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Assessment Brief: Grade 8 Social Issues Song/Poem/Rap-


Subject: Music

Due Date: Week 9 (March 11-15)

Assessment Description:

This practical assessment requires Grade 8 students to write and perform a song, rap, or poem on
social issues. Students are encouraged to express their perspectives on relevant topics using the note
values learned in class. The performance must include hand-made instruments created from recycled
materials and body percussion.


By participating in this assessment, students will:

1. Develop creativity in expressing social issues through music and lyrics.

2. Apply knowledge of note values to compose a song, rap, or poem.

3. Create hand-made instruments using recycled materials.

4. Demonstrate a steady beat throughout the performance.


1. Content Creation:

• Write a song, rap, or poem addressing a social issue of your choice.

• Incorporate note values discussed in class into the composition.

• To maintain a steady beat, choose and understand the time signature .

2. Instrument Creation:

• Create hand-made instruments from recycled materials.

• Instruments should complement the theme and rhythm of the performance.

3. Rehearsals:

• Practice as a group to ensure a cohesive and steady beat.

• Pay attention to the delivery of lyrics, musical elements, and instrument use.

4. Performance Guidelines:

• Each group will be assessed based on:

• Creativity and Expression (5 marks): Uniqueness and effectiveness in

addressing a social issue.

• Use of Note Values (5 marks): Application of note values in the composition.

• Instrument Creation (5 marks): Quality and relevance of hand-made

• Steady Beat (5 marks): Maintenance of a consistent beat throughout the

5. Assessment Rubric:

Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement Inadequate

Criteria (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

Creativity and Expression

Use of Note Values

Instrument Creation

Steady Beat and time


Important Notes:

• Each group will have [ about 10] minutes for their performance.

• Presentations will take place on [Week 9 March 11-15].

• Ensure that lyrics are appropriate for the school setting and respect diverse perspectives.

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