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Pay attention: stay focus

Learning by heart: learning things from mind
Dropping out: leave school
Compulsory: obligation
Challenge: something which its going to be hard
Revise: study
Confusing: something that makes you feel confused
Skip classes: don't going to classes
Behaviour: conduct
Assignments: tasks
Not demanding: something that don't takes you soo much time
Extra - curricular activities: doing activities out of school
Obey: accept orders from / do what someone says
Punished: penalize
Cheating (in exams): copy
Bullying: treat someone badly
Disruptions: problems which interrupt something
Banned: prohibited / forbidden

Emphasise: give special importance or value to something.

Poverty: being extremely poor
Turn round: move to the opposite direction
Acquire: obtain
Lively: energetic
Enforced: caused by necessity or force
Achieve: reach succesfully
Roll your eyes: to turn one's eyes around in different directions or in a circle, as an annoyance

Take place
Make progress
Make sure
Take pride in
Make fun of
Take for granted
Make a mistake
Take notes
Make sense
Take part in
Make a decision
Take advantage of

Concentrate on
Care about
Care for
Hear of
Succed in
Rely on
Prepare for
Hear about
Accuse someone of
Compare something with
Belive in
Search for
Complain about
Stare at
Argue about something
Argue with someone
Blame for something
Blame on someone
Apologise for something
Apologise to someone


Gaming: videojuegos
Tool: herramienta
Devices: dispositivos
Equipped with: equipado con
Enable: permitir a
Cutting-edge: innovador
Capable of: capaz de
Wireless: inalambrico
Browse: navegar Internet
Upload: subir a
User-friendly: facil de usar
Install: instalar
Update: actualizar
Upgrade: renovar
Delete: borrar
Back up: hacer una copia de seguridad
Deny: denegar
Go viral: hacerse viral

As long as: siempre que

Cheer on: animar (con entusiasmo) a
Evolve: evolucionar, desarrollarse
Gifted: tener talento
Glued to: pegado/a a
Handle: desenvolverse en
In person: en persona
Meaningful: significativo/a
No matter sin importar
Proof: prueba (give ~: demostrar)
Thrilling: emocionante

Get over: olvidarse de

Give in: ceder
Join up: unirse a
Keep on: continuar
Pick up: recoger
Speak up: expresar opinion
Take over: apoderarse de
Artificial intelligence: inteligencia artificial
Coneviently located: muy bien situado
Deadly serious: muy en serio
Deep trouble: serios problemas
Heavy rain: lluvia torrencial
Highly unlikely: muy improbable
Perfect match: pareja perfecta
Pleasantly suprised: gratamente sorprendido
Rapid increase: incremento rapido
Slight difference: pequeña diferencia
Steady job: trabajo estable
Strongly opposed to: totalmente en contra de
Vast majority: inmensa mayoria
Well aware: plenamente consciente
Widely accepted: muy aceptado

Bitterly disappointed: muy decepcionado

Big deal: algo muy importante
Easy money: dinero facil
Eternally grateful: eternamente agradecida
Actively involved: muy metido / puesto

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