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DGD 11

LEC 19 – Graphing Using Calculus

Find the higher-order derivatives:

19.1. f (x) = x19 + x 1; f (19) (x), f (20) (x)

19.2. f (x) = sin x; f (n) (x) for n = 1, 2, . . . .

19.3. f (x) = ln x; f (5) (x)

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19.4. Let h(x) = (1 x)(2 x)(3 x). Find the intervals of increase, decrease, and concavity
for h(x).

19.5. Let f (x) = . Find the intervals of increase, decrease, and concavity for f (x).
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19.6. Suppose a function y = f (x), 1 < x < 1, is continuous, with continuous first and
second derivatives. Assume it satisfies the following conditions:
• f 0 (x) < 0 when x < 0, and f 0 (x) > 0 when x > 0
• f 00 (x) < 0 when x < 2, and f 00 (x) > 0 when x > 2
• lim f (x) = 1, lim f (x) = 2.
x!1 x! 1

• f (0) = 3, f ( 2) = 1.
(a) Where is the graph of f (x) decreasing?

(b) Where is the graph of f (x) concave up?

(c) Where does f (x) attain a local maximum or minimum?

(d) What are the asymptotes of f ?

(e) Sketch the graph of the function y = f (x).

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1 1
19.7. Consider the function f (x) = + . Follow these steps to graph the function.
x2 2x3

(a) Find the domain of f .

(b) Find the x-intercept(s) of f .

(c) Find the limits lim+ f (x) and lim f (x) (the vertical asymptotes).
x!0 x!0

(d) Find the limits lim f (x) and lim f (x) (the horizontal asymptotes).
x!1 x! 1
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(e) Calculate the derivative of f .

(f) Find the critical point(s) of f .

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(g) Calculate the second derivative of f .

(h) Find the point(s) of inflection.

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(i) Sketch the graph of f for x 2 [ 2, 2].

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LEC 20 – Optimization

20.1. A company harvests fish at some rate h 0. The yield is Y (h) = h(500 h)
tonnes of fish and the selling price is $200 per tonne. The cost for harvesting at rate h is
C(h) = 1000h(1 + 0.1h) in dollars.

(a) Find the expression of the profit P (= revenue - cost) as a function of harvesting rate.

(b) Find the harvesting rate that maximizes profit.

(c) Find the maximum profit.

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20.2. Find the point on the parabola y = x2 that is the closest to the point (1, 2) in the
Cartesian plane.
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20.3. What are the dimensions of the lightest cylindrical can that can hold a volume of 1000
cm3 ?

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