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I. Choose the best answer

1. John's last statement had a definite _________ on the judges' decision.
A. bearing B. weight C. decision D. conclusion
2. The coffee shop has _________ recently, and the drink is much better now.
A. had its hands full B. lived hand to mouth C. changed hands D. gained the upper hand
3. He came into the room and sat down without _________ a word to anyone.
A. as far as B. too much of C. very much of D. so much as
4. One could see with the ________ eye that there was a lighthouse on the promontory.
A. naked B. sole C. nude D. shut
5. Unable to run the entire 42 kilometers, she decided to drop out of the race, ______ her a heat stroke.
A. the fatigue from the intense heat almost gave
B. the fatigue from the intense heat having almost given
C. which the fatigue from the intense heat having almost given
D. the fatigue from the intense heat had almost given
6. Having gained a _______ victory in the general elections, they proceeded with their ambitious
A. galloping B. staunch C. landslide D. close-up
7. There are few exceptions to the rule that a solicitor may not act _____ both seller and buyer.
A. out B. on C. for D. as
8. He is such a kind and caring young boy - he wouldn’t hurt a ________ .
A. bird B. worm C. fly D. bug
9. The teenager ____ stamps for 3 years by the end of 2021.
A. will have been collecting B. will have collected C. has collected D. will be collecting
10. _______ this workshop, you will know how to analyze large amounts of numerical data.
A. Completed B. You have completed C. Being completed D. On completing
1. She had made a firm decision and wasn’t ______________ by anything I said against it.
A. detracted B. prevailed C. induced D. swayed
2. Salaries have not ______________ inflation(LẠM PHÁT) in the last few years.
A. Put up with B. taken up on C. done out of D. kept up with
3. I wish you’d do the accounts. I don't have ________________ for numbers.
A. a head B. a mind C. the heart D. the nerve
4. Junior hospital doctors are thrown ___________ at the deep end in their first jobs.
A. in B. away C. to D. with
5. Be careful! The young horse hasn't been _________.
A. broken in B. got round C. taken over D. set up
6 It is moved that the campaign ____ funds _____ at once.
A. to raise – be launched B. raise – to be launched
C. raise – launched D. to raise – is launched
7. You can’t believe a word that woman says – she is a _____ liar.
A. dedicated B. devoted C. committed D. compulsive
8. The flights are full at the moment, so you’ll have to _____.
A. run a stroke of luck B. get a better luck C. be down on your luck D. take pot luck
9. The demonstrations ________ in one hundred students being arrested.
A. culminated B. erupted C. escalated D. concluded
10. Mrs Hurston was in deep ____ after her husband’s unexpected death.
A. regret B. Grief C. Lament D. Disturbance
1. Sorry, I can't come to your party. I am snowed under with work at the moment
A. busy with B. free from C. relaxed about D. interested in
2. The nominating committee always meet behind closed doors, lest its deliberations become known
A. privately B. safely C. publicly D. dangerously
3. It must be true. I hear it straight from the ________ mouth.
A. dog’s B. horse’s C. camel’s D. cat’s
4 She was unaware that she had been under ________ since her arrival.
A. review B. consideration C. discussion D. surveillance
5. None of us has ever ________________ of taking any rash steps against illegal broadcasting
a) declared b) persisted c) approved d) concluded
6. Several soldiers of the squad were taken ____________ by the enemy forces.
a) capture b) hostage c) kidnap d) torture
7. The student was ________ of understanding the theory even after the professor’s profound explanation.
a) incompetent b) incapable c) helpless d) unsuccessful
8. I am going for a walk in the park. Would you like to ______ me company?
a) follow b) stay c) hold d) keep
9. Patrick is too _______ a gambler to resist placing a bet on the final game.
a) instant b) spontaneous c) compulsive d) continuous
10. The child was_________ by a lorry on the safety crossing in the main street.
A. knocked out B. run across C. run out D. knocked down
II. The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Identify and correct the mistakes.
Teenagers are a peculiar breed of humans. They are fickle and touchy, yet sensitive and caring. They
are not longer children, but are not yet adults either. A once loving and obedient child can transform into
a rebellious, sullen teen. What accounts for this change? The problem, claim some doctors, lie in the
physical aspect of the person. A teenager's hormones wreak havoc within their body. Noticeable physical
changes about what the teen may feel uncomfortable occur. In trying to solve with these changes, the last
thing the teen needs are parents invading his privacy or treating him like a child. Therefore, the problem
is, in fact, accounted for by something deeper than mere physical changes. The teen is not only
developing his body, but he is also developing emotionally. For first time in his life, he may be painfully
aware of the opposite sex The teenager is also vulnerable with puppy love and crushes, the sure signs of
growing up. He also becomes defensive and secretive about his own actions. Teenagers should be given a
certain number of freedom to explore their emotions and authority. Parents need not be overly alarmed by
their strange and unexplicable mood changes. After all, isn't that all part of growing up

