Insulin Secretion From Perifused Rat Pancreatic Pseudoislets

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Volume 21, Number 8, August 1985

9 1985 Tissue Culture Association. Inc.



Department of Medicine. Christchurch ClinicalSchool of Medicine.

Christchurch Hospital. Christchurch, New Zealand

{Received 13 November 1984; accepted 14 February 1985l

Isolated adult rat pancreatic islets were dispersed into single cells and cultured free-floating for 3 to 4
d, during which time islet cells reaggregated spontaneously into spherical clusters or pseudoislets.
The gross morphology of these tissues resembled nondissociated islets. Electron microscopy revealed
well-preserved cell ultrastructure and intercellular membrane connections. Immunofluorescent
localization of islet cell types showed that A cells tended to be peripherally distributed around a B cell
core, with D cells scattered throughtout the aggregate mass. The dynamics of insulin release from
pseudoislets were evaluated in vitro by perifusion techniques. Pseudoislets exhibited clear biphasic
dose-dependent insulin responses to 30 rain glucose stimulation over the range 5.5 to 30 raM. Repeated
2-rain pulses with 22 mM glucose elicited brief monophasic spikes of insulin release of consistent
magnitude. L-Arginine (5 to 20 mM) evoked biphasic insulin release but these responses were not
dose-dependent. These data indicate that islet cells reaggregate into structures with close morphologic
similarities to intact islets, and that pseudoislet B cells continue to secrete insulin in response to
nutrient secretagogues, comparable to that seen with islets in vitro and in situ.
Key words: pancreas; pseudoislets; reaggregated islet cells; biphasic insulin secretion.


Under certain conditions in vitro, dissociated mammali- PREPARATIONOF PSEUDOISLETS
an cells show a propensity to reaggregate and reestablish Pancreatic islets were isolated intact from 200 to 300 g
muhicellular, histotypic structures (14,18). With respect male Wistar rats using collagenase digestion, Ficoll
to the endocrine pancreas this phenomenon has been separation techniques ~27~. Batches of 200 islets were
observed after enzymatic dispersion of whole pancreas hand-picked into 15 )< 85 mm nonadherent bacteriologic
{4,5,16,28,29) and isolated pancreatic islets (20,30) where, dishes IGIBCO, Grand Island, NY) containing 20 ml
in the absence of an adherent substrate, the islet cells tissue culture medium, and cultured free-floating for 2 to
spontaneously and selectively form free-floating aggre- 3 d in a CO2 incubator (5% CO2:95% air) at 37 ~ C. Tissue
gates. These clusters have been shown to consist of the culture medium was R P M I 1640 (GIBCOk supplemented
four main islet cell types, viz. A, B, D, and PP cells, and with 25 mM H E P E S buffer, 10% heat-inactivated fetal
are comparable in size and appearance to intact islets; bovine serum {GIBCOk 2 m M L-glutamine, 100 U/ml
they are therefore frequently referred to as "pseudo- penicillin, and 0.1 mg/ml streptomycin sulfate.
islets" (28). Between 1000 and 2000 islets were dispersed into single
Increasing interest has been shown in these tissues as a cell suspensions by the procedure of Lerumark et al. (13).
potential source of islet tissue for transplantation This involved collagenase digestion, shaking in Ca-free
15,28,30) and in studies of islet cell interactions (23~. Krebs-Ringer containing [ethylene his(oxyethylenenitri-
Although their ability to secrete insulin has been lo)]-tetraacetic acid, and centrifngation through R P M I
demonstrated in static culture (4,5,16,20,28,29,30) the 1640 containing 4% bovine serum albumin. Dispersed
dynamics of insulin release from pseudoislets have not islet cells were resuspended in fresh tissue culture
been investigated. The present work was undertaken to medium and an aliquot taken for a cell count, using
characterize in vitro pseudoislet B cell responses to trypan blue dye. Cell yield and viability averaged 1100
physiologic stimuli and to evaluate further the structural cells/islet and 93%, respectively. Usually not more than
organization of these tissues. 70% of the yield consisted of single cells, with
approximately 25% as doublets or triplets and the
remainder as clumps of four to eight cells; larger clusters
To whom requests for reprints should be addressed. were seen rarely.


