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UK 2022 Consensus on Normal Tissue Dose-Volume Constraints for

Oligometastatic, Primary Lung and Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy
P. Diez *, G.G. Hanna yz, K.L. Aitken x{, N. van As {||, A. Carver **, R.J. Colaco yy, J. Conibear zz,
E.M. Dunne xx, D.J. Eaton *{{||||, K.N. Franks ***, J.S. Good yyy, S. Harrow zzz, P. Hatfield ***,
M.A. Hawkins xxx{{{, S. Jain yz, F. McDonald {||, R. Patel *, T. Rackley ||||||, P. Sanghera yyy,
A. Tree x{, L. Murray *******
* Radiotherapy Physics, National Radiotherapy Trials Quality Assurance Group (RTTQA), Mount Vernon Cancer Centre,
Northwood, UK
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Belfast, UK
Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, UK
Department of Radiotherapy, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Sutton, Surrey, UK
Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK
Department of Radiotherapy, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Chelsea, London, UK
** Department of Medical Physics, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre,

Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK
Department of Clinical Oncology, The Christie Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK
Radiotherapy Department, Barts Cancer Centre, London, UK
Department of Clinical Oncology, Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
Department of Medical Physics, Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences, King’s College London, London, UK
*** Department of Clinical Oncology, Leeds Cancer Centre, St James’s University Hospitals, Leeds, UK
Department of Clinical Oncology, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK
Department of Clinical Oncology, Edinburgh Cancer Centre, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK
Department of Medical Physics and Biomechanical Engineering, University College London, London, UK
Department of Clinical Oncology, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
Department of Clinical Oncology, Velindre Cancer Centre, Cardiff, UK
**** Leeds Institute of Medical Research at St James’s, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK

Received 17 December 2021; received in revised form 21 January 2022; accepted 14 February 2022

The use of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) in the UK has expanded over the past decade, in part as the result of several UK clinical trials and a recent
NHS England Commissioning through Evaluation programme. A UK SABR Consortium consensus for normal tissue constraints for SABR was published in 2017,
based on the existing literature at the time. The published literature regarding SABR has increased in volume over the past 5 years and multiple UK centres are
currently working to develop new SABR services. A review and update of the previous consensus is therefore appropriate and timely. It is hoped that this
document will provide a useful resource to facilitate safe and consistent SABR practice.
Ó 2022 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Key words: Constraints; normal tissue; OAR; SABR; SBRT; stereotactic radiotherapy

Author for correspondence: L. Murray, Level IV, Bexley Wing, Leeds Cancer Centre, Beckett Street, Leeds LS9 7TF, UK.
E-mail address: (L. Murray).
0936-6555/Ó 2022 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Diez P et al., UK 2022 Consensus on Normal Tissue Dose-Volume Constraints for Oligometastatic, Primary Lung and
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy, Clinical Oncology,
2 P. Diez et al. / Clinical Oncology xxx (xxxx) xxx

Introduction publications or by Gerhard et al. [25] were reviewed

particularly closely and justification sought if these were to
The use of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR or be retained.
SBRT) in the UK has expanded over the past decade. Initially, The authors of this update are active or past members of
SABR was limited to early-stage primary lung cancer but, in the UK SABR Consortium and affiliates, and/or co-
part as a result of several UK clinical trials [1e7] and a investigators in SABR/stereotactic radiosurgery clinical trials.
recently completed NHS England Commissioning through Both clinicians and medical physicists contributed, all with
Evaluation (CtE) programme (a single-arm prospective clinical and research experience in SABR. Individuals partici-
registry study of patients treated with SABR for oligome- pated in site-specific discussions, in their area of expertise,
tastases) [8], its use has now extended to the oligometa- where OAR constraints were agreed for that anatomical re-
static setting as well as non-lung primary disease sites. gion. In addition, all co-authors were involved in whole-group
Evidence suggests that SABR is well-tolerated and achieves discussions to establish general principles for this update.
high rates of local control in multiple settings [5,8e11].
Phase II trials and pooled analyses indicate promise in terms General Principles
of overall and progression-free survival end points [12e14],
but phase III evidence confirming the overall survival As with our original consensus, several general principles
benefit of SABR, in addition to standard of care in the oli- were adopted, as well as some organ-specific principles.
gometastatic setting, or as an alternative to surgery in the The general principles are as follows:
primary lung cancer setting, is still awaited. Although well
tolerated in the majority, cases of severe, and even grade 5, (i) Constraints are divided into anatomical region
toxicity have been documented [9,15,16]. An appreciation of (thorax, abdomen, pelvis, spine and intracranial),
organ at risk (OAR) constraints is therefore essential to help with both optimal and mandatory dose constraints
ensure, as far as possible, that treatment is safe. included, where appropriate.
In 2017 we published a UK consensus for SABR con- (ii) For extracranial organs, near maximum doses pre-
straints to encourage and facilitate uniform practice across viously applied to 0.5 cc (i.e. D0.5cc) are now reported
the UK [17]. Many of the constraints were derived from the to 0.1 cc to become more in line with international
American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) practice. The volume of 0.1 cc was also chosen as this
Task Group (TG)-101 report from 2010 [18], the most is considered a large enough volume to be repro-
comprehensive list of constraints at the time. We recog- ducible between treatment planning systems (TPSs)
nised in our original publication that the constraints [26], acknowledging that ICRU report 91 [27] and the
should be viewed as preliminary and would require to be AAPM TG-101 report [18] recommend that
reviewed and updated over time. Many more patients have maximum dose constraints be applied to 0.035 cc.
now been treated with SABR, within and outside of clinical It is considered that, at present, there is insufficient
trials, and more clinical outcome data have been pub- high-quality prospective evidence to justify the
lished. In addition, following the encouraging outcomes ongoing use of D0.5cc as before. Moving to near
from CtE [8], SABR for oligometastases is currently being maximum doses of D0.1cc from D0.5cc is less permis-
rolled out to multiple UK centres with less experience of sive and therefore a ‘safe’ change. Spinal cord, cauda
this technique. It is therefore timely to review our original equina and other central nervous system (CNS)
consensus in light of more recent information and the constraints (where OARs are often very small vol-
need for contemporary guidance for centres setting up umes) are now applied to 0.035 cc (rather than 0.1 cc
new SABR services. as before) to be closer to the volumes used for the
Here we present an updated UK consensus on con- modelling work that defined these dose limits [20].
straints for SABR, taking into account published constraints (iii) There are differences in how constraints are re-
and related works since our 2017 publication. Specifically, ported for serial and parallel organs; key principles
the HyTEC group (Hypofractionated Treatment Effects in are listed in Table 1. Importantly, for parallel organs,
the Clinic) was formed as an AAPM working group, with the Dxxcc constraints relate to minimum critical vol-
aim of reviewing SABR doseevolume outcomes for normal umes or ‘cold’ constraints, whereby the intention is
tissues as well as tumours [19]. In May 2021, a special issue to spare a specific volume or more of OAR (in this
of the International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology case xx cc) from a specified dose. Care must be
and Physics brought together the publications of the HyTEC taken not to confuse these with maximum dose or
group, which included several organ-specific papers ‘hot’ (i.e. Dxxcc) constraints, as used for serial OARs.
[20e24]. In addition, a systematic review by Gerhard et al. Depending on the TPS, it may not be possible to
[25] was published that examined normal tissue constraints directly evaluate minimum critical volume con-
from currently recruiting trials using SABR for the treat- straints and it may be necessary to determine the
ment of oligometastases (n ¼ 53), which helpfully sum- dose as for a maximum dose, or ‘hot’ constraint, by
marised these as the modal, median and range. Any using the DVTOT-xxcc notation, where ‘VTOT’ is the
constraints from our 2017 publication that were noted to be total OAR volume and ‘xxcc’ is the minimum vol-
markedly different to those reported in the HyTEC ume that must be spared.

