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39A of legal aid

Section 12 of legal services authority act

Clause hai - who can claim free legal aid

If legal aid clinic is active , connect theory to practice

Madhav menon

Established two institutions

Forgot about his health – teacher

Ask legal aid cell in their own village

Clinics are also present

Pre session question – purpose of legal education

Does legal education has a place in legal education

Whether the purpose of education changed in 21 st century

No one now wants information , but skills . information need not to be stored in our memory

Society is the laboratory for the students for law

Not teach what is law but teach them how to talk to a stranger , ice breaking information

How to collect the personal information

Legal aid helps to learn these skills

Impact critical thinking , skills for the ordinary lawyer

Ability to talk to build repo

Make other person comfortable and believe that you are trustworthy

Understanding and identifying the goals

How requirement of client can be met

In whose favour law is

Lastly , arguments

Bunch of skills that student must be learnt

Involving law students (state)

 Law students can extend legal aid to remote villages.

 Lower cost
 If state wants to do legal aid , we can do it at 10 percent of investment
 Its like that a gold mine is there and it just need to be tapped
 Community education and preventive legal services programs
 It was a legal jurist , college of madhav menon , Bhupendra bakshi , mentioned in his book
 Preventive legal service programs , we can prevent litigations
 Legal aid can also be used to prevent litigation
 If properly channel , law colleges can meet the demands of th modern society .
 Involving law colleges also improves the value and reputation of legal profession and also there
is no substitution for learning while doing (DIY EXERCISE)
 Legal aid is an excellent means of teaching professional responsibility.
Like return the original documents , maintain professional relations , platform where all practical
skills can be taught

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