Investment Banking - Investor Relations

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Global Financial Services

Investment Banking - Investor Relations


Heartland Capital Markets, LLC

Investor Relations June 2011

Table of Contents: 1) What is Investor Relations ("IR") .........................................................................................1 2) Why Do I Need Investor Relations ......................................................................................2 3) How Does HCM IR Work ...................................................................................................3 4) HCM Direct Marketing Solutions..........................................................................................4 5) Social Media Marketing........................................................................................................5 6) Web Design and SEO..........................................................................................................6 7) The HCM Network................................................................................................................7 8) IR Case Study Analysis........................................................................................................8 9) About Heartland Capital Markets, LLC ..............................................................................11

2011 Heartland Capital Markets

Investor Relations Whitepaper


What Is Investor Relations ("IR")?

Investor Relations or "IR" is a strategic management responsibility that integrates finance, communication, marketing and securities law compliance to enable the most effective two-way communication between a company, the financial community, and other constituencies, which ultimately contributes to a company's securities achieving fair valuation. The term also describes the department of a company devoted to handling inquiries from shareholders and investors, as well as others who might be interested in a company's stock or financial stability. Large companies have entire departments and web sites dedicated to investor relations now. It is very important that the information is released to the investors correctly and in a timely fashion. This is required to ensure that the market place remains a fair and level playing field for all who participate. Investor relations concern any information about the company that may affect the stock price or earnings of the company. Earnings releases, earnings forecasts, annual and quarterly reports and most press releases, are all part of investor relations and the responsibility of the investor relations officer or department. Small to medium size public companies tend to not have the resources to keep an entire staff on the payroll or to establish an Investor Relations Department so they will outsource IR to qualified firms that have the infrastructure in place to assist the company with its IR needs. Investor Relations has taken the place of a public relations (PR) department in many firms, and in many ways investor relations services are a comprehensive form of PR. More and more companies are placing a lot of emphasis on investor relations services. The experts, who provide these services, develop contacts with potential investor and help them find suitable options for investment. On the other hand, the company that they invest in benefits as well. All this may sound very simple but it actually is not. Investor relations firms need to have a thorough knowledge of the media and other techniques that can increase investors interest in a particular company. These companies also use mass mailing tools to ensure that companys offerings reach a wider customer base.

2011 Heartland Capital Markets

Why Do I Need IR?

When you see that your company needs some market stability in todays world, you should think of hiring an IR consultant for to provide your investor relations services. A consultant will steer you clearly and safely through all the work needed to get hold of the your company's current market perception. An array of different investor relations services can be used to get the much needed attention of prospective and likely shareholders. These numerous services will ensure that potential shareholders can be ensnared easily. To launch your company fully to the public, you will need to exploit investor relations services to the fullest. You should use all available means from traditional press releases, media kits, online services like brochures, newsletters and reports to the contemporary social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. Investor relations providers like Heartland Capital Markets, LLC (HCM) make the most of the stakeholders, press release distributions, stock alert services, and market makers etc. to give your company the much needed publicity, and will make your company name appear on numerous TV screens, radio channels, social mailboxes and email inboxes. A reliable and strong firm like HCM that has a wide network of investors, private equity funds and broker dealers will in turn help you in launching your company, create more awareness and drive it towards the road of market stability. Another important reason you need IR, it is crucial to deal adequately with current as well as potential share holders. A company can only survive if its investors are happy and satisfied with its progress. HCM can make sure the information that is needed to answer the queries of the investors is readily available and easily accessible, this will help bridge the gaps between you and your shareholders. This will help prevent Investors from losing their faith by keeping them aware of the companys accounts effectively. By hiring HCM, you can keep the market updated in real time all the time. A good investor relations firm like HCM takes this responsibility completely upon their shoulders and thus the you can be assured that your interest are aligned. And finally, HCM is much more proficient in fetching long term investors for your company and assist you in developing a great relationship with them. It is through this strategic management accountability from the company that becomes a huge one of the companies most valuable assets, however if it is not maintained properly, it can become a liability. If for only this reason, you should always hand over this responsibility to people who excel at it and whose core task is to provide investor relations services. Your company can focus more on the core business and make its life a lot easier by engaging a firm like HCM for your Investor Relations Services

2011 Heartland Capital Markets

How Does HCM IR Work?