Please cite this article as: Diez P et al., UK 2022 Consensus on Normal Tissue Dose-Volume Constraints for Oligometastatic, Primary Lung and
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy, Clinical Oncology,
P. Diez et al. / Clinical Oncology xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

Table 1
Serial-like and parallel-like organs at risk

Organ type Dose-volume constraint descriptor Notation Example

Serial-like (e.g. Critical maximum The threshold dose, or higher, that can Dxxcc  yy Gy The dose to 0.035 cc of
spinal cord and volume [18] be given to a specified (typically the spinal cord should
oesophagus) small) volume of the organ, with the be less than or equal to
remaining volume receiving less than 14 Gy (D0.035cc 14 Gy)
the threshold dose e may be termed a
‘hot’ constraint
Parallel-like (e.g. Critical maximum The maximum critical volume VxxGy  xx% (or cc) The normal lung
lungs, liver and volume [18] (percentage or absolute) of the organ volume receiving 20 Gy
kidneys) that can receive a specified threshold or higher should be less
dose, or higher than or equal to 10%
(lung V20Gy 10%)
Critical minimum The minimum critical volume of the Dxxcc  yy Gy (equivalent For a combined kidney
volume [18] organ that must receive a specified to DVTOT-xxcc  yy Gy*) volume of 250 cc, at
threshold dose or lower (i.e. be spared least 200 cc should
from receiving a dose higher than the receive a dose of 16 Gy
threshold dose) e may be termed a or lower (D200cc  16
‘cold’ constraint Gy, used as a ‘cold’
constraint*; or D50cc 
16 Gy, used as a ‘hot’
VTOT, total volume of the organ.
* Some treatment planning systems allow the user to record ‘cold’ constraints directly. However, many do not and therefore these require
adjusting into a ‘hot’ (standard) constraint format.

(iv) As before, constraints have been provided for three-, separate lung metastases) during the same treat-
five- and eight-fraction SABR. In addition, being ment course, the doses from the summed plan (if
aware of increasing uptake of single-fraction SABR separate isocentres are used) will be used to assess
[28], one-fraction constraints are also provided, OAR constraints.
largely derived from AAPM TG-101, which also align (ix) The constraints are recommended for use for the
closely to the modal and median values reported in treatment of oligometastases in any body site,
the Gerhard et al. constraint systematic review primary lung tumours and hepatocellular carci-
[18,25]. In addition, we have added spinal cord noma (HCC). Different constraints may, however,
constraints for two-fraction SABR, in light of the be more appropriate when treating other primary
recent HyTEC report and an awareness of increasing tumours with SABR and site-specific protocols
utilisation of two-fraction spinal SABR internation- should be sought in these circumstances. For
ally [20,29]. example, in the setting of primary prostate cancer,
(v) Delineation uncertainty can be a major cause of where the intent of treatment is different to the
uncertainty. As such, atlases and guidelines as rec- treatment of oligometastases in the pelvis, more
ommended by the UK SABR Consortium should be lenient rectal constraints are considered appro-
used to guide OAR contouring [30]. Contour peer- priate [5]. Similarly, different dose-volume con-
review is also strongly encouraged and auto- straints are recommended in the setting of SABR
contouring algorithms, if available, should be veri- for primary renal cell [31] and pancreatic cancers
fied manually for each patient. When uncertainties [32e34].
in delineation remain, advice should be sought (x) In the accompanying tables, unless otherwise
from appropriate radiologists. specified, all constraints are less than or equal to
(vi) The dose constraints presented are only applicable the stated value. Where the Gerhard et al. [25]
for patients receiving SABR alone. For those who systematic review of constraints is cited, this re-
have received recent, or are receiving concomitant, flects the modal and/or median constraint reported
systemic anti-cancer therapy (in particular anti- in this work and not the full range of constraints.
angiogenic agents, small molecule inhibitors or Any constraints without a reference have been
immunotherapy) there may be an enhanced risk of derived by group consensus. Consensus was
normal tissue toxicity. reached through the site-specific group discussions
(vii) These dose constraints are not applicable to the and reflect current UK practice.
setting of re-irradiation. (xi) These constraints are recommended for use in
(viii) Where two separate gross tumour volumes are routine practice and may differ from those evalu-
being treated within the same organ (e.g. two ated in current and future clinical trials.

