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Suggested Time: 30 min.

Time I have spent:_____ min.


Name: Date: November 30th, 2018 Due on: December 3rd, 2018
Class: Number: Homework # 12

READING (Novel Title: The Speckled Band; Chapter 4: A Dangerous Night pages 81 - 97)
Part A: Read this excerpt from The Speckled Band.
We went to the doctor’s room and I had my gun in my hand. There was
a lamp on the table and the metal chest was open. Dr. Roylott was
sitting on a chair: his eyes were open. He was not moving. Around his
head there was a yellow band with brown spots. “The band! The
speckled band!” whispered Holmes. I stepped forward and the specked
band moved – it was a snake. “This snake” cried Holmes, “is the most dangerous snake in India!
The doctor is dead; he died ten seconds after the snake bit him.” “With his stick Holmes threw
the snake into the chest and closed it. Ms. Stoner heard the terrible cry and came to the doctor’s
room. She was terrified. Holmes tried to calm her and told her his story.
“I knew that the danger was in the ventilator and the bell rope. Nothing could
enter through the locked door or window,” said Holmes. “Did you know about the snake?” asked Ms.
Stoner. “I knew the doctor kept animals from India. That snake has a poison that can’t be
discovered by the police. He learned about this in India. It was the perfect way to kill someone. It
was easy to put the snake through the ventilator. The snake then climbed down the bell and went
onto the bed. When your sister moved, the snake bit her. When the snake heard the whistle it
retured to the doctor. The doctor gave the snake a bowl of milk and put it in the metal chest. He
then locked the metal chest – that was the sound of metal you heard, Ms. Stoner.”
Part A: Underline the correct answer. (5 pts.)
1. Dr. Watson had this in his hand gun / snake / metal
2. He was sitting, eyes were open but not moving Dr. Watson / Holmes / Dr. Roylott
3. This could kill in ten seconds Indian tiger / Indian snake / Indian monkey
4. She was terrified when she learned what happened Helen / Julia / Watson
5. This thing could not be discovered by the police snake / tiger / poison
Part B: Circle the correct answer. (5 pts.)
1. When Holmes and Watson went to the doctor’s room, Dr. Roylott was already dead.
a. right b. wrong c. doesn’t say
2. Dr. Watson saw the thing that killed Dr. Roylott and whispered “The band! The speckled band.”
a. right b. wrong c. doesn’t say
3. Holmes used his stick to threw the snake into the chest and closed it.
a. right b. wrong c. doesn’t say
4. Helen’s sister heard the terrible cry and came to the doctor’s room.
a. right b. wrong c. doesn’t say
5. The snake then climbed down the bell and went onto the bed .
a. right b. wrong c. doesn’t say
Part C: Fill in the gap with the correct word. Write your answer on the space. (5 pts.)
chest whistle bit ventilator climbed milk
“It was easy to put the snake through the 1. _______.The snake then 2. ______ down the

bell and went onto the bed. When your sister moved, the snake 3. _____ her. When the

snake heard the 4. ______ it retured to the doctor. The doctor gave the snake a bowl of

milk and put it in the metal 5. ______”

Part D: Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)? There is an example at the beginning (0). ( 5 pts.)

0 _F_ You need personal identification (ID) if you want to enter here.
____ 1. You can rent a flat here.
____ 2. You can visit this place on Sundays.
____ 3. You CAN’T buy a train ticket before 7 am.
____ 4. This shop opened in the 19th century.
____ 5. If a snake bites you, go to this place.

A. B. C. D.

E. F. G. F.


Part E: Match A and B. Write your answer on the space. ( 5 pts.)
___1. official documents are kept in this public office p. 74 a. will
___2. a document saying who you want to give b. Leatherhead
your money to after you die p. 74
___3. a village in Surrey near Stoke Moran p. 74 c. Records Office
___4. a box made of metal/wood; case p. 77 d. ventilator
___5. an opening or a device that allows e. chest
fresh air to come in p. 77 f. match


Part F: Choose the correct word in the box. Write your answer on the space below. ( 3 pts.)
brave hissing dangerous whistling mysterious

________1. unsafe or harmful p. 81

________2. not scared or not frightened p. 82
________3. snake sound p. 86
Part G: Read the clues and find the electronic gadget
a- It is an optical disc used to store digital data. ______________
b- You can make and receive telephone calls everywhere with it ______________
c- This device makes a loud sound at a specific time. ______________
d- You can listen to music everywhere using your ______________
e- You can switch on the TV, or change the channel with it ______________

Part H: Complete the sentences with these nouns ( there are 3 extra words)

 Screen  digital camera  MP3 player  mouse printer  website  website


a. You can take take digital photos with a _______________

b. Most computers can print colour photographs on a ____________
c. You use a ____________ to select documents on a computer screen.
d. The BBC is a TV company. It has a ________________at
e. You can play music on a laptop computer, but the ___________ are very small.

Part I : Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective in brackets.

1 Before our English exams, our teacher is more nervous (nervous) than we are!

2 The weather in Greece is _______________ (hot) than the weather in England.

3 The shops in the centre of town are _______________ (expensive) than the shops near my

4 My sister is _______________ (good) at ballet than I am.

5 The students at my new school are _______________ (friendly) than the students at my old

6 Maria is _______________ (tall) than all her friends.

7 Health is ______________ (important) than anything in life.

8 Gold is ________________ (valuable) than silver.

9 Bungee jumping is _______________ (exciting) than diving.

10 I always believe that Clara is ________________ (trustworthy) than Susan.

Part J: According to the abstract from a case,there are three detectives who are eager
to solve the case.Which one should solve it and why?Decide the detective and help Mary
to find the solution.Use conjuctions ‘’but,because and so’’

The Strange Case of the

Alchemist's Daughter
Mary Jekyll, alone and penniless following her parents’ death, is curious about the secrets of her
father’s mysterious past. One clue in particular hints that Edward Hyde, her father’s former friend
and a murderer, may be nearby, and there is a reward for information leading to his capture…a
reward that would solve all of her immediate financial woes.

Elijah Baley Very young,ambitious;has lost 4 cases up to now.Trying to be

famous.Wants too much money.Jealous and likes gambling.Always gets up
late,likes living independently.

Hercule Poirot Very old,experienced,has lost few cases,has some health

problems.Difficulty in hearing and running fast.Used to be very famous.Retired.
Arrogant,never accepts little money.Has no relatives.

Sherlock Holmes Very experienced,has never lost any case,very

intelligent,relax,finding interesting clues,motivated,strong set of morals,very
observant, extremely arrogant and takes great pleasure in baffling those around him
with his knowledge,close and distant.

I prefer ……………………………………… ,because he is more experienced and more………………………..


Teachers’ Signature: ______________ Parent’s Signature: ________________

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