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For software version 2.5.2.

Document Part Number: 830-04031-59
July 13th, 2023

MXK (823/819/319) Release


This document describes the MXK (823/819/319) release:

• New Features, page 2
• Fixed Issues, page 29
• Recommendations and Known Issues, page 56
• Interface Changes, page 70
• Recommended version of ZMS, page 70
• CPE Support Matrix, page 75
• DZS MXK card types, page 77
• Downloading, Upgrading, Downgrading and Restoring software on the
MXK (823/819/319), page 79
• Contacting DZS Global Support and Service, page 89

Before downloading/upgrading a new release of the system software
on the MXK (823/819/319), DZS recommends, as a precautionary
measure, that you read the Downloading, Upgrading, Downgrading
and Restoring software on the MXK (823/819/319), page 79 section
and all important notes and cautions in the section.

5700 Tennyson Parkway,
Plano, TX 75024

Copyright © 2023 DZS

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

• New Features in, on page 3
• New Features in, on page 3
• New Features in, on page 3
• New Features in, on page 3
• New Features in, on page 3
• New Features in, on page 4
• New Features in, on page 5
• New Features in, on page 5
• New Features in, on page 5
• New Features in, on page 5
• New Features in, on page 5
• New Features in, on page 5
• New Features in, on page 5
• New Features in, on page 5
• New Features in, on page 5
• New Features in, on page 5
• New Features in, on page 6
• New Features in, on page 6
• New Features in, on page 6
• New Features in, on page 6
• New Features in, on page 7
• New Features in, on page 7
• New Features in, on page 7
• New Features in, on page 7
• New Features in, on page 7
• New Features in, on page 9
• New Features in, on page 12
• New Features in, on page 13
• New Features in, on page 13
• New Features in, on page 14
• New Features in, on page 14

2 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

• New Features in, on page 15
• New Features in, on page 15
• New Features in, on page 17
• New Features in, on page 17
• New Features in, on page 17
• New Features in, on page 17
• New Features in, on page 18
• New Features in, on page 18
• New Features in, on page 20

New Features in release adds many ME profiles for the following ONT models:
dzs-2401gn, dzs-2411gn, dzs-2428gn, dzs-2466gn, zhone-5211xg,
smbs-fast5657 and alcl-g-010.
To view all supported ME profiles using the onu profile show internal-me

New Features in release adds many ME profiles.
To view all supported ME profiles using the onu profile show internal-me

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 3

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

New Features in

Update the SSH/SFTP Key Algorithms

Update the SSH/SFTP Key Algorithms from DSA 256 bit to RSA 2048 bit for
increased security.

Increase the maximum number of GEM ports per ONT

Increase the maximum number of GEM ports per ONT to allow up to 24

different RG VLANs to be configured via USP. The previous limit was 16

protected-mgmt-frames Field in cpe-wlan-subscriber Profile

Added new field protected-mgmt-frames in the cpe-wlan-subscriber profile.

USP Support for NAPT Full Cone in CPE RG WAN IP-Common Profile

This feature added the naptfullcone option to the nat field in the CPE RG
WAN IP-Common Profile to provision NAPT for devices, such as Cisco
SPA-112. This feature is only supported on a WAN interface.
By default, the nat field is set to nat, to modify the value to naptfullcone, use
the following commands:
zSH> CPE> RG> WAN> IP-COM> modify TestServer nat
Saving this profile will trigger a partial
reconfiguration on each of the CPEs that depend on this
profile and may cause service interruptions on those CPEs
Do you want to save the profile? [yes] or [no]: yes
Do you want to exit from this request? [yes] or [no]: no
Are you sure? [yes] or [no]: yes
Profile has been modified.

USP support for NTP server on zNIDs

Add USP support to configure Network Time Protocol server on zNIDs.

Support for zNID Models 2101HP and 2804P

Add ME file for model 2101HP and 2804P ONTs that support configuration
of POE power levels up to 60W per port.

4 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 5

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in supports a new line card MXK-VDSL2+POTS-BCM-35B-24-V
in CLI and WebUI.

MXK-VDSL2+POTS-BCM-35B-24-V Line Card

The MXK-VDSL2+POTS-BCM-35B-24-V line cards provide 24 ports for

VoIP and VDSL2 with up to 35B profile and vectoring.

To configure MXK-VDSL2+POTS-BCM-35B-24-V card:

1 Install the MXK-VDSL2+POTS-BCM-35B-24-V card in the desired
MXK line card slot.
2 Create a card-profile for the card:
zSH>card add 1
After performing a card add in a slot, the slot resets and begins
downloading the software image from the flash card. This could take a
few moments.

When the card has finished loading, a log message similar to the
following is displayed (if logging is enabled):

Card in slot slot-number changed state to RUNNING

3 Verify the card by entering slots command.


4 Verify the card-profile for the MXK-VDSL2+POTS-BCM-35B-24-V

card by entering get card-profile command.
zSH>get card-profile 1/1/10237

6 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in

“band-steering” field in cpe-wlan-advanced Profile

Added band-steering field in cpe-wlan-advanced profile which enables the

dual-band capable zNID a faster 5GHz Wi-Fi for critical applications and
leave 2.4GHz Wi-Fi for other, therefore to improve Wi-Fi performance for all
the applications.

H-series ONTs Image Download initiated through OMCI

Added a download option to H-series ONTs using GPON File Transfer

Controller ME using OMCI instead of using SNMP to initiate the FTP/TFTP
To initiate the image download to H-series, the ONT requires below
1. File Path
2. File URL
File URL contains below components:
1. Protocol - ftp or tftp
2. FTP/TFTP Server IP address
3. FTP/TFTP Server port number
4. FTP/TFTP Server username and password

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 7

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Example URL: ftp://admin:test123@

“SysNameAlias” Field in the System Profile

Added a new field, sysNameAlias, in the system profile so users can use both
sysname and sysNameAlias for more system naming flexibilities and

A new SNMP OID to Support Previous Day Inits on VDSL2 Line Cards

Added a new SNMP OID to support previous day inits on VDSL2 line cards.

MXK-GPONX4/8-IO Cards Support up to 1024 Secure Entries

To provide up to 1024 secure entries on MXK-GPONX4-IO and

MXK-GPONX8-IO cards, use the two new options in the Options field of the
system profile: add256ipv4secbrdg and add512ipv4secbrdg.
The following table shows how many secure IPv4 entries, secure IPv6 entries,
or egress stats each possible option can provide.

Table 1: Summary of the Options Field of the System Profile

Selected Options: None add256ipv4secbrdg add512ipv4secbrdg add256ipv4secbrdg

(i.e. no option +
selected) add512ipv4secbrdg

Secure IPv4 entries 256 512 768 1024

Secure IPv6 entries 256 0 256 0

Egress stats 2048 2048 1536 1536

(including egress rate

Note: The Options field of the system profile only applies to the
MXK-GPONX4/8-IO cards. It does not apply to the
MXK-GPONX8-IO3 card.
The MXK-GPONX4-IO and MXK-GPONX8-IO cards can provide
up to 1024 secure entries with the Options field of the system profile.
The MXK-GPONX8-IO3 card can support 4096 secure entries for
IPv4 and another 4096 secure entries for IPv6.

CLI User Privilege

Added a new feature, CLI User Privilege. This feature adds Access Control
Lists (ACL) to the MXK Z-Shell Command Line Interface (CLI). With CLI
ACLs, the system administrator can create lists of Z-Shell commands that a

8 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

user may or may not perform. This gives the system a much greater
granularity than the current SLMS User Access feature.
As an example, in the current system, if a user has “admin” privileges, the
user can issue all commands that require Admin privileges. With CLI ACL,
the specific commands or even specific sub-options of the command can be
permitted or denied.
For example, you can create an ACL that allows a user to only perform
bridge flush commands. Or allow the user to perform all bridge commands
except for bridge add or bridge delete. The new command that manages CLI
ACLs is called user-acl. The user-acl command has three main
sub-commands: list, rule, and user.

New Features in

For System-wide zNID SW Upgrade, Only Resync zNID when Needed

When performing a zNID SW upgrade, prior versions of the MXK SW would

automatically re-sync all zNID configurations. The time to complete these
actions could be lengthy, especially for a system-wide zNID upgrade. This
new feature only performs a re-sync on a zNID when it is needed so that the
total zNID upgrade time can be significantly reduced.

WebUI: New Fields in the CPE Ethernet Subscriber box and New Pages
in the Services Profiles

MXK WebUI added following new fields to the Subscriber Profile box in the
CPE/Create Ethernet Subscriber Page:
• VLAN Filter List
• Access Control List
• Authentication Mode
Added following new pages to the Services Profiles:
• Access Control List
• Access Control
• VLAN Filter List

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 9

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

• VLAN Filter

GPON C++ Transceiver Model

Added a new GPON C++ transceiver model


Enable/Disable Reverse-polarity in USP for zNID POTS ports

Added a new feature bit “reverse-polarity” to the CPE VoIP feature

profile to configure reverse polarity for zNID POTS ports by USP ps from
MXK. By default, reverse-polarity is disabled.

Enabling and disabling the reverse-polarity feature

1 Create a CPE VoIP feature profile.
zSH> CPE> VOIP> FEATURES> add testprofile
Profile "testprofile" has been created with index 3

2 Show the default values on the CPE VoIP feature profile. Since the
reverse-polarity feature is disabled by default, it is not showing under the
Call Presentation Features category.

10 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

cpe-voip-features 3 Name: testprofile Type: reordertone
hotLine: disabled
Conference Option: local
Conference Uri:
Caller ID Call Waiting Call Progress or Call Presentation
Features Features Transfer Features Features
============== ================ ================== =======================
calling-number call-waiting 3-way msg-wait-splash-ring
calling-name cid-announcement call-transfer msg-wait-special-dial-tone
cid-blocking call-hold msg-wait-visual
cid-number call-park call-fwd
cid-name do-not-disturb
anonym-block flash-on-emergency

1 entries found.

3 Enable the reverse-polarity feature bit in the call-presentation-features

category, and verify it is enabled.
zSH> CPE> VOIP> FEATURES> modify testprofile
call-presentation-features reverse-polarity

Profile has been modified.


cpe-voip-features 3 Name: testprofile Type: reordertone
hotLine: disabled
Conference Option: local
Conference Uri:
Caller ID Call Waiting Call Progress or Call Presentation
Features Features Transfer Features Features
============== ================ ================== =========================
calling-number call-waiting 3-way msg-wait-splash-ring
calling-name cid-announcement call-transfer msg-wait-special-dial-tone
cid-blocking call-hold msg-wait-visual
cid-number call-park call-fwd
cid-name do-not-disturb reverse-polarity
anonym-block flash-on-emergency
1 entries found.

