Answers For ClickSafety OSHA 30 Construction Final Exam - OSHA10Answers™

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Final Exam

1. An important air test for any confined space is for the presence
of oxygen. The concentration of oxygen should be:

A. Between 15 and 25%

B. As high as possible
C. Between 19.5% and 23.5% – an ideal level is 21% (correct
D. None of the above

2. The common forms of crystalline silica include:

A. Quartz (the most common)

B. Cristobalite
C. Both A and B (correct answer)
D. None of the above

3. A permit-required confined space will likely have which of the

following hazards?

A. Exposure to high volumes of traffic

B. It may contain a hazardous atmosphere (correct answer)
C. It will always have rough walls and floors
D. None of the above

4. Which of the following industries has the highest fatality rate on

an annual basis (1,100 workers per year)?

A. The nuclear industry

B. The oil refining industry
C. The chemical manufacturing industry
D. The construction industry (correct answer)

5. Hazards to be assessed prior to entry include:

A. Chemical hazards
B. Hazards that may entrap/bury
C. Other hazards (stored energy, mechanical hazards,
temperature extremes, etc.)
D. All of the above (correct answer)

6. A confined space entry permit:

A. Is mandated by OSHA
B. Is a “tool” for safety
C. Is a checklist that identifies the hazards and presents
protective measures
D. All of the above (correct answer)

7. The principle means to control silica dust from jackhammer

operations is by wetting the dust at the point of breaking or
chipping. What is the best way to achieve this?

A. The use of jackhammers

B. Manual and semi-automatic water-feed devices directed at
the point of impact (correct answer)
C. Spray directed behind the operation following a speed dry
D. The use of masonry saws

8. Poisonous plants in the U.S. include poison ivy, poison oak, &
poison sumac. These plants can:

A. Cause allergic reactions if contact with workers’ skin

B. Be dangerous if burned and toxins inhaled by workers
C. Be eaten because they are not a hazard when ingested
D. Both A & B above (correct answer)

9. What is essential in order to modify a scaffold?

A. A medium pipe wrench

B. A competent person
C. A trained crew
D. B and C (correct answer)

10. Employers are responsible for providing and paying for most
personal protective equipment including:

A. Uniforms
B. Logging boots
C. Prescription reading glasses
D. Hard hats (correct answer)

11. Scaffold frames must be pinned or secured together whenever

A. There is the potential for uplift

B. There is a potential for eccentric loading
C. There will be an OSHA inspection that day
D. Scaffolds are installed as a good practice
E. a, b and d above (correct answer)

12. In regards to confined spaces why may a permit be required?

A. Sometimes the boss demands it

B. Provides a checklist that outlines the steps that need to be
C. Authorizes entrance into a confined space
D. Both B and C (correct answer)

13. The OSH Act covers:

A. All private sector employees

B. Manufacturing, construction, longshoring, agriculture, law,
medicine and others (correct answer)
C. The self employed
D. Both a and b above

14. The “Fat Cat” report refers to:

A. A catalog of fatal injury potentials

B. A specialized piece of heavy equipment
C. A table that contains the weekly summaries of fatalities and
catastrophes (correct answer)

15. Regarding OSHA’s Hazard Communication standart commonly

referred to as “HazCom” or the “Right to Know” standart which
statement below is true about the hazards of all chemicals?

A. They are classified and the info transmitted to employers and

employees. (correct answer)
B. Assures that chemical hazard information is sent to plaintiff
C. Does not require that containers are labeled and other forms
of warning are provided.
D. Assures that SDSs/MSDSs and employee training are a
voluntary compliance element.

16. Job site inspections by a competent person must cover the

following issues

A. Soil/ground conditions
B. Overhead obstructions
C. Electrical hazards
D. Special protection requirements for scaffolds
E. All of the above (correct answer)

17. An employer that receives an OSHA citation must:

A. Copy and mail the citation to each worker

B. Contest the citation and file the citation with the court
C. Post the citation for 3 days or until the violation is fixed
(correct answer)
D. Sign the citation and return it to OSHA

18. Life-threatening symptoms of heat illness include:

A. High body temperature, & hot, dry skin

B. Confusion
C. Convulsions or Fainting
D. All of the above (correct answer)

19. OSHA’s mission is to:

A. Protect the safety and health of the general public

B. Ensure that workers receive the federal minimum wage
C. Ensure that workers receive the federal minimum wage
D. Protect the safety and health of America’s workers (correct

20. Which of the following elements is most important when

planning the erection of a supported scaffold on a site?

