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Solutions e-tourisme

CYBERESA Web Services

Technical Specifications - Hotel Pack

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
04/03/2020 – page 1/49
Solutions e-tourisme

Document Control

Company Cyberesa Sarl

Department API Consulting & Services
Author Dev Team
Version 10.0.0 beta 1
Date 04/03/2020

Revision History Control

Date Author Actions

03/04/2015 Ismail Diari Document creation
26/08/2015 Chaima Mekni Add APIs StaticDataRQ and HotelDetatilRQ
03/09/2015 Chaima Mekni Edit HotelSearchRES
04/12/2015 Ismail Diari Add Details for Available node in
25/03/2016 Ghada Saihi Add nodes in HotelBookingCreationRES
14/04/2016 Ismail Diari Add node Category in
02/06/2016 Ismail Diari Update HotelBookingCreationRES :
- Add Multi CancellationPolicies
- Add Fee node under CancellationPolicy
- Delete currency attribute
- Add NoShowPolicy Node
- Delete ConfirmationDetails node
- Move CancellationPolicies under
OrderDetails node
- Add password attribute to OrderDetails
- Delete CancellationRules node
02/06/2016 Ismail Diari Add New API HotelCancellationPolicy
02/06/2016 Chaima Mekni Add node Customer in
03/06/2016 Chaima Mekni 1.Add node Kit in HotelBookingCreationREQ
only for B2C and Available booking

2.Delete node
SelectedRooms:Options:Option:@id from

3.Add node Options to SaticData API

4. Add node Options to HotelDetail API

08/06/2016 Chaima Mekni Add node Summary to HotelDetailRS

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

10/06/2016 Chaima Mekni Add new node Kit:PaymentGateway to


Delete nodes PaymentMode, Kit:Status,

Kit:ErrorType, Kit:ErrorNumber and
Kit:ErrorText from
15/07/2016 Chaima Mekni Add new nodes Passenger:Age and
Passenger:Reduction to
05/04/2017 Abdelhedi Neffati Add Api TripBookingList API
16/05/2017 Abdelhedi Neffati Add CreditCheck() API
07/06/2017 Chaima Mekni Edit HotelSearchRES API:
Change attribute ‘agemax’ to ‘maxage’
Change attribute ‘agemin’ to ‘minage’

06/12/2017 Chaima Mekni Add attribute ‘age’ to Child node in


Add attribute ‘age’ to Child node in


21/12/2017 Chaima Mekni Add new API HotelBookingAcknowledge

08/03/2018 Chaima Mekni Add information about age node to
09/03/2018 Chaima Mekni Add new node ‘ExpectedPrice’ to
06/04/2018 Chaima Mekni Add attribute ‘age’ to Child node in

22/10/2018 Malek Bessrour Add attribute ‘IdToken’ to child node In

22/10/2018 Malek Bessrour Add attribute ‘IdToken’ to child node In
22/10/2018 Malek Bessrour Add attribute ‘IdMember’ to child node in
28/10/2018 Abderraouf Hatmi • HotelSearch: add <source> node to
the response envelope
• HotelBookingCreation: add<source>
node to the request envelope
• HotelDetail: add <source> node to the
request envelope

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

• HotelCancellationPolicy: add
<source> node to the request
• HotelBookingCancellation:
add<source> node to the request
21/03/2019 Sofien Ouelhazi • update API StaticDataRQ()
Add new node rooms.
20/05/2019 Sofien Ouelhazi • update API BookingListRS ()
Add new node PaidAmount.
03/07/2019 Imed Gharsalli • add attribute tolerance to
ExpectedPrice in
HotelBookingCreation API
• update state node with id attribute in
BookingList API
04/07/2019 Abderraouf Hatmi • add API HotelRoomSelection
04/07/2019 Abderraouf Hatmi • update API HotelSearchREQ: add
new nodes to filter results based on
hotels ids: hotels_ids or
04/07/2019 Imed Gharsalli • update API HotelSearchREQ: return
mandatory supplements in <room>
when applicable
09/10/2019 Mohamed Ali • update BookingList() and
Mejri HotelBookingCreation() APIs
parameters descriptions
25/12/2019 Akrem Rouis • Add new node <NonRefundable> to
HotelSearch() and
HotelCancellationPolicy() APIs
13/01/2020 Achraf Bouanani • Updated StaticDataRQ() API added
new nodes in <hotel>

04/01/2020 Sofiene Ouelhazi • Updated HotelBookingCreationREQ()

add new nodes in <PaymentDetails>
• Updated HotelBookingCreationRES()
add new nodes in <PaymentDetails>

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Authentication & Security ............................................................................................................................... 6
Method POST ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
WORKFLOW ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
API HotelSearch()............................................................................................................................................... 8
API HotelBookingCreation()..........................................................................................................................14
API HotelBookingCancellation() ..................................................................................................................22
API HotelCancellationPolicy() ......................................................................................................................23
API StaticDataRQ() ..........................................................................................................................................26
API HotelDetailRQ() .........................................................................................................................................31
API TripBookingList() .....................................................................................................................................38
API CreditCheck() ............................................................................................................................................41
API HotelBookingAcknowledge() ................................................................................................................43
API BookingList() .............................................................................................................................................44
API HotelRoomSelection() .............................................................................................................................47

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

This document describes how to use APIs when accessing CYBERESA Web Services.

