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FSI2020 18 FN01
MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY Name :………………………………………………
BCA/B. Sc. Computer Applications (CBCS) I Semester - Examination-2020 Software Lab I
Time: Three Hours Maximum:80 marks
Answer both the questions
(Mark distribution: First `question – 25, Second question - 35, Record- 10 and Viva – 10) (Draw flowchart for 1st question)

1. Write a c program to check given number is strong number or not. (Hint : Strong number is a number
whose sum of all digits’ factorial is equal to the number ‘n’. eg: 40585 = 4! + 0! + 5! + 8! + 5!)

2. Write a structure program to read a date and display next date using structure. Use users
defined functions for read writ and calculate. Pass parameters using function prototypes. Do
not use any library functions. Check all validations (like leap year, day range, month range, year
range etc.).

Reg. No:……………………………………………
FSI2020 18 FN02
MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY Name :………………………………………………
BCA/B. Sc. Computer Applications (CBCS) I Semester - Examination-2020 Software Lab I
Time: Three Hours Maximum:80 marks
Answer both the questions
(Mark distribution: First `question – 25, Second question - 35, Record- 10 and Viva – 10) (Draw flowchart for 1st question)

1. Write a c program to find sum of first and last digits of a number, if the first digit is odd
number, using while. Do not use array and library functions. (Hint : if the number is 34658 then
find 3+8=11)

2. Write a program to find sum of elements above the diagonal elements of a matrix if the
matrix is Upper triangular matrix. Using user defined functions for read, write, checking
and sum. Pass parameters using function prototypes. Do not use any library functions.
Check all validations. (Like: size of the matrix, type of the matrix etc.) ( hint: Upper triangular matrix is
a matrix which contain elements above principle diagonal including principle diagonal elements are
nonzero and rest of the elements are 0)
FSI202018 FN03
MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY Reg. No:……………………………………………

BCA/B. Sc. Computer Applications (CBCS) I Semester - Examination-2020 Software Lab I

Name :………………………………………………
Time: Three Hours Maximum:80 marks
Answer both the questions
(Mark distribution: First `question – 25, Second question - 35, Record- 10 and Viva – 10) (Draw flowchart for 1st question)

1. Write a program Write a c program to convert decimal number to binary number

2. Program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not. Using user defined
functions for read, write and checking. Pass parameters using function prototypes. Do not
use any library functions. Check all validations. (Hint: A string is said to be palindrome if reverse
of the string is same as string. For example, “dbbd” is palindrome, but “dbbc” is not palindrome)

Reg. No:……………………………………………
FSI2020 18 FN04
MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY Name :………………………………………………
BCA/B. Sc. Computer Applications (CBCS) I Semester - Examination-2020 Software Lab I
Time: Three Hours Maximum:80 marks
Answer both the questions
(Mark distribution: First `question – 25, Second question - 35, Record- 10 and Viva – 10) (Draw flowchart for 1st question)

1. Write a program to find the GCD and LCM of any two numbers without use array and any type
of functions.

2. Write a program to replace all vowels with star (*) and consonants with hash (#) of string
(different words as string). Use users defined functions for read writ and replace. Pass
parameters using function prototypes. Pass String as an argument. Do not use any library
functions. Check for valid alphabet, if character is an alphabet, check for vowel and consonant
and replace with star (*) and hash (#) respectively and then print the replaced string.
Reg. No:……………………………………………
FSI2020 18 FN05
MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY Name :………………………………………………
BCA/B. Sc. Computer Applications (CBCS) I Semester - Examination-2020 Software Lab I
Time: Three Hours Maximum:80 marks
Answer both the questions
(Mark distribution: First `question – 25, Second question - 35, Record- 10 and Viva – 10) (Draw flowchart for 1st question)

1. Write a program to find the sum of digits of a number until a single digit is occurred using
do..while. Do not use any type of functions and array.

2. Write a program to sort each row of matrix in ascending and find the smallest element from
each row. The resultant matrix contains one more column which contains the smallest element.
Display both inputted and resultant matrix. Using user defined functions for read, write, sort
and find. Pass parameters using function prototypes. Do not use any library functions. Check all

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