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TOD EL Aavscoths Passe hace einai dale blow before eteingyour cannon ‘Cenive Number “Candidate Number Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Wednesday 10 June 2020 — ‘Afternoon (Time: hour minutes) _| Paper Reference 4CH1/2CR Chemistry Unit: 4CH1 Paper: 2CR ‘You must have: Foire Calculator Instructions © Use black ink or ball-point pen © Fill in the boxes 2t the top ofthis page with your name, ‘entre number and candidate number. © Answer all questions {© Answer the questions in the spaces provided. = there may be more space than you ned. ‘Show al the steps in any calculations and state units {© Some questions must be answered with across in a 20x 8. fyau change your ‘mind about an answer, puta line through the box and then mark your new answer witha cross Information © The total mark for this paper s 70. 1@ The marks for each question are shown in brackets = use this asa guide as te how much time fo spend on each question. Advice 1 Read each question carefully before you start to answer. ‘© We your answers neatly and in good English, © Try to answer every question. © Check your ansiversifyou have time a the end, Tumover it =e Pearson P62048A "Yequinu ofoyn ysazeou 249 0 pepunos ueeg you oney ouLowy9 pve Jeddo0 jo sasseu auO}e BANE! UL ‘Panuvo u20q ancy (04-06 Ssoquinu 2}woV)sproun2e Xp pus (11-26 Sioquunu aOHe) sproUENRURY OL. eS ad |“ | con | ub | ie 2/s]2 a | ee = wy | Wed et | | eT = wees | we | tt mm | ah | at ES elela a] || = me | P| a on | ae | Wa" | “i = [am | oa eS] 6 |e = =) =) Esco pepe or | Gat | “e | k | a | Fe alae aleiels = 2/2) 8 = w |e |e | == om | ss | & = wee |= a |r|" = @ fas a " Tv 1 0 6 zo ‘SJUBW9]A OU} JO B/G] BPOLed oyL 2 DO NOTWRITE IN THIS AREA, DO NOT WRITEIN THIS AREA’ DO NOTWRITEIN THIS AREA [Answer ALL questions. 11 The diagram shows some pleces of apparatus. (2) Complete the table by giving the name of each piece of apparatus. Name Tét ke [bile tube. | | (b) Which piece of apparatus can be used to measure the volume of aliquid? oA = os = Be = oo - __ (Total for Question 1 = 5 marks) 2. Thallium, TLis an element in Group 3 and Period 6 of the Periodic Table. The atomic numberof thallium is 81 (2) How many electrons are there inthe outer shell ofan atomof thallium? a3 oe 6 ace dos (b) A thalium ion hasa charge of 3+ How many electrons are there inthis thallium ion? aa3 B78 2 G\-3 oem Op es DO NOTWRITEINTHIS AREA. | 5] 2| E| a | B] 2] 2 e| DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA | | | | (0) Asample of thalium contains two isotopes. ‘The table shows the mass number and percentage abundance ofeach isotope in the sample. Isotope Mass number Percentage abundance (24) thalium-208, 203 30.80 thalium-205 | 205 6320 (0) Give the number of protons and the number of neutrons in one atom of the thallium-205 isotope. numberof protons... Bl number of neutrons \Ua (Calculate the relative atomic mass ofthis sample of thalum. Give your answer to ane decimal place. Pe 2 0 308 (U3) +0607 (as) 2 Uh. RU Die Cidp) marks) telative atemic mass = | 3 (@) The diagram shows afactionating column used to separate crude ol nto fractions. refinery gases gasoline kerosene dlicsel teydd fuel oi! > bitumen | | (0) Give ause for bitumen and a use for gasoline. | sua trtnumen Sry, coats 6 rors | usefergesoine..fusl OF | Gi) Explain why bitumen is collected atthe bottom of the factionating column {and gasoline collected near the top ofthe fractionating column, | 16 Caumn's Cid ak the Be Gin ot Oe biker - Coste L (ase baling pact Gen