M 1 Insurance 1

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Corporation Law and Insurance

Name: __________________________
Course /Year /Section: ______________________
GENERAL PROVISIONS from the first year up to the
expiration of the insurance
Section 1: This Decree shall be known as “The contract or the happening of the
Insurance Code of the Philippines” loss or unknown event.
3. The Insurance Contract is reciprocal in
Section 2: Contract of Insurance is an nature.
agreement whereby one undertakes for a The Insured in making his
consideration to indemnify another against loss, application for insurance,
damage or liability arising from an unknown or considers the reputation and
contingent event. capacity to pay of the insurance
3 Parties to a contract of insurance 4. A contract of insurance is conditional in
1. Insurer- the company which undertakes nature as it depends largely on the
to indemnify the insured for the loss of happening of the event insured against.
life, property etc.
2. Insured the party who applied for
insurance coverage and pays the
premium as required by the insurer 3 FORMS OF INSURANCE CONTRACT
3. Beneficiary’s the person or persons
named in the insurance contract who 1. Life Insurance: Life insurance is a
stand to benefit or received the contract between the insured individual
proceeds of the insurance contract for and the insurance company. In this form
the loss incurred. of insurance, the insured pays regular
premiums to the insurance company,
and in return, the insurance company
provides a death benefit to the
designated beneficiaries upon the
insured's death. Some life insurance
1. An Insurance Contract is aleatory in
policies also offer cash value
nature and not a wager contract.
accumulation over time.
It means that the parties
reciprocally bind themselves to 2. Property Insurance: Property insurance
is a contract that provides coverage for
give or do something in
damage or loss to physical property,
consideration of what the other
such as homes, buildings, or vehicles.
2. Insurance Contract is Unilateral
The insured pays premiums to the
It only the insured who must start
insurance company, and in the event of
paying the premium agreed upon
covered perils like fire, theft, or natural her husband, or her children are the

disasters, the insurance company beneficiaries.

compensates the insured for the 2. A minor who is eighteen (18) years old
damage or loss, up to the policy's limits or above may enter into an insurance
and deductibles. contract in his own name for his life,
health or accident provided that his
3. Health Insurance: Health insurance is a
contract that provides coverage for beneficiary is his own estate, any or all

medical expenses and healthcare of his parents, or his own family.