It explains the level of security implemented in order to use the APIs.

This document describes also each API, its structure for request and response, which parameters are
mandatory and optional and error management.

Authentication & Security

1- Check Credentials: Login and password sent by user through HTTPS requests
2- Check if host IP is allowed to access to API

Method POST
The following is a sample HTTP POST request and response. The placeholders shown need to be
replaced with actual values.



Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: length



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

<?xml version="1.0"?>

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme


CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

API HotelSearch()
This function is dedicated for hotels search

<Child age=””>0</Child>
<Child age=”8-10”>2</Child>
<Child age=”9”>1</Child>
<Budget minimum=”?” Maximum=”?”>?</Boarding>

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme


Root Sub Root Description Values & Tag


Credential Mandatory

Login Login Text

Password Password Text

SearchDetails BookingDetails

BookingDetails :User Current user id Text Mandatory

BookingDetails :Language Cyberesa’s language ID to be used to return Text Mandatory

suitable texts

BookingDetails :FromDate Search start Date dd/mm/yyyy Mandatory

BookingDetails :ToDate Search end date dd/mm/yyyy Mandatory

BookingDetails :IdCity Search IdCity Numeric Mandatory

BookingDetails :Rooms :Room :Pax Describe configuration of requested pax within Mandatory
the search

BookingDetails :Rooms :Room:Pax : Number Of adults for the current room Numeric Mandatory
Adult configuration

BookingDetails :Rooms :Room:Pax : Number of children for the current room Numeric Mandatory
Child : configuration

BookingDetails :Rooms :Room:Pax : Children ages separated by “-” Text Mandatory for child
Child @Age ex: “5” or “5-6”

BookingDetails :Rooms :Room:Boardi Search by specific boarding id Numeric Optional



Budget:@minimum Indicate a minimum budget Numeric Optional

Budget:@maximum Indicate a maximum budget Numeric Optional

keywords Search by keywords Text Optional

category Search by category Numeric Optional

Sort:by Specify an order by (City or Category or Title or Text Optional

Review or Priority or Nearby), if not indicated,

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

default order by Priority ascendant will be


onlyAvailable Show only available hotels Boolean Optional

ItemsPerPage Value indicating items to be returned per page Numeric Mandatory

PageNumber Value indicates the number of the page to be Numeric Mandatory


hotels_ids Return only those hotels ids if exists or available Text Optional

exclude_hotels_ids Exclude those hotels ids from results if exists or Text Optional

<ErrorResult id=’?’>
<City id=’?’>?</City>
<Destination id=’?’>?</Destination>
<PaginationData currentPage=’?’ TotalPages=’?’ />
<Hotels count=’?’>
<Hotel id=’?’>
<Category id=>?</Category>
<ThumbImage url=’?’>?</ThumbImage>
<Review id=’?’>
<Room id=’?’ Count=’?’>
<Child maxage=’?’ minage=’?’ age=’?’>?</Child>
<Boarding id=’?’>

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

<Available code=’?’ status=’?’ value=’?’>?</Available>

<Rate currency=?>?</Rate>
<Rate currency=?>?</Rate>
<GlobalSupplement id=’?’>?</GlobalSupplement>

Root Sub Root Description Valeurs & Tag



ErrorResult:@id Error id Numeric

ErrorResult:message Appropriate message Text

FromDate Search start date dd/mm/yyyy

ToDate Search end date dd/mm/yyyy

Language Language code Text

Currency Currency code Numeric

City City Name Text

City :@Id City Id Numeric

Destination Destination Name Text

Destination :@Id Destination ID Numeric

PaginationData :@Cur Current result page Numeric


PagiationData : Total result pages Numeric



Hotels :@count Total count of hotels Numeric

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

Hotels :Hotel :@Id Current hotel id Numeric

Hotels :Hotel :Source Id of the third-party supplier (if exists) Numeric Optional