Please cite this article as: Diez P et al., UK 2022 Consensus on Normal Tissue Dose-Volume Constraints for Oligometastatic, Primary Lung and
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy, Clinical Oncology,
4 P. Diez et al. / Clinical Oncology xxx (xxxx) xxx

(xii) These dose constraints are to be used as guidance added, again based on the same publication [22]. Extrapo-
only. Final responsibility for radiotherapy plan lating from this work, the same constraints have been
evaluation remains with the treating clinician and applied to single and eight-fraction schedules. The V20Gy
treating institution. Changes should be justified constraints will apply to SABR for both single and multiple
using good a priori medical reasons. lung lesions.
For the heart, the previous three- and five-fraction
Thoracic Constraints and Skin (Table 2) mandatory constraints were from the ROSEL study [36],
but have been revised as these were considered too con-
Several of the eight-fraction thoracic constraints in the servative. The new mandatory constraints are those used in
previous consensus were based on the LungTECH trial [35]. the SABR-COMET trial [9], which are also consistent with
Being aware that this trial closed early and has not yet been AAPM TG-101 [18] and the modal/median constraints re-
reported, these constraints have been revised based on ported in the Gerhard et al. [25] systematic review. The
alternative sources, including the SABR-COMET trial, where ROSEL constraints have now been adopted as optimal [36],
the predominant treatment site was lung, and which has where appropriate. The new, more conservative, mandatory
reported acceptable toxicity levels [9,12]. Such instances are constraint for eight-fraction treatments has been adopted
discussed below. from the SABR-COMET trial [9], also the median/modal
It is acknowledged that UK practice differs in its use of constraint reported by Gerhard et al. [25]. Importantly,
V20Gy. However, it is in line with the lung-specific work where the eight-fraction cardiac mandatory constraint
reported by HyTEC [22]. The volumes to which V20Gy was cannot be met, the prescription dose should be reduced
applied in the previous consensus, however, were consid- from 60 to 50 Gy.
ered very conservative and therefore have been relaxed to Great vessel mandatory constraints have been retained
V20Gy 10% and 15% for optimal and mandatory con- for three- and five-fraction schedules, based on AAPM TG-
straints, respectively, in line with the doses implied in the 101 [18], SABR-COMET [9] and consistent with the modal/
lung-specific HyTEC work [22]. In addition, optimal mean median constraints reported in the Gerhard et al. [25] re-
lung doses 8 Gy in three and five fractions have been view. For eight-fraction SABR, a mandatory great vessel

Table 2
Thoracic constraints

Structure Metric One fraction Three fractions Five fractions Eight fractions End point
Optimal Mandatory Optimal Mandatory Optimal Mandatory Optimal Mandatory
BrachialPlex D0.1cc 15 Gy 24 Gy 30.5 Gy 32 Gy 35 Gy 39 Gy Grade 3þ
[28] [9,18,25,37] [18,25,37] [9,25] [25,37] [9] neuropathy
Bronchus_ D0.1cc 20.2 Gy 30 Gy 35 Gy 38 Gy [9] 40 Gy Grade 3þ
Prox [18,25] [9,18,25] [36] [9] stenosis/fistula
Chestwall D0.1cc 30 Gy 36.9 Gy 43 Gy Grade 3þ
[18,25] [18] [18,25] fracture/pain
D30cc 30 Gy
Esophagus D0.1cc 15.4 Gy 25.2 Gy 35 Gy 40 Gy Grade 3þ
[18,25] [18] [9,18,25] [9,25] stenosis/fistula
GreatVes D0.1cc 30 Gy 45 Gy 53 Gy 60 Gy 65 Gy Grade 3þ
[28] [9,18,25] [9,18,25] [9,25] aneurysm
Heartþ D0.1cc 22 Gy 26 Gy 30 Gy 29 Gy [36] 38 Gy 40 Gy 46 Gy* Grade 3þ
A_Pulm [9,18,25] [36] [9,18,25] [9,18,25] [9,25] pericarditis
Lungs V20Gy 10% [22] 15% [22] 10% [22] 15% [22] 10% [22] 15% [22] 10% 15% Grade 3þ
(non-lung Dmean 8 Gy 8 Gy [22] 8 Gy [22] 8 Gy pneumonitis
Skin D0.1cc 26 Gy 33 Gy 39.5 Gy 48 Gy Grade 3þ
[18,25] [18,25] [9,18,25] [25,37] ulceration
D10cc 23 Gy 30 Gy 36.5 Gy 44 Gy [
[18,25] [18,25] [18,25] 25,37]
Trachea D0.1cc 20.2 Gy 30 Gy 35 Gy [36] 38 Gy [9] 40 Gy Grade 3þ
[18,25] [9,18,25] [9] stenosis/fistula
ITV, internal target volume.
* If not achievable, drop prescription dose to 50 Gy.

