Coursework Final For Curriculum

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SEMESTER I, 2018/2019

Facilitators: Mr. Michael Walimbwa

Mr. Julius M. Shopi

NAME: Okello Charles.

Registration No: 16/U/2055


DATE: 25th/09/2018


1. Referring to one of your teaching subjects preferably the one you are majoring in, identify and
explain the media which can be used to teach different concepts.
Media refers to various means of communication. For example, television, radio, and the newspaper are
different types of media. The term can also be used as a collective noun for the press or news reporting
agencies. Therefore, it is vital to note that there are various sources of media.

Concepts are the big ideas and understandings that we hope will remain with students long after they
have left school.

In light of these therefore, I would use audio-visual media to explain the concepts of history, which is the
subject I am majoring in.

Historians weigh the importance, durability, and relevance of events, themes, and issues in the past and
the appropriateness of using the past to provide contemporary lessons; historians debate what is
historically significant and how and why the decisions about what is significant change. In order to make
the students to have these facts in their memories, the audio-visual media where videos like of
Napoleon the great fought like during the continental system. When the child sees these events, he/she
is able to hold it in the memory for long. These can be showed like on a projector hence the concept of
significance is emphasised in this regard.

The concept of conflict can best be taught using the Audio-visual media by using several mechanisms
like videos. The dictator of Fascist Italy, Benito Mussolini, once said 'Blood alone moves the wheels of
history.' This statement is debatable, but what he meant by it is that conflict is a powerful theme
affecting the course of history. This is certainly true. When I recollect on some of the history classes, I
had at Secondary School. Chances are you probably studied about wars quite often, whether it was the
Revolutionary War, the American Civil War, World War I, or World War II. Conflict is an essential theme
in history and has existed for as long as humans have. Conflict is a driving force affecting the course of
human history. For our purpose, we will define conflict as violence or severe tension between two or
more groups of people. We usually think of conflict in terms of war, and this is certainly a common
manifestation of conflict, but the term is incredibly broad and can also be applied in a host of ways. For
example, in 16th century Europe there was tremendous conflict between Catholics and Protestants. We
pay so much attention to the theme of conflict because it is dramatic, and it often has profound effects
on people and society. Nations have risen and fallen, and new ideas have been born because of conflict.
In order to enable the learner retain this for long, it is applicable to use media such as the smart board
and even the projector. This aids some students to even be more attentive and by so doing, they will be
able to recollect a particular lesson after some good time.

This kind of media can also be used to best explain the concept of Nation-State and Interdependence

Uganda is an example of a nation-state. A nation-state is a sovereign state in which its people share
many commonalities, such as a common language and a common system of laws. In Medieval Europe,
some regions consisted of independent city-states. Other times, empires ruled over a variety of different
groups of people who were given varying degrees of autonomy. These would not be nation-states.
Nation-states usually have clearly defined borders and an organized and unified government structure.
France, Germany, and Great Britain are all examples of nation-states. In Europe many nation-states
came into existence during the 19th and 20th centuries. Interdependence on the other hand refers to
the reliance of people on goods, services, resources, knowledge, and technology from other regions,
states, or parts of the world. For example, the African countries are dependent on Europe and Asian
countries like China for imported goods and technology; like telephones etc., Great Britain depended on
her Colonies for resources and economic benefits. Especially in modern history, we see interdependence
among many nation-states. When documentaries that pertain such kind of trend was on going is being
used, there is definite attention that will be drawn by the looks of the video and even the narrative in
general. In addition, by so doing, audio-visual media therefore becomes a good media for disseminating
history concepts.

In conclusion therefore, audio visual media is very vital for any study and should be used whenever the
necessary resources are available.

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