Hotels :Hotel :Title Hotel Name Text

Hotels :Hotel :PromortionTitle Hotel Promotion Title Text

Hotels :Hotel : Hotel category Text


Hotels :Hotel : Hotel Category ID(stars number) Numeric

Category :@id

Hotels :Hotel : Url of hotel’s thumb image Text

ThumbImage :@url

Hotels:Hotel: Caption for hotel’s thumb image Text


Hotels:Hotel: Hotel review note Numeric


Hotels :Hotel : Hotel review number Numeric

Review :Number

Hotels :Hotel : Hotel longitude Numeric

Localization : Longitude

Hotels :Hotel : Hotel Latitude Numeric

Localization : Latitude

Hotels : Hotel :Address Hotel address Text

Hotels :Hotel : Global Supplement for the current hotel Numeric



Room:@Id Id of the current available room Numeric

Room:@Count Count of Total returned rooms with the Numeric

same pax

Room:Adult Adults count for the current room

Room:Child Child count for the current room

Room:Child:@minage Child minimaum accepted age Numeric

Room:Child:@maxage Child maximaum accepted age Numeric

Room:Child:@age Children ages separated by “-” Text

Room:Title Room Title Text

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

Room:Boardings:Boarding:@id Boarding id Boolean

Room:Boardings:Boarding:Title Boarding title Numeric

Room:Boardings:Boarding:Avai Indicates whether the current boarding is Text

lable available or not

Room:Boardings:Boarding:Avai The Availability code Numeric Possible values :

lable:@code 200 or 0 : hotel available :

210 or 2044 : minimal stay

overnight is not respect, 210
by hotel, 2044 by boarding

489 : stop sale period

203 : authorized delay to

book an hotel is not
respected (retrocession

Other code to indicate hotel

on request

Room:Boardings:Boarding:Avai The Availability status Text Possible values :

‘ms’ if @code = 210 or 2044

‘ss’ if @code = 489

‘dr’ if @code = 203

Room:Boardings:Boarding:Avai The Availability value Text Possible values :

minimalStay : if @code=210
or 2044

authorized FromDate to
start booking : if

Room:Boardings:Boarding:Rat Currency of the current price value Numeric


Room:Boardings:Boarding:Rat Boarding price for the current room Text


Room: Boardings:Boarding: Indicate if offer is non refundable Bool


Room:Supplement:Title Supplement title Text

Room:Supplement:Rate:@curr Currency of the supplement price value Numeric


CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

Room:Supplement:Rate: Supplement price for the current room Text

Room:GlobalSupplements:Glo Id of the global supplement Numeric


Room:GlobalSupplements:Glo Value of the global supplement Numeric



FromDate This fromDate is the deadline for free can- Date

cellation delay, beyond this, there is a
100% penalty.

API HotelBookingCreation()
This function is dedicated to create the booking.

<City id=’?’>?</City>
<Destination id=’?’>?</Destination>
<expectedprice tolerance=’?’>?</expectedprice>
<SelectedRoom id=’1’>
<Boarding id=’?’ />

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

<SelectedRoom id=’2’>
<Boarding id=’?’ />
<SelectedRoom id=’3’>
<Boarding id=’?’ />
<SelectedRoom id=’4’>
<Boarding id=’?’ />

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme


<ExpiryDate></ ExpiryDate >

Root Sub Root Description Valeurs & Format Tag

Credential Mandatory

Login Login Text

Password Password Text

City City Title Text Mandatory

City :@id Id City Numeric

Destination Destination Title Text Mandatory

Destination :@id Id Destination Numeric

User Current user ID Numeric Mandatory

Language Cyberesa language code Numeric Mandatory

1: French
2: English

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

Currency Cyberesa’s currency ID to be used to calculate Numeric Mandatory


HotelID The selected hotel id Numeric Mandatory

IdToken A unique Token number, you can pass in Numeric Optional

request in order to verify later if the booking
goes through or not via calling the BookingList

CodePromo Code promo to be used when calculating final Text Optional


ExpectedPrice Expected price of the booking. If not respected Numeric Optional

than booking creation will fail

ExpectedPrice : How much %pc is tolerated if ExpectedPrice is Numeric Optional

@tolerance different from real price "0" or "1" or …

Recommandation Client recommandations Text Optional

FromDate Search start date dd/mm/yyyy Mandatory

ToDate Search end date dd/mm/yyyy Mandatory

SelectedRooms SelectedRooms:Selecte Id of the selected room Numeric Mandatory


SelectedRooms:Selecte Adult count for the current room configuration Numeric Mandatory

SelectedRooms:Selecte Child count for the current room configuration Numeric Mandatory

SelectedRooms:Selecte Id of the selected boarding Numeric Mandatory

dRoom: Boarding:@id

SelectedRooms:Selecte Details of room’s passengers Text Mandatory


SelectedRooms: Current passenger civility Text Mandatory

SelectedRoom:Passeng Possible values : Mr or Mrs or Ms
ers: Customer:Civility

SelectedRooms: Current passenger first name Text Mandatory


SelectedRooms: Current passenger last name Text Mandatory


SelectedRooms: Child age (only for children, DO NOT PASS for Numeric Mandatory for children
SelectedRoom:Passeng adults !!!) DO NOT PASS
ers: Age for adults !!!