1. 4. 7.
2. 5. 8.
3. 6. 9.

Human memory, formerly believed to be rather inefficient, is really more sophisticated
than that of a computer. Researchers approaching the problem from a variation of viewpoints
have all concluded that there is a great deal more storing in our minds than has been generally
supposed. Dr. Wilder Penfield, a Canadian neurosurgery, proved that by stimulating their brains
electrically, he can elicit the total recall of specific events in his subjects’ lives. Even dreams
and another minor events supposedly forgotten for many years suddenly emerged in details.
Although the physical basic for memory is not yet understood, one theory is how the fantastic
capacity for storage in the brain is the result of an almost unlimited combination of
interconnections between brain cell, stimulated by patterns of activity. Repeated references with
the same information support recall. In other word, improved performance is the result of
strengthening the chemical bonds in the memory.

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.

III. Rewrite sentences

1. She was concentrating so hard on her work that she didn’t notice when I came in. (wrapped)
=> She was __________________ that she didn’t notice when I came in.
2. You are all welcome to take any food you like.
=> Help ______________________________
3. What was the reason for his resignation? (made)
=> ________________________________________
4. Did the children enjoy themselves during the performance? (good time)
=> ______________________________________________
5. We haven’t had any message from him since March. (heard)
=> ________________________________________________
6. John has hinted that he doesn’t wish to remain in the group any longer. (hint)
=> John has _____________ wishes to remain in the group.
7. Five actors was competing for the leading role in the play. (contention)
=> There _________________ the leading role in the play.
8. As far as I know, no one’s talking about you behind your back. (best)
=> To ___________________________, no one’s talking about you behind your back.
9. Maybe I didn’t explain exactly what I mean – our relationship is over. (clear)
=> Maybe I didn’t ______________________________________________ - our relationship is
10. I’m finding it difficult to cope with all the work I have to do. (top)
=> All the work I have to do _______________________________________ me.
1. He was too frightened to admit that he had broken the window. (OWN)

2. I wish he would stop criticizing my work. (FAULT)
→ I'd sooner
3. Zoe always makes spontaneous decisions concerning her travel plans. (ACTS)
→ Zoe always
4. He really disappointed me when breaking the promise to help me out. (TEETH)
→ He really
5. If her father hadn't retired, she wouldn't have taken over his work. (STEPPED)
→ But for
6. His efforts to find a solution didn't deserve such savage criticism...
→He shouldn't
7. People became aware of the damage to the ozone layer when an enorm hole was discovered over
the South Pole.
→ It was the
8. When I grow up, I'm going to be really important. (CAT)