There are several components to a successful IR Campaign, to help better understand what HCM can offer and what goes into a campaign let's look at the moving parts: Direct Marketing Solutions: Whether its Digital or Traditional Media, HCM can assist you in launching a multipronged approach harnessing both strategies. We will broaden your company's reach while maximizing your ROI all while increasing brand awareness. Social Media Marketing: With a collective user base of over 1.5 Billion, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter can't be ignored. HCM will help you to leverage the power of Social Media to build brand recognition, engage your shareholders and potential shareholders and monitor public conversations. HCM will build your social presence with a focus on investor awareness and brand loyalty. Web Design and SEO: You only have one chance to make a first impression. Perception is reality, having a dynamic and engaging website not only helps to establish public confidence but it will also give your brand more credibility. The HCM Network: HCM has a proprietary network of high traffic web properties including blogs, financial sites, industry reference hubs and Investor Research pages. Our sites are consistently achieving top ten organic search results on all the major engines for valuable and proprietary keywords HCM has developed through years of practical application. Our network offers you the most economical way to broaden your shareholder base and get important information about your company into targeted and receptive hands. On the next few pages we will go into more detail on the topics above and give you a comprehensive understanding of HCM's Capabilities.

2011 Heartland Capital Markets

HCM Direct Marketing Solutions

1. Direct Mail Fulfillment HCM can help you save time and capital in regard to the delivery of investor materials, including investor packets, and other awareness materials. Services include hand and machine enclosing, Mail sort Postings, Database Management and tracking. We have the capability to print and send up to 10 million pieces of mail with a 4 to 5 week period. 2. Media Buying A. Stock Newsletters - HCM can book over 40 financial related newsletters with a reach of over 28,000,000 subscribers. HCM can get your story out in front of the investing public. B. Broadcast Media Buying- Our team can save you time and money when producing, corporate videos, commercials or infomercials. We can buy media on all the major networks and cable stations ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, CNBC, BLOOMBERG, FOX and more. We can buy national or local time to focus down into specific markets. C. Print Media Buying- Get the best rates on national and regional newspaper and magazine placement. We can book US Today, WSJ, Barons, Investor Business Daily, and more. D. Road Shows and Conferences- We can assist you in finding the best conferences to attend and the best road show to present your companies message. We also can help you to put together the most effective presentation for your company. 3. Online Advertising and PPC Our team can book online advertising to expand the company's presence on the major financial networks like Yahoo finance, Investors Hub, OTC Markets and thousands of other sites stock related websites. 4. Search Engine Marketing Our team specializes in SEO for search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. We can assist you company in driving more keyword targeted traffic to your websites. We can get your company on the number one page of Google with targeted keywords, that will increase sales and awareness of your company. Imagine if you had 1000 visits per day looking at your products or 10,000 new investors each month looking at your stock.

2011 Heartland Capital Markets

Social Media Marketing

START BUILDING REACH, ENGAGEMENT & INFLUENCE HCM can provide setup and configuration of your primary social channels. Once in place the interactions from your audience are tracked and addressed. We can also provide basic training to your in-house team to bring them up to speed on how to efficiently handle day to day social media. SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT HCM Provides comprehensive social media deployment services featuring direct response campaigns on Twitter, Facebook and other leading social channels to drive traffic to online content, follower building, social sharing and account management. This all inclusive platform provides the tools and analytics to identify and engage your target audience influencers as well as in depth analytics to accurately determine ROI. Features Include: Weekly updates/engagement on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and YouTube. Social network friend seeding. RSS distribution & submission. Facebook ad campaign management. Blogger and influencer outreach. Monthly online surveys and social contests. Weekly blog post. Monthly reporting & analysis. Video Marketing Online video is second only to word-of-mouth for its ability to influence decision makers in every stage of the purchase lifecycle. No marketing effort is compete without incorporating online video to drive awareness, leads, customer acquisition and loyalty. Our proprietary video blogging platform provides video distribution to a loyal user base of interested investors. It provides a fast and simple way to enhance your online message and tell your brand story in a more engaging manner. This option Includes one video (5-10min.), graphic design for video template, production, post-production, publishing, syndication and distribution.