4 Disable the reverse-polarity.

zSH> CPE> VOIP> FEATURES> modify testprofile
call-presentation-features -reverse-polarity
Profile has been modified.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 11

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

New Features in

Reporting capability of end of call statistics in H.248 with Genband C20

Add a new reporting capability of end of call statistics in H.248 with Genband
C20 switch.

An option to provision VoiceMail Message Waiting Indicator (VMWI) at

the subscriber port level

This release added an option to provision VoiceMail Message Waiting

Indicator (VMWI) at the subscriber port level. Currently this capability is at
the board level only.
By default the VMWI feature will be enabled for all the subscribers.
To configure VMWI, use the new feature bit "vmwioff" in the "voip-features"
field in the voip-server-entry profile and "features" field in the
subscriber-voice profile.
The "vmwioff" settings in the voip-server-entry profile takes precedence over
the "vmwioff" settings in the subscriber-voice profile:
• To disable VMWI at voip-server level, set the "vmwioff" bit at
voip-server-entry profile.
• Enabling "vmwioff" at the voip-server-entry will overwrite any settings at
the "vmwioff" bit at the subscriber-voice profile.
• To disable at individual subscriber level, set the "vmwioff" bit at the
subscriber-voice profile.
The following example disabled the VMWI on the port basis:.
zSH> update subscriber-voice 1/4/3
subscriber-voice 1/4/3
Please provide the following: [q]uit.
voice-connection-type: --------> {voiptopots}: **
read-only **
voice-endpoint1-addr-index: ---> {6}: ** read-only **
voice-endpoint2-addr-index: ---> {5}: ** read-only **
voice-connection-description: -> {}:
voice-admin-status: -----------> {enabled}:
huntgroup: --------------------> {false}: ** read-only
features: --------------------->
Save changes? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: s
Record updated.

12 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

The following example disabled VMWI feature on the voip-server-entry
zSH> update voip-server-entry 1/1
voip-server-entry 1/1
Please provide the following: [q]uit.
zhoneVoipServerAddrType: ----------> {ipv4}:
zhoneVoipServerAddr: --------------> {}:
zhoneVoipServerUdpPortNumber: -----> {5060}:
zhoneVoipServerId: ----------------> {metaswitch}:
protocol: -------------------------> {sip}: **
read-only **
sendCallProceedingTone: -----------> {false}:
rtcpEnabled: ----------------------> {false}:
rtcpPacketInterval: ---------------> {5000}:
interdigitTimeOut: ----------------> {10}:
ipTos: ----------------------------> {0}:
systemDomainName: -----------------> {}:
expires-invite-value: -------------> {3600}:
expires-register-value: -----------> {3600}:
expires-header-method: ------------> {register}:
session-timer: --------------------> {off}:
session-expiration: ---------------> {180}:
session-min-session-expiration: ---> {180}:
session-caller-request-timer: -----> {no}:
session-callee-request-timer: -----> {no}:
session-caller-specify-refresher: -> {omit}:
session-callee-specify-refresher: -> {uac}:
dtmf-mode: ------------------------> {rfc2833}:
rtp-termid-syntax: ----------------> {}:
rtpDSCP: --------------------------> {0}:
signalingDSCP: --------------------> {0}:
dtmf-payload-id: ------------------> {101}:
register-ready-timeout: -----------> {10}:
message-retry-count: --------------> {1}:
voip-features: --------------------> {NONE(0)}:vmwioff
transport-protocol: ---------------> {udp}:
signalling-local-port-number: -----> {5060}:
register-timer-expiry:-----------------> {0 - 100}
Save changes? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit:s
Record updated.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 13

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in

An Option to Configure TCP and SSH Ports for SFTP sessions

between MXK and ZMS

Introduce a new secure connection option between MXK and ZMS for SFTP
sessions by providing an option of selecting an alternate TCP Port (in addition
to current port 22) for SFTP sessions. This feature can be used when TCP port
22 (or any other particular port #) is not preferred per Network Service
Provider's firewall policy.
This feature can be used by setting the newly added field sftpClientPort in
the system 0 profile. The value range for this field is from 1 to 65535 and the
default value is 22.
Note the sftpClientPort is only used and applicable if the system is in secure
mode (secure = enabled). Otherwise, the MXK uses FTP and TFTP. Once the
system is enabled in secure mode, you can no longer telnet to the system,
you’ll have to use SSH (SSH server port value is specified in the
sshServerPort field).
To change sftpClientPort from the default value 22 and enable the secure
mode, set the following fields in the system profile:
zSH> update system 0
system 0
Please provide the following: [q]uit.
secure: --------------------------> {disabled}:enabled
sshServerPort: -------------------> {22}:
sftpClientPort: ------------------> {22}: 1691
Save changes? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit:s

Currently, the SSH Server always listens and accepts connections on TCP port
22. Because of introducing the option of alternative TCP port, the SSH Server
port is now also configurable.
This feature can be used by setting the newly added field sshServerPort in
the system 0 profile. The values range for this field is from 1 to 65535 and the
default value is 22.

14 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

To change the value of the sshServerPort from the default value 22, enter the
value in the system profile:
zSH> update system 0
system 0
Please provide the following: [q]uit.
sshServerPort: -------------------> {22}: 1104
sftpClientPort: ------------------> {22}:
Save changes? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit:s

The following message will be displayed if the user configures SSH port to a
value which is already being used by any other application:
SSH port specified is in use, configure different one.
Both feature implementations also include corresponding MIB, CLI and
handler changes.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features.

New Features in is a maintenance release with one new feature to further increase
network security.

Add Operational Mode option to DHCP Option82

A new operational mode feature is added for DHCP Option82.

The operational mode option have the following three settings:
• Keep (Default)
– Upstream direction: If an Option 82 field is present (received from
client), take no action and forward the request. If no Option 82 fields
are present add an Option 82 field and forward the request.
– Downstream direction: Strip MXK inserted option 82 field before
forwarding reply to the client.
• Drop
– Upstream direction: If an Option 82 field is present (received from
client), drop the packet. If no Option 82 fields are present add an
Option 82 field and forward the request.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 15

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

– Downstream direction: If the incoming packet is dropped, no further

action takes place otherwise strip MXK inserted option 82 field
before forwarding reply to the client.
• Replace
– Upstream direction: If an Option 82 field is present (received from
client), delete the current option 82 field and add a new option 82
field then forward the packet. If no Option 82 fields are present add
an Option 82 field and forward the request.
– Downstream direction: Strip MXK replaced/inserted option 82 field
before forwarding reply to the client.
To configure this feature, use the “mode” keyword in the rule add
bridgeinsertoption82 command that comes after the index.
rule add bridgeinsertoption82 <index> [mode < keep | drop | replace >
[<local-id> [<remote-id>]]
Note that the “mode” keyword and its values are not mandatory. If they are
not specified, the default mode value “keep” will be used.
Note that since this packet rule can have zero to two arguments (local and
remote ID), this means the user can never have a “local-id” with the value of
For examples:
rule add bridgeinsertoption82 1/1 mode drop

rule add bridgeinsertoption82 2/4 mode replace MXK-4

rule add bridgeinsertoption82 3/2 mode keep $SsystemName


To create a packet rule for bridgeinsertoption82 with the

mode value replace
1 To create a string that includes system IP address, address, and the mode
value replace, enter:
zSH> rule add bridgeinsertoption82 1/1 mode replace
$SystemName $Address
Created packet-rule-record 1/1 (bridgeinsertoption82)

2 Verify the packet-rule-record:

zSH> rule show
Group/Member Type Value(s)
1/1 bridgeinsertoption82 $SystemName $Address [replace]

16 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

1 record(s) found

New Features in is a maintenance release with a few new features. Please see Fixed
Issues, on page 29 for information.

Disable Transmit Laser for Standby Uplink Card

Added an option to disable Link Aggregation Group (LAG) transmit lasers on

redundant card so all lasers in a LAG on the standby Fabric Card are off until
the card becomes active. This feature allows redundant uplink implementation
with a broader range of uplink router models.

USP Configuration Capability to Include Port Authentication Method or

MAC Authentication Mode

This feature is used to determine which VLAN used by an attached device is

allowed to access by sending an Authentication Request to the RADIUS
Server that includes the complete MAC Address of the device that just went
Link UP on the Port. RADIUS Server checks its database to see if this MAC
Address has been configured as an authorized MAC, and if so, which VLAN
it is authorized to gain access to.The RADIUS Server sends a response back
to the zNID that specifies the VLAN ID that the device is allowed to connect
to.The zNID then creates a MAC Filter Rule and tags all packets from that
MAC into the specified VLAN.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features. Please see Fixed
Issues, on page 29 for information.

New Features in is a maintenance release with no new features. Please see Fixed
Issues, on page 29 for information.

New Features in

Added SIP call capabilities for Huawei IMS

Call features for inter-operation with Huawei IMS added:

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 17

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

• call congestion tone

• call wait options
• caller ID restriction

New Features in

MXK-GPONX8-IO3 Supports up to 4K Secure Entries

The MXK-GPONX8-IO3 card can support 4096 secure entries for IPv4 and
another 4096 secure entries for IPv6.

New Features in

MXK-GPONX8-IO3 Line Card

The MXK-GPONX8-IO3 line cards provides eight GPON ports. The eight
port card supports 2.5 Gbps downstream bandwidth and 1.25 Gbps upstream
bandwidth per interface as specified in the G.984.1-4 specifications.
GPON technology provides one of the most cost effective ways for service
providers to deploy fiber based services to the residential subscribers,
businesses or other types of node. Utilizing GPON splitters that can be
co-located with the MXK or remotely in the network, the service provider can
determine the best topology for their network.
DZS’ zNID GPON large portfolio of Residential Gateways completes DZS’
GPON solution with video, voice and data support, including WiFi and other
communication options in a variety of form factors.