Please cite this article as: Diez P et al., UK 2022 Consensus on Normal Tissue Dose-Volume Constraints for Oligometastatic, Primary Lung and
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy, Clinical Oncology,
P. Diez et al. / Clinical Oncology xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

constraint has been added, also based on SABR-COMET [9], been delivered safely to much larger volumes of small
which is also consistent with the modal/median in the bowel in clinical practice, without excessive short- or long-
Gerhard et al. [25] review. An optimal constraint of 60 Gy term toxicity [38,39]. In addition, the previous optimal five-
has been added, based on group consensus. It is also rec- fraction D5cc constraint (also EQD2 40 Gy) has been removed
ommended for eight-fraction SABR that any hot spots are for all three structures. For the duodenum, the five-fraction
constrained to the planning target volume. D1cc and D9cc constraints have also been removed and,
The mandatory brachial plexus, trachea and bronchus instead, the dose previously applied to D1cc (33 Gy) made
constraints for three, five and eight fractions, originally optimal for D0.5cc (i.e. D0.5cc 33 Gy). The values used are in
based on the ROSEL (three and five fractions) and Lung- line with the range of constraints reported in the Gerhard
TECH (eight fractions) trials [35,36], have been modified to et al. [25] systematic review, accepting that the duodenal
be in accordance with the SABR-COMET trial [9]. The five- five-fraction D10cc constraint (25 Gy) is at the upper end of
and eight-fraction brachial plexus optimal constraints the range reported [25] and also higher than that reported
have been based on the currently recruiting SABR-COMET- by AAPM TG-101 (D10cc  12.5 Gy) [18] but, as above, is a
3 trial [37]. well-established dose for larger volume treatments. It is
Chest wall constraints are optimal and retained for three acknowledged that the luminal constraints presented here
fractions but modified to be more permissive for five frac- are more conservative than those that may be adopted
tions, in line with AAPM TG-101 [18]. No optimal is given for when treating primary pancreatic cancer [32e34], where
eight fractions, in line with a number of international trials. the risk:benefit ratio is different.
Clinically, eight-fraction schedules are typically only used The constraints required to limit toxicity when irradi-
away from the chest wall or near the apical or posterior ating central liver structures, such as the common bile duct,
chest wall, where dose is optimised based on a more sen- lack robust evidence. Therefore, these constraints have been
sitive neighbouring OAR (e.g. brachial plexus or spinal ca- retained at 50 Gy (now applied to 0.1 cc) for both three- and
nal). It is stressed that all chest wall constraints are optimal, five-fraction schedules.
and it is therefore accepted that these may not be met when For the liver, an optimal five-fraction D700cc has been
a lesion is adjacent to the chest wall and, in this situation, added and the mandatory three-fraction D700cc has been
the patient should be consented for an increased risk of lowered from 19.2 Gy to 17 Gy, to reflect the recent liver-
chest wall toxicity. specific HyTEC work [23]. In addition, optimal and
Regarding the oesophagus, the five-fraction mandatory mandatory three-fraction mean dose constraints have
constraint has been increased to 35 Gy (from 34 Gy), such been added, also in accordance with HyTEC [23]. Although
that all one-, three- and five-fraction constraints are now we have opted to provide one set of constraints for the
consistent with AAPM TG-101 [18], with five- and eight- liver, it is acknowledged that patients with liver metasta-
fraction constraints also being those used in SABR-COMET ses represent a different disease entity than those with
[9] and the modal/median constraints reported by Ger- HCC, where underlying cirrhosis puts these patients at a
hard et al. [25]. greater risk of radiation-induced toxicity. As such, for HCC,
Skin constraints, also optimal, have been retained from the optimal three-fraction mean liver dose should be
the previous report for three and five fractions and eight- considered mandatory. Of note, the provided constraints
fraction constraints added, based on SABR-COMET-3 [37], are only appropriate for patients with, at worst, Child Pugh
which reflects the modal/median constraints reported by A6 liver disease. Although all the liver constraints pre-
Gerhard et al. [25]. In some scenarios it may be necessary to sented here are compatible with the range that the recent
exceed these constraints in an effort to achieve coverage liver-specific HyTEC work considered acceptable, it is rec-
and in these cases the patient should be consented for ognised that most of the HyTec work focused on three- and
increased risk of skin toxicity. six-fraction SABR [23], whereas, in the UK, most liver SABR
As for other sites, single-fraction constraints have been is delivered in three (metastases) or five (metastases or
included, mainly based on AAPM TG-101 and also in line HCC) fractions. These constraints are also in line with those
with the modal/median values reported in the Gerhard et al. presented by Gerhard et al. [25]. Of note, where patients
review [18,25]. However, where a more conservative are having more than one liver lesion treated with SABR, it
constraint was used in the recently reported SAFFRON II is recommended that a five-fraction regimen is used and
trial [28], this has been used in preference, given that that all OAR constraints should be met as per a single
limited single-fraction SABR outcome data are currently lesion, with at least 40 hours (alternate days) between
available. treatments.
In terms of the kidneys, the previous guidelines applied
the three-fraction D200cc constraint to individual and
Abdominal Constraints (Table 3) combined kidneys. In practice, individual kidneys are
frequently <200 cc in volume, making the D200cc less
The multiple constraints previously recommended for useful in this setting. Therefore, the three-fraction D200cc
stomach, small bowel and duodenum have been rational- has been retained for combined kidneys only and, for con-
ised. For all three structures, the five-fraction D10cc sistency, a five-fraction combined kidney D200cc has been
constraint (25 Gy) has been moved to become optimal, added, based on AAPM TG-101[18] and in line with the
because this dose (EQD2 40 Gy, based on a/b ¼ 3 Gy) has modal/median constraints reported by Gerhard et al. [25].

