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Characteristics formal, informal, academic, casual, etiquette

Awareness of the self Awareness of the others across culture?
Recognising diverse cultures
the ability to recognize, appreciate and Comprehending how they are how people from differing cultural backgrounds
being aware of one’s own culture and DEVELOP CULTURAL AWARENESS
respect cultural differences between expressed through language, communicate, in similar and different ways among
its values, beliefs, and behaviors be aware of sensitive topic, taboos, and
people in different contexts communication, values, themselves, and how they endeavor to communicate across HOW? prohibitions
behaviour, and more cultures
be open minded to discovering TAKE TURN
Cultural Intelligence new ideas, and ready to make be mindful and considerate of time and
concessions. BARRIERS others when talking
the ability to connect with and requires attentive listening,
collaborate successfully with individuals addressing presumptions, and SIMPLE LANGUAGE
from various backgrounds or cultures have tolerance for various to avoid confusion especially when talking to
Ethnocentrism Prejudice Stereotyping foreigners
a positive or negative Mental categorisation or
The belief that one’s feeling towards people of general representation of ACTIVE LISTENING
Components Skills Importance own culture is superior a certain and different a certain group according be engaged which means listening, not just
to others’ cultural and beliefs (race, to a person’s observation, hearing
social class, sexual interaction, experiences
helps people to comprehend
ATTITUDE Curiosity identity) with the particular group
positive attitude towards both their own contexts, values, OPEN MINDED
Tolerance of ambiguity Language Barriers
cultural differences beliefs, and behaviours as well be open to diverse views and challenging
Empathy as those of other people. Communication gap
Discrimination opinions
Listening foster respect for one another among languages Negative behaviours that is triggered
better sense of what hinders to fluently
and understanding among us, by prejudice or stereotypes.
influences the behaviors Agility and adaptability PATIENCE AND TOLERANCE
speak and understand
that are normal for each which will ultimately result in have patience and considerate when talking
other’s views and
culture more harmony in our Watch culture
to people from a different culture
learn more than just the
increases people's sensitivity to Conflicting Values BUILD RAPPORT AND TRUST
tradition or customs of culture potential cultural differences have close and harmonious relationship,
Difference in culture
to build a deeper relationship that can cause Language and beliefs may cause
have empathy with others
miscommunication or
Learning miscommunication
and misunderstanding
Awareness of the self and the other11 Strategies and Communicationg across culture4
Sense-making Competence in 2 Perspective-taking
What is Sense-Making? Primary ESL
the ability to put ourselves in the place
framing and then re-framing our Classrooms of someone else while recognizing their
understanding of a situation based upon point of view, experience, and beliefs
shifting our perspective and opening up to
new opportunities and ways of looking at the
6 1 1,2,3
Dimensions How? Benefits
process by which people make sense similar to the cognitive process of
of, explain and act according to our brains make sense of abstract Perceptual Seek Understanding
cultures concepts
the ability to understand how Let go of our ego, centre and engage Counteracts expressions of bias
another person experiences things with a person’s experience and Decreases implicit bias
Sense-giving & Sense-making Examples
through their senses world-perception Reduces the expression and
accessibility of social
EG: visually, auditorily, verbally Ideate stereotypes
HOW? Imagine possible perceptions of the Increases the positivity of
Conceptual person. Only assumption, can be group-based judgments
true or wrong Decreases in-group favoritism
the ability to comprehend and take Increases team creativity
on the viewpoint of another Improves conflict resolution
person's psychological experience
Narrow down ideas and choose the
EG: thoughts, feelings, attitudes best guess
the expectations we have about a
analyze those cues and try to match
situation. choose the best direction to navigate Test and Iterate
them to schema, or mental patterns
Stage 1: our minds are subconsciously feeding Stage 2: Stage 3: the unfamiliar situation (reaction,
that we create. Do or say your thoughts after filtering
Framing the us information based on prior Making Selecting a action, speech)
it is a natural learning process affected
Situation experiences to make sense of Associations Script the purpose is to have control, an and structuring it. Be open and
by experiences, beliefs, and be open to other people's perceptions
ambiguity on a current and new
open mind and positive goal flexible to changes and reactions perception is subjective and restricted to our own experiences
situation respect and value others' opinions and life experiences
refrain any judgement or criticising others' viewpoints

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