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

IdAssignedUserPa Current agent: Available only for B2C Numeric Optional


Kit Optional

Kit: PaymentGateway Payment mode : Available only for B2C Numeric 4 : offline
6 : sps
8 : mtc

Note : booking status will

be reserved when you
send 4 other case will be

Kit:SecutityCode 3DS Boolean 1


Kit:IdAutorisation Id of autorisation Text

Kit:CardType Type of card Text

Kit:CardBank Bank of card Text

Kit:BankCountry Country of bank Text

Kit:CardNumber Number of card Text

Kit:ClientLastName Last name of client Text

Kit:ClientFirstName First name of client Text

Kit:ClientEmail Email of client Text


PaymentDetails: Name Name of payment card owner Text Mandatory if

PaymentDetails node exist

PaymentDetails: Card Number of the bank card Text Mandatory if

CardNumber PaymentDetails node exist

PaymentDetails: CVC CVC code Text Optional if PaymentDetails

node exist

PaymentDetails: Card expiration date in AAAAMM format. Text: AAAAMM Mandatory if

ExpirationDate Example: PaymentDetails node exist

Customer Available only in B2C Optional

Customer:Id Id of customer Numeric

Customer:Email Email of customer Text

Source Id of the third-party supplier (if exists) Numeric Optional

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

<ErrorResult id=?>
<OrderDetails id=’?’ idtoken=’?’ password=’?’>
<Room id=’?’>
<Boarding id=?>
<Reduction id=’?’>?</Reduction>
<State id=’?’>?</State>

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

Racine Sous racine Description Valeurs & Format Tag

ErrorResult Operation State

ErrorResult:@id Id of current error Numeric

message Appropriate message Text

User Current user ID Numeric

FromDate Search start date dd/mm/yyyy

ToDate Search end date dd/mm/yyyy

Language Language code Text

Currency Currency code Numeric

City City Name Text

HotelID :@Id Id of the selected Hotel Numeric

HotelTitle Hotel Name Text

Category Hotel Category Numeric

OderDetails :@i Id of the order


OderDetails :@i Id Token of the order Numeric


OderDetails :@p Order password


CancellationPolicie CancellationPolicies

CancellationPolicie CancellationPolicy start date dd/mm/yyyy

s :CancellationPoli
cy :FromDate

CancellationPolicie Cancellation Policy fee rate Decimal

s :CancellationPoli
cy :Fee

NoShowPolicy NoShow Policy

NoShowPolicy :Fe NoShow policy fee rate Decimal


Rooms :Room :@i Id of the current selected room Numeric


Rooms :Room :Ad Adult’s count of the current selected Numeric

ult room

Rooms :Room :Chi Children count of the current Numeric

ld selected room

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

Rooms :Room :Titl Selected Room Title Text


Rooms :Room :Bo Id of the selected boarding Numeric

arding :@id

Rooms :Room :Bo Rate of the current selected Numeric

arding :Rate boarding

Rooms :Room :Bo Selected Boarding Title Text

arding :Title

Rooms :Room :Pa One Passenger details for the

ssengers :Passeng current selected room

Rooms :Room :Pa Civility of the current passenger Text

ssengers :Passeng
er :Civility

Rooms :Room :Pa FirstName of the current passenger Text

ssengers :Passeng
er :FirstName

Rooms :Room :Pa LastName of the current passenger Text

ssengers :Passeng
er :LastName

Rooms :Room :Pa Age of child passenger Number Optional

ssengers :Passeng
er :Age

Rooms :Room :Pa Id of reduction Numeric Optional

ssengers :Passeng
er : Reduction:@id

Rooms :Room :Pa Title of reduction Text Optional

ssengers :Passeng
er : Reduction

TotalRate Total order rate Numeric

State Order state Text

State:@id Id state Numeric 4 : The hotel is available and your

booking is confirmed, a voucher is
1 : The hotel is available and your
booking is confirmed as reserved,
no voucher is issued
0 : the hotel is not available is your
booking is saved as onrequest


PaymentDetails: Payment Transaction Id number Numeric Payment Transaction number (if

TransactionId paid by bank card)

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

PaymentDetails: Payment Authorization code Numeric Payment Authorization code (if paid
AuthorizationId by bank card)

GlobalSupplement Global Supplement Numeric

HotelArrivalHour CheckIn Hour Text Optional

HotelDepartureHou CheckOut Hour Text Optional


API HotelBookingCancellation()
This function is dedicated to cancel an order already confirmed


Root Sub Root Description Valeurs & Format Tag

Credential Mandatory

Login Login Text

Password Password Text

User Current user ID Numeric Mandatory

Language Cyberesa’s language ID to be used to return Text Mandatory

suitable texts

OrderID Id of the order to be deleted Numeric Mandatory

Source Id of the third-party supplier (if exists) Numeric Optional

<ErrorResult id=’?’>

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme


Root Sub Root Description Valeurs & Format Tag

ErrorResult Operation State

ErrorResult:@id Id of current error Numeric

message Appropriate message Text

ReturnedValue Contains information about Numeric

cancellation process

ReturnedValue :Can Indicates whether cancellation is Boolean Mandatory if Cancellation cannot

cellationOrder successfully done or not be done because orde is not

ReturnedValue :IdOr IdOrder Text


ReturnedValue :Rat Rate returned in a case of order Decimal

e cannot be cancelled

ReturnedValue :Curr Currency returned in a case of Numeric

ency order cannot be cancelled

API HotelCancellationPolicy()
This function is dedicated to return the hotel cancellation policy