To replace an existing MXK-GPONX8-IO with

1 While MXK-GPONX8-IO is still in the slot, run the following card
change command:
zSH>card change -f 1/8/10203 10236

2 Remove the MXK-GPONX8-IO card

3 Insert the MXK-GPONX8-IO3 card

To replace an existing MXK-GPONX4-IO with

1 While MXK-GPONX4-IO is still in the slot, run the following card
change command:

18 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

zSH>card change -f 1/8/10205 10236

2 Remove the MXK-GPONX4-IO card

3 Insert the MXK-GPONX8-IO3 card

Dying Gasp for SHDSL EFM

Support added for peer power loss (Dying Gasp notification) on SHDSL CPE
loss of power. Requires SHDSL CPE to provide power loss information.
Enable or disable notification reception by configuring
efmCuPeerPowerLossEnable in the efm-port profile.
zSH> alarm show
************ Central Alarm Manager ************
ActiveAlarmCurrentCount :2
AlarmTotalCount :4
ClearAlarmTotalCount :2
OverflowAlarmTableCount :0

ResourceId AlarmType
---------- ---------
1-8-1-0/shdsl shdsl_peer_power_loss
1-8-2-0/shdsl shdsl_peer_power_loss

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 19

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

New Features in

• USP Provisioning for Active Ethernet zNIDs (MXK 823/819/319) on
page 21
• Dynamic VLAN Filtering for USP (All MXK) on page 21
• IPv6 for zNIDs Using USP (All MXK) on page 21
• USP Access Control List for CPE LANs (All MXK) on page 21
• Enhanced 802.1x Authentication for USP (All MXK) on page 22
• Configuring Wifi Bandwidth (20MHz vs. 40 MHz) on zNIDs via USP
(ALL MXK) on page 22
• E911: SNMP Support for Querying LLDP Information (All MXK) on
page 23
• Display Detailed Provisioning on a Single USP CPE (All MXK) on
page 24
• Service Template Apply and Service Template Remove (All MXK) on
page 24
• Enhanced FiberLAN Rate Limit Traffic Flooding Support on page 24
• Find ONT with MAC Address Lookup (All MXK) on page 24
• Critical Alarm Sent When MXK Goes Into ESA Mode (MXK 823/819/319)
on page 24
• Secure Communications Between MXK and S/FTP Servers (All MXK) on
page 25
• RTCP XR Supported on MXK-POTS-72 (MXK 823/819/319) on page 25
• Softswitch Controls HookFlash Events (MXK 823/819/319) on page 26
• TACACS+ authentication (All MXK) on page 27
• IGMP Max Response Delay and IGMP Specific Delay (All MXK) on
page 28
• Configurable Periodic GPON Downstream Data Encryption Key
Exchange (All MXK) on page 28
• Option 43 VSI String Length Increased (All MXK) on page 28
• Support for zNIDs (All MXK) on page 28

20 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

USP Provisioning for Active Ethernet zNIDs (MXK 823/819/319)

USP provisioning has been added for Active Ethernet zNIDs.

Dynamic VLAN Filtering for USP (All MXK)

Dynamic VLAN filtering, also known as ingress VLAN classification filter

rules, are applied and bound to the LAN side interfaces. These rules can be
created, modified, and deleted.
Each dynamic VLAN filtering rule has two parts — ingress classification and
• Classification includes source MAC, source IP, destination IP, Ethernet
type, and DSCP.
• Action includes discard, modify VLAN ID, and/or priority, remark DSCP

IPv6 for zNIDs Using USP (All MXK)

The rg-brouted interfaces may be configured for IPv6. IPv4 is enabled by

default. IPv6 must be configured for both the WAN and LAN interfaces (cpe
rg wan ipv6-com add and cpe rg lan ipv6-com add).

USP Access Control List for CPE LANs (All MXK)

The Access Control List (ACL) provides a mechanism for filtering of traffic
based on IP/MAC filtering rules. An ACL may be applied to each LAN port
(Ethernet or Wireless) of zNIDs.
ACL are a list of IP/MAC Filtering rules that can be configured as whitelist
(i.e. allow list) or blacklist (i.e. block list).
To provision the zNIDs with ACL rules, use the cpe access-ctrl add
command to create a cpe-access-ctrl list and its entries, and then use the cpe
<eth/wireless> add portID access-ctrl-list listName to apply the cpe access
control rules to the Ethernet or Wireless ports.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 21

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Enhanced 802.1x Authentication for USP (All MXK)

The IEEE 802.1x standard defines a port-based Network Access Control

system of authentication, authorization, and accounting.
There are two methods to configure 802.1x RADIUS authentication and
• Configuring 802.1x RADIUS authentication — Name Matching Method
on page 22
• Configuring 802.1x RADIUS authentication — Pre-configured VLAN ID
Matching Method on page 22

Configuring 802.1x RADIUS authentication — Name

Matching Method
In the name matching method of the 802.1 RADIUS authentication and
authorization, if the username is found and the password is correct, the
RADIUS server returns an Access-Accept response. The response includes
the name of the network service the supplicant is authorized to access. If the
name matches to one of the Group Name specified in the 802.1 profile, the
corresponding Group VLAN is used for accessing the network service. The
maximum number of VLANs that can be used in the name matching method
are three group VLANs and one additional guest VLAN ID (the guest VLAN
only be used in the “auto” port authentication mode).
A bridge for that 802.1x VLAN must also be created on MXK in order to
provide the service access path.
RG mode for 802.1x is always rg-bridged.

Configuring 802.1x RADIUS authentication —

Pre-configured VLAN ID Matching Method
In the pre-configured VLAN ID matching method of the 802.1 RADIUS
authentication and authorization, if the username is found and the password is
correct, the RADIUS server returns an Access-Accept response. The response
includes the pre-configured VLAN ID of the network service the supplicant is
authorized to use.
A bridge for that 802.1 x VLAN must also be created on MXK in order to
provide the service access path.
RG mode for 802.1x is always RG-bridged.

Configuring Wifi Bandwidth (20MHz vs. 40 MHz) on zNIDs via USP (ALL

Configure dual band & dual radio in the cpe wlan common advance profile
for dual band and dual radio zNIDs.

22 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Different types of the zNIDs have different band settings and cfg-bandwidth
settings, depending on the hardware configuration of the zNID:
• Single-Radio, Dual-Band zNIDs:
The single-radio, dual-band zNIDs have only one radio for the WLAN
Port, but can support two different bands. The band setting of dual-band
zNIDs can set to either 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz.
• Dual-Radio zNIDs:
The dual-radio zNIDs have two radios to support two WLAN ports, and
support either 2.4GHz or 5GHz band for each radio.
For example, dual-radio zNID 2726a model has 8 WLAN ports where
WLAN1-WLAN4 support 2.4GHz and WLAN5-WLAN8 support 5GHz.
Among those WLAN ports, WLAN port 1 and 5 are real ports and the
others are virtual ports. When the band is at 2.4 Ghz, cfg-bandwidth
supports 20MHz or 40MHz. When band is at 5 Ghz, cfg-bandwidth
supports 20MHz, 40MHz, or 80MHz.
• Single-Radio, Single-Band zNID:
Normal single-radio, single-band zNIDs, support only one radio, one
The radio settings, band settings, and cfg-bandwidth settings supported in
the different types of zNIDs are different depending on the capabilities of
the zNID.
Related fields in the cpe wlan com-adv profile:
cpe wlan com-adv add <profile-name <string>>
[ band < 2dot4ghz | 5ghz > ]
[ cfg-bandwidth < 20mhz | 40mhz | 20in2gand40in5g | 80mhz > ]

E911: SNMP Support for Querying LLDP Information (All MXK)

The Link Layer Discovery Protocol, Media Endpoint Discovery

(LLDP-MED) standard aims to improve deployment and ongoing
management of VoIP endpoints as well as provide a standardized way of
locating VoIP endpoints in an emergency 911 call, i.e. what building, what
floor, what area, etc. each VoIP phone is located.
The E911 functionality allows ZMS to collect and display the information on
demand as well as customers using E911 solutions to retrieve bulk data about
their VoIP phone networks for emergency services.
The LLDP-MED common profile can be created and configured from the
CPE>LLDP>common menu to create, modify or delete LLDP profiles, to
display single or multiple profiles, find cpe-eth-subscribers profiles which
reference the cpe-lldp-med-policy profile.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 23

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Display Detailed Provisioning on a Single USP CPE (All MXK)

The cpe show command shows a summary of the provisioning on a CPE. The
cpe show ... -verbose command shows provisioning information for the CPE.
This additional information shows details such as bridge details, RG WAN,
RG LAN, Ethernet subscribers, VoIP subscribers, WLAN subscribers, CPE
system profiles, and traps.

Service Template Apply and Service Template Remove (All MXK)

The srvtmpl apply command applies the configuration of a source template

to one or multiple CPEs, or to another service template. The srvtmpl remove
command removes the configuration which was previously applied on the
target CPE or destination template with the srvtmpl apply command based
on the given source template. The srvtmpl apply and srvtmpl remove
commands are supported for GPON ONUs's and Active Ethernet CPE's. Uni
index, onu, olt, slot wildcard or range is supported in the srvtmpl apply and
srvtmpl remove commands.

Enhanced FiberLAN Rate Limit Traffic Flooding Support

Support added to rate limit traffic flooding (downstream gem 4094) for
FiberLAN applications.

Find ONT with MAC Address Lookup (All MXK)

The MXK can locate ONU (GPON) or Active Ethernet (AE) interface
through ZMS. The lookup finds the interface where the MAC address has
been learned.
Locating the CPE LAN interface is a best effort which requires the CPE to be
configured with USP and RG mode is rg-bridged.
Depending on the network topology, it is possible the same MAC address may
be learned at multiple interfaces if the bridge interfaces are TLS bridge
interfaces. The Find MAC lookup will display the first bridge interface where
the MAC address is found.

Critical Alarm Sent When MXK Goes Into ESA Mode (MXK 823/819/319)

ESA (Emergency Standalone) is a feature for VoIP services; the MXK goes
into ESA mode when the connection to the softswitch registrar is lost. ESA
mode allows calls which are local to the MXK to go through.This feature
sends an alarm when the MXK goes into ESA mode (or in other words, the
connection to the softswitch is lost).
The alarm is cleared with the connection is regained.

24 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

This SNMP trap is supported only for normal voip-server-entry and PLAR
setup only, such as 1/1, 2/1, 3/1, ... and 255/255(PLAR). Alarm reporting for
other connectivity issues are not supported — For example connectivity
issues to proxy servers configured in sip-dialplan profiles or determined from
the registrar when the sip-outbound feature is enabled in the
voip-server-entry profile are not detected and reported.

Secure Communications Between MXK and S/FTP Servers (All MXK)

The MXK (823/819/319) uses FTP or SFTP to transfer configurations to the

ZMS system. When the secure parameter is enabled in the system 0 profile,
the MXK (823/819/319) uses SFTP, if the secure parameter is not enable in
the system 0 profile, FTP is used. For both SFTP and FTP, use a fixed
password of zhone123 by default to log into the S/FTP server. Leaving this
default can pose a security risk.
Adding Public Key support in secure mode addresses this issue. Create a
Public Key by creating a client authentication key on the MXK (823/819/319)
and add the client authentication key to the authorized keys file on the SFTP
server. This enables the SFTP server to authenticate the MXK (823/819/319)
with just the user name and the public key instead of the user name and
If the MXK (823/819/319) client public key is not in the authorized keys file
on the SFTP server, the SFTP server will fallback to password authentication
(unless password authentication is disabled by the server administrator).

Secure communication limitations

Consider the following limitations when using secure communications:
• One public key is supported, either RSA or DSA.
• Pass phrases are not supported.
• Encryption keys are not saved when a config dump is performed. After a
set2default, the default DSA server key is generated which is used for
using SSH to access the MXK (823/819/319). The client authentication
key is lost and must be regenerated and copied to the server.