A. Who the contact person is at the site.

B. Soil conditions, open holes and obstructions to safe
installation. (correct answer)
C. Height and width of scaffold.
D. Material delivery limitations

21. Chronic symptoms usually develop slowly and may result in

lung cancer, asbestosis, mesothelioma from asbestos and
silicosis from exposure to cristalline silica. How long can it take?

A. 6 to 9 months
B. 3 to 5 years
C. 15 to 20 years (correct answer)
D. None of the above

22. The OSHA standards for Construction and General Industry are
also known as:

A. Construction and GI Registers

B. Part 1915 and Part 1917
C. Part 1926 and 1910 (correct answer)
D. Codes 501 through 1000

23. The CSE Supervisor must:

A. Be an actual supervisor/manager
B. Be a salaried employee
C. Be on site at all times
D. Complete, authorize, sign off on the entry permit and close out
the permit (correct answer)

24. Solvents can:

A. Irritate your eyes, nose or throat

B. Make you dizzy, sleepy, give you a headache or cause you to
pass out
C. Affect your judgment or coordination
D. Cause internal damage to your body
E. All of the above (correct answer)

25. Scaffold planks must be removed from service for which of the
following reasons:

A. Cracks in the plank extending 18 inches in a 10 foot span

B. Cuts, notches or saw cuts
C. Dry rot or chemical damage
D. Deflection greater than 1 1/2 inches under load in a 7 foot span
E. All of the above (correct answer)

26. When the scaffold reaches ____ times the narrowest base
dimension, security of the structure must begin.

A. 2
B. 4 (correct answer)
C. 5
D. None of the above

27. Health hazards to which construction workers may be exposed


A. Chemical Hazards such as dusts, mist, fumes, gases and

B. Physical Hazards such as heat, noise, and vibration
C. Biological Hazards such as plants, insects, animals and
D. All of the above (correct answer)

28. One of the primary responsibilities that employers have under

the OSH Act is to:

A. Immediately notify OSHA of any workplace injury or illness

B. Reduce air pollution in the environment
C. Provide training required by OSHA standards (correct answer)
D. Conduct energy audits

29. The principal health effects of non-ionizing radiation include

the following:

A. skin cancer
B. eye damage
C. premature skin aging
D. All of the above (correct answer)

30. Ergonomic Hazards can lead to musculoskeletal disorders and

injuries including:

A. strains and sprains

B. tendonitis
C. carpal tunnel syndrome
D. All of the above (correct answer)

31. Protection during confined space entry may include blanking,

flushing, double block and bleed and which other important action

A. Lockout and tagout (correct answer)

B. Double hook and ladder
C. None of the above

32. Protection during confined space entry may include blanking,

flushing, double block and bleed and which other important

A. Lineout and backup

B. Lockout and tagout (correct answer)
C. Double hook and ladder
D. None of the above

33. Certain mandatory documentation should be kept on site.

Included are:

A. OSHA consultations
B. Monthly & annual inspection reports for the equipment and
wire rope (correct answer)
C. Before and after photos of all crane operations
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

34. State OSHA plans are plans authorized by Federal OSHA; what
is true of these state operated plans?

A. State plans are authorized by Federal OSHA

B. State plans must be at least as stringent as the Federal
C. State plan programs respond to accidents and employee
complaints, like Federal OSHA
D. All of the above (correct answer)

35. Respiratory protection is required:

A. At all times 
B. If dust control measures (e.g., wetting) are insufficient (correct
C. Whenever cutting concrete
D. None of the above

36. Crystalline Silica is a health hazard in construction. Which of

the following work activities would most likely not result in an
exposure to crystalline silica?

A. Jack hammering, rock/well drilling

B. Concrete mixing, concrete drilling
C. Brick and concrete block cutting and sawing
D. Concrete sawing using water attachment to suppress dusts
(correct answer)

37. The best method for dust control where crystalline silica
exposures is:

A. Respiratory protection
B. Wetting to avoid respiratory protection and potential
exposures (correct answer)
C. Blowing dust around with compressed air
D. None of the above

38. Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms in

human blood that can cause disease in humans. These pathogens

A. Hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV) and human

immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (correct answer)
B. Hepatitis G (HBG), SARS, Tuberculosis
C. Chlamydia, Syphillis, Gonorrhea
D. All of the above

39. The creation of OSHA provided which important right to


A. The right to privacy

B. The right to pension benefits
C. The right to a safe and healthful workplace (correct answer)
D. The right to equal employment opportunities

