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How to Create a Character in

Adobe Illustrator
Draw the Head
Step 1 - Create the Head
1. After opening Adobe Illustrator and creating a new document with 600 x 600 px Width
and Height, we will start by drawing the head, which will be the same for every character.
2. Using the Ellipse Tool (L), draw an oval.
3. Choose the Selection Tool (V) and select the Oval.
a. To give the head an irregular shape, go to Effect > Warp > Inflate.
i. Check the Preview box.

ii. Change the Bend and Distortion based off your head type.
b. Change the color of the head to match your skin tone as best as possible.
i. You may want to go to Swatches Library>Skintone to find an appropriate
skin color.
ii. In the image below, you can see which fill color I used.
iii. Select No Stroke.
Step 2 - Create Ears
1. Create two more circles with a darker shade than your head, which overlap each other as
in the image below.
2. Select both circles.
3. Go to the Pathfinder panel and press the Minus Front button.

a. This will make a crescent shape to add definition to the ear.

4. Now, create a circle using the same fill color as the head.

a. Place the crescent moon shape on the circle that you just created.
b. Select both shapes and go to Object>Group.
c. We have our ear.
Step 3
1. Since this was the left ear, we’ll put it on the left side of the head.

2. While keeping it selected, take the Reflect Tool (O).

3. Hold down the Alt key and then click the forehead, in the center of the face.
4. In the new dialogue window, select Vertical, Angle 90 degrees and press Copy. Voila!
We have two ears now.
a. NOTE: You may need to adjust the placement of your ears to match up!
Step 4 - Blush on Cheek
1. Drawing a tiny ellipse on the face, close to the left ear will show the blush on the left
a. Use the Eyedropper tool to match the same color as the crescent on your ear.
b. It needs to be slightly tilted to the right, so with the ellipse selected, place your
cursor on one of the corner handles and rotate the shape.
c. While keeping it selected, take the Reflect Tool (O).
i. Hold down the Alt key and then click the forehead, in the center of the face.
ii. In the new dialogue window, select Vertical, Angle 90 degrees and press
Copy. Voila! We have the right cheek now!
Step 5 - Create Neck
1. Using the Rectangle Tool (M), draw a small rectangle under the head.
2. While keeping it selected, go to Effect > Warp > Arc Lower and enter the following

2. Create Different Eyes

Step 1 - Eyes
1. Onto the eyes—the windows to our souls.
2. To create an even circle, use the Ellipse Tool (L) while holding down the Shift key.
a. Change the Fill for your eye to match your current eye color.
3. Then, add a smaller, darker circle inside.
4. Add two more tiny white circles to add sparkles to the eyes.
5. Select all of the parts of the eyes and go to Object>Group.
6. While holding the Alt key, move this eye to the right.
a. You will get another copy of it to complete the eyes.
7. With the right eye selected, double click the Rotate Tool.
8. For your convenience, group the eyes together by selecting both eyes and (right-click >

Step 2 - Create Left Eyebrow

1. Let’s add the eyebrows.
2. Create two circles, which overlap each other, as in the image below.
a. Be sure that the bigger one is over the smaller.
b. Change the color of both.
3. Select both circles, go to the Pathfinder panel and press the Minus Front button.
Step 3 - Right Eyebrow
1. Place the left eyebrow over the left eye.
a. Make any adjustments to the size of your eyebrow.
2. While keeping the left eyebrow selected, take the Reflect Tool (O)and while holding down
the Alt key, click between the two eyes.
3. In the new dialogue window, select Vertical, Angle 90 degrees and press Copy. Now we
should have the two eyebrows.