2011 Heartland Capital Markets

Web Design and SEO

Our approach to designing a perfect website is combining IR and PR elements to make a well defined and direct corporate statement. Investors can be intimidated by complex IR sites and need simple integration of financial data. Both individual and professional investors want the companys own story and investment vision. While companies must provide IR information to attract and retain investors, they must also be realistic about the types of content and features that users need most. Simplicity and a coherent story about the company are better than drowning users in incomprehensible data. An important part of a good IR campaign is the creation of Landing Pages. HCM design experts can create landing pages that are both visually appealing and convey the correct message about the opportunity to maintain equity in your company. HCM Landing pages are designed to play an important role in your potential shareholders due diligence on your company. SEO - This often overlooked element of an IR campaign is essential in completing the loop of research performed by today's investor. Making sure that relevant information about the company shows up in the top tier of organic searches is crucial to confirm brand information and credibility.

2011 Heartland Capital Markets

The HCM Network

HCM has a network of multiple high traffic websites with a deep loyal user base. Our sites are consistently ranked in the Top 10 Organic Search categories on Google, Yahoo and Bing for over 300 investor related keywords. We offer cost effective investor awareness programs for companies wanting to broaden their shareholder base and get their message out to the investing public. Some of our Featured Sites Include: - a Stock Profile based site with current news and information on featured companies. - a financial news site featuring news about Chinese Companies trading on the US Markets - a financial news site with information regarding mining and gold stocks and other gold related investment - a financial news aggregation site with links to news and information on OTCBB companies. - a financial news aggregation site with links to news and information on NYSE/AMEX companies. - a twitter aggregation site with a live stream of financial tweets occurring in real time. - a high end financial research portal for individual company research reports. - a twitter aggregation site with a live stream of financial tweets occurring in real time.

In addition to these and other sites on our network HCM maintains a social presence for each brand and have large opt-in email users for each specific market segment.

2011 Heartland Capital Markets

IR Case Study Analysis

BDSI Case Study

Campaign Start Date: March 1, 2009 Campaign Summary: released a detailed research report on BDSI regarding its product lineup and potential FDA activity, this report was distributed via email and online download. We experienced strong price action during campaign.

2011 Heartland Capital Markets

BOMJ/BYOC Case Study

Campaign Start Date: Jan 03, 2009 Campaign Summary: utilized PPC directed to an online landing page for investors as well as a downloadable and direct mail piece. Our campaign created strong price action and liquidity on an issue with a new trading symbol.

2011 Heartland Capital Markets

FYAD Case Study

Campaign Start Date: May 15, 2010 Campaign Summary: utilized PPC and social media for this campaign directed to an online landing page for investors. Our campaign created price action on what was otherwise a non-trading issue.

2011 Heartland Capital Markets


About Heartland Capital Markets, LLC

With over 20 Years experience in the public markets and an expanded focus on facilitating our clients growth objectives, HCM has been able to offer the most comprehensive range of services available in our industry including; DPO (Direct Public Offering) APO (Alternative Public Offering) IPO (Initial Public Offering) PIPE (Private Investment in Public Equity) SEPA (Standby Equity Purchase Agreement) IR (Investor Relations) PR (Public Relations) M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions) Buy Side and Sell Side Debt Financing Equity Lines of Credit Asset Based Lending Market Intelligence Services

Through a joint effort with our strategic broker-dealer relationships, Heartland Capital Markets assists private companies in going public by simultaneously completing a reverse merger transaction with a private placement of equity capital (PIPE) or a Standby Equity Purchase Agreement (SEPA). Our Team has completed numerous DPO and SEPA transactions, thus capturing the dominant position in the market. HCMs DPO and SEPA transactions have ranged in size from $5 million to $75 million. This direct public offering model has quickly become widely accepted in the mainstream financial community, and has eclipsed the IPO as the preferred method for mid- and small-cap companies that are raising capital and going public. The HCM team has a positive track record with the completion of over $4 Billion worth of M&A transactions including the listing of transactions on all of the major US exchanges. Contact a HCM Representative today to find out how to get started on your strategic relationship 678-453-6736 or by email at

2011 Heartland Capital Markets


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