<SelectedRoom id=’1’>
<Child age=’9’>1</Child>
<Boarding id=’?’ />
<SelectedRoom id=’2’>

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
04/03/2020 – page 23/49
Solutions e-tourisme

<Boarding id=’?’ />

<SelectedRoom id=’3’>
<Child age=’10-12’>2</Child>
<Boarding id=’?’ />
</ HotelCancellationPolicyREQ >

Root Sub Root Description Valeurs & Format Tag

Credential Mandatory

Login Login Text

Password Password Text

User Current user ID Numeric Mandatory

Currency Cyberesa’s currency ID to be used to calculate Numeric Mandatory


Language Cyberesa’s language ID to be used to return Text Mandatory

suitable texts

HotelID The selected hotel id Numeric Mandatory

FromDate Search start date dd/mm/yyyy Mandatory

ToDate Search end date dd/mm/yyyy Mandatory

SelectedRooms SelectedRooms:Selected Id of the selected room Numeric Mandatory


SelectedRooms:Selected Adults number for the current room Numeric Mandatory

Room:Adult configuration

SelectedRooms:Selected Number of children for the current room Numeric Mandatory

Room:child configuration

SelectedRooms:Selected Children ages separated by “-” Text Mandatory for children

Room:child ex: “5” or “5-6”

SelectedRooms:Selected Id of the selected boarding Numeric Mandatory

Room: Boarding:@id

Source Id of the third-party supplier (if exists) Numeric Optional

<ErrorResult id=’?’>

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme


Racine Sous racine Description Valeurs & Format Tag

ErrorResult Operation State

ErrorResult:@id Id of current error Numeric

message Appropriate message Text

User Current user ID Numeric

Currency Currency code Numeric

NonRefundable Indicate if offer is non Bool


CancellationPolicies CancellationPolicies

CancellationPolicy :Fro CancellationPolicy dd/mm/yyyy

mDate start date

CancellationPolicy :Fee Cancellation Policy Numeric

fee rate

NoShowPolicy NoShow Policy

Fee NoShow policy fee Numeric


CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

API StaticDataRQ()
This function is dedicated to get list of currencies, languages, destinations , hotels , categories and

<StaticDataRQ gethotelslist=’?’>
</StaticDataRQ >

Root Sub Root Description Valeurs & Format Tag

StaticDataRQ Return hotels or no Boolean


Credential Mandatory

Login Login Text

Password Password Text

User Current user ID Numeric Mandatory

Ilng Id of language Numeric Madatory


CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
04/03/2020 – page 26/49
Solutions e-tourisme

<Destination id=’?’>

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
04/03/2020 – page 27/49
Solutions e-tourisme

<Option id=”?”>?</Option>

Root Sub Root Description Valeurs & Format Tag


Currency : Id Id of Currency Numeric

Currency : Title Title of Currency Text


Language : Id Id of language Numeric

Language : Title Title of language Text


Destination : Id of destination Numeric


Destination : Title Title of destination Text

Destination : Destination 's cities


Cities : City Selected city

City : Id Id of city Numeric

City : Title Title of City Text


CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

Category : Id Id of Category Numeric

Category : Title Title of category Text

Hotels Returned only if you specified

gethotelslist = true in request

Hotel : Id Id of Hotel Numeric

Hotel : Title Title of Hotel Text

Hotel : IdCity Id of city Numeric

Hotel : Address Address of the hotel Text

Hotel : Longitude Longitude of the hotel Numeric

Hotel : Latitude Latitude of the hotel Numeric


HotelBoarding : Id of boarding Numeric


HotelBoarding: Priority of boarding Numeric


HotelBoardingsL Return titles of all boardings

HotelBoardingL: Id of boarding Numeric


HotelBoardingL: Id of language Numeric


HotelBoardingL: Title of boarding Text


CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

HotelBoardingL: SMS Title of boarding Text


Boardings Return supported boardings by


Boarding: Id of boarding Numeric


Boarding : Id of hotel Numeric


Boarding : Title of boarding Text


Rooms Return supported rooms by


Room : Id Id of room Numeric

Room :Title Title of room Text

Room :Generic Generic (by default) or Custom Boolean (True/False)

Room :MinPax Minimum of Pax Numeric

Room :MaxPax Maximum of Pax Numeric

Room :MinAdult Minimum of adult Numeric

Room :MaxAdult Maximum of adult Numeric

Room :MinChild Minimum of child Numeric

Room :MaxChild Maximum of child Numeric

Room :MinInfant Minimum of Infant Numeric

Room :MaxInfant Maximum of Infant Numeric

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

Room : Price per pax or per room Boolean (True/False)



Options : Options Title of option Text

Option : @id Id of Option Numeric

API HotelDetailRQ()
This function is dedicated to get hotel 's details.