bares 58 (ledk? nearer Che bo (b) There is low demand for some ofthe fractions obtained from crude ol Cracking can be used to convert these fractions into more useful substances, 0 Sate the codons needed or cchn. Alumin [Sixex Cokeyct Gee Roo | Dodecane Cs) anbe cracked to produce an alkane nd two alkenes. | Complete the equation by giving the formulae of the to alkenes. | Gly Ol (Total for Question 3 = 8 marks) Can > Gig + 0 A BLANK PAGE ‘vaMV SIHL WI ALi LON 6a ‘VaMV SIHLNILIUM LON Og ‘VaUV SIKLNIZLIUM ON Oa ‘4 This question is about some ofthe alkali metals and their comgounds, (a) When a teacher drops a smal piece of sodium into a trough of cold water, she ‘observes bubbles of gas, ve two other observations that would be made when sodium reacts with ‘cold water. 1 Seton Lous Ge Be ante Suffer Gedive mits & Goes 0 batt |, Sechium gus Sealer [ diseapead oer | Sahivon forms date bras (Lithium reacts with Morne frm the compound lth Mure {Give chemical equation for this eacton. Wisk > we (Give a testo show that thium flurde contains Ithu fons B flom teal preducs a 1? flame, Seniny Wot os ave Preset | {ti) Oraw diagrams to show the arrangement of the electros in alithium ion ane Ina fluoride ion. Include the charge on each ion, “thiumion ~fuorideion [oy DO NOT WRITE INTHIS AREA. DONOT WRITEINTHISAREA. DONOTWRITEIN THIS AREA. {@) The table shows the electronic configurations of sodium and potassium. Electronic configuration 281 281 Explain, in terms of ther electronic configurations, why potassium is more reactive than sodium, 3) Reson hero (any AHS 0045 Gh rane BERR tne Suen Shediny Non in Surber: Tere 6 bess albrcbin_bebusesr Oe cur Uatbon ond the nucleus of pbsSun , mracnny kay be List tare andy She Seclam's SY ele Chron, Melony gekesSiun mare reacirie Run Sodium 5 This questionis about the metal aluminium, 7 = : a OQOOQ OOO © | ehaers (@ explain why a metal conducts electric Dedecabgg Aeltors Go Mave (©) Aluminium is used to make cans fr drinks. Give two properties of aluminium that make it suitable fr this use (oo ders Matbeable 2..Qoesn' rence Lait dade DUI DONOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITE INTHIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA’ (€) Aluminium is extracted from aluminium oxide (ALO) by electrolysis “The electrolyte i aluminium oxide dissolved in molten crylte. (0) State why aluminium cannot be extracted by heating aluminium oxide with carbon, Ahuwoun 5 Mure reachie Con Cafbar (i) Aluminium is produced at the negative electrode. Te onic hal-equaton forthe reaction i At 4 3e° 5 AL State why thsi reton reaction, The A” Gies Som dlecdos _(rsluction 1 fhe yun of etores) Ci) Complete the fon hal-eqution forthe reaction atthe postive electrode Lion Ov {6 Astudent wants to prepare sodium chloride crystals from sodivm hydroxide solution and dilute hydrochloric acid. He does a titration to find the volume of cilute hydrochloric acid needed to neutralise the sodium hydroxide solution “This his method. | @ add 25.0cm' of sodium hydroxide solution to 2 conical fask ‘¢ adda few drops of phenolphthalen indicator tothe conical flask ‘© tivate the solution with the hydrochloric acid (@) Name a suitable plece of apparatus thatthe student should use to measure 25.0cm" of sodium hydroxide solution, | Prete (©) (0. Give the colour ofthe phenophthalein indicator in sodium hydroxide solution and in hydrochloric acid |anencammenesinn Pit | colour in hydrachloi acd... ets A) Suggest why universal indicator is never used ina titration, Rue te Chey Cleat Onory ot Gee end povt (0) The