The cell suspension was transferred to a 15 X 85 mm For thin section electron microscopy (EM), samples
bacteriologic dish at a final density of 2 X l0 s cells/ml of were fixed in Karnovsky's fixative and postfixed with 1%
tissue culture medium and placed in a COz incubator. Cell osmium tetroxide in 0.2 M caeodylate buffer. After
aggregation occurred spontaneously over 3 to 4 d. Apart staining with uranyl acetate, tissues were dehydrated and
from movement incurred during daily microscopic embedded in Spurr's resin. Sections, 50 to 70 nm, were
observation, the dishes remained stationary during this then stained with lead citrate and examined with a
culture period. JEM-100B electron microscope (Jeol, JapanL Intercellu-
lar membrane connections were examined after impreg-
PERIFUSION STUDIES nation of tissues with 1% lanthanum hydroxide (26).

Pseudoislet insulin secretion was studied using a

multichannel perifusion system, modified from Ginger-
ich et al. (10). Batches of 30 to 40 pseudoislets were
perifused at 37 ~ C in minicolumns containing a
supporting matrix of 2.5 mg Cytodex-I microearrier
beads (Pharmacia, Sweden) through which medium was
pumped at 1.0 mL/min. Perifusion medium was Krebs-
Ringer bicarbonate (24 mM) buffered salt solution (KRB)
supplemented with 20 mM H E P E S buffer, 0.1% beat-
inactivated fetal bovine serum, and either 2.8 or 5.5 mN/
D-glucose, as specified, at pH 7.30.
Glucose dose-response studies. Alter a 30-min equili-
bration with KRB -{- 2.8 m M glucose, tissues were
perifused for 30 min with KRB containing 5.5, 11.0, 22, or
30 m M glucose.
Arginine dose-response studies. After a 30-rain equili-
bration with KRB + 5.5 m M glucose, tissues were
perifused for 30 min with this medium supplemented
with 5, 10, 15, or 20 m M L-arginine HC1.
Short pulse stimulation. Tissues were perifused for 30
min with KRB + 2.8 m M glucose before stimulating with
2-min pulses of KRB containing 22 mM glucose at 10-min
intervals over 60 min, with interposing KRB containing
2.8 nL~ glucose. One-minute effluent fractions were
collected at regular intervals and stored at --20 ~
C. After perlfusion pseudoislets were retrieved and their
DNA content measured by fluorometric assay (12), using
the fluorochrome reagent Hoechst 33258 (Sigma Chemical
Co., St. Louis, MO) at a final concentration of 0.1 pg/ml,
and calf thymus D N A (Sigma) as standards. Inter- and
intraassay coefficients of variation were 8.2 and 3.7%
respectively, and the minimum detection limit was 5.6
• 0.9 ng DNA (n -~ 15).


Pseudoislets cultured for 3 d were fixed for 4 h in

Bouin's solution, dehydrated, and embedded in paraffin.
Sections stained with Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), were
viewed by light microscopy. Topography of component
islet cell types was examined by indirect immunofluo-
rescence (7). For the first incubation serial sections were
exposed to guinea pig antiporeine insulin serum, rabbit
antiporcine glucagon serum, and rabbit antisynthetic
cyclic somatostatin (SRIF) serum (J. Oliver, Australia),
diluted with phosphate buffered saline containing 0.3% FIG. 1. Photomicrographs showing formation of rat pancrea-
human serum albumin. For the second incubation tic pseudoislets. Culture dishes were viewed with an inverted
microscope at specified times after dispersion of intact islets: {1)
sections were exposed for I h to antirabbit or antiguinea pig
freshly dispersed; {2) 6 h; (3) 18 h; (4~ 24 h; q5} 48 h; (6) and {7D
IgG labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate (Tago Inc., 72 h. Final magnification of each photograph: ~1) to (3) X 130; (4) and
Burlingame, CA) and examined for fluorescence. {51 X64; (6) X40; (7) XI00.

