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Snow White

Narrator: A long time ago, there was a princess by the name of Snow White. She was
friendly and kind.
Snow White: (happily) Hi I am Snow White!
Narrator: However she had a terrible, devilish, evil step-mother—The Queen.
(Scene 1)
Narrator: One day, The Queen asked the mirror a question.
The Queen: My dearest mirror, speak to me!
Mirror: Yes majesty, what can I do for ya?
The Queen: Tell me, who’s the most beautiful woman in the world?
Mirror: It’s Snow White- I mean you, my majesty.
The Queen: (angrily) How can you say such nonsense? I am angry now. I will call the
hunter and hunt Snow White down and throw her to the basement, ha ha ha!
(Scene 2)
Narrator: The Queen sent the hunter to search for Snow White. He entered Snow
White’s house and found her.
The hunter: (evilly) I’ve found you, hehehehaw!
Snow White: (surprised) Oh my god, I have been found. I am so scared! (Crying)
The hunter: Oh wait, you are such a pretty girl. Relax, I won’t hurt you. The Queen
told me to hunt you down. You have to escape now. The Queen will be here soon.
(Scene 3)
Narrator: Snow White ran as fast as she could into the woods. She ran with all her
strength. Then she found a small house and ran in.
Snow White: (relieved) Phew, I hope The Queen didn’t catch up—wait who are you
Dwarf(1): (angrily) I was about to ask the same question! Who are you? Why are you
in our house?
Snow White: I can explain! My name is Snow White. My step-mum—The Queen is
going to hunt me down! Please help me!
Dwarf(2): Sure. My name is Bob, here are all my brothers. We are all really short.
Snow White: (surprised) How are you guys short? You guys are so
Dwarf(3): Thanks. By the way tonight you can sleep in our house. Make yourself at
home, but you must help us clean our house.
Snow White: No way! (Annoyedly) Fine… whatever.

(Scene 4)
Narrator: Snow White started to live with the dwarfs for a couple days.
Everything seemed to be normal. However, what they didn’t know is that The Queen
was planning something.
The Queen: ugh, the hunter didn’t catch Snow White. Fine, I will do it myself.
I will make these poisonous apples and make Snow White eat them. After that she
will be in a coma forever. HA HA HA

(Scene 5)
Narrator: The Queen disguised herself as an old witch and arrived at the dwarfs’
The Old Witch: (cunningly) Hey there little girl. You look really hungry. Do you need
something to eat?
Snow White: O-Ok?
The Old Witch: How about this juicy apple? It looks so delicious. Would you to take a
bite of it?
Snow White: Ok I guess..
Narrator: Snow White took a bite of the poisonous apple. She instantly died. The end.
Sike! She was just fainted and had a coma. However, nobody could wake her up.

(Scene 6)
Narrator: Snow White had been in a coma for a long time. However 69 days later,
something great happened to Snow White. A prince went past the house and saw
Snow White and the dwarfs. He was fascinated with Snow White’s pretty face.
The Prince: Excuse me, what happened to this girl?
Dwarf(1): (sadly) Snow White is in a coma, she had fainted for the past few weeks.
(Clash Royale crying)
The Prince: I think I can help!
(The prince kissed Snow White, Snow White suddenly woke up)
Snow White: Did you just saved me?
The Prince: Yea I guess. What a miracle. Actually, I think you are so pretty. Will you
marry me?
Snow White: (shyly) Y-Yes, I do! My life saver!
Narrator: At the end, Snow White and The Prince got married and they lived happily
ever after.

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