Simple Pendulum

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Simple Pendulum
(i) To determine the acceleration due to gravity in the laboratory using a simple
(ii) To plot l – T and l – T2 graph.
Apparatus Required:
Clamp stand, a split cork, a heavy metallic (brass/iron) spherical bob with a hook, a long,
fine, strong cotton thread/string (about 2.0 m), stop-watch, metre scale.
The simple pendulum executes Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) as the acceleration of the
pendulum bob is directly proportional to its displacement from the mean position and is
always directed towards it.
The time period (T) of a simple pendulum for oscillations of small amplitude, is given by the
𝑇𝑇 = 2𝜋𝜋 �

where L is the length of the pendulum, and g is the acceleration due to gravity at the place of
The above equation can be rewritten as
𝑔𝑔 = 4 𝜋𝜋 2
𝑇𝑇 2
so as to find the acceleration due to gravity.
i. Suspend the bob by about 50 cm long light, thin and inextensible thread from the
rigid base.
ii. Measure the length of the thread from the point of suspension to the middle of the
bob by a meter scale.
iii. Mark a cross mark (×) on the ground (or the horizontal plane i.e., table, above
which the bob is suspending) exactly below the mean position of the bob by chalk.
iv. Pull the bob a little to one side and release. It starts oscillating about its mean
v. When the displacement of the bob on one side of the mean position reduces to
about 3 – 5 cm, determine the time of 10 oscillations using the stop clock.
vi. The time period of one oscillation (T) and (T2) is determined.
vii. Find the 2.
viii. Repeat the steps (iv) – (vii) for various lengths like 60 cm, 70 cm, 80 cm, 90 cm.
ix. Calculate the average of .
𝑇𝑇 2
x. Find the acceleration due to gravity by substituting the average value of 2 in the
𝑔𝑔 = 4 𝜋𝜋 2 2
(i) The acceleration due to gravity = 𝑚𝑚 𝑠𝑠 −2
(ii) The graph L versus T is curved, convex upwards.
(iii) The graph L versus T2 is a straight line.
• The thread of the bob should be light, thin, strong and inextensible. With long thread,
the time period will be more so that less error will occur in measuring it.
• The bob should be small in size and heavy (to avoid kinks in the thread).
• There should be no flow of air at the place of experimentation, otherwise the motion
of bob will not remain linear.
• The suspension base of the pendulum should be rigid.
Sources of error:
• An ideal simple pendulum is not generally achieved.
• The effect of air resistance on the motion of bob cannot be avoided.
• There may be personal error in starting and stopping the stop watch.

In Left Hand Side (Unruled side)

(Leave some gap to draw)

(i) h=

(ii) l=

𝑙𝑙 2 ℎ
(iii) 𝑅𝑅 = + =
6ℎ 2

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