9. I thought very hard but couldn't remember the answer. (RACKED)
10. Alex grimaced as he swallowed the foul-tasting medicine. (PULLED)
1. There’s not that much difference between irony and sarcasm. (line)
=> There’s _________________________________________________ between irony and sarcasm.
2. I sincerely promise you that I’m telling you the truth. (bottom)
=> I promise you ____________________________________________ that I’m telling you the
3. As far as I know, no one’s talking about you behind your back. (best)
=> To ________________________________________, no one’s talking about you behind your
4. Maybe I didn’t explain exactly what I mean – our relationship is over. (clear)
=> Maybe I didn’t ______________________________________________ - our relationship is
5. I’m finding it difficult to cope with all the work I have to do. (top)
=> All the work I have to do _________________________________________________ me.
6. Most people regard him as the best man for the job. (widely)
________7. The suspect could not explain why he had sand on his boots. (account)
8. The best solution was thought of by Sally (came)
________9. You should consider the fact that he hasn’t spoken French for years. (allowances)
________10. He stood no chance of passing his driving test. (inevitable)
1. I really enjoy getting thoroughly absorbed in this good book.
I am losing ________________________________________________________________ .
2. He’s partially deaf so he finds it difficult to communicate on the phone.
Were it ____________________________________________________________________.
3. Sally distrusts modern technology strongly.
Sally has ___________________________________________________________________.
4. If the weather is fine, we may go camping at the weekend.
Weather ___________________________________________________________________.
5. “There’s no point in writing it all out in longhand if you can use a typewriter, isn’t there?”
She dissuaded ________________________________________________________________.
1. Do you think we can stew this kind of meat? (LEND)
Do _______________________________________________________________________?
2. Normally, the money is released within about three months. (COURSE)
In ________________________________________________________________________.
3. We can’t possibly imagine how we are going to afford a new car. (REMOTEST)
We ________________________________________________________________________.
4. That medicine was very effective and I started to feel better immediately. (MAGIC)
That medicine __________________________________________________________.
5. I’m sure Nancy is still presuming that the party starts at nine. (IMPRESSION)
I’m sure _____________________________________________________________.


I. Choose the best answer

1.A. bearing
have a bearing on sth ~ have an influence on sth
2 C. changed hands
change hands: to pass to a different owner
have your hands full ~ busy
live (from) hand to mouth: to have just enough money to live on and nothing extra
If you have/ gain the upper hand, you have more power than anyone else and so have control
(nắm quyền)
3. D. so much as
without so as much: without even
4. A. naked
the naked eye: the eye unaided by any artificial means such as a telescope, microscope etc (mắt
5. B. the fatigue from the intense heat having almost given
Loại A và D vì nếu chọn 2 đáp án này thì câu sẽ thành 2 mệnh đề ngăn cách bằng dấu phẩy là
Loại C vì nếu dùng which thì phía sau phải là một mệnh đề
=> Đáp án chính xác là B. Đây là cấu trúc Mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn.
6.C. landslide
landslide (n): an election in which one person or party gets very many more votes than the other
people or parties
landslide victory: thắng cử
7. C. for
act for/ on behalf of sb/sth: to represent a person, company, etc. in a court of law
8. C. fly
wouldn't hurt a fly: to be too gentle to want to hurt anyone
9. A. will have been collecting
by the end of 2021 => Dấu hiệu thì tương lai hoàn thành
Do câu này nhấn mạnh tính liên tục của việc bạn này đã sưu tầm tem trong suốt 3 năm nên chọn
A (Thì tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn)
10. D. On completing
Mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn với on.
Dạng đầy đủ: When you complete this workshop, you will know how to analyze large amounts
of numerical data.

1D sway (v): to persuade somebody to believe something or do something
be swayed by sb/ sth: bị thuyết phục, bị ảnh hưởng từ ...
3A have a (good) head for something: natural ability to do something well (có năng khiếu)
4A throw sb/sth in at the deep end: to make someone start a new and difficult job or activity without
helping them or preparing them for it (giao việc mà không hướng dẫn)
5A break in: ~ train (huấn luyện)
6A It is moved that + S + V(inf) + O
"to raise" ở đây là để chỉ mục đích của "the campaign"
7D a compulsive liar: một người quen thói nói dối
8D be down on your luck: to be experiencing a bad situation or to have very little money (trải qua
một hoàn cảnh éo le)
take pot luck: to take whatever happens to be available
9A culminate in/ with: end up with
10B in deep grief: cực kì đau khổ