services. Individuals or employers pay 3. The insurance company must be

premiums to the insurance company, authorized to do business in the
and in return, the insurance company Philippines.
covers a portion of the medical costs 4. Parental consent
incurred by the insured, such as doctor a. If the insurance contract deals with
visits, hospitalization, prescription the minor’s property. The contract
medications, and preventive care. Health becomes voidable if entered into
insurance policies can vary in terms of without the consent of the minor’s
coverage, deductibles, and network parents.
b. If the minor is suffering from other
incapacity such as insanity, parental
CHAPTER ONE consent is required even if the
insurance pertains to the minor’s life,
TITLE I- WHAT MAY BE INSURED health or accident.
c. If the parent takes out insurance on
Section 3: Any contingent or unknown event, the life of his minor child, he pays
whether past or future, which may dignify a the premiums.
person having an insurable interest or create a
liability against him, may be insured against,
subject to the provisions of this. Section 4: The preceding section does not
authorize an insurance for or against the
drawing of any lottery, or for or against any
Notes: chance or ticket in a lottery drawing a prize.
1. A married woman may have her own life
or the life of her children insured even The above instance refers to a wagering
without the consent of her husband. The contract and not to an insurance contract
premiums paid may come from the because it contemplates gain through chance.
conjugal property provided her estate, or In a wagoring or gambling contract (as in this
case or in actual gambling or in any other form
of gambling), the law prohibits the insurance of 3. The insurance company must meet all
one’s life or property against a game of chance. the requirements of the Insurance
Commission to do insurance business in
Section 5: All kinds of insurance are subject to the Philippines.
the provisions of this Chapter so far as the 4. Directors, officers and personnel must,
provisions can apply. in general, be of sterling character,
unblemished integrity, reasonably
competent. The Insurance
TITLE 2- PARTIES TO THE CONTRACT Commissioners may prescribe the
Section 6: Every person, partnership, necessary qualifications of such officers
association, or corporation duly authorized to of the insurance company.
transact insurance business as elsewhere
provided in this code, may be an insurer. Section 7: Anyone except a public enemy may
Insurer is one who deals in the be insured.
insurance business, capable of indemnifying or
paying the Insured party or parties for the loss The above Section is also self-
of life, property, etc. However, because of the explanatory. Except for a person who is known
complexities of the insurance business, the as a “public enemy” there is no limitation as to
amount of capital involved, the character and who can be insured.
reputation of the insurance company, etc. many
insurance companies of the world, particularly Section 8: Unless the policy otherwise
in the Philippines, are big and solvent provides , where a mortgagor of property
corporations who have passed the legal effects insurance in his own name providing
qualifications with flying colors. The insurance that the loss will be payable to the mortgagee,
business cannot be left in the hands of any fly- or assigns a policy of insurance to a mortgagee,
by-night operators. the insurance is deemed to be upon the interest
of the mortgagor, who does not cease to be a
To become a bona fide Insurer, the following party to the original contract, and any act of his
requirements must be as follows: prior to the loss, which would otherwise avoid
1. The insurance company must obtain a insurance, will have the same effect, although
Certificate of Authority from the the property is in the hands of the mortgagee,
Insurance Commission, renewable but any act which under the contract of
every year. insurance is to be performed by the mortgagor,
2. It must have the minimal paid -up may be performed by the mortgagee therein
capital, reserves. The required paid -up named, with same effect as if it is been
capital at present is P5,000,000.00. performed by the mortgagor.
Mortgagor he is the debtor who owes money to Insurable Interest
the Creditor, and offering his property as a Insurable interest refers to the financial
collateral for the loan. or legal interest that a person has in a property
or person, which would result in a financial loss
Under this Section, the debtor or mortgagor if that property or person were to be damaged
insures his property in his own name either: or lost. It is the basis for purchasing insurance
1. Name the mortgagee as his beneficiary in coverage, as it ensures that the person buying
the contract of insurance or the insurance has a legitimate reason to protect
2. Assigns his Policy to the mortgagee. against potential losses. In simple terms,
insurable interest means having a stake in
Section 9: If an insurer assents to the transfer something that you want to insure to avoid
of an insurance from a mortgagor to a financial harm.
mortgagee, and at the time of his assent,
imposes further obligations on the assignee, Section 11: the insured shall have the right to
making a new contract with him, the mortgagor change the beneficiary he designated in the
cannot affect the rights of such assignee. policy, unless he has expressly waived this right
in said policy.
TITLE 3 – INSURABLE INTEREST This section refers to a revocable
appointment of a beneficiary. The Insured can
Section 10-Every person has an insurable change his revocable beneficiary whenever he
interest in the life and health: wants to. However, if the beneficiary is
a. Of himself, of his spouse, and of his irrevocable named in the policy, he cannot be
children change without his consent nor can the policy
b. Of any person on whom he depends be assigned by the Insured without the
wholly or in part for education or irrevocable beneficiary’s consent.
support, as in when he has pecuniary
interest Section 12: The interest of a beneficiary in a
c. Of any person under legal obligation to life insurance policy shall be forfeited when the
him for the payment of money. Or beneficiary is the principal, accomplice, or
respecting property or services, of which accessory in willfully bringing about the death of
death or illness might delay or present the Insured in which event the nearest relative
the performance and of the Insured shall receive the proceeds of said
d. Of any person upon whose life any insurance if not otherwise disqualified.
estate or interest vested in him
depends. Section 13: Every interest in prosperity, real or
personal, or any relation thereto, or liability in
respect thereof, of such nature that a
contemplated peril might directly damnify the upon by both the insurance company and the
insured, is an insurable interest. Insured as covered by the total premium
Section 14: An insurable interest on property
may consist in: Section 18: No contract or policy of insurance
a. An existing interest on property shall be enforceable except for the
b. An inchoate interest founded on an benefit of some person having an insurable
existing interest or interest in the property insured.
c. An expectancy coupled with an existing
interest in that out of which the Section 19: An Interest in property insured
expectancy arises must exist when the insurance takes effect, and
interest in the life or health of a person insured
Inchoate mean as the beginning, just begun or must exist when the insurance takes effect,
in the early stage. Thus, in a sale with right to
repurchase, the Vendee-a retro may have an Section 20: Except in the cases specified in the
insurable interest on the property of the seller. If next four sections, and in the case of life,
the vendor -a retro fails to redeem or buy back accident, and health insurance, a change of
the property he sold after one year from the interest in any part of a thing insured
date of sale, the vendee-a-retro acquires unaccompanied by a corresponding change of
ownership of the property. interest in the insurance, suspends the
insurance to an equivalent extent, until the
Section 15: A carrier or depository of any kind interest in the thing and the interest in the
has an insurable interest on a thing held by him insurance are vested in the same person
as such, to the extent of his liability but not to
exceed the value thereof. Section 21: A change of interest in a thing
insured after the occurrence of an injury which
Section 16: A mere contingent or expectant results in a loss, does not affect the right of the
interest in anything not founded on an actual Insured to indemnity for the loss.
right to the thing, nor upon any valid contract for
it is not insurable. Section 22: A change of interest to one or
more several distinct things, separately insured
Section 17: The measure of an insurable by one policy, does not avoid the insurance as
interest on property is the extent to which the to the others.
insured might be damnified by loss or injury
thereof. Section 23: A change of interest, by will or
The insurance company may pay the succession, on the death of the insured, does
Insured only whatever amount has been agreed not avoid an insurance, and his interest in the
insurance passes to the person taking his contract, which suppression ought to be known
interest in the thing insured. to the other party.
When the Insured dies testate or
intestate, before the maturity of the Policy, the ELEMENTS OF CONCEALMENT:
heirs who will inherit the property insured, will 1. The Insured has knowledge of the facts
be able to collect the proceeds of the insurance being concealed;
policy. 2. He failed to divulge the concealed facts
to the Insurer;
Section 24: A transfer of interest by one of 3. The concealed facts are material to the
several partners, joint owners or owners in risk being insured against;
common, who are jointly insured to the others, 4. The Insurer has no means of verifying
does not avoid an insurance even though it has the facts concealed
been agreed that the insurance shall cease
upon an alienation of the thing insured. Section 27: A concealment, whether intentional
or unintentional, entitles the injured party to
Section 25: Every stipulation in a policy of rescind a contract of insurance
insurance for the payment of loss whether the
person insured has or has no any interest in the Section 28: Each party to a contract of
property insured, or that the policy shall be insurance must communicate to the other, in
received as proof of such interest, and every good faith, all facts within his knowledge, which
policy executed by way of gaming or wagering are material to the contract and as to which he
is void. makes no warranty, and which the other has
This section simply states that any not the means of ascertaining.
insurance policy is void where the insured has
no Insurable interest whatsoever. This applies Section 29: An intentional and fraudulent
to gaming or wagering which is not considered omission on the part of one insured, to
insurance and therefore void. communicate information of matters proving or
intending to prove the falsity of a warranty,
TITLE 4- CONCEALMENT entiles the insurer to rescind.

