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Instituto Costa de Estudios Superiores de Tamaulipas

Examen de Inglés
Profesor: Laura Z. Sanchez Escobedo

Name:_____________________________________________ Date:______________________
A. Listen to the four conversations. Circle the correct answers.

1. David is ______________ .
a. a new student
b. Mary’s friend
c. the teacher

2. What’s Linh’s last name?

a. Nguyan
b. Nguyen
c. Njuyen

3. The French class is in Room ______________ .

a. 3
b. B
c. K

4. What’s Liz’s nickname?

a. Lizzie
b. Yoshida
c. Yo-yo

B. Listen to the conversation in a classroom. Match the questions and the answers. There is one extra answer.
1. Where’s Sarah? _____ a. She’s late.
2. Where’s Michi? _____ b. At work.
3. Where are Victor and Emily? _____ c. She’s sick.
4. Where’s Andy? _____ d. On vacation.
e. In the cafeteria.

C. John and Dana are looking at photos. Listen and circle the correct answers.
1. Who’s Emma? 3. How old is Laura?
a. Dana’s sister a. Twenty
b. Dana’s friend b. Twenty-one
c. Dana’s co-worker c. Twenty-two
2. Where’s Emma from originally? 4. What’s Laura like?
a. London a. She’s shy.
b. Miami b. She’s outgoing.
c. San Diego c. She’s amazing.
D. Circle the correct answers.
1. I’m David Smith. I’m Catherine’s husband. I’m ___________ .
a. Mr. Smith b. Mrs. Smith c. Ms. Smith

2. I’m Alicia Gomez. I’m married. I’m ___________ .

a. Mrs. Gomez b. Miss Gomez c. Mr. Gomez

3. I’m Elizabeth Maria Silva. My ___________ name is Maria.

a. first b. middle c. last

E. Complete the conversations. Use the expressions in the box. There is one extra expression.

1. A Hey, Sarah. How are you?

a. Good night.
B ___________________________________
b. Hi. How are you?
2. A Hi. I’m Dan.
B ___________________________________ c. I’m fine, thanks.
3. A Good morning. d. Nice to meet you.
B ___________________________________
e. OK. Have a good day.
4. A See you later.
f. Thanks. You too.
B ___________________________________
5. A Good-bye. Have a nice day.
B ___________________________________
F. Look at the picture and circle the correct preposition.

1. Where’s the bag? It’s ______ the chair. 3. Where’s the umbrella? It’s _______
a. Next to the floor.
b. Between a. on
c. Under b. in
d. On c. under
d. d. between
2. Where’s the dictionary? It’s _______ the desk. 4. Where are the pens? They’re ______
a. between the drawer.
b. in. a. on.
c. on b. under.
d. next to. c. in
d. d. next to.

G. Circle the correct words.

1. A I’m / My a Giants fan.
B Really? My parents are Giants fans.
It’s they’re / their favorite team.

2. A We’re / Our from Florida.

B Florida? I’m / My from Florida, too.

3. A How old is your / you’re brother?

B He’s / His 27.
H. Match the questions and the answers. There is one extra answer.
1. How are your sister and brother? _____ a. She’s 72.
2. What are your parents like? _____ b. They’re interesting.
3. What are their names? _____ c. They’re fine, thanks.
4. How old is your grandma? _____ d. Diana.
e. Sonia and Carlos.

I. Complete the family tree with the words in the box. Use each word only once.

Brother father grandfather grandmother mother

Extra points:

Write a or an. Change singulars to plurals.

Singular Plural
___a___ book books
_______ pen
_______ eraser
_______ uniform
_______ desk
_______ dictionary
_______ watch
_______ classroom

_______ teacher


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