4 - Milk

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 Milk

References from Holy Quran

There is instruction for you in cattle. From the contents of their bellies, between that which is
to be eliminated (from the animal’s body) and (its) blood, We give you pure milk to drink,
easy for drinkers to swallow. (Surat an‐Nahl: 66)

An image of the Garden promised to those who have fear of Allah. In it there are rivers of
water that will never spoil, rivers of milk whose taste will never change, rivers of wine
delightful to all who drink it, and rivers of honey of undiluted purity. In it they will have fruit
of every kind and forgiveness from their Lord. Is that like those who will be in the Fire
timelessly, for ever, with boiling water to drink, which lacerates their bowels? (Surah
Mohammed: 15)

 Mother Milk

References from Holy Quran

We have instructed man concerning his parents. Bearing him caused his mother great
debility, and the period of his weaning was two years: “Give thanks to Me and to your
parents. I am your final destination.” (Surat Luqman: 14)

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