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ME 305 IC Engines

Assignment 4

Engine Cycle Models

Q1. It is desired to increase the output of a SI engine either by (1) raising the compression ratio
from 8 to 10 or (2) increasing the inlet pressure from 1 atm to 1.5 atm. Using constant volume
cycle as a model for engine operation, which procedure will give:
a) The highest pressure of the cycle
b) The highest efficiency
c) Highest MEP
Assume  = 1.3, (mf/QHV)/(mCVT1) = 9.3(rC-1)/rC
Q2. When a diesel engine; originally designed to be naturally aspirated, is turbo-charged, the
fuel/air equivalence ratio at full load must be reduced to maintain the maximum pressure as
before. If the naturally aspirated engine was designed for  = 0.75 at full load, estimate the
maximum permissible  for the turbocharged engine at full load if the air pressure at inlet is
1.6 atm. Assume engine to be modelled as limited-pressure cycle, with half the fuel injected
for constant volume combustion process and the other half of the fuel being injected for
constant pressure combustion process. The compression ratio is 16, QHV = 42.5 MJ/kg,  =
1.35, initial temperature is 325K and (F/A)stioch = 0.0666
Q3. Use an ideal-gas cycle with constant volume combustion to describe the operation of an SI
engine with a compression ratio of 9. Find the pressure and temperature at all the points of
interest as shown in the figure below. Assume inlet pressure and temperature to be 100 kPa
and 300 K. Assume mf/m = 0.06, Cv = 946 J/kg-K,  = 1.3 and QHV = 44 MJ/kg. Find indicated
fuel conservation efficiency and IMEP for this engine.

Q4. Use a limited-pressure cycle to analyse the indicated fuel conservation efficiency when the
ratio of mass fuel burned during constant volume combustion to constant pressure
combustion is changed from 0 to 1. Do this analysis at five (5) different ratios: 0, 0.25, 0.5,
0.75 and 1. Assume parameters as: rC = 15, mf/m = 0.04, Ti = 45 oC,  = 1.3, Cv = 946 J/kg, QHV =
44 MJ/kg
Q5. Explain why constant volume combustion process gives higher indicated fuel conversion
efficiency than constant pressure combustion for the same compression ratio
Q6. Two engines are running at BMEP of 250 kPa. One is an SI engine with throttle partially closed
and the second is a naturally aspirated CI which requires no throttle. Mechanical frictional
MEP for both engines are 100 kPa and exhaust manifold pressures are 105 kPa. Use an ideal
cycle model to estimate the gross IMEP.
Q7. The cycle 1-2-3-4-5-6-1 is a conventional constant-volume fuel air cycle with a compression
ratio of 8. The fuel is iso-octane with a lower heating value of 44.4 MJ/kg. The inlet pressure
and temperature is 1 atm and 300K with an equivalence ratio of 1.0 and zero residual gas
fraction. The specific volume at state 1 is 0.9 m3/kg and the temperature at point 2 is 600K.
a) Find the indicated fuel conversion efficiency and mean effective pressure of this fuel-air
cycle model of a SI engine
b) The efficiency of the cycle can be increased by increasing the expansion ratio re while
maintaining the same rc (1-2-3-4A-5A-6-1). This can be done by changing the valve timing.
If the expansion ratio is 12, while compression ratio remains the same as (a), what is the
indicated efficiency and mean effective pressure (based on the new larger displaced
volume) of this new cycle.

Q8. In SI engine, exhaust gas is recycled to the intake manifold (called exhaust gas recirculation,
EGR) at part load to reduce the peak burned gas temperature and lower emissions of nitrogen
a) Calculate the reduction in burned gas temperatures due to EGR when the burned gas
fraction, xb is increased from 10% (this is the regular xr) to 30%. Assume combustion at TDC
and at constant volume, and is adiabatic. Conditions at the end of compression of both
cases are T = 700K, P = 1000kPa,  = 0.2 m3/kg of air in the original mixture. Equivalence
ratio is 1.0. The fuel can be modelled as iso-octane with QHV = 44 MJ/kg.
b) The compression ratio is 8. The compression stroke work is 300 kJ/kg of air in the original
mixture. Find the indicated work per cycle for the compression and expansion stroke per kg
of air in the original for these two cases

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