RTCP XR Supported on MXK-POTS-72 (MXK 823/819/319)

Real-Time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP) and Real-Time Transport

Control Protocol-Extended Report (RTCP-XR) statistics are supported in
MXK-POTS-72 line cards. When RTCP is enabled and a call is established,
DSP periodically sends RTCP statistics.
To enable RTCP, set rtcpEnabled field to true in the voip-server-entry
profile. This setting will enable RTCP statistics only.
zSH> update voip-server-entry rtcpEnabled = true 1/1
voip-server-entry 1/1

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 25

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Record updated.

To enable RTCP-XR, user has to enable RTCP first, then set a config bit
rtcp-xr of voip-features field in voip-server-entry.
zSH> update voip-server-entry rtcpEnabled = true 1/1
voip-server-entry 1/1
Record updated.

zSH> update voip-server-entry voip-features = rtcp-xr 1/1

voip-server-entry 1/1
This change[s] may cause active calls(if any) to drop
Do you still want to continue ? [y]es or [n]o: y
Record updated.

Softswitch Controls HookFlash Events (MXK 823/819/319)

For MXK POTS interfaces (interfaces directly on an MXK line card, not ONT
POTS interfaces)

To Activate The Feature

The example shows how to configure for the following scenario: A calls B
and they talk. C calls A and A hears Call waiting tone and C hears ring back.
A hookflash and talks to C putting B on hold. A hookflash again and talk to B
while C is on hold.
For hook flash control by softswitch must have SW version or later.
To check software version:
zSH> swversion
Zhone mxUp2Tg8gTop software version MXK

1 Set the voipserver bits to default

zSH>voipserver 1/1 set bits default

zSH> voipserver 1/1 show bits

Behavior String: +CancelForXfer

zSH> voipserver 1/1 set bits "+hfmime:application/broadsoft+hfbody:event


zSH> voipserver 1/1 show bits

Behavior String: +CancelForXfer+hfmime:application/broadsoft+hfbody:event

2 Verify hookflash, onhook signalling, and call waiting on each line.

zSH> get subscriber-voice *

subscriber-voice 1/8/7
voice-connection-type: --------> {voiptopots}

26 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

voice-endpoint1-addr-index: ---> {14}
voice-endpoint2-addr-index: ---> {13}
voice-connection-description: -> {}
voice-admin-status: -----------> {enabled}
huntgroup: --------------------> {false}
features: --------------------->

subscriber-voice 1/8/8
voice-connection-type: --------> {voiptopots}
voice-endpoint1-addr-index: ---> {16}
voice-endpoint2-addr-index: ---> {15}
voice-connection-description: -> {}
voice-admin-status: -----------> {enabled}
huntgroup: --------------------> {false}
features: --------------------->

subscriber-voice 1/8/12
voice-connection-type: --------> {voiptopots}
voice-endpoint1-addr-index: ---> {24}
voice-endpoint2-addr-index: ---> {23}
voice-connection-description: -> {}
voice-admin-status: -----------> {enabled}
huntgroup: --------------------> {false}
features: --------------------->

To Deactivate the Feature

1 Set bits to default for the voipserver
zSH>voipserver 1/1 set bits default

2 Verify behavior string

zSH> voipserver 1/1 show bits
Behavior String: +CancelForXfer

TACACS+ authentication (All MXK)

When attempting to log into a MXK on the craft/console port using Telnet or
SSH, the user name and password can be authenticated using TACACS+
Password Authentication Protocol (PAP).
TACACS+ PAP uses a shared secret between the MXK as the client to the
TACACS+ server.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 27

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

IGMP Max Response Delay and IGMP Specific Delay (All MXK)

Two response time out parameters for IGMP have been made configurable,
one for a for a general query, the other for the specific query to an endpoint.
Normally the general query is for finding out which channels are being
watched. For this time out the default is at 25 seconds. IGMP maximum
response delay is the maximum allowed time to wait for a response to an
IGMP general query. The default is 250, the range is 1..255 in the unit of
tenths of a second.
A specific query is for a query to a specific endpoint, such as when an
endpoint watching a channel has aged out. A specific query is sent to the
endpoint as a check before removing the video channel. IGMP specific delay
is the timeout for a specific IGMP query. The default is 1, the value range is 1
to 255 in the unit of tenths of second.
The IGMP max response delay and IGMP specific delay are defined by the
maxIgmpResponseDelay and specIgmpResponseDelay parameters in the
system profile.

Configurable Periodic GPON Downstream Data Encryption Key

Exchange (All MXK)

GPON has the option to perform encryption of downstream data using AES
algorithm with a key generated by each ONU and configured by OLT. The
encryption key can be updated periodically, and the length of the update
interval can be configured. By default, after the key exchange enabled
between OLT and ONU, the encryption key is exchanged every 3000 seconds.

Option 43 VSI String Length Increased (All MXK)

The maximum length of the Option 43 (VSI) string has been increased from
32 to 254 bytes (GPON/USP).

Support for zNIDs (All MXK)

Support has been added for the 2101P, 2400A1 family, 2700A1 family,
2700H1 family, 9600 family and 9740 zNID models.

28 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Fixed Issues

• Issues fixed in release on page 30

• Issues fixed in release on page 30
• Issues fixed in release on page 30
• Issues fixed in release on page 36
• Issues fixed in release on page 36
• Issues fixed in release on page 37
• Issues fixed in release on page 40
• Issues fixed in release on page 41
• Issues fixed in release on page 41
• Issues fixed in release on page 41
• Issues fixed in release on page 41
• Issues fixed in release on page 41
• Issues fixed in release on page 42
• Issues fixed in release on page 42
• Issues fixed in release on page 42
• Issues fixed in release on page 42
• Issues fixed in release on page 42
• Issues fixed in release on page 43
• Issues fixed in release on page 43
• Issues fixed in release on page 43
• Issues fixed in release on page 43
• Issues fixed in release on page 44
• Issues fixed in release on page 44
• Issues fixed in release on page 45
• Issues fixed in release on page 45
• Issues fixed in release on page 46
• Issues fixed in release on page 48
• Issues fixed in release on page 48
• Issues fixed in release on page 48
• Issues fixed in release on page 48

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 29

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

• Issues fixed in release on page 49

• Issues fixed in release on page 49
• Issues fixed in release on page 49
• Issues fixed in release on page 51
• Issues fixed in release on page 54
• Issues fixed in release on page 54
• Issues fixed in release on page 54
• Issues fixed in release on page 54
• Issues fixed in release on page 54
• Issues fixed in release on page 55

Issues fixed in release

Case 00100240 Fixed an issue with traffic after an uplink red-line switchover.

Case 00090120 Added a change to parse the "maxptime" value in the incoming SDP and store
it, using “maxptime” if the “ptime” exceeds the given “max_ptime” value.

Case 00094679 Added a change to recognize the Hisense SFP.

Case 00097275 Added a change to set max power details in the model info table.

Case 00097846 Increased the number of alarms supported by the CAM from 200 to 1000

Issues fixed in release

Case 00092295 Changed Radius Authentication to classic behavior.

Issues fixed in release

Case 00083447 Fixed an issue of the SFP show command reported that SFPs data was
unavailable while SFP was plugged in and operational.

Case 00082725 Fixed an issue that service template match-expression was not working.

Case 00081909 Fixed an issue that uplink B- all LC services packet stopped (linkagg tx)
following linkagg failover, however, Inband IP interface within the same
linkagg was still accessible.

Case 00081137 Fixed an issue that calls from MXK combo(SIP) to CCI SIP (Broadworks)
and roll-over to voice mail was getting dropped at 90 seconds.

30 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Case 00080335/TR 11291 Fixed an issue that POTS-72 MEGACO with ESA got stuck in the ESA mode
in large scale systems.

Case 00079529 Fixed an issue that Internet bridge went down when IPTV bridge was deleted
from the same eth 1 port.

Case 00078774/ TR Fixed an issue that GPONx8-IO Bridge added via ZMS was failing with CAC
11131, TR 10471 error for PONs 7 & 8, however, the same configuration works via CLI.

Case 00078636/ TR Fixed an issue that CPU utilization was running too high.

TR 145620 Fixed an issue of not able to add bridges on both downlink and uplink through

SR 143579 Fixed an intermittent issue that can cause occasional reboot of

MXK-UPLINK-2X10G-8X1GE-CLK card. The reboot was incorrectly
triggered by a random memory parity error.

SR 143175 Fixed an issue that can cause occasional 24p VDSL/POTS line card reboot
due to improper timing of task executions.

SR 141870 Fixed an issue that VDSL2 line sometimes does not fall back to ADSL mode
with certain CPEs.

TR 140735 Fixed an issue that Error message "GetPortStatusMeAndNumber failed"

appeared when using the cpe show command.

SR 139846 Fixed an issue that Packet Rule not applied properly, resulting in incorrectly
limiting user traffic.This issue will be fixed in a coming release.

TR 136786 Fixed an issue that ONTs connected to MXK-GPONX8-IO3 cards show

"OLT Rx Power=error" when mode "autorssi", "roguerssi" or
"backgroundprocess" of attribute "rogue-onu-detection" is enabled. No traffic
is affected. This issue will be fixed in a subsequent release.

TR 127104 Fixed an issue with CPE Manager having duplicate ports. Engineering
recommends for configuring cpe-mgr to either use MXK CLI or ZMS to
create cpe-mgr connection but not both at the same time.

TR 120717 Fixed an issue that after enabling Secure features, the newest versions of
Chrome and Firefox do not permit WEB GUI login, but instead respond with
“verification code is not registered”. After setting the Secure feature on, the
user must use Internet Explorer to gain access via the WEB GUI.

TR 104161 Fixed an issue that the system allows links of unequal rates to be put in an
aggregation. 1 GE and 10 GE ports cannot be placed in the same linkagg
group. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 31

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

TR 77719 Fixed an issue that GPON chassis CPU usage maxing out and cards rebooting.

TR 11711 This TR fixed following two issues:

• Fixed an issue of when rebooting the uplink card that carrying the traffic
of the OLT, all services (PPPoE, IPTV, SIP and VPN) were affected.
• Fixed an issue that packet loop occurred after switchover linkagg link
between uplink cards.

TR 11083 Fixed an issue that video on the single promotion bridge with MVR didn't

TR 10904/ Case Fixed an issue that can cause ActiveE card slots heartbeat timeout; faults and
00075864 reboots.

TR 10823/ Case Fixed an issue that can cause 10GE card boots twice on turn up.

TR 10802 Fixed an issue that ONU recover sometimes didn't work and leaving the ONT
in down (discovered) state while already assigned.

Fixed an issue that QnQ configuration unable to upgrade from to because services stop working and there is no known workaround
other than to downgrade to

Fixed an issue that QinQ promotion plus MVR video did not flow attached to
a QinQ bridge on the GPON8-IO3 card.

Fixed an issue that unable to build TLS bridges with the index field name for
the bridge.