Section 26: A neglect to communicate that Section 30 of the Corporation and Insurance
which a party knows and ought to refers to the "PPF Scheme" which stands for
communicate, is called a Concealment. the Policy Owners' Protection Scheme. This
scheme is established under the Deposit
Concealment defined, to hide, to keep secret. Insurance and Policy Owners' Protection
“Hemphill’s” defines the improper suppression Schemes Act 2011. The PPF Scheme provides
of a fact or circumstance by one party to a compensation or assistance to insured policy
owners and beneficiaries under certain
circumstances. It is aimed at protecting policy Section 33: the right to information of materials
owners and providing limited compensation in facts may be waived either by the terms of
case of certain contingencies. insurance, or by neglect to make inquiry as to
such facts, where they are distinctly implied in
other facts of which information is
Section 31: Materiality is to be determined not
by event, but solely by the probable and
reasonable influence of the facts upon the party
Section 34: Information of the nature or
to whom the communication is due, in forming
amount of the interest of one insured need not
his estimate of the disadvantages of the
be communicated unless in answer to an
proposed contract, or in making his inquiries.
inquiry, except as prescribed by section fifty-
Section 32: Each party to a contract of
insurance is bound to know all general causes
Section 35: Neither party a contract of
insurance is bound to communicate even upon
which are open to his inquiry, equally with that
inquiry, information of his own judgement upon
of the other, and which may affect the political
the matters in question.
or material perils contemplated, and all general
usages of trade.
Activity: Corporation Law and Insurance

Name: _______________________
Year/ Section: _________________

Answer and explain briefly the following cases.

1. A is a minor fifteen (15) years old. He inherited from his grandfather a House/Lot which
he insured without the consent of his parents. Later the house was destroyed by fire.
The insurance company has to pay on the contract. Is A’s parents can collect from the
insured on behalf of their minor child?

2. A bought a sweepstake ticket granting a P1,000,000.00 first prize. A wanted his chance
of winning the P1,000,000.00 covered by an insurance. Is A can get an insurance to the

3. A man who was actually 55 years old, was insured by the insurance company based on
the representation of the of the Insured that he was only 35 years old. Is the Insurer pay
the proceeds of the policy?

4. A has poor parents and his education is being financed by a rich neighbor who has no
children of his own. Is this an example of insurable interest? Why or why not?

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