Please cite this article as: Diez P et al., UK 2022 Consensus on Normal Tissue Dose-Volume Constraints for Oligometastatic, Primary Lung and
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy, Clinical Oncology,
6 P. Diez et al. / Clinical Oncology xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 3
Abdominal constraints

Structure Metric One fraction Three fractions Five fractions End point
(standard (if available)
Optimal Mandatory Optimal Mandatory Optimal Mandatory
BileDuct_Common D0.1cc 30 Gy [25] 50 Gy 50 Gy [2,4]
Bowel_Small D0.1cc 15.4 Gy [18,25] 25.2 Gy 30 Gy 35 Gy Grade 3þ enteritis/
[18,25] [18,25] obstruction
D5cc 11.9 Gy [18,25] 17.7 Gy
D10cc 25 Gy [25]
Duodenum D0.1cc 12.4 Gy [18,25] 22.2 Gy 33 Gy 35 Gy Grade 3þ ulceration
[18,25] [2,4]
D10cc 9 Gy [18,25] 11.4 Gy 25 Gy [2,4]
Kidney_Cortex Dmean 8.5 Gyy 10 Gy [2,4] Grade 3þ renal
(individual/ [25] function
combined) dysfunction
Kidney_Cortex D200cc 8.4 Gy [18,25] 16 Gy 17.5 Gy
(combined) [18,25] [18,25]
If solitary kidney V10Gy 33% [40] 33% [40] 10% [2,4] 45% [2,4]
or one
Dmean constraint
Liver (non-liver D700cc 9.1 Gy [18,25] 15 Gy 17 Gy [23] 15 Gy [23] Grade 3þ liver
lesions) and [23,25] function
Liver-GTV V10Gy 70% [2,4] dysfunction
(liver lesions)* Dmean 13 Gy 15 Gy [23] 13 Gy [2] 15.2 Gy Radiation-induced
[23] [2,25] liver disease
(classic or
Spleen Dmean Report Report Report
Stomach D0.1cc 12.4 Gy [18,25] 22.2 Gy 33 Gy [2,4,25] 35 Gy [2,4] Grade 3þ
[18,25] ulceration/fistula
D10cc 11.2 Gy [18,25] 16.5 Gy 25 Gy [2,4,25]
D50cc 12 Gy [2,4]
GTV, gross tumour volume.
Equivalent to 10 Gy for five fractions using a/b ¼ 3 Gy. z In cases where ipsilateral Kidney_Cortex Dmean is exceeded, the V10Gy should be
applied to the contralateral kidney.
* Patients with primary liver tumours are generally considered at greater risk of toxicity and so optimal constraints should be favoured,
where applicable. For hepatocellular carcinoma, optimal Dmean for three fractions should be applied as mandatory.

The mean dose for five-fraction SABR has been retained for risk of infection and infection-related mortality [41,42].
both combined and individual kidneys and, also for con- Although constraints for conventional fractionation have
sistency, a mean dose for three-fraction SABR added, been proposed, no constraints for SABR have been defined
equivalent to the five-fraction dose (a/b ¼ 3 Gy). In the to date. As such, contouring and reporting of mean spleen
previous consensus, for patients where the mean ipsilateral doses are now encouraged to facilitate future modelling
kidney dose was exceeded, or for patients with a solitary work.
kidney, five-fraction V10Gy optimal and mandatory con-
straints for the contralateral kidney were specified. These
have been retained and mandatory V10Gy constraints added Pelvic Constraints and Skin (Table 4)
for one and three fractions, based on the constraints applied
to the contralateral kidney in the FASTRACKII trial [40]. Of Pelvic constraints that were considered of little clinical
note, where patients have both kidneys but are known to value have been removed. These include D15cc for both
have poor renal function or significant imbalance in kidney three- and five-fraction bladder, which were considered too
function, it may be most appropriate to observe the single low to be clinically relevant (EQD2 28.9 Gy and 24.4 Gy for
kidney constraints for the better functioning kidney. three and five fractions, respectively, based on a/b ¼ 3 Gy).
The spleen is increasingly recognised as a potential OAR, In addition, the five-fraction ureter constraint has been
with patients who receive higher doses being at increased removed as, at 45 Gy, it is unlikely to be exceeded with

Please cite this article as: Diez P et al., UK 2022 Consensus on Normal Tissue Dose-Volume Constraints for Oligometastatic, Primary Lung and
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy, Clinical Oncology,
P. Diez et al. / Clinical Oncology xxx (xxxx) xxx 7

Table 4
Pelvic constraints

Structure Metric One fraction Three fractions Five fractions End point (if available,
(standard from AAPM [18])
Optimal Mandatory Optimal Mandatory Optimal Mandatory
Bladder D0.1cc 18.4 Gy 28.2 Gy 38 Gy Grade 3 cystitis/fistula
[18,25] [18,25] [18,25]
Bowel_Large D0.1cc 18.4 Gy 28.2 Gy 38 Gy Grade 3þ colitis/fistula
[18,25] [18,25] [18,25]
FemurHeadNeck D10cc 14 Gy 21.9 Gy 30 Gy Grade 3þ necrosis
[18,25] [18,25] [18,25]
LumbSacPlex D0.1cc 16 Gy 24 Gy 32 Gy Grade 3þ neuritis
[18,25] [18,25] [18,25]
D5cc 14.4 Gy 22.5 Gy 30 Gy
[18,25] [18,25] [18,25]
Rectum D0.1cc 18.4 Gy 28.2 Gy 38 Gy Grade 3þ proctitis/fistula
[18,25] [18,25] [18,25]
Ureter D0.1cc 35 Gy 40 Gy
[25] [25,43]
Urethra D0.1cc Report Report Report

