the data obtained, innovations are
problem as follows: "How is the process of
needed that can reduce plastic waste from
making edible water used to reduce plastic
packaged drinks
bottle waste during the Eid al-Fitr period?"
2) Development procedure
C. Research Objectives This development procedure is a
procedure that researchers will do in
The purpose of this study is as follows: "To find
developing edible water according to the
out the process of making edible water used to
reduce plastic bottle waste during the Eid al-Fitr development model used. In this study, the
period ". author uses a 4D model development
model (define, design, develop, and
D. Research Benefits disseminate). The 4D model is a
systematic development model.
This research is expected to:
1. Reducing the potential for plastic bottle
waste during the Eid al-Fitr period which
can cause environmental pollution.
2. Inspire Indonesian youth to produce and
market edible water.
3. Improving the quality of public health
2. Research Methodology
A. Method
In this study, the researcher used this type of
research: Research & Development (R&D).
Image 1: 4D development model
This type of research is a method research used (Arywiyantari, 2015)
to develop and validate a product that leads to
development with focus on the field design or
3) Data analysis technique
The data obtained were then analyzed. The between a few times. (Amount of time
data analysis technique in this study was to affects layer thickness i.e. less time for
describe all the suggestions, opinions, and thinner layers while more time for thicker
responses of the validators obtained from layers).
the criticism and suggestions sheet. Data 6) To stop further reactions, carefully remove
from the questionnaire is qualitative data each ball of water and store it in another
which is quantified using a linkert scale container with water.
with 4 levels of criteria then analyzed by 7) The edible water ball is now ready. Inside
calculating the percentage of item scores each ball will be drinkable water.
in each answer to each question in the
4) Rsearch schedule
the research plan will be carried out for 2
months, from April 2022 to May 2022

C. Edible Water Tools and Materials

Sodium alginate is the main chemical used in
this process, which is a polysaccharide naturally
obtained from marine brown algae.
Sodium alginate, Calcium chloride and Calcium
lactate salts of food graded brands were
purchased. Purified water and regular tap water
were used for different trials.

Image 2: the process of making edible water
Measuring Cups, Spoons and Tufferware
Materials needed:
Water (Drinkable)
3. Results and Discussion
1 gram sodium alginate
5 grams of calcium lactate A. The result of developing edible water
Based on the research process that has been
carried out starting from interviews, distributing
D. How to make edible water: questionnaires (questionnaires), and field
1) Take 1 gram of sodium alginate and add it observations as a data collection process, the
to 1 cup of water and mix well. next step the researcher describes the data that
2) Make sure the sodium alginate is has been obtained.
completely mixed with the water and let it 1) Result of defining stage (Define)
sit for about 15 minutes so that there are a. Parents of students need Eid dishes that
no air bubbles. Wait until the dough can reduce the use of plastic packaging
becomes clear from the white solution. b. Parents of students love the taste of
3) Now add 5 grams of calcium lactate to 4 edible water
cups of water in another container. Mix c. The process of making edible water
properly and make sure that the calcium does not take a long time
lactate is completely dissolved. 2) Result of designing stage (Design)
4) Take a round spoon and take the sodium The purpose of the planning stage is to
alginate solution and carefully drop it into design a good looking edible water. The
the bowl containing the calcium lactate result of this research is the creation of
solution. This will instantly form a ball of edible water using mineral water as the
water in the bowl. main ingredient.
5) More than one spoon can be added to one 3) Result of developing stage (Develop)
solution at a time but care must be taken The purpose of the developing stage is to
that the water balls do not touch each other develop edible water with various flavors
as there is a chance they could stick that are favored by the community. The
together. Let the whole thing settle for 3 result of this research is the creation of
minutes and can stir the solution in edible water using the main ingredients,
mineral water, sweet tea, Strawberry Spherification is known to be one among the
flavored Fanta, Orange flavored Fanta, and popular processes of Molecular Gastronomy
Coca Cola. (MG) and English food scientist William J. S.
4) Result of disseminating stage Peschardt is being credited for the invention of
(Disseminate) spherification, who patented the technique in
The purpose of the disseminating stage is the 1940s (Bethany Halford, 2014).
to disseminate edible water to the teacher Molecular gastronomy (MG) can be defined as
and student of MTsN 3 Malang. The result the scientific activity consisting in looking for
of this research is the teachers and students the mechanisms of phenomena occurring during
of MTsN 3 Malang have new solution to dish preparation and consumption.
reduce plastic bottle in the sea by serving Spherification is an old technique in the
edible water in in Islamic events. modernist cuisine world, which was pioneered
at El Bulli in 2003. As an innovative technique
of molecular gastronomy, spherification can be
applied to create foods with high quality,
sensory properties and degree of consumer
satisfaction and acceptance. Spherification
involves the creation of semi-solid spheres with
thin membranes out of liquids, filled with a non-
gelled liquid, to attain a bursting-the-mouth
effect. i.e., it is simply the process of trapping a
liquid inside of a gelled sphere. Spheres made
by this technique can be in various sizes and
firmness. Flavour and texture can be enhanced
the technique of spherification. The physical
properties of alginate balls such as its diameter
and gel membrane thickness are affected in a
wide range by the sodium alginate concentration
and gelling time. (Gaikwad SA et al, 2019)