Fixed an issue of GPON-IO card reported "Processor Usage Over Threshold"

after a card reboot (removed the card and put back as part of type-b

MXK/HA: Fixed an issue that bridgerp errors occurred on shelf 2 after shelf 1
was rebooted, manual intervention was required to restore the service.

Fixed an issue that repeated attempts of "cpe vlan-filter modify" or "cpe

access-ctrl modify" command may occasionally cause GPON card reboot.
This will be fixed in a future release.

Fixed an issue that the ACL function of denying ingress traffic from a
downlink bridge based on destination IP address is not supported. Command
example: "rule add deny 21/1 dstip".

Fixed an issue that Max links per Linkagg group is 4.

32 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Fixed an issue that "cpe system add" command on -IO3 card generates error
message. Operation is not affected.

Fixed an issue that a failover of 6x1GE uplink on X-card LinkAgg can cause
-IO3 card to FAULT state.

Fixed an issue that Multicast and broadcast counters are not supported for -IO
and -IO3 cards.

Fixed an issue that with 4x1GE uplink and gpon IO3, modifying a wire bridge
to "learning" does not show MAC address. Traffic is not affected.

Fixed an issue that 'port stats' Unicast Pkts for AE20-CSFP card is not
counting accurately beyond 1518 Bytes

Fixed an issue that Type-B and -HA protection between -IO and -IO3 is not
supported. Both cards must be the same model, either -IO or -IO3.

Fixed an issue that in an HA configuration, already assigned ONTs

occasionally get learned as new ONTs on the secondary chassis after a line
redundancy switch.

Fixed an issue that in an HA configuration, the secondary chassis (uplink card

2/b) occasionally stopped responding when uplink card (1/a) is pulled.

Fixed an issue that in an HA configuration, an error message is reported on

secondary chassis (uplink card 2/b) after performing slot reboot on primary
chassis (uplink card 1/a). No traffic affected.

Fixed an issue that in an HA configuration, when performing a line

redundancy switch over, traffic occasionally stops on some bridges.

Fixed an issue that Uptime for TAC ITM Ringing is not reported correctly.

Fixed an issue that USP support for zNID-GPON-2428A1 HSIA is not

available and will be in future releases.

Fixed an issue that adding PWE bridge via USP to ZNID-GPON-9488 causes
CPE Manager to stop pinging the zNID.

Fixed an issue that USP is not supported on the MXK-AEX20-FE/GE-2S

(double slots) card. (MXK 823/819/319)

Fixed an issue that the bridge show display for double tagged downlink
bridge interface does not show MAC and IP address. (All MXK)

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 33

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Fixed an issue that some MXK (823/819/319) systems shipped between

November 1 2014 and May 1 2016 utilize “Flexxon” brand flash cards and
may experience an intermittent system hang or spontaneous reboot. This
problem occurs as a result of a communication error with the Flexxon flash
card. DZS has modified the read / write operations to the Flexxon card in
order to eliminate any issue when communicating with the Flexxon flash. As
a result of this issue the affected units may fatal and potentially lock up. In
order to recover, the unit may need to be power cycled to restart the Flexxon
flash card and recover functionality.
In order to determine if the flash card in use is Flexxon, use the following
> ata info 1

Look for: model =FLEXXON FPCF256MTSE2-P93-10

Any Flexxon flash card, regardless of the model number, should be upgraded.
A unit that does not indicate the FLEXXON flash does not need to be
upgraded to
See Product Bulletin PB.10221 for important upgrade notes and more
information. (All MXK)

Fixed an issue that PPPoE sessions, except those with the local link MAC
address, do not come up after sessions have gone down. This issue will be
fixed in the next maintenance release. (MXK 319/819/823 only).

Fixed an issue that PTM-mode is currently not supported on bonded ADSL2+

links on MXK VDSL2 line cards in either ADSL2+ only or fallback modes.
(MXK 319/819/823 only)

DZS recommends using IPoBridge for management in a dedicated

management VLAN. Management traffic should be separated from
Residential services, Voice over IP, PWE and business services VLANs. (All

Fixed an issue that a SNMPv3 user will not be deleted when using via “user
delete snmp”; use “deleteuser snmp” instead. (All MXK)

Fixed an issue that using “user add snmp” adds an SNMP user without
asking for auth protocol, priv protocol, passwords or permissions. (All MXK)

Fixed an issue that unlike when upgrading when using OMCI, when
upgrading an ONT using TFTP, there is no “commit” function; DZS
recommends using “activate” when using TFTP which is really activate and
then commit. (All MXK)

Fixed an issue that bridge loops cannot be detected on non learning

wirebridges. (All MXK)

34 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Fixed an issue that MXK supports OpenSSH_5.9p1 and OpenSSL 1.0.1. (All

Fixed an issue that TLS bridges do not flood IP TV Multicast. Only Unknown
multicast and IPV4 Reserved multicast are flooded. (All MXK)

Fixed an issue that when using Persistent Timing Protocol (PTP) in EAPS
nodes or when the system is in line protection mode, the PTP source must
come in the active uplink. If a protection event occurs, the system will
continue in clock-holdover mode until protection is restored. (All MXK)

Fixed an issue that wire bridge feature is only supported on Active Ethernet,

Fixed an issue that OLT alarm / trap enhancements provide better alarm
correlation actions to the OLT alarm processing. (All MXK)

Fixed an issue when performing an ONU move, the original GEM port is
replaced with another value. (All MXK)

Fixed an issue that if the IP interface used for VoIP is being switched from
ipobridge to a routed (typical) IP interface, it will require system reboot to
clear a no voice path situation. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

Fixed an issue that the dslstat clear command does not clear DSL vectoring
stats (MXK 319/819/823 only).

Fixed an issue that wire bridges (with the same VLAN/SLAN) cannot exist on
the same PON link. (All MXK)

Fixed an issue that the MXK ADSL72 line card supports a maximum of 368
pvc(s) - 5 per port with 8 extra. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

Fixed an issue when FlapMode is enabled, the MAC moves but the IP does
not. The IP will flap on the next IP packet that is sent to the CPU, such as
DHCP Discover, ARP, or any broadcast packet. (All MXK)

Fixed an issue when deleting RLINK bridges, MXK deletes the bridge paths
first.To switch from EAPS to regular lines, RLINK bridges must be removed
before doing a line-red add, after the line-red add bridge interfaces may be
created. (All MXK)

Fixed an issue that VLAN COS promotion is not supported on ADSL

modems. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 35

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Fixed an issue that Uplink bridges do not pass traffic after changing loop
prevention from 'blockAsym' to 'blockAll' on a static-bridge path. (All MXK)

Fixed an issue of when using the rule add command to set the dscptocos
profile, rule add sets the profile to 1 regardless of what is entered. (All MXK)

Issues fixed in release

TR 145217 Fixed an issue that further enhancements reduced overall memory utilization
on the uplink cards.

Case 00069759 Fixed an issue that bridge loop blocking failed to permanently block the
bridge after reaching 1200 second mark (third blocking cycle).

Case 00072069 Fixed an issue that while using the USP OSS XML, the configuration pushed
to a card and the card went into fault and rebooted.

Case 00075845 Fixed an issue that customers on the POTS 72 card can get stuck in the
closing state, preventing future call origination.

Case 00078856 Fixed an issue of losing of management functionality that may caused by
changing speed profiles on double tagged bridges.

Case 00080628 Fixed an issue of high CPU usage after upgrading to

Case 00080747 Fixed an issue that command “audit -repair” deleted subscriber HSI VLAN
bridges with multiple VLANS configured with “default interface = TRUE”.

Fixed an issue that an error occurred when configuring a cpe-static-route

profile using USP.

Fixed an issue of Alloc ID/ nulllog errors occurred when changing

propagation delay back to default values.

Fixed an issue when an SNMP request fails, the system increments the request
ID in the error message, thereby not identifying the actual error-ed request.

Issues fixed in release

TR 10293/ Case Fixed an issue that MXK Uplink Slot A Faulted/Rebooted over Task name:
00068747 tCliInit6.

Case 00078636, TR Fixed an issue that CPU utilization in the latest MXK GA is always
11106/ Case 00078792 higher.

36 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Case 00078410 Fixed an issue during restore process that the commands executed is also
being logged to the CLI command logging file, this cause MXK reboot with
onreboot/restore takes long time to come into service.

Case 00078793 Fixed an issue with SSH from Linux server that cause active card reboot and
MXK lost connection to C20.

Issues fixed in release

Case 00048059 Added new field protected-mgmt-frames in cpe-wlan-subscriber profile.

Case 00048348 Fixed an issue during field trials that MXK24VDSL2POTS35B bridges on
ports deleted from bonding group and set up as single line come up but don't
pass traffic, this caused by the incorrect re-assign rxHandler when delete the
port from the bond group.

Case 00048481 Fixed an issue during field trials that 35B linecard does not forward L2
Control Protocols in Downstream direction using Wire Bridge.

Case 00050926 Fixed an issue with the previously active uplink card rebooting after a failover
event occurs and it switches from active to standby.

Case 00065364 Fixed an intermittent issue that may cause the MXK system to reboot when
the out of band Management interface is enabled.

Case 00068554 Fixed an intermittent issue that can cause GPONX8-IO3 line cards to reboot
with a tGPONRP Fatal.

Case 00068608 Fixed an issue with forwarding of CobraNet packets having Ethertype
0x08819 on an MXK system that has FiberLAN mode enabled.

Case 00068689 Improved memory management to reduce the likelihood of low memory
alarms on the ActiveE line card.

Case 00069021 Fixed an intermittent issue that can cause an uplink card reboot while
executing an SNMP request to get GponOltStatusProfile.

Case 00069069 Fixed an issue that MXK sends out continuous ZhoneEsaTst re-invites,
causing sip proxy to disable whole ip that keeps on sending this.

Case 00069208 Fixed an issue that Dial-plan that is sent to the ZNID is not in proper

Case 00069261 Fixed an issue that Excessive BIP errors are reported on OLT ports when
using the WTD RTXM-532 GPON OLT transceiver.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 37

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Case 00069946 Fixed an issue that occurs when deactivating and removing all ONTs on an
OLT port -- not all ONTs are actually removed from the system. This causes a
problem with the ONTs are added back.

Case 00069981 Fixed an issue with display if IP secure table exceeds 256.

Case 00071713 Fixed two issues in this ZOI:

1. Update of subscriber-voice-voip profile results in error
"Invalid voipPlar setting, subVoiceVoipRegistrationServer is set for SIP
2. When T.38 is not enabled, if the remote supports T.38 it is included as the
first entry in the codec list, MxK side the first entry is audio, but without
checking for this the first entry is overwritten with the value given by

Case 00071948 Modify the code to allow the following values for netmask.