3. Create Your Mouth

Step 1 -
1. Let’s tackle the mouth.
2. When you create this on your own, you just need a white colored mouth, minus the black
strokes—I just have the black strokes in the first few images below so that you can see
3. Let’s first create a little white ellipse, and then, using the Anchor Point Tool (Shift-C),
make the left and right anchor points sharp by clicking on them.
4. Select the top and bottom anchor points (with the Direct Selection Tool (A)) and move
them down by pressing the Down Arrow on your keyboard.

a. By moving the handles of the anchor points of the mouth, you can create many
different variations of the mouth
4. Create Different Hairstyles
Step 1
1. First, we want to create one ellipse behind the head and one small ellipse in the
forehead—these two elements will be used to stretch out—or style—the hair.
2. Change the color of the ellipses to match your hair color.
3. It is very important to select the object before you use the Warp Tool (Shift-R)—otherwise
you will spread other objects surrounding it.
4. Double-click on the Warp Tool (Shift-R).
a. Enter the options you see in the image below.
b. Note that the arrows in the image show how to move your mouse.
5. Some suggestions for various hair types:

Certain hairstyles can be made best with small circles.

5. Create the Outfits
Step 1
1. We will now design different outfits.
2. Take the Rounded Rectangle Tool and create two rounded rectangles, one over the
a. You can choose any color, so be creative here.
b. Just keep in mind that the first one needs to be a slightly darker color.
3. Select one rectangle and go to Effect > Warp > Arc.
a. Enter the options you see below.
b. Both rectangles have the same options.
c. Expand the rectangles: Object > Expand Appearance.
Step 2
1. Draw a rectangle with any fill color and place it as shown below, covering the lower part of
the rounded rectangles.
a. We will use this as a cutter.
2. Select all of the shapes.
3. Click the Shapebuilder tool.
a. While pressing the ALT key, draw a line through the areas you want to delete.

Step 3 - Add any embellishments

1. Take the Polygon Tool and click on your art board.
2. In the new dialogue window, enter 3 Sides and press OK. You will get a triangle. Place it
as shown in the image below as part of the collar.
3. Using the Reflect Tool (O), make a vertical copy of this triangle to complete the other part
of the collar. Add a couple of circles to the shirt as buttons.

To Add Glasses
1. Use the Ellipse Tool (L) to create a circle. It needs
to have a black stroke color and a black fill color
with Soft Light Transparency. Be careful with the
Transparency: after you create a circle with black
stroke and fill color, go to the Appearance panel,
select the word Fill and then apply Soft Light on
the Transparency panel.
2. Hold the Shift and the Alt keys together, and move this glass to the right. You just
duplicated it.
3. Use the Pencil Tool (N) with a thick black stroke and no fill to create the frame of the
4. Draw a rectangle (no stroke, black fill color) to create the temples of the glasses (see
image 2). Use the Reflect Tool (O) to create another temple. Let the boy try them on!

Add Headphones
1. Draw a circle using the Ellipse Tool (L) with no fill and the stroke color of your choice.
Grab the Scissors Tool (C) and simply click on the left and right
anchor points of this circle. Delete the unneeded parts, and you will
get a half circle.
2. While keeping it selected, make a copy in front, and on the Stroke
panel, make this new stroke thicker. Also check Round Cap on the
Stroke panel. Take the Scissors Tool (C) again and delete the
unneeded parts marked in the image below. You just got the
headband of the headphones.
3. Image 2. Delete the stroke color and set the fill color. Draw an
ellipse. Add a rounded rectangle using the Rounded
Rectangle Tool. Place those two shapes on the
headband. Using the Reflect Tool (O), make a
reflection of the left cushion to get the right one. Let’s
give the headphones to the boy.

To Add Bow Tie

4. Use the Polygon Tool to create a triangle.
a. After making it narrower, rotate it to the right.
b. Using the Reflect Tool (O), create a reflected vertical copy of it.
c. Place a tiny ellipse between the two to finish the bow tie. Let’s have him try it on!
Since he is singing, we can add a few musical notes—I'm pretty sure you know which tools to

Step 4 - Create a Background

Add a new layer and create a background behind your character. Think about what you can include
in this scene and any details you want to include. Could be gradients or photos on the wall behind
the character. Perhaps the character is outside.

Bonus - Add a second character friend, can be an animal

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