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Final revision –Grade six- 2nd term (part 1)

I. Reading comprehension
Wedding Customs Around the World

(a) Compound sentence:


(b) Complex sentence


B. Decide whether the underlined verbs are active or passive

1.’ the bridegroom lights a candle on his left and the bride lights a candle
on her right’ ___________________

2. ‘Both candles are then brought together and the two candles are used
to light a new candle.’ ____________________

C. Today, however, thanks to television and the internet, we live in what

seems to be a very small world.

The underlined connective is used for………………………..

a. Adding on information
b. Contrasting ideas
c. emphasising points

D’ . It is also believed that whoever grinds the sugar lumps together for
the couple will end up getting married herself in the near future’.
The underlined word means ……………………………
a. crush b. build

2. Advice For Students – Friendship
a) Compound sentence:

(b) Conditional sentence:


C. ‘some people are naturally outgoing and don’t find it difficult to make
friends.’ This sentence is (fact- opinion)

d. ‘you can get more general information by visiting the school website and then follow the link labelled ‘Advice’. This
sentence is (fact- opinion)

e. ‘It is worth listening to their concerns. You may be able to reassure

them about your friend’. The underlined word means ……………………………

a. alarm b. comfort

f. If you find that you and your friend seem to be growing apart, then you
need to think about the reasons for this.

The underlined connective is used for………………………..

a. Adding on information
b. Contrasting ideas
c. Ordering points

English use 1) Decide whether the following words are active or


1. The oldest house was built in 1575. ____________

2. The car was found in the garage. ____________
3. After the accident, the ambulance took Joe to the hospital.
4. The police didn’t find the robber. _________

5. The trees were cut down last winter. __________
6. He lost his keys yesterday. ___________
7. The bus driver was hurt. ___________
8. Bingo is played in Britain. ___________
9. They often read e-mails. ___________
2) Complete the questions using the verb in brackets in past
1. When ______ America ______ (discover)?
2. Skateboards______________________(ride) by the children.
3. In what year ______ the Olympic Games ______ (hold) in
4. Many songs ___________________(sing) by the beetles.

5. In what century ______ William Shakespeare ______ (bear)?

6. Where ______ Coca-Cola ______ (invent)?

7. What ______ ______ (consider) the highest mountain in the world?

8. How many Harry Potter´s novels ______ ______ (write)?

9. Yesterday, a boy __________________(injure) in an accident in the

High way.

3) Rewrite the active sentence into passive

1. The lady gave me the keys.


1. Rick told Sue to give up smoking.


2. They expected us to build the road.


3. Snow covered the mountain.
4. They introduced me to her husband
5. Someone sold this old hat to my wife.
6. Someone broke into my office.
7. Edison invented the gramophone.
8. Everybody admired your last book.
9. They told us to leave the room.

4) Put the following conditional sentences into its proper form

1. You can’t borrow my camera unless you____________(be) prepared to

buy me a new one if you break it.

2. Camping will be fun as long as you _______________(not forget) the

torch and the can-opener.

3. Provided that the weather is good, we ___________(spend) the day in

the mountains

4. They would have more money if they ______________(not buy) so

many clothes.

5. If he __________(be) younger, he would travel more.

6. If we decided to stay here, we ________________(buy) a house.

7. If you _________________(not want) to go out, I will cook dinner at


8. He_____________(not get) a better job if he doesn’t pass that exam.

9. He won’t understand the questions unless he____________(read) the


10. Uncle Tim would phone us if he_________________(want) to come

with us.


1. The boy_____________( not sleep) if you make so much noise.

2. Andrew will water the plants if he _____________ (come) home.
3. If we lived in Mexico, I _______________(speak) Spanish.
4. If she ____________ (pass) the exam, she would be able to
enter university.
5. If we won the lottery, we ________________(travel) the world.
6. We would come to dinner if we ____________(had) time
7. Unless I ____________(find) a cheaper one, I will have to buy
that device.
8. I refuse to go unless she _____________(come) with me.
9. If we _____________(be not) friends, I would be angry with
10. I will leave now unless the ______________(be) anything left to
do now.
11. We can hold the party in the garden provided that
it________________ (not rain)
12. John _______________( not be) tired if he goes to bed soon.

5) Complete this sentence using a conditional clause

1. I will call you____________________________________________

2. You can make grandma very happy_____________________________

3. They would go to Spain on holiday_____________________________

4. She would be happier______________________________________

5. We would go for a bike ride_________________________________

Choose the correct word

1. We can win the champion ship_____________we avoid bad injures.

a. Unless
b. Providing
2. You can keep the puppy______________yoi promise to take care of
a. Unless
b. Providing
3. I can’t help you _______________you tell me what’s wrong.
a. Unless
b. Providing
c. As long as
4. You will be sick____________you stop eating.
a. Unless
b. Providing
c. As long as
5. I won’t pay _____________you provide the goods.
a. Unless
b. Providing
c. As long as
6. He is welcome to come along……………………………………..he behaves
a. Unless
c. Providing that
7. We will be there on time ______________there’s a suitable train.
a. Unless
b. Providing that