The set of valid ranges, following the RFC 1918, are: (net mask (net mask (net mask

Case 00074594,TR Fixed a semaphore issue that could cause a card to not respond to ONU status.
10886/ Case 00075351

Case 00074673 Fixed an intermittent issue that can cause the active MC card to reboot when
the "cpe vlan-filter show" command is executed.

Case 00075417 Fixed an issue that VDSL DSP core dump files failed to be transferred to the
uplink crash directory.

Case 00075561 Fixed an issue with deleting a Bridge on the uplink, that can cause a loss of
in-band management communications to the MXK due to a semaphore lock.

TR 10091 Added USP support for newly added field option "naptfullcone" for the field
"nat" of the cpe-ip-server profile.

TR 130366 Fixed an issue that srvtmpl rule match-expression has no validation for the
slot and olt specified.

TR 139685 Fixed an issue with Chromecast and bridging.

TR 139791 Fixed an issue that on long loops, the OLT Rx Power measurements on Maple
cards are 6db lower than the measurements on Orchid cards.

38 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

TR 139846 Fixed an issue that all bridge will apply the rate limit of the first bridge when
user has configure for multiple bridges with same slan and difference vlan
then apply ingress rate limit for those bridges.

TR 143795 Fixed an issue where "system uptime" from SNMP is displayed instead of
"card uptime" when 'card stats all' is executed. As a result, the expected card
uptime is never reset.

TR 143940 Fixed issue that if OLT port has unassigned ONU, after a fiber cut the
Linkdown alarms appeared in console log but not showing in system alarm
table ("alarm show").

TR 144469 Added proper ifName validation to prevent the illegal character in the name,
closing a loophole to add invalid characters.

TR 144511 Fixed an issue that when the customer changes the ifname of the cpe port to a
name (string), on WEBGUI of DSLAM the cpe manager http link grays out
and cannot be clicked.

TR 144656 Fixed an issue that 'port stats' for onu port unavailable when card with primary
port is removed.

TR 144681 Fixed an intermittent issue that when the standby uplink card took over as the
active one in a redundant system, the "slots" command shows that the newly
active Uplink is in FAULT state.

TR 145109 Fixed an issue that USP support for enable/ disable caller ID VoIP feature are
not sent to zNID POTS ports from MXK.

TR 145148 Fixed an issue that getting error when using Port Down command with
wildcard on Uplink.

TR 145614 Fixed an issue that exception error occurred when issuing cpe show 1/2/3

Update the SSH/SFTP Key Algorithms from DSA 256 bit to RSA 2048 bit for
increased security.

Increase the maximum number of GEM ports per ONT to allow up to 24

different RG VLANs to be configured via USP. The previous limit was 16

Fixed an issue with the onu auto-assign feature that causes the error message
"tGPONRP: failed to find interface gpData<index>".
Fixed an intermittent issue with an incorrect allocation ID being assigned to
an ONT after a bridge add command to create a new VLAN interface on it.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 39

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Fixed an intermittent issue in the MXK-HA configuration where both the

Active and Standby OLT ports may remain in an INACTIVE state after an
ONT power outage event.

Fixed an issue during field trials that VDSL 35B WebUI "Current Connection
Type" shows "Undefined[11]" but the WebUI frontend does not have the
mapping information of the current connection type 11, which is supposed to
be VDLS 2 Vect.

During field trials, when provisioning multi-line bonding for more than 2
ports in MXK 24 PORT VDSL2 35B POTS VECT card, the WebUI throws an
error stating that you can not add more than 2 ports in a bond group.

Fixed an issue during field trials causing VDSL35B IGMP/Multicast Video

problems on VDSL Bond Group using mxUp2Tg8g (Old) Uplink Card.

Add ME file for model 2101HP and 2804P ONTs that support configuration
of POE power levels up to 60W per port.

Add USP support to configure Network Time Protocol server on zNIDs.

MXK: Fixed an issue that finding ONU Clone not to work correctly.

Fixed an issue that building a downlink bridge with vlan 1 throws mngBcm

Issues fixed in release

Case 00074619 After a Failover from Active Uplink card to Standby, the table that tracks the
number of active line card ports in each VLAN is cleared. As a result, if one
port is added to a VLAN, and then one port is deleted, the membership
counter increments to 1 and then decrements to 0, causing the line card to be
removed from the VLAN membership.

Case 00069561 Fixed an issue of a long wait time for phone calls going through GPON port
when MXK running with two active uplink cards.

Case 00026320 Fixed an intermittent issue that could cause the MXK-AEX20-FE/GE-CSFP
line card to reboot when connected ONTs are provisioned using USP.

TR 14661/Case Fixed an issue on GPON -IO3 line card reporting an error to ZMS (via
00006122, TR 9810/ Case SNMP) when the bridge stats were enabled. The error indicated “The
00026338 maximum number of ingress statistics are already enabled”.

Case 00042755 Fixed an issue on GPON -IO line card not learning MAC after creating a bride
on an existing gemport. This was caused by an orphaned allocID after
multiple “bridge add” and “bridge delete” provisioning actions.

40 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Case 00070085, Case Fixed an issue on GPON line card intermittently allowing an meprof (ME
00071806 profile) or reg ID to be applied to active ONTs, which caused the active ONTs
became unregistered.

Case 00074749 Resolved an intermittent issue on the GPON-IO line card that could cause an
unexpected reboot caused by a invalid memory pointer.

Case 00069001 Fixed an issue of a long wait time for phone calls going through GPON port
when MXK running with two active uplink cards.

Case 00071575, Case Fixed a MAC learning issue on GPONX8-IO card caused by incorrect
00069949 configurations of OMCI and allocation IDs.

Case 00046499 Fixed an intermittent issue on GPON-IO line card that prevents isolation of
rogue ONTs in both Type B and non Type B scenarios.

Case 00068689 Improved RAM memory utilization on the MXK-AEX20-FE/GE-CSFP card.

The occasional high-memory usage alarm is no longer reported.

Issues fixed in release

SR 146550, SR 146675 Fixed an issue on GPON-IO3 and GPON-IO line cards not passing
double-tagged PPPoE downstream traffic.

Issues fixed in release

Case 00068736 VDSL Fixed an issue that MXK-VDSL2+POTS-BCM-17A-24-V line cards may fail
to initialize after a system reboot. Line Card reboot required to recover.

Issues fixed in release

No new fixed issues in this release.

Issues fixed in release

Fixed an issue on GPON -IO3 card occasionally not learning MAC/IP

properly when creating a bridge with an existing GEM port.

Issues fixed in release

Case 00047985 Fixed an uplink linkagg issue not properly updating the "link-agg" record
according to the actual link port changes.

Case 00050832, SR Fixed an issue causing packet loss and reduced throughput on subtended
10152, SR-10039 MXK/MXP systems using cross-card linkagg sub-tending.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 41

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

TR 146464/ Case Fixed a slow memory leak issue on MXK-AEX20-FE/GE-CSFP card

00078408 triggering memory usage alarms.

Issues fixed in release

SR 146673 Fixed an issue on intralink bridge not correctly learning multicast address
from subtended MXK.

Issues fixed in release

SR 140232 Fixed an issue on VDSL2 losing modem MAC/IP entries in the bridge table.

SR 145899 Fixed an Web interface issue for GPON -IO3 card showing only 8 ONTs on
the create bridge screen.

Case 00047880 Fixed an Megaco VOIP issue on 72p POTS card not completing all calls and
showing "megacostack" error messages.

SR 138611 Fixed an issue on CSFP AE line card (MXK-AEX20-FE/GE-CSFP) in TFTP

mode reporting error then causing uplink (MXK-UPLINK-2X10G-8X1GE)

Issues fixed in release

Removed erroneous error and status messages related to GPON MIB handler.

Fixed an issue that need validation to block bridge add if GTP does not adhere
to all necessary GTP restrictions.

Fixed an issue related to GEM port configuration and management that could
prevent data from passing on a newly created ONU bridge interface.

Issues fixed in release

MXK: Fixed an issue with the system takes long time for TLS/ASYM
validation when creating a bridge.

Issues fixed in release

TR 140735 Fixed an issue of getting the error message "GetPortStatusMeAndNumber

failed” after issuing the CPE show command.

SR 145840 Fixed an intermittent issue related to IPTV black screen when two subscribers
on same chassis are tuned to the same channel.

SR 145109 Fixed an issue of USP not able to disable the caller ID VOIP feature

42 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Updated DSL SDK to 11.03.70.

MXK/HA: Fixed an issue of bridgerp errors occurred on shelf 2 after shelf 1

is rebooted.

Issues fixed in release

SR 145322 Fixed an issue of ARP communication between GPON cards does not work.

SR 145109 Add Unified Service Provisioning support for enable/disable "caller ID"
VOIP feature for zNID POTS ports from MXK.

TR 140472 MXK F-219: Fixed an issue of unable to contact other customers on the same
OLT (same and different PON ports).

TR 139846 Fixed an issue of Packet Rule Templates on the first VLAN limiting speeds on
multiple customers.

Issues fixed in release

No new fixed issues in this release.

Issues fixed in release

MXK-VDSL2+POTS-BCM-35B-24-V: During field trials fixed an issue of

not able to change the default vdsl-cpe or vdsl-co profiles.

MXK-VDSL2+POTS-BCM-35B-24-V/ WEBUI: During field trials added

Range validation on vdsl co and cpe profiles to support 35B card

Issues fixed in release

TR 143812 Fixed an issue that ACL allow srcmac packet rule was not functioning

TR-9476, TR 143980 Fixed an issue in EAPS state machine, which caused video lost after
switch-over plus channel change.

TR-144836 Fixed an issue that SIP analog phones will register and then unregister after
few minutes.

TR-9463, TR 143828 Fixed an issue that while preparing to move IPTV over to a different uplink,
two Active E cards went into fault and rebooted.

TR-9415, TR 143579 Fixed an issue of one of MXKs RNBT5 spontaneously rebooted.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 43

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Issues fixed in release

TR 139791 Fixed an issue that auto-rssi function was not working properly with zNID
2301 ONT and the GPON8-IO3 card.

TR 143940 Fixed an issue that if OLT port has unassigned onu, after a fiber cut (unplug
SFP), the Linkdown alarms appeared in console log but not showing in
system alarm table ("alarm show" command).

TR 143741 MXK/GPON-IO3: Fixed an issue that DBA GTP gpon-port change fails
packet service on GEM.

Fixed an issue that the “key-exchange" parameter in the gpon-olt-config

profile and the “encrypted” parameter in the gpon-port-config profile fail to
be updated.

TR 141870 MXK/VDSL2: Fixed an issue that some CPEs are not able to complete
training cycle, and line training stuck at G993.5.

TR 144548 Fixed an issue on not being able to create bridges after upgrading DSLAMS
from firmware version to

MXK/GPON8-IO3: Fixed an issue of missing validation for the bridge add


Issues fixed in release

SR 140733 Fixed an issue that MXK-UPLINK-6X1GE-CLK card transceiver

temperature was not showing correctly.

