Worksheet of Human Reproductive System

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Name ________________________________ Section ____________ Date ____________

Direction. I. Identify the parts of the Male reproductive system. Choose from the given selection, then write in the
space provided. (Please refer to the Science 10 Learner’s Manual and open the PPT sent via Group Chat)
Worksheet # 3.1





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II. Determine the functions of each part of the Male reproductive system. Select from the choices above. Write your
answer in the provided space.
____________11. are oval-shaped organs inside the scrotum which involved in the production of testosterone (male
sex hormone) and sperm cells.
___________12. is a sac that protects the testes and aids in the normal development of the sperm cells.
___________13. Is the male organ composed of spongy tissue with blood spaces that transfer the semen to its female
counterpart during intercourse.
___________14. Is a long-coiled tube about 6 meters long located behind the testis that transports and temporarily
stores the sperm cells to undergo maturation.
___________15. Is a tube that extends from the bladder, about 20cm in length, which conveys urine from the bladder
and transports semen to the outside of the body.
___________16. Is a duct that extends from the epididymis, it transports mature sperm cells to the urethra in
preparation for ejaculation.
___________ 17. Is a gland located below the urinary bladder and secretes a thick, milky alkaline fluid to counteract
the acidity of the urine and vagina, thus activating the sperm cells.
___________18. Are twisted muscular tubes about 7.5 cm long with many sac-like structures. It produces a thick,
yellow, alkaline secretion rich in sugar (fructose provides nourishment to the sperm cells.
___________ 19. is also called as bulbourethral glands are a pair of pea-sized organs located on the sides of the urethra
just below the prostate gland. It secretes a clear, slippery fluid that lubricates the urethra and neutralizes acidity.
____________ 20. Is the rounded head or tip of the penis which are important for both urination and reproduction.

III. Give the three important functions of the Male Reproductive System.
Name _____________________________ Section ________________ Date _________ Score___

Direction. I. Identify the parts of the Male Reproductive System. Choose from the given selection inside the box, then
write in the space provided. (Please refer to the Science 10 Learner’s Manual and open the PPT sent via the group
chat) http
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Endometrium ovary fimbriae fallopian tube

Vagina uterus cervix

II. Matching Type. Use a line to connect the image of the structure, and the parts to the characteristics and functions.

Image Structure of the Characteristics and Functions

Female Reproductive
Fallopian tube A small, somewhat flattened oval body measuring
about 1. 4cm in length which serves as the
storehouse of follicles and allows it to mature into
egg cells. It produces the female hormones—
estrogen and progesterone.
uterus Is also called an oviduct. It extends from the upper
sides of the uterus. And transports the egg cell
(ovum) into the uterus.

Vagina Also known as the womb, is a pear-shaped muscular

organ where fertilized egg cells develop into a fetus
during pregnancy.
Ovary Is a specialized epithelial tissue that acts as the lining
of the uterus where a fertilized egg implants itself
and develops in the uterus during pregnancy. It is
also being shed as blood during menstruation.
Endometrium Is the opening at the lower and narrower part of the
uterus. It is situated between the vagina and the
uterus. It is where the sperm cell passes through to
fertilize the egg. During childbirth, it is where the
fetus exits from the uterus to the vagina.
Cervix Is a tube-like structure measuring about 7.5 cm that
connects the internal reproductive organs with the
external genitalia. It is where the penis deposits the
sperm during sexual activity and is where the fetus
exits during childbirth.
Fimbriae The tiny fingerlike projections of the oviduct. It
swept the mature egg cell from the ovaries.

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