Root Sub Root Description Valeurs & Format Tag

Credential Mandatory

Login Login Text

Password Password Text

User Current user ID Numeric Mandatory

Ilng Id of language Numeric Mandatory

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

HotelID Id of hotel Numeric Mandatory

WithHotelMap Return hotel map or no Boolean

WithHotelAdvancedDetail Return hotel advanced detail or no Boolean

WithHotelSections Return hotel sections or no Boolean

WithHotelReviews Return hotel reviews or no Boolean

WithHotelImages Return hotel images or no Boolean

WithTravellersReviews Return travellers reviews or no Boolean

Source Id of the third-party supplier (if exists) Numeric Optional

<City id=’?’>?</City>
<Category id=’?’>?</Category>
<Review count=?>?</Review>
<Section id=’?’>?</Section>

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
04/03/2020 – page 32/49
Solutions e-tourisme

<Option id=”?”>?</Option>
<Theme id=’?’>?</Theme>
<Image title=?>?</Image>
<TravelerCategory id=’?’>?</TravelerCategory >

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
04/03/2020 – page 33/49
Solutions e-tourisme

<Criteria id=’?’ Title=’?’ Value=’?’ />
</TravellersReviews >

Root Sub Root Description Valeurs & Tag


Id Id of hotel Numeric

Title Title of hotel Text

ShowMap Return true if Boolean

latitude and
longitude are not

ShowRewiew Return true if Boolean

number of reviews

Destination Title of destination Text

City Title of city Text

City:@id Id of city Numeric

Category Title of category Text

Category:@id Id of category Numeric

Summary Summary of hotel Text

Description Description of Text


ImageUrl Url of main image Text

PromotionTitle Title of promotion Text

ShowSection Return true if hotel Boolean

has sections

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
04/03/2020 – page 34/49
Solutions e-tourisme

ShowImage Return true if hotel Boolean

has images


Review:@Count Count of reviews Numeric

Adress Adress of hotel Text

Email Email of hotel Text

WebSite WebSite of hotel Text

Fax Fax of hotel Numeric

Phone Phone of hotel Numeric


Section Title of section Text

Section:@id Id of section Numeric

HotelMap Returned only if you specified

WithHotelMap = true in request

Latitude Latidude Decimal

Longitude Longitude Decimal

Zoom Zoom Numeric

HotelAdvancedDetail Reductions Returned only if you specified

WithHotelAdvancedDetail = true
in request

Reductions : Reduction Description of Text


Reduction : @id Id of reduction Numeric

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
04/03/2020 – page 35/49
Solutions e-tourisme


Facilities: Facility Title of facility Text

Facilitiy: @id Id of facility Numeric


Rooms : Room Title of room Text

Room : @id Id of room Numeric


Options : Option Title of option Text

Option :@id Id of option Numeric


Supplements : Supplement Title of supplement Text

Supplement : @id Id of supplement Numeric


Boards : Board Title of board Text

Board : @id Id of board Numeric


Locations : Location Title of location Text

Location : @id Id of location Text


Themes : Theme Title of theme Text

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
04/03/2020 – page 36/49
Solutions e-tourisme

Theme : @id Id of theme Numeric

HotelReview ReviewSatisfactionCriterias Returned only if you specified

WithHotelReviews = true in

ReviewSatisfactionCriterias :


SatisfactionCriterias : IdSatisfactionCriteria Id of satisfaction Numeric


SatisfactionCriterias : Title of satisfaction Text


SatisfactionCriterias : AverageMark Average mark Numeric


ReviewTravellerCategories : Traveller

Traveller : IdTravellerCategory Id of traveller Numeric


Traveller : TravellerCategory Title of traveller Text


Traveller : ReviewsNumber Count of review Numeric

traveller category

HotelImages Returned only if you specified

WithHotelImages = true in

Image Url of image Text

Image : @Title Title of image Text

TravellersReviews TravellersReview Returned only if you specified

WithTravellersReviews = true in

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

TravellersReview : Name Name of traveller

TravellersReview : TravelerCategory Title of traveller Text


TravelerCategory : @id Id of traveller Numeric


TravellersReview : FromDate Arrival date Date

TravellersReview : ToDate Departure date Date

TravellersReview : SubmissionDate Submission Date Date

TravellersReview : Title Title of review Text

TravellersReview : Comment Comment Text

TravellersReview : Criterias

Criterias :Criteria

Criteria :@id Id of criteria Numeric

Criteria :@title Title of criteria Text

Criteria :@value Value of criteria Numeric

API TripBookingList()
This function is dedicated to mobile application to get hotels and flight bookings made since
specific date time and filters on the id Member if needed.