1. A. busy with
be snowed under (with something): to have more things, especially work, than you feel able to
deal with
2.A. privately
Behind closed doors: without the public being allowed to attend or know what is happening; in
3B. horse’s
If you hear something (straight) from the horse's mouth, you hear it from the person who has
direct personal knowledge of it.
4. D. surveillance
Keep sb under surveilance: to watch (someone or something) closely especially in order to
prevent or detect a crime
=> Ở đây dùng dưới dạng bị động, có thể hiểu là bị theo dõi.
5. c) approved
approve of sb/ sth: to think that sb/ sth is good, acceptable or suitable
6. b) hostage
take/ hold sb hostage: to take or keep (someone) as a hostage (bắt ai đó làm con tin)
7. b) incapable
incapable of sth/ doing sth: not able to do sth
8. d) keep
keep sb company: to stay with sb so the person is not alone
9. c) compulsive
compulsive: not being able to control their behaviour
10 D. knocked down
knock sb down/over to hit somebody and make them fall to the ground
II. ***Bên cạnh 10 cái lỗi này thì do đánh máy nên chị gõ sai chỗ này "In trying to (5) solve
(→ cope) with these changes, the last thing the teen needs are (→is) parents invading his
privacy or treating him like a child."
a. Teenagers are a peculiar breed of humans. They are fickle and touchy, yet sensitive and
caring. They are (1) not (→ no/any) longer children, but are not yet adults either. A once loving
and obedient child can transform into a rebellious, sullen teen. What accounts for this change?
The problem, claim some doctors, (2) lie (→ lies) in the physical aspect of the person. A
teenager's hormones wreak havoc within (3) their (→ his) body. Noticeable physical changes
about (4) what (→ which) the teen may feel uncomfortable occur. In trying to (5) solve
(→ cope) with these changes, the last thing the teen needs are (→is) parents invading his
privacy or treating him like a child. (6) Therefore (→ However), the problem is, in fact,
accounted for by something deeper than mere physical changes. The teen is not only developing
his body, but he is also developing emotionally. For (7) first (→ the first) time in his life, he
may be painfully aware of the opposite sex The teenager is also vulnerable (8) with
(→ to) puppy love and crushes, the sure signs of growing up. He also becomes defensive and
secretive about his own actions. Teenagers should be given a certain (9) number
(→ amount) of freedom to explore their emotions and authority. Parents need not be overly
alarmed by their strange and (10) unexplicable (→ inexplicable) mood changes. After all, isn't
that all part of growing up

(1) no/any longer: used to (5)cope with: to deal weak and easily hurt
say that something that was successfully with physically or emotionally
possible or true before, is something difficult (giải (tổn thương)
not now quyết) (9) number of + N (plu) [a
(2) Chủ ngữ ở đây là "the (6) Mệnh đề trước và mệnh number of đi với danh từ
problem" đề sau mang 2 ý nghĩa đối số nhiều)
(3) His thay thế cho "a ngược amount of + N (u) [an
teenager's" (7) Trước các từ chỉ thứ tự amount of đi với danh từ
(4) which dùng để thay thế như "first", "second", ... không đếm được)
cho mệnh đề phía sau "last" thì luôn có mạo từ (10) Lỗi sai chính tả,
=> Kiến thức về mệnh đề "the" phía trước không có "unexplicable"
quan hệ (8) vulnerable to sb/ sth:

b. Human memory, formerly believed to be rather inefficient, is really more sophisticated

than that of a computer. Researchers approaching the problem from a (1) variation =>
variety of viewpoints have all concluded that there is a great deal more (2) storing => stored in
our minds than has been generally supposed. Dr. Wilder Penfield, a Canadian (3) neurosurgery
=> neurosurgeon, proved that by stimulating their brains electrically, he (4) can => could elicit
the total recall of specific events in his subjects’ lives. Even dreams and (5) another =>
other minor events supposedly forgotten for many years suddenly emerged in (6) details =>
detail. Although the physical basic for memory is not yet understood, (7) one => that theory is
how the fantastic capacity for storage in the brain is the result of an almost unlimited
combination of interconnections between brain (8) cell => cells, stimulated by patterns of
activity. Repeated references (9) with => to the same information support recall. In other (10)
word => words, improved performance is the result of strengthening the chemical bonds in the