40. Risk controls for hand & arm vibration hazards include:

A. Mechanize or automate the work

B. Make sure equipment selected for tasks is suitable and can do
the work efficiently
C. Limit the use of high-vibration tools wherever possible
D. Limit the time exposed to vibration
E. All of the above (correct answer)

41. The most common type of construction related injuries is:

A. Overexertion
B. Chemical Exposure
C. Falls (correct answer)
D. Suffocation

42. If you feel that an OSHA inspection is needed to get hazards

corrected at your workplace, which is your best

A. File a complaint online

B. Complain to your Supervisor
C. Submit a written, signed complaint with specific hazard
information (correct answer)
D. Submit an unsigned complaint form to OSHA

43. Which of the following is true?

A. When access to heights is required a scaffold is always the

best choice
B. Scissor lifts and boom lifts must always be used before
C. Training for users of all equipment used to gain access to
heights is mandatory (correct answer)
D. A and C only
E. None of the above

44. Which of the following conditions would be least harmful to the

hearing of an employee?

A. Excessive short term and long term noise exposure above 85

B. Prolonged noise over days, weeks, months above OSHA’s
action level of 85 dBA
C. Carrying on a normal conversation in a quiet room. (correct
D. Single exposure to very high noise exceeding 115 dBA and

45. On continuous runs of scaffold planks, which of the following

statements is true?

A. The planks must overlap at least 12 inches.

B. The plank overlap cannot be more than 18 inches.
C. Bearer overlap must be at least 6 inches
D. Bearer overlap doesn’t matter if planks overlap
E. A, B and C are true. (correct answer)

46. The space between scaffold planks on a fully planked platform

shall be:

A. No more than 1″ (correct answer)

B. No more than 6″
C. No less than 1/4″
D. No more than the width of a person’s foot

47. Which of the following is a serious lung disease known to be

caused by crystalline silica?

A. Silicosis (correct answer)

B. Silican disease
C. Silicitis
D. None of the above

48. Tubular Welded Frame Scaffold Frames may be installed

without feet or jacks:

A. When they were not delivered

B. Whenever it is more convenient to leave them off
C. Never (correct answer)
D. When the competent person says it’s ok

49. It is acceptable to climb the cross braces of Tubular Welded

Frame Scaffold:

A. When no ladder has been installed

B. When you are only going down one level
C. When it’s lunch time
D. Never (correct answer)

50. It is acceptable to climb the cross braces of tubular welded

frame scaffolds:

A. When no ladder has been installed

B. When you are only going down one level
C. When it’s lunch time
D. Never, because they are not designed to take climbing loads
(correct answer)

51. Crane load charts may provide data that separates structural
values from stability values. Either way, making a critical lift
increases risk. A critical lift is one which penetrates_____ of the
allowable load chart value

A. 50%
B. 75% (correct answer)
C. 100%
D. None of the above

52. A confined space entry permit includes:

A. Identification of all participants, the space to be entered,

hazards and emergency resp (correct answer)
B. Equipment, humidity and other contractors in the area
C. The name of the client, the Contractor name, and the annual
survey results
D. All of the above

53. Users of scaffolds must be briefed on the following items before

work commences

A. Times for breaks, lunch and quitting

B. Locations of toilets and break facilities
C. Load capacities, fall protection, falling object protection, and
electrical exposures (correct answer)
D. Nature of work, time required to complete, shortcuts to get
around the scaffold rules

54. Symptoms of acute exposures to Hazardous materials may:

A. Appear immediately or within a short time following exposure

B. Death is possible from some hazardous substances
C. Acute effects are typically from sudden, short-term, high
D. All of the above (correct answer)

55. Regarding Radiation, which statement is true?

A. Radiation may be defined as energy traveling through time

B. None-ionizing radiation is essential to life so overexposure
won’t cause tissue damage
C. Ionizing radiation has insufficient energy to ionize atoms
leading to tissue damage.
D. Improperly controlled radiation can be potentially hazardous
to worker health (correct answer)

56. Regarding routes of exposure, chemicals can enter the body


A. Inhalation, Ingestion, Absorption (correct answer)

B. Only through inhalation
C. Through debrading of the skin

57. When the employer receives an OSHA citation, it must be:

A. Contested and filed with the courts

B. Copied and mailed to each worker
C. Posted for 3 days or until the violation is fixed (correct answer)
D. Signed and returned to OSHA

58. The CFR Parts, such as Part 1926 for Construction, are further
broken down into ___________, which group together specific
and detailed standards.

A. Bullets
B. Pieces
C. Slices
D. Subparts (correct answer)

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