SR 142297 Fixed an issue that caused wire bridge traffic flooding to the line card when
the wire bridge termination was moved to another line card.

SR 142719 Fixed an issue in SW that displayed Megaco stack errors when the
subscriber went off-hook.

SR 142904, SR 143055 Fix an issue that IPTV streams may stop flowing after EAPS ring switch over
occurs, requiring a channel up / channel down to restore.

SR 143412 Fixed an issue that the USP command to configure RADIUS in ONTs
unnecessarily checked the bridge in the service template.

SR 143469 Fixed an issue on not being able to configure IGMPv3 in ONTs using USP
command. “ipgmpv3” and “igmp-snooping-querier” fields were not displayed
for cpe rg wan/lan ip-com show commands.

44 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

SR 143818 Fixed an issue with creation and deletion of CPE-Manager connections using
ZMS. CLI works OK.

SR 148373 Fixed an issue that caused temporary traffic interruptions due to incorrect
HSRP/VRRP virtual MAC learning over TLS bridge on uplink port.

Issues fixed in release

TR 143030 Fixed a memory leak issue on GPON -IO card that resulted in an alarm
reporting: “Minor Memory used over operational threshold”.

SR 143190 Fixed an issue on incorrectly carrying over some CoS queue settings on
GPON cards (-IO and IO3) during a SW upgrade due to improperly
propagating “Card-init-string” settings in card profile.

Issues fixed in release

SR 138709, SR 142955, Fixed a bit parity issue that could affect services on both AEG32 and GPON
SR137504 -IO cards and report “system bcm_parity_error” alarm until the affected card
is manually rebooted to restore normal operation.

SR 140918 Fixed an issue on not able to build static MAC bridge paths on tls-gw/tls
bridges in a -HA configuration.

SR 142526 Fixed a web access login issue which occurred when the total number of
characters for the access exceeds 32.

SR 142853 Fixed an issue that caused a service interruption (unexpected reboot) on

MXK-VDSL2-BCM-17A-48-V card by applying a new BRCM SDK.

SR 142996 Fixed an issue on GPON -IO3 card that caused zNID not accessible by ZMS.
The issue was fixed by adjusting BRCM setting.

SR 143111 Fixed a UDP packet pointer issue that caused a system reboot.

TR 137120 Fixed an issue on EAPS ring fail-over when 2nd ring connection is lost.

TR 142149 Fixed a “cpecfghelper” error when applying a service template to 2726A1


Fixed an issue on GPON -IO3 card that could cause error reporting “gponrp:
gpon-traf-prof(0) is not found" when performing bridge-add in a Type-B

Fixed an issue on GPON -IO-3 card causing traffic loss when deleting a
double-tagged secure bridge.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 45

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Included a new FPGA code to enhance -IO card on-board power supply

Issues fixed in release

SR 123242 Fixed an issue on uplink card (MXK-UPLINK-2X10G-8X1GE-TOP)

reported the use occupancy larger than 100%.

SR 130947 Fixed an issue on failing to re-establish linkagg (via LACP) if upstream router

SR 132553 Fixed an issue on not allowing SVLAN value equal to VLAN when wire
bridge was used.

SR 136699 Fixed an issue on incorrectly reporting PLAR line "Record not found" when
the PLAR line itself functions normally.

SR 137451 Resolved an issue on 72p POTS card in H.248 mode concerning when
(conditions) to send DTMF digits in H.248 mode. The resolution is to send
DTMF digits even though the SDP in the incoming message doesn't have
fmtp attributes.

SR 137456 Fixed an issue on failing to collect information from onu when applying "onu
upgrade show" command.

SR 137557 Fixed an issue on failing to apply CPE IP-com commands to zNIDs. This was
an command validation issue.

SR 138266 Fixed an issue on 72p POTS card with off-hook ports still reporting "this
number is temporarily unavailable, please try later...".

SR 138355 Fixed an issue on not allowing "onu move" and "onu clone" commands
applied to ONUs in a Type-B pair.

SR 138532 Fixed an issue on uplink card (MXK-UPLINK-2X10G-8X1GE-TOP) with a

fatal error reported when performing "alarm clear" using an alarm # that is not
on the numbered alarms list.

SR 138583 Fixed an issue on MXK-VDSL2-BCM-17A-48-V card with errors reported

when view/change commands initiated by ZMS.

SR 138651 Fixed an issue on incorrectly reporting a syntax error when apply audit to

SR 138671 Fixed an issue on uplink card (MXK-UPLINK-2X10G-8X1GE-TOP) with a

fatal error reported when performing "alarm clear" using an alarm # that is not
on the numbered alarms list.

SR 139040 Fixed an issue that Multicast VLAN Registration (MVR) function failed.

46 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

SR 139226 Fixed an issue on incorrectly reporting Emergency Standlone (ESA) mode in
the PLAR mode. The system incorrectly shown ESA mode when it was not.

SR 139398 Resolved an issue on Web GUI not working properly with TACACS when
users trying to log in.

SR 139807 Fixed an issue on failing to configure the Static Route mode in cpestatis-route
profile. The issue also reported errors during configuration process: "dest-ip is
not compatible with netmask of the cpe-static-route".

SR 139921 Fixed an issue that CPE manager intermittently reporting errors after creating
four zNIDs.

SR 140271 Fixed an issue on GPONX-IO3 card with its DBA Alloc-Ids not being freed
up after ONUs were deleted.

SR 140381 Fixed an issue on ADSL/POTS card with POTS ports failing to have dial tone
and ring.

SR 140656 Resolved an issue on having inadequate password entry validation process.

The issue was not to complete the validation process after three tries.

SR 141872 Fixed an issue on system was slow to respond after uplink card switched over
to redundant.

SR 142356 Fixed an issue on uplink card reboot when deleting IP over bridge with
WebGUI or ZMS/NetHorizon.

Fixed an issue on GPONX8-IO3 and -IO cards with rogue ONU detection not
functioning properly.

SR 134755 Fixed an issue on incorrectly reporting up time on AE line card.

Fixed an issue on incorrectly permitting untagged traffic with secure bridge

on TLS bridge.

Fixed an issue on not properly replacing S-VLAN COS value during wire
wild card Q-in-Q bridge promotion process.

Fixed an issue on failing to delete all ONUs with "onu delete" command.

Resolved an issue on reporting errors when provisioning an 9440 and 9444.

Errors were reported for Eth port 6 through 9 which are not physically
available. The issue also caused Web UI to incorrectly display port numbers.

Resolved an issue on improperly executing configurations on PoE ports of

zNID 2804P which has different PoE wattage capacity than other zNID

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 47

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

models. The issue also caused error message reported as


Fixed an error on incorrectly reporting the error message "only allow internal
ME profile" when applying onu move/clone command with certain ONT
models using their own ME files.

Issues fixed in release

SR 124870 Fixed an issue on failing to report "sysName" via snmp.

SR 137120 Resolved an issue in EAPS protection process not recovering video streams
rapidly when a break in the ring causes a reversal of video traffic direction.
The improved recovery time based on lab test is up to two seconds.

SR 138246 Fixed an issue on not learning ONU MAC address on certain VLANs due to
internal port mapping conflict.

Fixed an issue that zNID not functioned properly if SIP POTS service was not
subscribed but the voice VLAN was configured.

Issues fixed in release

SR 140561 Fixed an issue on GPON-IO3 card with incorrectly limiting the max secure
bridges to 2K instead of 4K.

Fixed a power controller issue on -IO3 card that could cause card reboot. The
issue was fixed by applying optimized power settings to the power controller.
This issue is also described in TB.10052.

Issues fixed in release

SR 141711 Fixed an issue on GPONX8-IO card reporting "Mem Low" caused by a

memory resource management issue.

Fixed a MAC aging timer issue on GPONX8-IO3 card that causes a periodic
blockage of traffic until the forwarding table is re-learned. This can cause
PPPoE connections to drop and fail to auto-restore if PPPoE timer values are
too short.

Issues fixed in release

Fixed an intermittent issue on GPONX8-IO3 card with some bridges not

passing traffic after a line card reboot, due to unconfigured GEM ports. This
issue was observed on 24xxA1 series ONTs.

48 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Issues fixed in release

Fixed an intermittent issue on GPONX8-IO3 card with ONTs not passing

traffic and being configurable due to GPON device semaphore lock up. The
issue was often triggered by a group of ONTs reboot or powering up.

Fixed an issue on GPONX8-IO3 card with type-B failover not passing user
traffic if a bridge is added after type-B port pair is running.

Fixed an issue on GPONX8-IO3 card with bridge build errors after repeatedly
deleting, assigning ONUs, and adding bridges for many times (in hundreds).

Fixed an issue on incorrectly reporting error message when applying "onu

traps enable <slot>/<olt> linestatus" command. Note there is no impact to
user traffic.

Issues fixed in release

SR 139040 Fixed an issue where MVR function does not work properly due to
occasionally corrupted configurations in SW

SR 140381 Fixed an intermittent communication issue between uplink card and POTS/
ADSL/VDSL2 cards that caused user traffic to stop.

Fixed an intermittent issue on GPONX8-IO3 card with ONTs not being able
to range due to intermittent communication issues between line card CPU and
the OLT chip.

Fixed an issue in -HA configuration where failover occasionally did not occur
successfully due to incorrect internal flag update.

Issues fixed in release

TR 124870 Fixed an error reporting issue when using snmp get command to the sysName.

SR 134198 Made a DHCP Option82 enhancement — packet keep (Default), drop, and

TR 136532 Fixed an issue with GPON Traffic Profiles that worked on the GPONX8-IO
card but would not work on the GPONX8-IO3 card unless the Max BW value
in the GTP was increased by 64Kbps.

TR 137407 Fixed an issue where local DHCP server on the ONT was disabled when
adding a bridge.

TR 137552 Fixed an USP configuration issue that causes DHCP functions to be disabled
on a newly added bridge interface.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 49

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

TR 137951 Made GPON-layer configuration change for GPONX8-IO3 line cards to

prevent upstream Bit Interleave Parity (BIP) errors on longer fiber links.

TR 138356 Resolved an issue that some zNID(s) are showing up in an 'Active+IpV4Err'

state even though this was not service affecting.

TR 138613, TR 138758 Fixed an issue where some GPONX8-IO3 line cards may fail to initialize
properly after a power cycle or reboot event that causes the slots command
shows the line card status as "FAULT" or "RESET" instead of "RUNNING".
Fixed an issue where the GPONX8-IO3 line card may reboot without
generating any Fatal Error data. Instead, a Power Fail Trigger (PF Trigger)
event was recorded, and was seen by using the slots command for the line

TR 139203 Fixed an issue that bidirectional voice communications for 911 calls did not
work reliably with Genband C20 and A3 switches.