prescription doses of 30 Gy. The three-fraction ureter reporting is recommended to facilitate future audit and
constraint has been retained, however, as, at 40 Gy, this modelling.
could be exceeded with prescription doses of 30e40 Gy. Femoral head constraints remain unchanged and,
Penile bulb constraints have been removed as it is unlikely particularly with intensity-modulated radiotherapy and arc
that target volumes would be compromised to respect treatments for more central disease, are rarely dose
these. limiting. These constraints are optimal and so can be
Colon and rectal five-fraction mandatory constraints exceeded if the clinical scenario requires this and the pa-
have been revised to 38 Gy, such that all constraints are tient consented as appropriate.
consistent with AAPM TG-101 [18] and the modal/median
constraints reported by Gerhard et al. [25].
The lumbo-sacral plexus and cauda equina (see below), Spinal Cord, Cauda Equina and Spinal Canal
which were previously considered as one structure, have Constraints (Table 5)
now been separated and sacral plexus constraints are now
considered optimal, rather than mandatory in the de novo Constraints for the spinal cord have been modified in
oligometastatic setting. These remain mandatory for oli- light of the recently published HyTEC report, which
goprogressive disease. This change reflects the fact that reviewed spinal cord dose-volume tolerance from pub-
decisions on lumbo-sacral plexus dose often require an lished data and performed modelling to estimate the risk of
individual value judgement. For example, in cases where a radiation myelopathy [20]. Recommendations for spinal
patient will probably experience prolonged survival and cord point maximum doses, associated with a 1e5% risk of
has multiple further lines of therapy available (e.g. a pa- radiation myelopathy, were made for image-guided SABR
tient with hormone-sensitive prostate cancer with a pelvic delivered in one to five fractions [20]. Constraints for one-,
side wall nodal recurrence), respecting lumbo-sacral two-, three-, five- and eight-fraction constraints are
plexus constraints is probably appropriate. In contrast, included, in particular in light of the encouraging results of
for a patient with few treatment options, a more limited the phase III SC24 trial (24 Gy in two fractions SABR versus
prognosis and lumbo-sacral plexus invasion from recur- 20 Gy in five fractions palliative radiotherapy), where little
rent disease, a clinician might opt to prioritise target high grade toxicity was reported and which used the same
coverage over sacral plexus sparing, provided the risks spinal cord constraint as reported by HyTEC [20,29]. It is
have been discussed and the patient consented appropri- acknowledged that there are limitations inherent within
ately. The three-fraction D5cc constraint has been increased the modelled data presented in the HyTEC paper and that
from 22 to 22.5 Gy, such that all lumbo-sacral plexus the suggested constraints represent conservative estimates.
constraints are now consistent with AAPM TG-101 as well However, these are considered the most appropriate start-
as the modal/median constraints reported by Gerhard et al. ing point as spinal SABR services are expanded across the
[18,25]. Guidelines are available for lumbo-sacral plexus UK. The HyTEC report also summarises higher dose limits,
delineation [44]. based on protocols and expert opinion. There may be clin-
Recent work has highlighted the urethra as a potential ical circumstances, such as high-grade epidural disease and/
OAR [45]. No international constraint for the urethra exists, or radioresistant disease, where target coverage may be
however, and contouring of this structure is not routine. compromised if a more conservative constraint were to be
Where it is contoured, near maximum dose (D0.1cc) applied. The risk of choosing a dose-escalated constraint

Please cite this article as: Diez P et al., UK 2022 Consensus on Normal Tissue Dose-Volume Constraints for Oligometastatic, Primary Lung and
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy, Clinical Oncology,
8 P. Diez et al. / Clinical Oncology xxx (xxxx) xxx

must be judged by the treating clinician, taking into account

Sahgal et al. [20]:

the treating centre’s experience, SABR platform(s) available

(1e5% risk for

and the need for rigorous quality assurance in the set-up,

AAPM [18]:

one to five
End point

Grade 3þ
planning and delivery of spinal SABR at their individual


institution. The mandatory constraint for eight-fraction
SABR is retained and is that used in the SABR-COMET trial
[9] as well as the modal/median reported in the Gerhard
Optimal Mandatory Optimal Mandatory Optimal Mandatory Optimal Mandatory Optimal Mandatory

et al. [25] systematic review, now applied to 0.035 cc.

32 Gy For the cauda equina, the three-fraction mandatory D5cc
Eight fractions

constraint has been lowered slightly such that all one-,

three- and five-fraction constraints are based on AAPM TG-
101 [18], which are also consistent with Gerhard et al. [25].
The two-fraction cauda equina constraint is the same as
that used for the spinal cord [20,29].
For spinal targets at the level of the spinal cord, the
spinal cord itself should be contoured based on the co-
25.3 Gy

32 Gy

30 Gy

registered magnetic resonance imaging and a planning or-

Five fractions

gan at risk volume (PRV) added. The spinal cord constraint

is applied to the spinal cord PRV and applied to a volume of
0.035 cc, to be more consistent with the modelling work
that derived these constraints [20]. The appropriate PRV
size should be determined by the individual treating centre
and is typically 1e3 mm and can vary across treatment
21.9 Gy

20.3 Gy


24 Gy
Three fractions


For spinal targets below the termination of the spinal

cord, the cauda equina becomes the relevant OAR. The
thecal sac is contoured as a surrogate for the cauda equina
using a co-registered magnetic resonance imaging [46]. No
PRV is added to the thecal sac. The cauda equina constraint
should also be applied to 0.035 cc of the structure.

For non-spinal targets, the bony canal should be used as

17 Gy

17 Gy

a surrogate for the spinal cord/cauda equina throughout the

Two fractions

length of the spine (neural foraminae should not be

included) and the spinal cord/cauda equina constraint
applied to 0.035 cc of this structure, dependent on target
location. No PRV should be applied.



Intracranial Constraints (Table 6)

16 Gy

14 Gy

14 Gy
One fraction

In the 2017 UK consensus, 0.1 cc was used as a small

D0.035cc 12.4 Gy

volume surrogate for maximum dose for CNS structures,


except for cochlea, which can be smaller than this volume,

in which case mean dose was recommended. However, it is
Structure (standard nomenclature) Metric

recognised that optic structures, such as chiasm, and lenses


can also be smaller than 0.1 cc. Therefore, 0.035 cc is now

used as the near maximum volume in this guidance for
optic structures, lens and brainstem (along with spinal cord
as above). The cochlea constraints remain as mean dose
constraints, acknowledging that the constraints presented
(non-vertebral lesions)

for three and five fractions were originally intended as near

maximum constraints (to 0.035 cc) [18]. Given the small
SpinalCanal (below

(vertebral lesions)
level of the cord)

volume of the cochlea, meaningful differences are not

and SpinalCanal
CaudaEquina and
Spinal constraints


For optic structures, more recent evidence has suggested
that increased mandatory tolerances compared with those
listed in our previous publication may still be associated
Table 5

with a low risk of radiation-induced optic nerve/chiasm

neuropathy. Milano et al. [24] projected a <1% risk of

Please cite this article as: Diez P et al., UK 2022 Consensus on Normal Tissue Dose-Volume Constraints for Oligometastatic, Primary Lung and
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy, Clinical Oncology,
P. Diez et al. / Clinical Oncology xxx (xxxx) xxx 9
Table 6
Intracranial constraints

