NIS Sessional Test 1 - Question Bank

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Question Bank

Class: TYCO (22620)

Subject: Network and Information Security

C620.1: Introduction to computer and information security

C620.2: User Authentication and Access Control

1. Write down four advantages of biometrics.

2. Differentiate Passive and Active attacks
3. Differentiate: worm and virus.
4. Define virus Explain at least two types of viruses.
5. Explain in brief piggybacking?
6. Describe terms regarding computer security
Assets 2) Threats
7. Describe 1) Sniffing 2) Spoofing
8. Enlist types of biometrics.
9. Explain any one biometrics type in details.
10. Describe a biometric security mechanism with suitable diagram.
11. Explain CIA Model for security?
12. Describe access control policies in detail.
13. Explain the term intruders and insiders?
14. Describe piggybacking and shoulder surfing
15. Explain Man in middle Attack and Dos Attack?
16. Differentiate intruders and insiders.

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