RADIOIMMUNOASSAYAND DATA PRESENTATION intervals to monitor the progress of cell aggregation ~Fig.
1L Within a few hours of dispersion, single cells began
Intracellular insulin, glucagon, and S R I F contents of to cohere as small chains, enlarging into loosely packed
3-d cultured, similar-sized pseudoislets were measured clusters and then into irregularly shaped, larger (50 to 100
by radioimmunoassay ~RIA), after extraction of hor- ~m) aggregates. After 48 h cultures contained few single
mones by sonicating and freeze-drying in 0.1 N acetic cells. Cell clusters continued to merge until by Day 3 of
acid containing 0.1% human serum albumin and 10 m M culture aggregates were compact, spherical structures
EDTA. within the size range 80 to 350 gm.
Insulin and glucagon were measured by charcoal- H & E stained sections showed well preserved component
separation R I A methods 13}. Rat insulin and porcine ceils with vesicular nuclei and pale, slightly granular and
glucagon INovo Research Institute, Denmark) were used faintly eosinophilic cytoplasm. Cell borders were clearly
as standards. S R I F was measured by a modification of the defined, peripheral cells formed a continuous smooth
R I A procedure of Patel et ai. ~24) using synthetic cyclic boundary, and component cells were closely packed (Fig. 2.1~
S R I F (Sigma} standards, rabbit anticyclic S R I F serum although occasional larger aggregates were seen to have small
(courtesy of Y. Patel~, and polyethylene glycol separa- extracellular spaces where cells had failed to cohere. No areas
tion. of focal degeneration were seen. Thin section E M revealed
Insulin secretion rates of perifused tissues were normal ultrastructural features. A, B, and D cells were
expressed as picomoles of insulin per microgram D N A identified by their characteristic secretory granules ~22} but PP
content per minute ~12). Statistical significance between cells were unable to be identified conclusively. B cells con-
groups was tested using the two-tailed Student's t test on rained both immature and mature granules IFig. 2.2K No
nonpaired data. capillary endothelial ceils, fibroblasts, leucocytes, ductal cells,
or acinar cells were seen. Spot desmosomes were seen at
frequent intervals along with membranes of adjacent cells.
RESULTS Many regions of narrowed intercellular spaces were observed
tFig. 2.3~; impregnation of these spaces with lanthanum
MORPHOLOGY OF PSEUDOISLETS revealed regions of partial and total tracer exclusion indicative
Thirty-two cultures were prepared containing dis- 21 i of gap junctions and tight j unctions, respectively.
persed islet cells ranging in number from 1.11 X 106 to Immunofluorescence staining of pseudoislets con-
4,91 X 10~ cells/dish. Cultures were examined at regular firmed the presence of A, B, and D cells. B cells formed

Fit;. 2. Photomicrographs of 3-d cultured rat pancreatic pseudoislets, ill Section stained with H&E. viewed by light
microscopy. X400. 12~ Thin ~ction EM of pseudoislet B cells. X6(d)0. The bar represents 1.0/Jm. 131 Thin section EM,
showing membrane features of two apposing B cells. X 78 000. The bar represents 0.1 ~m.

FIG. 3. Immunofluorescence staining of serial sections of 3-d cultured rat pancreatic pseudoislets. Final
magnification X140. A. Pseudoislets stained with fluoroscein-labeled antiglucagon serum. B. Pseudoislets stained with
fluoroscein-labeledanti-SRIF serum.