student finds that 21.50! of hydrochloric acid is needed to neutralise 25.0crm of sodium hydroxide solution, (0. Describe what the student should do next to prepare a pure solution of sodium chioride. Aid VS0G2 ¢ hyrdle 96) & 156° of San Wy Beate Seen | | ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THISAREA’ DO NOTWRITEINTHIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA (i) Describe how the student could obtain dry crystals of sedlium chloride from the pure sodium chloride solution, Hear Ye Surya te Obrennte Sore of He taals/, (Ormny os Sammtd Sutin. Leave he leben bo Coal, alfoan, Cysts be Gon. Biter off the: Crystals Ord Bran Ary Be Gydtes Qe pete () The student needs 21 50a’ of hydrochloric acid to neutralise 25.0cm’ of sodium hydroxide solution of concentration 0.800 mol/dm’ The equation forthe reactions NaOH + HCL Nact + H.0 Caeulate the concentration in mold, of the hydrochloric acid n(Nacd) =Cee 4 = O14 Bas? 2 O.0lm\ nla) 2 0. ote Coc (HO) Bow 1 = O92 = 0.01 Ws8 sek Ss USas concentrations 0-430. motidm* | | | | | | | 7 (a) Ethanol, C:H,0H, can be oxidised to produce ethanokc acid, CH,COOH, by heating it with potassium dichromate( Vi | (i) Name one other reactant needed for this reaction to occur. Sidrue acid (i) Which colour change occurs during this reaction? =| GA colourless to green =) 0B arentoorange =) FE orange to coloutess =) oxange to green | ntti nin one "Wiseuiton an ao be writen sng eilyed formula shoal he Conte bonis the aces 4a HE6-0-H + 30-0 4 20-640 + SHO wn ‘The table gives the bond energies for these bonds. | Bond Bondenergyinki/mol 346 412.358 DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA’ DONOTWRITEINTHIS AREA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA, (0. Use values from the table to calculate the energy needed to break all the ‘bonds in the reactants. = 5 (un) + 3 + Hs TAKE +3 (hb) = skies ‘energy needed us (i) Use values from the table to calculate the energy released when all the bonds in the products are formed. = bus) 4.60 463) = 5950 oul” 5750 energy released {i Calculate the molar enthalpy change (AH in k/mol, forthe complete combustion of ethanol, Include a signin your answer. Mn: Brealey vive) 2 UWS S%o Bs NOS we 1035 aymot Turn over (6. Ethanol reacts with methanoic acid, HCOOH, In the presence of an acid catalyst form an ester. ‘The equation forthe reaction is GHOH + HCOOH = HCOOGH. + HO (0. Give the name ofthe ester that forms. Uthy) Mrethenoute (0 Draw the asplaed formula for this ester " -a-O7**N , 4 4 n=o0 W- =-(\-* (Gi) When this reaction takes place ina sealed container, the reaction can reach ynamic equiiorium. Give two characteristics of a reaction at dynamic equiliium, forsee? ond ture reachurs OCS ab Qu Some take Cindinbrtos of actos ay prabils dart Choy DONOTWRITEIN THIS AREA DONOTWRITEINTHIS AREA DO NOTWRITE IN THIS AREA, (4) Methanoic acid reacts with sodium carbonate to form sodium methanoate, carton dioxide and water. ‘The equation forthe reactions | 2HCOOH + Na,CO, + 2HCOONa + C2, + HO Calculate the volume, in cm, of carbon dioxide gas produced when 2.39 of ‘methanoic acid reacts completely with sodium carbonate (M, of HCOOH = 46) [molar volume of carbon dioxide at rtp = 24 dm’) | on | noo). E23 J6.05 me 05 a | HLG,5 ES 2. euptseer | (ory, FO | v (ox) * Uren 0-078 = beote® volume ofeabon die... 82 (Tota for Question 7 = 16 marks) _ 7 R=7OMARKS Pn BLANK PAGE 0000100 0 0 ee BLANK PAGE \VaUY SIHLNIZLINM ON 00. VauW SiML NI SLR LON O@ VauV SIHLL NLM LON 0@ BLANK PAGE

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