(1) a variety of: nhiều (3) neurosurgeon: nhà giải các dạng bài nên cần học kĩ
Lỗi này khá phổ biến, phẫu thần kinh và nắm chắc nhé.
thường làm bài sửa lỗi sai neurosurgery: khoa giải (6) in detail: chi tiết
thì gặp rất nhiều câu sửa phẫu thần kinh (7) "that" thay thế cho "the
lỗi sai dạng này luôn. (4) Câu này ở thì quá khứ physical basic for memory"
(2) Ở đây mang nghĩa bị (5) Lỗi này trong đề thi (8) Vì phía trước có
động. Lỗi này cũng gặp cũng phổ biến luôn, các "between" nên không thể là
khá nhiều, nên khi làm bài bạn nên phân biệt được 4 1 tế bào được
các bạn nên chú ý đến các từ: another - other - the (9) "reference to sth" chưa
từ có đuôi "ing" hoặc "ed" other - others. Vì phần này không có "reference with"
vì thường hay có lỗi ở đây. ứng dụng nhiều ở hầu hết nhé
(10) In other words: Nói cách khác


1. So frightened was he that he couldn’t own up to having broken the window.

own up to sth/ doing sth: admit that you are responsible for sth bad or good,
2. I’d sooner you didn't find fault with my work.
find fault with sth = criticize
3. Zoe always acts on impulse when making her travel plans
act on impulse: do sth without thinking about it
4. He really kicked me in the teeth when breaking the promise to help me out
kick sb in the teeth: treat sb badly or fail to give them the help when they need it.
5. But for her father’s retirement, she wouldn’t have stepped into his shoes.
step into one’s shoes: take over (continuing a job that sb has started)
6. He shouldn’t have been savagely criticized for his efforts to find a solution
7. It was the discovery of an enormous hole over the South Pole that made people aware of the
damage to the ozone layer.
8. When I grow up, I’m going to be a fat cat
a fat cat: a person who owns or has a lot of money
9. I racked my brain to remember the answer.
rack one’s brain: động não
10. Alex pulled a face as he swallowed the foul-tasting medicine.
pull a face ~ grimace: nhăn mặt, cau có, nhăn nhó

1There’s a fine line between irony and sarcasm.
a fine line: a very small difference between two things that may seem different
2. I promise you from the bottom of my heart that I’m telling you the truth.
from the bottom of my heart: used for emphasizing that you are very sincere about something
3. To the best of my knowledge, no one’s talking about you behind your back.
to the best of my knowledge ~ as far as I know: according to what I know or believe
4. Maybe I didn’t make myself clear/make it clear- our relationship is over.
Make sb clear: Make sb understand clearly
5. All the work I have to do is getting on top of me.
If something gets on top of you, it makes you feel sad or upset, and you are not able to deal with
6. He is widely regarded as the best man for the job.
Cấu trúc câu bị động
7. The suspect could not account for the sand on his boots
account for ~ explain: giải thích
8. Sally came up with the best solution
9. You should make allowances for his not speaking French for years.
make allowances for sth: to accept that a particular fact will change a situation
10It was inevitable that he would fail his driving test.
inevitable: certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented

1. I am losing myself in this good book.
lose yourself in something: to be paying so much attention to something that you do not notice
anything else
2. Were it not for his partial deafness, he wouldn’t find it difficult to communicate on the
Đảo ngữ với câu điều kiện loại II (Một nội dung cần học rất kĩ vì ứng dụng trong nhiều bài tập
của các đề thi chuyên/ HSG)
3. Sally has a strong distrust of modern technology..
Chuyển từ dạng động từ sang danh từ.
has a distrust of sth: thiếu tin cậy
4Weather permitting, we may go camping at the weekend.
Weather permitting: if the weather is good enough
5. “She dissuaded me from writing it all out in longhand (and told me to use a typewriter)..
dissuade sb from doing sth ~ prevent sb from doing sth
1. Do you think this kind of meat can lend itself to stewing?
lend itself to: to be good for a particular use (có thể dùng làm, thích hợp với)
2. In the normal course of events, the money is released within about three months.
in the normal course of events: As things typically unfold, take place, or happen.
3. We haven’t got / don’t have the remotest idea how we are going to afford a new car.
not have the remotest idea: to not know at all
4. That medicine worked like magic and I started to feel better immediately.
Work like magic: be very successful
5. I’m sure Nancy is still under the impression that the party starts at nine.
be under the impression (that): to believe that something is true when it is not

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