Structure Metric One fraction Three fractions Five fractions End point
Optimal Mandatory Optimal Mandatory Optimal Mandatory
Brain V12Gy 10e15 cc Milano et al. [21]:
(including [21] Symptomatic
targets)* D20cc 20 Gy 24 Gy [21] radiation necrosis (one
[21] fraction),
(three and five fractions)
Brainstem (not D0.035cc 10 Gyy 15 Gy [18] 18 Gyy 23.1 Gy 23 Gyy 31 Gy [18] AAPM [18]: Grade 3þ
medulla) [18] cranial neuropathy
Cochlea Dmean 4 Gy [47] 17.1 Gy 25 Gy Grade 3þ hearing loss
Lens D0.035cc 1.5 Gy Cataract formation
OpticPathway D0.035cc 8 Gyy 10 Gy 15 Gy 20 Gy [24] 22.5 Gy 25 Gy AAPM [18]: Grade 3þ
[18,24,25] [48] [48] [18,24,25] optic neuritis;
Hiniker et al. [48]/Milano
et al. [24]:
Grade 4 radiation-
induced optic
Orbit D0.1cc 8 Gy Retinopathy
* Based on modelling by HyTEC [21], V12Gy of 5 cc, 10 cc and >15 cc was associated with an approximate symptomatic necrosis risk of 10,
15 and 20%, respectively, for brain metastases. Individual risk/benefit and therapeutic goals need to be considered when reviewing this
metric locally on a per-patient basis.
Derived from AAPM [18] TG-101 D0.5cc constraints for brainstem and D0.2cc constraint for optic pathway.

radiation-induced optic nerve/chiasm neuropathy for pa- radiosurgery for brain metastases. Estimated risks were
tients without prior cranial radiotherapy in patients slightly lower for arteriovenous malformations. Metastases
receiving 10, 20 and 25 Gy, in one, three and five fractions treated with three fractions and a V20Gy <20 cc, or with five
to the optic apparatus, respectively, and so these have been fractions and a V24Gy <20 cc, were associated with a <10%
adopted in this current consensus as mandatory risk of any radionecrosis or oedema, and a <4% risk of
constraints. radionecrosis requiring surgery. The QUANTEC analysis also
Regarding the brain as an OAR, both dose-volume met- acknowledged increasing risk with using single fraction
rics and location of dose are important. Retrospective data with a V12Gy above 5e10 cc [52]. Table 6 has been updated
report a range of toxicity end points and are often taking into consideration this modelling and, more impor-
confounded by several pathology and treatment variables. tantly, the advantages from standardised reporting. How-
Furthermore, toxicity in the form of radionecrosis can be ever, individual risk versus benefit, location of target and
difficult to discriminate from progression for tumour cases. therapeutic goals should be considered when reviewing the
This makes it challenging to recommend a universal dose- metric locally on a per-patient basis.
volume constraint. However, it is widely accepted that small Optimal limits are retained for lens and orbit (as a sur-
volumes tolerate higher doses, as reflected in the RTOG 90- rogate for retina). Although in most cases target volumes
05 phase I dose escalation study for brain metastases [49] should not be compromised to achieve these values, the risk
and many subsequent series. Total tissue V12Gy, that is the of damage from high doses to sensitive structures such as
volume, including the target, receiving 12 Gy, as opposed to the cornea should be avoided. Doses to these structures
normal brain V12Gy, where the target volume is subtracted, should generally be kept as low as reasonably practicable.
emerged several years ago as a predictor of late radiation Likewise, cochlea constraints are now listed as optimal only.
toxicity for arteriovenous malformations [50,51]. Brain There may be occasional benign treatments where hearing
V12Gy was not significant on multivariate analysis. The value preservation is the priority, but for most treatments target
of this metric for other pathology, including brain metas- coverage (and chance of local control) should not be
tases, remains unclear. For brain metastases, the benefits compromised for this OAR.
from early local control, and in the situation of multiple
brain metastases, a distribution of V12Gy across the brain
raises uncertainty with regards to the optimal value of Discussion
V12Gy. To help address this issue, HyTEC published a normal
tissue complication model based on dose and volume [21]. This document presents the current UK consensus on
The group estimated that a V12Gy of 5, 10 and >15 cc was OAR constraints for the delivery of SABR. Although the
associated with a symptomatic necrosis risk of 10, 15 and recent literature has been reviewed, and despite many more
20%, respectively, with single-fraction stereotactic patients having been treated with SABR since 2017, several

Please cite this article as: Diez P et al., UK 2022 Consensus on Normal Tissue Dose-Volume Constraints for Oligometastatic, Primary Lung and
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy, Clinical Oncology,
10 P. Diez et al. / Clinical Oncology xxx (xxxx) xxx

