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- Measures overall joint stiffness

MEANING during movement.
- Quantifying “stiffness,” is difficult,
Ability to move a joint through its full dynamic flexibility is measured more
Range of Motion (ROM). subjectively.

Reduced mobility of joints increases the risk The aim of any good stretching program is
of injury during regular activities, sports, to improve both static and dynamic flexibility
and exercise routines, as well as the risk of so normal range of motion (ROM) can be
occasional and chronic back pain. achieved.

- A location in the skeletal system - Crucial for arthritis management and
where two or more bones intersect prevention.
and interact. - Enhances joint mobility, function, and
reduces stiffness and pain.
- Surround and connect joints, - Reduce muscle stiffness, knots, and
limiting flexibility. neuromuscular tension.
- Regular stretching aims to improve - Aids dysmenorrhea and muscle
the flexibility of these tissues. cramps.
NEUROMUSCULAR SYSTEM - Increased blood flow for faster muscle
- Plays a role in stretch reflections recovery.
and inhibitions. - Potential reduction in the risk of
Muscles spindles future lower back pain.
- lie parallel to the regular muscle
- help determine the length of muscles APPLICATION
when they are being stretched. FLEXIBILITY AND AGING
Golgi tendon organs (GTOs) - Declining range of motion with age
- located near the muscle-tendon can lead to pain during simple
junction activities.
- the endpoints of the muscle - Crucial for maintaining a high quality
- relay messages to the central nervous of life throughout the aging process.
system regarding muscle lengthening
and tension of the muscle INACTIVITY-MOBILITY CYCLE
- Lack of flexibility can lead to a cycle of
TYPES declining range of motion and activity.
STATIC FLEXIBILITY - Stretching program can help break
- Measures the limits of a joint’s this cycle.
overall range of motion (ROM).
- measured by: stretching and holding a IMPROVING RANGE OF MOTION
joint in the position of its maximum - Internal structures relate to the
range while using a measuring physical structures of body tissue.
instrument to quantify that range. - External factors are non-structural
and include gender, age, excess fat
mass, muscle mass, environmental
temperature, and restrictions in
clothing or equipment.
MUSCULAR STRENGTH & ENDURANCE regulating internal abdominal
- relates to your ability to move and The deep abdominal muscles & muscles in
lift objects. the back make up your 'core' muscles and
- It’s measured by how much force you help keep your body stable and balanced, and
can exert and how much weight you protects your spine.
can lift for a short period of time.
- Building muscular strength uses ARMS
heavier weights for fewer repetitions. - Made up of the biceps, triceps,
MUSCULAR ENDURANCE forearm muscles, and a few other
- The ability of a muscle to sustain small muscles.
repeated contractions against - You should include some direct
resistance for an extended period training for the biceps and triceps,
of time. but you generally don’t need to train
- To increase, one should engage in the forearms directly.
activities that work your muscles more
than usual such as squats, push-ups, LEGS
or jumping jacks. - Upper portion of the legs: quadriceps,
hamstrings, and glutes
MUSCLE GROUPS - Include exercises that train each of
There are three types of muscles in your body: these muscle groups in your workout
routine to maximize your leg size
Cardiac muscles - muscles that control your and definition.
Smooth muscles - control involuntary SHOULDERS
functions like constricting your blood vessels. - Made up of the anterior, lateral, and
Skeletal muscles - muscles that you target in posterior heads
the gym that help your body move. They make - Include exercises in your program that
up about 40 percent of your body weight. train all three heads to achieve a
balanced, proportionate look.
Major Muscle Groups In The Body:
Others also divide these muscle groups into
CHEST more specific categories such as:
- The chest muscle is composed of two
sections, or “heads”—the • calves (lower leg)
sternocostal and clavicular head, • hamstrings (back of upper leg)
- You should use exercises that target • quadriceps (front of upper leg)
both heads to maximize muscle • glutes (butt and hips)
growth. • biceps (front of upper arms)
• triceps (back of upper arms)
BACK • forearms (lower arm)
- Your back is made up of four large • trapezius (traps) (top of shoulders)
muscles • latissimus dorsi (lats) (under the armpits)
- The best exercises for training them all
involve horizontal and vertical
pulling, such as the barbell deadlift,
lat pulldown, and dumbbell row.

- Support the trunk, allow movement
and hold organs in place by
involves consistent training and targeted

Aerobic exercises like jogging or biking.

These types of exercises are important for
strengthening your heart and lungs.

Exercises that target certain muscles

● Bench press:
● Push-ups:
● Band chest press:

● One-arm dumbbell row:
● Resistance band pull apart:
● Superman:

● Plank:
● Bicycle crunches:
● Hanging leg raises:

● Biceps curls:
● Triceps dips:
● Pull-ups:

● Squat:
● Lunges:
● Calf raises:

● Seated shoulder press:
● Resistance band shoulder press:
● Plank with arms straight:


➢ Increased strength
➢ Improved posture
➢ Enhanced metabolism
➢ Increased bone density
➢ Improved balance and stability
➢ Enhanced joint health
➢ Reduced risk of chronic diseases
➢ Increased stamina and endurance
➢ Enhanced mental well-being
➢ Better overall functional ability

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