XML Format

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
04/03/2020 – page 38/49
Solutions e-tourisme


JSON Format
{"TripBookingListRQ":{"Credential":{"Login":"?","Password":"?"},"User":"?", "Ilng":"?","FromDate":"?"}}

Root Sub root Description Values & Format Tag


Login String Mandatory

Password String Mandatory

User IdUser on CYBERESA Integer Mandatory


IdMember Id Member Integer Optional

Ilng Id of language Numeric Optional

FromDate Retrieve bookings based yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.000 Mandatory

on creation datetime


JSON Format

"name":" ?","ticket_number":"?"}}}]}}}

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
04/03/2020 – page 39/49
Solutions e-tourisme

Root Sub root Description Values & Format Tag

booking [kind] Details of booking string, possible values



[kind="transport"] Details of transport object

reservation_reference Id Airticket on CYBERESA SYSTEM string Mandatory

transport_number The number identifying the transport, e.g. the flight string Mandatory
number for a flight(PNR)

class The transportation mode type string, possible values Mandatory

C,M, Economy With


departure_date Departure date datetime Mandatory

departure_city The city from where the transport leaves string Mandatory

arrival_city The city to where the transport goes string Optional

airline_company The company operating the transport string Optional

departure_airport The departure airport of a flight or the departure string Optional

station for other transport mode

departure_airport_iata IATA code of the airport String Optional

arrival_airport The arrival airport or the arrival station for other string Optional
transport mode

arrival_airport_iata IATA code of the airport string Optional

departure_terminal The departure terminal string Optional

arrival_terminal The arrival terminal string Optional

arrival_date Arrival date datetime Optional

duration Duration of the trip time Optional

Format: 1h :30m

departure_location Departure geo-location location Optional

departure_location > latitude Latitude location Optional

departure_location > Longitude location Optional


arrival_location Arrival geo-location location Optional

arrival_location > latitude Latitude location Optional

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
04/03/2020 – page 40/49
Solutions e-tourisme

arrival_location > longitude Longitude location Optional

travelers An array of Traveler Details Mandatory

travelers>traveler Details of each traveler Mandatory

travelers>traveler> name Traveler’s name string Mandatory

travelers>traveler> Traveler’s e-ticket string Mandatory


[kind="accommodation"] Details of accomodation object

booking_number The booking number for the accommodation string Mandatory

name Hotel title string Mandatory

from_date Check-in date date Mandatory

to_date Check-out date date Mandatory

location Geo-location of the accommodation location Optional

location > latitude Latitude location Optional

location > longitude Longitude location Optional

address Address of the hotel string Optional

picture_url URL to an image string Optional

type_of_room The type of room booked string Optional

city Name of the destination to which the string Mandatory

accommodation should be attached to.

phone Phone number (recommended format: +[country string Optional

code] [phone number])

email Email address string Optional

travelers An array of Traveler Details Mandatory

travelers>traveler Details of each traveler Mandatory

travelers>traveler> name traveler’s name string Mandatory

travelers>traveler> The type of room booked string Optional


API CreditCheck()
This function is dedicated to get current used and remaining credit (if exists)


CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
04/03/2020 – page 41/49
Solutions e-tourisme

< CreditCheck >

</ CreditCheck >

Root Sub root Description Values & Format Tag


Login String Mandatory

Password String Mandatory

User IdUser on CYBERESA Integer Mandatory



<Deposit>285000 DZD</Deposit>
<ConsumedDeposit>282939 DZD</ConsumedDeposit>
<RemainingDeposit>2061 DZD</RemainingDeposit>

Root Sub root Description Values & Format Tag

Deposit Total deposit String Mandatory

ConsumedDeposit Deposit consumed String Mandatory

RemainingDeposit Deposit remaining String Mandatory

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
04/03/2020 – page 42/49
Solutions e-tourisme

RemainingPercentage Percentage of remaining Float Mandatory


ConsumedPercentage Percentage of consumed Float Mandatory


DateDeposit Date of deposit insertion dd/mm/yyyy Mandatory

DaysLeft Estimate on the expiry date of Float Mandatory

the deposit

API HotelBookingAcknowledge()
This function is dedicated to retrieve the response about previous sent booking to a PMS.





Root Sub root Description Values & Format Tag

Credential Mandatory

Login Text

Password Text

User Current user ID Numeric Mandatory

Ilng Cyberesa language code Numeric Mandatory
1 :Frensh
2 :English
Order : Id Id of order Numeric Mandatory

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
04/03/2020 – page 43/49
Solutions e-tourisme

Order : Operation Accepted : 2 Numeric Mandatory

Rejected : 3
Order : Comments Comments of order Text Optional


<ErrorResult id='?'>

Root Sub root Description Values & Format Tag

ErrorResult Operation State

ErrorResult:@id Id of current error Numeric

message Appropriate message Text


Order : Id Id of Order Numeric

Order : Status Status of order (Ok/NOK) Text

Order : Comments Comment of order in case Text

of NOK

API BookingList()
This function is dedicated to retrieve the bookings in priority for the given hotel.
Uses idtoken if exist, or idorder if exist or return all bookings starting from lastupdate date.



CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
04/03/2020 – page 44/49
Solutions e-tourisme


Root Sub root Description Values & Format Tag

Credential Mandatory

Login Text

Password Text

User Current user Id Numeric Mandatory

Ilng Language Id Numeric Optional
hotel Hotel Id Numeric Optional
idtoken Token Id Numeric Optional
idorder Id of order Numeric Optional
lastupdate From date date Optional


<ErrorResult id='?'>
<hoteltitle> ?</hoteltitle>
<fromdate> ?</fromdate>
<todate> ?</todate>
<remarks> ?</remarks>
<lastupdate> ?</lastupdate>
<state id="?"> ?</state>
<type> ?</type>
<boarding> ?</boarding>
<netRate> ?</netRate>
<name> ?</name>
<reductions> ?</reductions>
<kind> ?</kind>

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme


Root Sub root Description Values & Format Tag

ErrorResult Operation State

ErrorResult:@id Id of current error Numeric

message Appropriate message Text



totalPaidAmount paid amount (added when Numeric

state is reserved and
booking is paid online)

idaffiliate Id Affiliate Numeric

city Hotel city location text

hoteltitle Title text

fromdate Date reservation from Date

todate Date reservation to Date

remarks Remarks Text

lastupdate Last update date Date

state State of the reservation Text

State : @id Id of the state of the Numeric 4 : The hotel is

reservation available and
your booking is
confirmed, a
voucher is
1 : The hotel is
available and
your booking is
confirmed as
reserved, no
voucher is
0 : the hotel is
not available is
your booking is

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

saved as
2 : the booking
is cancelled


type Type room Numeric

boarding Boarding room Numeric

netRate Net rate per room Numeric


name Customer Name Text

reductions Reduction Numeric

kind kind text

API HotelRoomSelection()
This function is dedicated for hotel Room Selection and return all applicable rooms definitions,
boardings, supplements, globalsupplements…



Root Sub root Description Values & Format Tag

Credential Mandatory

Login Text

Password Text

User ID User Numeric Mandatory

Curr ID Currency Numeric Mandatory

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
04/03/2020 – page 47/49
Solutions e-tourisme

Language ID Language Numeric Mandatory

HotelId ID Hotel Numeric Mandatory

FromDate From Date date Mandatory
ToDate To date date Mandatory


<ErrorResult id='?'>
<room minAd='?' maxAd='?' minChild='?' maxChild='?'>
<id >?</id>
<boarding id='?' title='?' price='?' ></boarding>
<Supplement id='?' title='?' price='?' Mandatory='?' PerNight='?'PerPax='?'></Supplement>
<GlobalSupplement id='?' title='?' price='?' Mandatory='?' PerNight='?'PerPax='?'></GlobalSupplement>

Root Sub root Description Values & Format Tag

ErrorResult Operation State

ErrorResult:@id Id of current error Numeric

message Appropriate message Text


room:Id Id of room Numeric

room:@minAd Min Adult Numeric

room:@maxAd Max Adult Numeric

room:@minChild Min Child Numeric

room:@maxChild Max Child Numeric

room:title Title of Room Text

room:price Price Of Room Numeric

room:boardings:boarding @Id Id of Bording Numeric

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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Solutions e-tourisme

room:boardings:boarding @Title title of Bording Text

room:boardings:boarding @Price price of Bording Numeric

room: Supplements: Id of Supplement Numeric


room: Supplements: title of Supplement Text


room: Supplements: price of Supplement Numeric


room: Supplements: Is Mandatory Boolean

Supplement@Mandatory Supplement

room: Supplements: Is Per Night Boolean

Supplement@PerNight Supplement

room: Supplements: Is Per Pax Boolean

Supplement@PerPax Supplement

room: GlobalSupplements: Id of Global Numeric

GlobalSupplement@Id Supplement

room: Supplements: title of Global Text

Supplement@Title Supplement

room: GlobalSupplements: price of Global Numeric

GlobalSupplement @Price Supplement

room: GlobalSupplements: Is Mandatory Global Boolean

GlobalSupplement @Mandatory Supplement

room: GlobalSupplements: Is Per Night Global Boolean

GlobalSupplement @PerNight Supplement

room: GlobalSupplements: Is Per Pax Global Boolean

GlobalSupplement@PerPax Supplement

CYBERESA SARL au capital de 560 000 TND (R.C : B2437152011 – M.F : 1189611/V)
Siège social : Immeuble 3S, Lotissement Ennassim, 1073 Montplaisir - Tunis - TUNISIE
Tél : +216 71 947 401 - Fax : +216 70 201 010 - Site web : - Email :
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