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A. Mabini ES

Mr. Alexander James U. Pascua


Ms. Rochiel P. Dela Cruz


1 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 2
Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines
Written by Adelina T. Cabatic

After the lesson, you will learn the following Most Essential Learning Competencies
(MELC) such as:
• Demonstrate creativity and innovativeness in enhancing/decorating bamboo, wood, and
metal products. (TLE6IA-0a-2)
1.1 Conducts simple survey using technology and other data gathering method to determine
1.1.1 market trends on products made of bamboo, wood, and metal
1.1.2 customer’s preference of products
1.1.3 types/sources of innovative finishing materials, accessories, and designs
1.1.4 processes in enhancing/ decorating finished products. ( TLE6IA-0b-3)

How to Use this Module

Before starting this module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb you
while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully enjoy the
objective of this module.

1. Prepare all the needed materials – module, pen/pencil, paper/notebook, eraser, etc.
2. Focus and concentrate on the given tasks.
3. Carefully read all the contents.
4. Follow the given instructions/directions in every activity.
5. Take note of all the important words and ideas.
6. Perform all the activities provided in the module.

For this week, you are expected to:

• Show creativity and innovativeness in enhancing and decorating the finished product.
• Analyze a simple survey to determine market trends, customer preference, types/source
of innovative finishing, and processes.

1 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 2
• Develop positive values in enhancing and decorating finished products.

I. Directions: Arrange these steps in the proper sequence. Use letter A for the first step, letter B
for the second step, letter C for the third step, letter D for the fourth step, and letter E for the last
step. Write your answer on the line provided before each number.
_____ 1. Use sandpaper to smoothen the surface of your product.
_____ 2. Remember to wear safety goggles, gloves, apron, and older clothes in case the paint
_____ 3. Scrape the old paint if there is any.
_____ 4. Clean the surface with rags or old clothes to remove the dirt and dust.
_____ 5. Prepare all the needed tools (sandpaper, scraper, etc.)

II. Directions: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and the word FALSE if it is not.
________6. A survey is important to know the new trends in the market.
________7. A survey is a research study to gather data and gain information.
________8. A survey is done for your preference.
________9. A survey is done to think of the strategies to explore.
________10. A survey is done for your own preference.

Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters below to form the correct word. Write your answer on the
line provided before each number.
_______________1. It is a method of transferring the design on metal using a hardened steel tool
called burin or graver to cut into the surface of the metal. G E N A V N I G
_______________2. It is a process used to make designs or pictures on a metal plate by using
acid that produces corrosive action. C E T I H G N

_______________3. It is a method in wood crafting using a sharp object to create designs on the
wood. D H A N R A C N I G V
_______________4. It is considered the simplest way of decorating wood since there is a variety
of colors that you can choose from. N I P A G N I T
_______________5. is considered an art using fire or heat to decorate wood. R O P Y R A G Y

2 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 2
On the previous SLeM, you learned the different methods or techniques in enhancing or
decorating finished products and the importance of doing those techniques. In this module, you
will show your creativity and innovativeness in enhancing and decorating your finished product.

Starting with the Job

It is important to note that there are few activities that you must do before you start working
on your chosen technique, like for example painting or varnishing your finished product. The
outcome of your product depends on your creativeness and innovativeness. Resourcefulness
with patience is the key to make an attractive output.

The following are the steps in enhancing and decorating your finished product.
1. Prepare all the needed tools (sandpaper, scraper, etc.)
2. Remember to wear safety goggles, gloves, apron, and older clothes in case the paint
3. Scrape the old paint if there is any.
4. Use sandpaper to smoothen the surface of your product.
5. Clean the surface with rags or old clothes to remove the dirt and dust.

Conducting a Survey
A survey is a research method used for collecting data from a predefined group of
respondents to gain information and insights into various topics of interest.

Customer's Preference for Products

A study conducted by Brown 1998 entitled “What Is It Craft Buyer Want?” Results of a
Nationwide Survey about the US retail craft industry. This study is relevant so Filipinos are guided
on what products are preferred by a major importer of Philippine crafts. It described that
customers commonly bought products /crafts generally from tourists, collectors, business people,
artists/ artisans, or people attending conferences. These buyers had an average age of 30-50
years old. The following data were recovered:
Table A. Most Common Products/ Crafts bought by Customers

Rank Category Products

1 Wood Craft Home furnishings
2 Clay Ceramics
3 Decorative Fiber Tabletops
4 Metal Accessories, jewelry
5 Glass Home accents, Glass jars
6 Wearable Fiber Apparel
7 Stones Decorative accents

3 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 2
Conduct a Survey or Research
Artisans and manufacturers must know their consumers and their preferences in terms of
color, style, size, and quantity. It is also helpful to know their interests and needs. They must be
creative, and adopt new design trends for their products to be competitive in the market.
Craft artisans and entrepreneurs must adopt new marketing strategies to reach their
consumers. Specific selling strategies include focusing on customer services such as offering free
delivery, repair and retouch services, and special promotions. Marketing and promotions should
also focus on the uniqueness and innovativeness of products/ services, and developing and
maintaining a strong craft image.
Craft artisans should understand an industry that thrives on creativity, uniqueness,
competition, and rapidly changing preferences.