the central mass whereas the great majority of glucagon- phase release was more variable in location. After cessation of
containing A cells were located near or at the periphery of glucose and arginine stimulation, insulin release declined
each section (Table I, Fig. 3.1). Small numbers of D cells rapidly to prestimulus levels (not shown). Pseudoislets
were scattered throughout each aggregate (Table I, Fig. responded with brisk monophasic spikes of insulin release to
3.2). The presence of A, B, and D cells was also shown by repeated 2-min pulses of 22 m M glucose {Fig. 6), comparable
hormone content measurements. Values (mean + in magnitude to first-phase responses seen with prolonged
SEM) for insulin, glucagon and SRIF contents were 38 stimulation with this level of glucose.
+ 4, 0.07 + 0.0], and 0.03 + 0.003 ng/psen-
doislet {n = I0), respectively.
Reaggregated islet cell preparations have aroused
FUNCTIONAL STUDIES interest in two areas. The first is as a source of
insulin-secreting tissue for transplantation. Standardized
Basal insulin secretion rates stabilized within 15 min of techniques {27) for rodent islet isolation are much less
the start of perifusion, at 0.1 + 0.02 pmol//ag DNA
per rain (n ---- 19) in the presence of 2.8 mM glucose, and
0.22 + 0.03 pmol/~g DNA per min (n = 18} in the TABLE 1
presence of 5.5 m M glucose {P <0.005). Peak first-phase
and second-phase insulin responses of per[fused pseu- LOCATION OF A AND D-CELLS IN PSEUDOISLETS ~
doislets to glucose and arginine stimuli are
listed in Table 2. Pseudoislets exhibited dose-dependent A Cells I) Cells
biphasic insulin responses to glucose stimulation (Fig. 4).
Insulin release was characterized by a rapid spike Percentage of ceils on periphery 67 • 1.4 31 + 5
Percentage of cells among outermost 86 + 1.3 ,56 + 4
reaching peak values within I to 2 min of the onset of three layers of cellsb
stimulation, declining to a nadir after 8 to 9 min, and then
rising more gradually to a second phase. Pseudoislet insulin ~ count was made of the total number of A cells and D cells in 73
responses to arginine stimulation were biphasic but were not pseudoislets from two tissue preparations stained with antiglucagon
and anti-SRIF sera. Results are mean + SEM percent.
dose-related {Fig. 5). Peak flrst-phase responses were rapid, bDepending on the size and shape of the pseudoislet, this area
occurring within the Ist min of stimulation, then declining to a corresponds to approximately 40 to 60% of the total cross-sectional
nadir 4 to 5 rain after the onset of stimulation. Peak second- area.



D - G lucose 4m M I L- A rginine qm M

5.5 I1 22 30 5 10 15 20

Peak 1st-
release 0.86 -- 0.19 1.08 -4- 0.16 1.36-4-0.17 1.88-4" 0.25 2.09 -4-0.22 1.96-4"0.13 2.38-4"0.92 2.61----_0.67
Peak 2nd-
release 0.33 -4-0.06 0.51 -4-0.07 0.62-4-0.11 0.92 -4-0.18 0.82-f-0.14 0.68--4-0.06 0.70+-0.10 1.20-4"0.22
No of
experiments 4 4 6 5 5 5 3 6

~ are given as mean -4- SEM picomoles insulin per microgram DNA per minute.