From the respondents, student parents of MTsN

3 Malang gave various responses in the trial of
Image 3: edible water is ready to be served the edible water product, which is illustrated as
B. Discussion
Did you know that if one family (during Eid) 7.5
consumes 50 plastic bottled mineral water, it is
estimated that 100 families can donate 5,000 6.5
plastic waste? They have an impact on the
terrestrial and marine environment such as 5.5
being polluted and a lot of plastic waste. In fact
they can be partially or completely replaced 4.5
with edible water!
Spherification is a popular and innovative 3.5
process of molecular gastronomy, also known
as an encapsulation technique that involves the
creation of semi-solid spheres with thin
membranes out of liquids, filled with a non-
gelled liquid core. The sphere membrane, if not 0.5
consumed, degrades naturally in few weeks,
thus causing no pollution.
In this work, trials to develop edible water Graph 1: Flavor of Edible Water
bubbles using the spherification process was
The results obtained from 15 respondents that 5 intercessors, we must be prepared to take part in
(33.3%) stated that edible water is very God's work on behalf of others people we pray
delicious; 7 (46,6%) stated that edible water is for."
delicious; 3 (20%) stated that edible water is
quite testy to drink 6. Bibliography
The edible water bottle is one of the smartest
eco-friendly alternatives to plastic ever Adkins, Sasha. From Disposable Culture to
invented. Disposable People: The Unintended
Edible water is the Future of Drinking. The Consequences of Plastics. Wipf and Stock
casing has no natural taste, but it can be Publishers, 2018.
flavored or colored to meet specific Amy Frearson (2019), London Marathon offers
requirements. edible seaweed drinks capsules as alternative
To enjoy edible water! All you need to do is to plastic bottles
peel the thicker outer layer like fruit and pop it
in your mouth. But you can also bite a hole in it Arywiyantari, D., Gede Agung, A., dan Tastra,
and drink the water without eating the seaweed- I. D. K. (2015). Pengembangan Multimedia
based capsule. Interaktif Model 4D pada Pembelajaran IPA
The next goal is to develop a machine that is di SMP Negeri 3 Singaraja. e-Journal
capable of producing hundreds of edible water Edutech Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha.
balls per hour so that they can be used on Vol. 3 (1): 7-12.
Islamic events anywhere in the world. Bethany Halford (2015), The Science Of
Spherification. Chemical & Engineering
4. Conclusion News Archive. 92. 35–36.10.1021/cen-
The concept of edible water bubbles packaging 09242-scitech2.
was initiated to reduce the usage of single use Hema Prabha, Elakhya S, Arya Aravind,
plastics. Spherification, which was used mainly Development of Edible Water Bubbles by
to produce fruit caviars or small pods of juices Spherification. International Journal of
meant for an appealing look and immediate Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT).
consumption, can now be studied further and Volume 9, Issue 8 August 2021. ISSN:
modified in an attempt to reduce one of the 2320-2882
most crucial issues in the modern world plastic
Imam Nurman. 2022.
pollution. This type of edible packaging can be
done for a wide range of liquid foods later.
More research can be done on the other
parameters required to enhance the physical
Olivia, W. "This Edible Water Blob Could
properties of the gel membrane, thus making the
Replace Plastic Water Bottles." Time. Time,
spheres durable and resistant to physical stress,
27 Mar. 2014. Web. 29 Sept. 2015.
expand shelf life of the product etc. Further
research and development in this field can make Rees, Rhianna. "Seaweed is Sexy: The
edible packaging for most food products, a consumption and utilisation of seaweed
reality in Indonesia. throughout British history and the marketing
that surrounds it." (2019). In Website: ISSN No: 2581 t 4230
5. Acknowledgments
Siddaramaiah, S., T. M. M., Ramaraj, B., &
This report was completed with the support of Lee, J. H. (2008). Sodium alginate and its
many parties. Our best gratitude to; Dra. Hj. blends with starch: Thermal and
Warsi, M.Pd. as the school principle of MTs morphological properties. Jou. App. Pol.
Negeri 3 Malang, Ahmad Wahani Adid, M.Pd. Sci., 109(6), 40754081.
as the Chair Person of Research at MTs Negeri doi:10.1002/app.28625
3 Malang, Erick Kemal, M.M.Pd. supervisor of
Jaya Surekha A, Charumathi G.
research work and all beloved teachers of
MTsN 3 Malang for their support and prayers.
“We never know how God will answer our edible-water-bottle-is-how-youll-drink-in-
prayers, but we can hope that He will involve us the-future
in His plan to get the answers. If we are true
water-by-cv-bola-air-sukses?page=all& page
_ images=1.

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