Activity 1: Analyzing the data

Directions: Have the students use the data on Table A. Most Common Products/ Crafts bought
by Customers located above to answer the following questions:
1. What category is the most used or bought by Americans?
2. Which one is the least bought or consumed?
3. What are the products that fall under Metal Crafts?
4. What is the rank of Stone Products?
5. What are examples of products made of glass commonly used by customers in the given table?
Activity 2: Think and Share
Directions: How can you make this product more attractive? Write your answer on the box
provided below:

1. old rocking chair 2. dusty drawer 3. rusted window metal frame 4. bamboo coin bank

Activity 3: Product Preferences of Customers

4 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 2
Survey the customer's product preferences (best selling products). You can ask your housemates
or friends and neighbors through Facebook or Messenger chat. Write the specific answer in the
table below.

Bamboo Crafts Woodcrafts Metal Crafts

Home Decors

B. Directions: Answer the question below:

1. What type of product is the most preferred by your respondents?
2. Which one is the least like product by your respondents?
3. What do you think are the characteristics of the best like or preferred product?
4. When you were conducting a survey on the customer’s product preferences, what were the
problems that you encountered?
5. How do you manage to cope with these problems?

• Based on the results of a Nationwide Survey about the US retail craft industry, it described
that customers commonly bought products /crafts generally from tourists, collectors,
business people, artists/ artisans, or people attending conferences.
• Artisans and manufacturers must know their consumers and their preferences in terms of
color, style, size, and quantity.
• Many Philippine products are in demand both in the local and international markets
because of their unique designs and quality craftsmanship.
• A survey is a research method used for collecting data from a predefined group of
respondents to gain information and insights into various topics of interest.
• We do surveys to provide us with more accurate data from which we draw conclusions
and make important decisions.

Directions: Answer the following questions.

1. What are you going to do before making enhancement or decoration in your finished

5 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 2
2. What are the values that you need to develop in creating attractive products?

3. What is a survey?

4. What is the importance of conducting a simple survey before making a plan of a product
you intend to sell ?
5. Why do you think that many Filipino products are in demand both in the local and
international markets?

I. True or False. Directions: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is
________1. A survey is a research study to gather data and gain information.
________2. A survey is important to know the new trends in the market.
________3. A survey is done for your own preference.
________4. A survey is done to think of the strategies to explore.
________5. A survey is a study of yourself.

II. Arrange the steps in order. Directions: Arrange these steps in the proper sequence. Use
letter A for the first step, letter B for the second step, letter C for the third step, letter D for the
fourth step, and letter E for the last step. Write your answer on the line provided before each
_____ 6. Prepare all the needed tools (sandpaper, scraper, etc.)
_____ 7. Remember to wear safety goggles, gloves, apron, and older clothes in case the paint
_____ 8. Use sandpaper to smoothen the surface of your product.
_____ 9. Scrape the old paint if there is any.
_____ 10. Clean the surface with rags or old clothes to remove the dirt and dust.

6 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 2
Direction: Answer the question below:

Do you agree with the statement that “Filipinos are talented and skillful craftsmen”? Explain why.
Write your answer in the box below:

Congratulations! You have already finished all the given activities. Prepare for another fruitful and
enjoyable week of learning.

Mrs. Adelina T. Cabatic

Module Writer
A. Mabini Elementary School

Mr. Alexander James U. Pascua

Kalayaan Elementary School

Ms. Rochiel P. Dela Cruz

Pangarap Elementary School

Telesforo B. Ongotan Jr., Ed.D.

Team Leader
Kalayaan Elementary School

7 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 2
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Name: ______________________________________ Section: ________________________
Subject Teacher: ______________________________ Date: ________________________

Answer Sheet
Pre-test Looking Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3


Activity 4 Activity 5 Check Your Post-test Reflection



8 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 2
Key Answer:

1. D
2. B
3. C
4. E
5. A
6. True
7. True
8. False
9. True
10. False

Looking Back

Activity 1
1. Woodcraft
2. Stones
3. Accessories and jewelries
4. Rank 7
5. Home accents, glass jars

Activity 2
The teacher will check the test

Activity 3
The teacher will check the test

Post Test
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. C
10. E

9 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 2

Peralta, Gloria A. Ed.D., Arsenue, Ruth A, Ipolan, Catalina R., Quiambao, Yolanda L.,
Ariola, Helenay Ann C. “Life Skills Through TLE 6” (Textbook). Quezon City: Vibal
Group, Inc. 2016.

Peralta, Gloria A. Ed.D., Arsenue, Ruth A, Ipolan, Catalina R., Quiambao, Yolanda L.,
Ariola, Helenay Ann C. “Life Skills Through TLE 6 “(Teacher’s Manual) Quezon City:
Vibal Group, Inc. 2016.

Peralta, Gloria A. Ed.D. et al. The Basics of Better Living 6

Basbas, Leonora D., Ph.D. Learning and Living in the 21st Century

Flocking fiber -
Flocking gun -
Inlaying -
Gilding -
Painting -
Burin -
Etching A metal -
Coppice Markers -
Metal Painting -
Carabao -

10 TLE 6 – Industrial Arts

Quarter 4 -Week 2

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