Write words which mean the same as:
1. To work in an organized way towards a goal. …………………………………..
2. A formal written request. …………………………………………
3. To meet with difficulties. …………………………………………
4. A benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of the
most …………………………………………..
5. Supplies or gear …………………………………………..
6. Threaten …………………………………………..
7. Law, rule …………………………………………..
8. Develop or succeed …………………………………………..
Frame sentences using the following soft c words:
1. Circular
2. Fancy
3. Discipline
4. Recent

Final revision –Grade 6-2nd part
A. Rewrite the following sentences adding colons, semicolons or
commas as appropriate:
1. There is only one way to make it to the top hard work.
2. The school supply list included the following pens paper and white-
3. We could stay in the city and see all the sights the Statue of
Liberty the Central Park and the Museum of Art.
4. My roommate gave me the things I need companionship and quiet.
5. I really enjoyed the speaker he was very interesting.
6. Bring everything you need for a holiday suntan cream swimming
costume and a good book.
7. The weather forecast was wrong it rained all day.
8. The boy rushed across the road the result was a terrible accident.
9. I went to the grocery today I bought lots of fruits.

10. Susan didn’t pass her test consequently she didn’t graduate.

11. He came to the party however he had to leave early.

12. I felt sick my friend walked me to the nurses’ office.


13. The brothers disagreed they are not speaking to each other.

14. The hills are beautiful I love taking walks on them.

15. Many children eat unhealthily as a result they may experience

health problems in adulthood.

16. I left on time however heavy traffic caused me to be late.

17. Our new house is so close to the city centre in addition it has four
large bedrooms.

18. Zach came to class breathless and overwhelmed he had just come
from volleyball practice.

19. It was the first of May all spring bud were starting to bloom.

20. Red is my favourite colour I like wearing blue sometimes.

21. For the game of tennis, you will need to bring this equipment a
tennis racket a suitable pair of trainers and six tennis balls.

22. The laptop is not worth repairing the required replacement parts
are costly

B. Rewrite each sentence using a bracket or single dash


1. The disaster February’s earthquake devastated communities for

thousands of square miles.

2. The trainers red and blue Nike Air were very expensive.

3. There is someone we should elect president Sarah.

4. I bought my friend a present her favourite story book

5. You should write in pens these are the rules.

6. He looked down it was terrifying.

7. Roald Dahl the author of Matilda is a famous children’s writer.

8. I know who is coming tonight my grandma.

9. Tomorrow my last day of school is almost there.

10. The cheesecake my favourite dessert was all gone by the time I


1. Alison enjoyed her walk to the park the weather was perfect.
2. Christmas Day December 25th is a popular celebration in many
parts of the world.
3. My brother loves spinach I hate it.
4. My mom an avid birdwatcher often rises at 4:00 to spy on the
bird from her front porch.
5. There in front of you a mouse.
6. I bought a new car a Honda.
7. I don’t know if I can win but I’d like to try.
8. The Beatles the most famous rock band were from England.

C. Add a dash to the end of the sentence and then add a part of a
sentence which is dramatic

1. She opened the parcel…………………………………………………………………………………….

2. Down the road came a runway car………………………………………………………………….

3. The woman rushed across the street…………………………………………………………….

4. She waited for him to come…………………………………………………………………………….

5. I saw a frightening film last night…………………………………………………………………

D. Expand this clause by adding a colon then a second clause which

either gives an explanation or an example

1. The cake was delicious…………………………………………………………………………………….

2. Sam could not speak……………………………………………………………………………………….

3. The meal is revolting……………………………………………………………………………………….

4. I am cross at you……………………………………………………………………………………………

5. I don’t know what to do with my money……………………………………………………..

E. Choose the correct punctuated sentence
1. a. That new hostel (which was once a barn) is a so luxiours.

b. That new hostel --which was once a barn-- is a so luxiours.

c. both are accepted

2. a. The students who hope (to pass the quiz) should study the assigned

b. The students (who hope to pass the quiz) should study the assigned

3. a. My brother who thinks he ‘e really cool (never brushes his hair).

b. My brother (who thinks he ‘e really cool) never brushes his hair.

4. a. There are many different varieties of sweets: cakes, chocolate and


b. There are many: cakes, chocolate and marshmallows.

5. a. The emperor was born in 1654: He died in 1722.

b. The emperor was born in 1654: he died in 1722.

6. a. He decided to travel to Rome, therefore; he decided to learn Italian.

b. He decided to travel to Rome; therefore, he decided to learn Italian.

7. a. I went to a job interview: I don’t think I will get the job.

b. I went to a job interview ; I don’t think I will get the job.

8. a. Many travellers were delayed: the airport was closed.

b. Many travellers were delayed, the airport was closed.

9. a. I found the answer to the clue; the top drawer.

b. I found the answer to the clue: the top drawer.

10. a. There is only one way to make it to the top—hard work.

b. There is only one way to make it to the top ; hard work.

11. a. The man was-- unhappy about the loss or the theft of his wallet

b. The man was unhappy about the loss --or the theft of his wallet

F. Complete the following sentences using soft c words from the box

Fancy circular
recipe discipline celebration
accident circuit
1. The ………………………………happened when her car slid on a patch of ice.
2. The island was originally …………………………… shape.
3. We are having a dinner in …………………………………of their anniversary.
4. The teacher enforces strict……………………………… her classes.
5. The …………………………..requires a cup of flour and iced sugar.
6. In this hot weather, I just ……………………………..a cold drink.
7. The fire was started by a damage in the electric……………………….......


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