of the current constraints remain those from the AAPM TG- by providing guidance on how systemic therapies may be
101 report [18]. Despite being over 10 years old and based safely and optimally combined with SABR.
on limited clinical experience and even ‘educated guessing’, We are aware that, although constraints are provided
the AAPM TG-101 constraints are still in common use, as for different fractionations, these are rarely biologically
shown by Gerhard et al. [25] in the recent systematic review equivalent. For example, the EQD2 (a/b ¼ 3 Gy) for the
of constraints used in currently recruiting trials of SABR for mandatory cardiac constraints described here are 110, 78
the treatment of oligometastases. Hence, the constraints and 80.6 Gy for one, three and five fractions, respectively.
presented in this consensus also represent contemporary This probably relates to the fact that these were often
international practice and their ongoing use in prospective developed based on limited clinical experience [18],
clinical trials will, hopefully, lead to their validation. To without a particular radiobiological basis, and continue to
remain in line with international practice, we opted to be used in practice. There are also large uncertainties
reduce near maximum dose constraints to 0.1 cc for extra- about the use of the linear-quadratic model at high doses
cranial OARs, rather than D0.5cc used in the previous per fraction or the correct a/b value in this setting [56].
consensus and we have reduced CNS, spinal cord and cauda Until more complete modelling data can provide advice to
equina near maximum dose constraints to D0.035cc. We have the contrary, constraints consistent with those used by
also included constraints for single-fraction (all sites) and other centres worldwide and that largely appear accept-
two-fraction (spinal) SABR to reflect international SABR able, will be applied. Furthermore, the authors acknowl-
developments [28,29]. edge that the traditional division of OARs into serial and
Of note, the systematic review by Gerhard et al. [25] parallel structures, and defining constraints based on
included constraints used in 53 currently recruiting trials. these, is not entirely valid. Several OARs have both serial
As such, it is possible that safety concerns relating to some and parallel architectures (e.g. lung parenchyma is
of these constraints may become apparent when these tri- considered parallel, whereas the airways, including the
als report. Although substantial variability in some OAR very small bronchi that would be delineated as lung, are
constraints was noted in the review, the modal and median serial in nature; the heart contains both serial [coronary
constraints reported are often closely aligned, if not iden- arteries] and parallel [myocardium] components [57]).
tical, to those in the AAPM TG-101 report [18], again sug- That said, these divisions form a useful starting point and,
gesting these have become more established over time, over time, as toxicity and modelling data develop, con-
rather than being superseded by newer constraints. In straints can be adjusted.
addition, NRG/RTOG trial protocols are heavily represented Given the current limitations in the available data,
in the Gerhard et al. review [25] and the constraints used ongoing high-quality prospective data collection remains
within these, and those reported in AAPM TG-101 [18], are essential. Although the outcomes from the recent NHS En-
all based on older versions of ‘Timmerman’s tables’ [53,54]. gland CtE programme appear encouraging, and included
Although Timmerman acknowledges that the original ver- over 1400 patients (the largest dataset for oligometastatic
sions were based on very limited experience [53], as our patients treated with SABR [8]), it is acknowledged that
own consensus illustrates, these have become ingrained in registry data are often incomplete, limiting their use for
ongoing practice. The more recent constraints from HyTEC future modelling. Formal, funded prospective trials are
[19], however, which are derived from pooled clinical data therefore more likely to produce the most reliable outcome
and modelling, are yet to become fully embedded in clinical data to guide future iterations of constraints.
practice. Although this consensus provides UK guidelines for SABR
Despite increasing SABR outcome data over the past few OAR constraints, different constraints may be required in
years, it remains challenging to accurately quantify the risk different clinical scenarios. The Gerhard et al. [25] review
of severe toxicity related to individual OAR constraints. included trials using SABR for oligometastases and, as dis-
Modelling work has been carried out, sometimes with cussed, modal and median values closely aligned to the
differing results and often with acknowledgement that AAPM TG-101 constraints [18]. Over time, however, SABR
further data are required [20e24,55]. Large-scale prospec- for a variety of primary disease sites has developed further,
tive clinical data are likely to provide the best source of where the intent of treatment is different, and therefore
individual risk quantification over time. That said, for most these constraints may be less appropriate. For example, in
patients, the reported overall risk of severe toxicity related the setting of SABR for primary prostate cancer, more
to SABR seems to be relatively low but, in a small propor- lenient rectal constraints have been necessary to facilitate
tion, can result in treatment-related death [9]. Individual meaningful coverage and have been shown to result in low
patient factors are also likely to have an impact on toxicity levels of toxicity [5]. Similarly, in the setting of SABR for
risk (e.g. vascular disease, previous surgery) but, to date, primary renal cancer, different constraints are recom-
these also remain relatively poorly described in the litera- mended based on increasing clinical experience [31] and,
ture. Similarly, the impact of systemic therapy, in particular for primary pancreatic cancer, less stringent luminal con-
small molecule inhibitors and immunotherapy, either close straints have been adopted to allow better target coverage,
in time or concurrent with SABR, on the side-effect profile with acceptable toxicity outcomes [32e34]. This current
has not yet been thoroughly investigated. As such, the consensus should therefore be considered a general guide
continuing efforts of groups such as HyTEC will be invalu- for SABR, but site-specific protocols should also be available
able in quantifying individual risk going forward, including to guide clinicians in these settings.

Please cite this article as: Diez P et al., UK 2022 Consensus on Normal Tissue Dose-Volume Constraints for Oligometastatic, Primary Lung and
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy, Clinical Oncology,
P. Diez et al. / Clinical Oncology xxx (xxxx) xxx 11

Conclusions Development Division of the Public Health Agency of NI

(COM/4965/14). M.A. Hawkins is supported by funding from
As with the 2017 guidance, the current consensus will the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at University College
need to be reviewed and updated in the future as further London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. L. Murray is an
data emerge and as SABR treatments continue to evolve. Associate Professor funded by Yorkshire Cancer Research
Further information is still outstanding, including, for (award number L389LM).
example, detailed data regarding risk quantification, the
impact of other treatments and patient-related factors and References
appropriate constraints for SABR in the re-irradiation
setting. As more centres in the UK and worldwide begin [1] Conventional Care Versus Radioablation (Stereotactic Body
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neca PACIFIC-4 Study (currently off license) and CI for NCT03256981. [Accessed 17 December 2021].
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Trust) and A. Haridass (Clatterbridge Cancer Centre) for Study protocol for the SARON trial: a multicentre, randomised
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standard chemotherapy alone for oligometastatic non-small
support from the National Institute for Health Research
cell lung cancer. BMJ Open 2018;8(4):e020690. https://doi.
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