efficacious when applied to pancreata of higher mammals in vivo. Pseudoislets were transplanted (8) into the
(particularly humanh with correspondingly lower islet splenic pulp of seven streptozotocin-diabetic allogeneic
yields (2,19,28~. However, after enzymatic dispersion of rats resulting, in each case, in significant reductions in
whole porcine, canine, and rodent pancreas it has been nonfasting plasma glucose levels. Seven to sixteen days
observed that the endocrine components rapidly and after transplantation recipients returned to pretransplant
selectively reassembled into islet-like structures, raising glucose levels, which was presumed to be a consequence
the possibility that such procedures may provide a means of tissue rejection because transplanted pseudoislets have
of generating larger quantities of islet B cells (5,28h It has been shown (23) to normalize blood glucose levels of
also been suggested that these tissues, by virtue of having syngeneic diabetic rats for as long as the recipients were
fewer contaminating nonendocrine ceils, may be less followed ~120 d). This preliminary data suggests that
antigenic and therefore a more suitable islet tissue pseudoislets retain antigenicity despite prolonged incu-
preparation for allogeneic transplantation (5,30}. The bation and apparent loss of nonendocrine cells.
second area of interest in reaggregated islet tissues The well-preserved morphology of pseudoislet cul-
reflects their usefulness in the study of structure- tures in this study was consistent with other reports of
function relationships between islet cells, comparing aggregate morphology ~5,20,30~. No areas of focal
insulin secretion from islet cells with and without degeneration were seen in these pseudoislets, irrespective
membrane connections present ~6,11,22,23,25 ~. of their size, in contrast to our observations (12~ and other
Despite the potential applications of these tissues, their reports (1,15,30) of necrotic central regions of larger
insulin secretory characteristics have received little nondissociated islets in culture. Likewise, Ono et al. (20~
attention. Several studies ~4,5,16,20,28,29,30) have meas- found no evidence of necrosis in rat islet cell aggregates
ured insulin release from pseudoislets in long-term static
cultures and acute insulin responses to stimulatory
substances added to culture media. Chertow et al. (6)
9 - 2 /2.8mMJ Glucose Stimulus J
perifused rat islet cell clumps formed by exposure of
dispersed cells to 13-cis retinoic acid, and showed a~
monophasic insulin responses to glucose provocation. ~Z
However, it has not been determined whether B cells of
spontaneously formed islet cell aggregates are able to t~ o~ I
respond to physiologic stimuli in a manner resembling .t: D
their parent tissue. D
Considering these aspects, we found that pseudoislets not
only bore close structural similarities to nondissociated islets
but behaved in a qualitatively similar secretory fashion, viz E
~tt I I I I
low, stable basal insulin release and marked biphasic secretory 0 20 40 60
profiles, characteristic of B cell secretion of other islet
preparations in vitro (9,10,25~. In contrast to glucose Perifusion Time
stimulation, pseudoislet insulin responses to L-arginine were Fro. 4. Insulin release from perifused pseudoislets. Tissues
not dose-related, raising the possibility that their B cells had were equilibrated for 30 min with KRB containing 2.8 mM
glucose before stimulation over 30 min with 5.5, 11, 22, or 30 mM
an increased sensitivity to this amino acid.
glucose. The figure shows mean responses and standard error
A pilot study was undertaken to determine whether bars for each glucose concentration. The n value for treatments
pseudoislets were capable of sustained insulin secretion A to D were 4, 4, 6, and 5, respectively.

[ L-ARGININE STIMULUS i tended to be localized near or at the periphery of the

C~/ 5:.5 rnM GLUCOSE pseudoislets, resembling the distribution of A cells of
15 mM (3).~,- L intact islets (21,23L D cells were located throughout the
i ~ ' - - - 2 0 rnM (6)
.E aggregates and, unlike those of intact islets (22,23),
20 showed no preferential association with the A cells.
tn These data reinforce other reports in suggesting that
free-floating dispersed rat islet cells undergo at least
partial reorganization of A, B, and D cells to form
three-dimensional microorgans resembling intact islets,
and show that the B cells of these tissues exhibit
functional similarities to those of intact islets. This
suggests that they have retained their ability to
_J discriminate between and respond appropriately to
nutrient stimuli, supporting the suitability of these
0 tissues for further use in transplantation procedures and
~, t , i i i studies of islet cell interactions. Because they are
0 20 30 40 50 60 relatively large and free-floating in culture, pseudoislets
PERIFUSIONTIME (ram) are well-suited for manipulative procedures essential to
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were equilibrated for 30 rain with KRB containing 5.5 mM glucose
before stimulation over 30 rain with this medium supplemented with 5,
10, 15, or 20 m]14arginine. The figure shows mean responses for each REFERENCES
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We thank Ms. Christine Kempkers and Ms. Fay McCone for skilled technical assistance, and Ms.
Helen Morrin and Mr. Tony Day for the electron microscopy. Mrs. Dorothy Neal is thanked for
preparation of the manuscript. This work was supported by grants from the Medical Research Council
of New Zealand. D. W. H. was the recipient of a Novo Diabetes Research Scholarship.

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