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A D Patel Institute of Technology

(A Constituent College of CVM University)

New V. V. Nagar


Mini Project Proposal


Title of the Project

Submitted By

Name of Student :
Enrolment Number :
Name of Student :
Enrolment Number :

MINI PROJECT (202040601)

A.Y. 2022-23 EVEN TERM
Preparation of Proposal

Your entire Proposal, and each section of your Proposal should be organized as:
1 High level introduction
2 Details
3 Summary

Title of the Project:

Outline ((note down the points that you're going to present))

1. Introduction
o Problem Statement
o Project summary and introduction
o Aim and objective of project
2. System analyses
o Motivation
o Brief Literature survey:
Explain Different Methods with their comparison and
Research Gap (If you have found any)
3. Design: analysis, design methodology and implementation
o H/W and S/W requirement
4. Implementation
o System flow
o Program/module specification
o Time line chart
5. Conclusion
6. References

Basic format and requirements:

Paper must be A4 size only.

Line Spacing: 1.5
Printing Margin: 1.25 inch Left Margin
1.0 inch all Side Margin (Top + Bottom + Right)
Font: Times New Roman only
Font size: (Text should start from next line after Title)
MAIN TITLE: 18 BOLD UNDERLINE (Alignment: Left) (Title Case)
SUB TITLE: 14 BOLD UNDERLINE (Alignment: Left) (Title Case)
MATTER: 12 Normal (Alignment: Justify) (Title Case)
• Figures must be with outside border & in center of whole margin.
All details in the
• Figures must be clearly readable.
• Write figure number at the bottom of figure, E.g.” Fig. 1(a)”,
followed by title of figure in title case.
• Throughout text figure must be cited as “Fig.1(a)”.
• Write table number at the top of table, E.g. “Table 1”: followed by
title of table in title case.
• All paragraphs must start without ‘tab’.
• Unified line spacing between paragraphs.
• Start new chapter from new page.
• No blank area at the end of each page except last page of chapter.
• All equations in the middle of line with equation no. at the end of
line within small brackets, E.g. (2).
• No dots between equation and equation no. space before and after
equation sign.
• Chapter heading must be identical for each new chapter.

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