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FSI2019 25 FN01
MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY Name :………………………………………………
BCA/B. Sc. Computer Applications (CBCS) I Semester 2018, 2017 Admissions –
Practical Examination-March-2019
Software Lab I
Time: Three Hours Maximum:80 marks
Answer both the questions
(Mark distribution: First `question – 25, Second question - 35, Record- 10 and Viva – 10) (draw flowchart for 1st question)

1. Write a program to check whether the given number is Fibonacci. If it is Fibonacci

number print the position in the Fibonacci series. (Hint : if the entered number is 2 , print the
number 2 is Fibonacci number and its position in the series is 4 )

2. Write a program to read a date and display next date. Use users defined functions for
read, write and find. Pass parameters. Do not use any library functions. Check all

Reg. No:……………………………………………
FSI2019 25 FN02
MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY Name :………………………………………………
BCA/B. Sc. Computer Applications (CBCS) I Semester 2018, 2017 Admissions –
Practical Examination-March-2019
Software Lab I
Time: Three Hours Maximum:80 marks
Answer both the questions
(Mark distribution: First `question – 25, Second question - 35, Record- 10 and Viva – 10) (draw flowchart for 1st question)

1. Write a program to convert decimal number to its equivalent binary. Do not use array, multiple
decision statements, any library functions and format specifiers. Check all validations.

2. Write a program to remove duplicate elements from a one-dimensional array and store
zero in these elements positions. Check all validations.
Reg. No:……………………………………………
FSI2019 25 FN03
MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY Name :………………………………………………
BCA/B. Sc. Computer Applications (CBCS) I Semester 2018, 2017 Admissions –
Practical Examination-March-2019
Software Lab I
Time: Three Hours Maximum:80 marks
Answer both the questions
(Mark distribution: First `question – 25, Second question - 35, Record- 10 and Viva – 10) (draw flowchart for 1st question)

1. Write a c program to find sum of digits of a number up-to single digit using do..while
(Hint: eg. 991=1)

2. Write a program to read a line of text which contains 3 word names ( ie. Single string)
and print the same with initial. Form the initial by taking first character of first name and
2nd name. Use users defined functions for read writ and count. Pass parameters. Do not
use any library functions. Check all validations.

(Hint: single string - MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY the output is M G UNIVERSITY)

Reg. No:……………………………………………
FSI2019 25 FN04
MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY Name :………………………………………………
BCA/B. Sc. Computer Applications (CBCS) I Semester 2018, 2017 Admissions –
Practical Examination-March-2019
Software Lab I
Time: Three Hours Maximum:80 marks
Answer both the questions
(Mark distribution: First `question – 25, Second question - 35, Record- 10 and Viva – 10) (draw flowchart for 1st question)

1. Write a program to generate all strong numbers between a given two ranges. Do not
use an array and functions. (A number is called strong number if sum of the factorial of its digit is
equal to number itself.)

2. Program to merge two arrays, the resultant array must be in sorted order. Do not use sort
technique in the array (merged array) after merging the arrays. Check all validations.
Reg. No:……………………………………………
FSI2019 25 FN05
MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY Name :………………………………………………
BCA/B. Sc. Computer Applications (CBCS) I Semester 2018, 2017 Admissions –
Practical Examination-March-2019
Software Lab I
Time: Three Hours Maximum:80 marks
Answer both the questions
(Mark distribution: First `question – 25, Second question - 35, Record- 10 and Viva – 10) (draw flowchart for 1st question)

1. Write a program to find the summation of the series S=x+x2/2! - x3/3!+x4 /4! - x5/5! ……………….. n
terms. Do not use any library functions.

2. Write a program to find sum of each row and column of matrix and find largest number in each
row using functions for read, write and sum. Pass parameters. Do not use any library
functions. The resultant matrix will contain one more rows and one more column to print

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