TR 139308 Fixed an issue that causes uplink card fault on task "tCliInit8 and InfoServer".

TR 139389 Fixed an issue that MXK WebGUI worked incorrectly when modifying the
PPPoE user and password on an ONT.

TR 139451 Fixed an issue that zNID data port was occasionally turned off after an AE or
GPON LC reboot.

Resolved an issue that caused memory overrun when using "onu traps enable
<slot>/<olt> linestatus" command.

Fixed an issue where stat collection and bandwidth allocation were not
working properly.

Fixed an issue where dump/restore was not working properly in dual-chassis


Fixed an issue that GPONx8-IO3 card and 6x1GE uplinks, in Xcard-Linkagg

config, occasionally had fault state.

Fixed an issue where 24p VDSL2 LC model had boot-up issue.

Fixed an issue where 20p AE LC (CSFP and 2-slot) could not boot up
successfully with 6x1GE Uplink card.

Fixed an issue with some GPONX8-IO3 line cards taking a very long time to
boot up and fully initialize after a SW upgrade.

Improved accuracy for reporting the estimated Fiber length on GPONx8-IO3

line cards.

50 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Resolved an on-board power supply issue that sometimes caused
GPONX8-IO3 line card to not boot successfully.

Issues fixed in release

SR 123500 Resolves an issue where a partial config sync was triggered when ONT
Ethernet port is bounced by ZMS.

TR 126535 Fixed a problem where external alarm outputs are reversed on MXK-319.

TR 127104 Resolves an issue with CPE Manager having duplicate ports. Engineering
recommends for configuring cpe-mgr to either use MXK CLI or ZMS to
create cpe-mgr connection but not both at the same time.

SR 127522 Fixes interop and throughput issues between MXK SHDSL card &

SR 127732 Resolves an issue where the uplink rebooted due to insufficient task stack

SR 127758 Fixes an issue where VDSL bridges came up in INI state after ZMS deleted
gbond members.

SR 127778 Resolves an issues where a system may reboot after removing standby uplink

SR 128080 Fixes an issue where an error occurred after an uplink reboot and switchover

TR 128207 Resolves an issue where DTMF tones were sent to switch incorrectly for
pre-paid card series.

SR 129673 Fixes an issue where double-tag promotion did not work properly on the
network processor based SHDSL and VDSL2 cards.

SR 132159 Fixes an issue where GPON card occasionally rebooted due to issues with
DHCP packets with an invalid UDP length.

SR 132573 Fixes an issue where the UPS (BBU) alarm is not reported correctly for zNID

SR 132822 Driver update fixed issue where 48-PORT VDSL2 cards stopped forwarding

TR 133406 Fixed an issue with a GPON card could reboot under unusual circumstances.

SR 133412 Resolves a stability issue that could cause an OLT reboot.

TR 133918 Fixes an issue where the standby uplink card rebooted (active card print fatal)
after bulk ONU bounce.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 51

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

SR 134099 Fixes an issue where certain Layer 2 packets (Un-Tagged traffic) did not pass
AE card in wire bridge mode.

TR 134149 Expands WiFi interface (physical-radio-interface) manageability (enable/

disable) to be supported by cpe > wlan > com-adv, in addition to current
physical-radio-interface command.

TR 134707 Resolves an interoperability issue on 3-party call with Huawei IMS.

TR 134790 Fixes an issue where the system generated unnecessary error logs.

TR135119 Fixes an issue where zNID Wi-Fi was not configured properly by MXK.

TR 135263, SR 135209 Resolves an issue where DPU could not be modified from ZMS.

SR 135546 Fixed an issue where the ONU standby SW version was not shown in the
display of the ONU inventory command

SR 135625 Fixes an issue where bridge storm detection occasionally does not function
properly in AE card.

TR 135635 Resolves a stability issue which could cause an uplink card reboot

TR 135743 Resolves an incompatibility issue between -IO3 card and 4x1GE & 6x1GE
uplink cards. The resolution requires updated BootROM code on -IO3 and
system SW
MXK-GPONX8-IO3 units shipped prior to July 10, 2018 (HW Revision
B1 or before):
These units shipped with BootROM code that is not compatible with the two
uplink models referenced above and require the following procedure to be
applied to upgrade their BootROM code.
MXK-GPONX8-IO3 units shipped on and after July 10, 2018 (HW
Revision C1 or after):
These units shipped with BootROM code that is compatible with the two
referenced uplink models and will operate as expected as long as they are
running a minimum SW release of
For more information see

TR 136102 Resolves an issue whereby onu clear command was allowed even though it is
not supported and should not be used. Added command validation where the
onu clear command was allowed on non-PON interfaces.

TR 136488 Resolves an issue whereby GPON -IO3 cards took an exceptionally long time
to come to running status.

52 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

TR 136504 Resolves an issue where ARP packets for customer router was occasionally
lost in secure bridge mode.

TR 136784 Resolves a stability issue which could cause an OLT reboot

TR 136789 Resolves an issue whereby SIP session did not terminate on no-answer call

TR 136892 Resolves a stability issue that could cause a GPON -IO card reboot.

TR 137120 Fixes an issue where EAPS switch over did not work properly.

TR 137179 Fixes an issue that may cause intermittent problems on voice connections.

TR 137242 Resolves a stability issue that could cause a GPON -IO3 card reboot.

TR 137383, TR 136105 Resolved an issue with alarms from OMCI only ONTs.

TR 137837 Resolves an issue with a GPON card not responding when new ONT software
downloading to the card failed to complete successfully.

TR 137877 Fixes an issue where improper memory usage caused high memory alarms on

Fixes an issue where MAC learning did not work on a wire bridge on GPON

Fixed an issue with MXK-HA configuration where a switch to a redundant

line (line-red switch) incorrectly showed a bridge loop.

Fixes a display issue where uplink port down status was not reflected in the
showline command.

Resolves an issue where auto assign displayed errors after deleting 64 ONTs
per OLT port.

CPU COS queue priorities rearranged to overcome dropped ARP packets.

Resolved intermittent issue with error messages being logged after a slot B to
slot A failover event.

Resolves an intermittent issue with unicast traffic stoppage on an HA system

after a failover event.

Fixes an issue where video signals occasionally froze on 6x1GE uplink on

slot B.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 53

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Resolved an issue where USP provisioned 5G channels could only be

configured for auto only.

Issues fixed in release

SR 135347 Fixed an issue where an uplink card B reboot results in missing POTS to VoIP

SR 136488 Fixed an issue MXK-GPONX8-IO3 sometimes fails to startup or requires

multiple startup processes.

SR 136786 Fixed an issue where ONTs show "OLT Rx Power= error" on

MXK-GPONX8-IO3 when "autorssi" is enabled.

Issues fixed in release

SR134871 Fixed an issue where MXK occasionally fails to sync with ZMS.

SR 136105 Fixed an issue where MXK does not report ONT alarms synchronically when
smart OMCI is used.

SR136474 Fixed a RegID issue associated with MXK-GPONx8-IO3 card.

SR 136687 Improved the cross-card linkagg display from the linkagg show command.
The improved display shows all links in both active and standby cards as one
linkagg group instead of two separate groups as previously shown.

Issues fixed in release

TR 129064 Improved throughput over multi-pair bonded SHDSL EFM connections to

ETHX-3500 series CPE.

TR 134167 Fixed an intermittent issue affecting traffic flow by improving prioritization

and QoS handling.

TR 134608/TR 134885 Fixed an issue that causes 72p POTS LC occasionally to reboot.

Issues fixed in release

Fixed issue where the port down command was not working properly on
uplink cards.

Issues fixed in release

Release only supports MXK 823/819/319

54 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

TR 124023 Fixed an error in call logs which prevented it from working properly. This
error appears only after upgrading to MXK

TR 129930 Fixed an issue with USP MXK release unable to enable WPS on
2728A1 sw 4.0.081.

TR 131631 Improved software download time and/or configs on zNIDs.

TR 131636 Added support for setting trap levels for behavior string.
Also added support for sending default trap when voipserver RegTraps basic
behavior string is set.

TR 131726 Resolved an issue where IP address occasionally is not listed properly.

TR 133101 Fixed an issue where EBS line not working properly in

Fixed an issue that GPONX8-IO3 card and 6x1GE uplinks, in Xcard-Linkagg

config, occasionally had fault state.

Improved accuracy for reporting the estimated Fiber Length on GPONX8-IO3

line cards.

Issues fixed in release

TR 127734 Resolves inconsistency between display and actual usage of egress policing
flows. (All MXK).

SR 128932 Addresses an DTMF tone leakage issue for a three party call using Magaco
CS2K. (MXK 823/819/319)

SR 129526 Addresses an issue where ONT uptime was being displayed incorrectly. (All

TR 130467 New feature added to allow softswitch control over hookflash events. (MXK

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 55

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Recommendations and Known Issues

This section describes known issues in this release.
During configuration, system messages may be reported. These messages may be
useful for troubleshooting but should not affect operation of the system.
Here are the known issues by type:
• Recommendations and Further Detail, page 56
• Current Issues, page 64
• Unsupported Functionality, page 67

Recommendations and Further Detail

MXK-F-108:TLS:OPTION82:Circuit and Remote IDs missing using TLS

with Option82 rule applied to the bridge:Failed test:

MXK:GPON8-3:LAG-TLS-OPTION82:Remote and Circuit ID missing

upstream using LAG and Option82 using LAG TLS bridges:Failed test:

MXK:GPON8:GPON8-3:PPPoE-VENDOR-TAG:Remote ID is missing from

the upstream packet capture with PPPoE vendor tag rule applied to
bridge:Failed test:


address not found upstream with rule applied to the bridge:Failed test:
-Rg-Single-Tagged-Bridged-Data-Static-GEM (+others).

Bridge statistics must be enabled to active bridge rate limiting feature on

uplink cards.

Port rate limiting does not work on egress if egress burst size is set to 0.
Recommendation: avoid setting to 0.

Memory utilization alarm may stay longer than expected after it gets

When using a Broadsoft switch, a system reboot is required after making a

change to transport protocol in the voip-server entry in order for lines to
register successfully. (MXK 319/819/823)

56 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

When configuring Type-B redundancy, the secondary will not be in a ready
state until the primary finishes processing all the ONU provisioning requests.
(All MXK)

If a switchover occurs before type B is ready, it will be required to use a

gpononu resync command in order to recover the ONUs in error state. (All

If the MXK19x device fails to communicate with the IP address specified in

the trap-destination profile, a ZMS partial config sync warning will be
reported (MXK 19x only)

Provisioning of the bondautodetect bit is only supported in the system 0

profile; please set during system commissioning. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

Access list packet rule modifications do not take affect until the packet rule is
re-applied to the bridge. (All MXK)

Egress COS marking on GPON bridges is not provisioned on the MXK; it is

provisioned on the ONT using USP or OMCI. (All MXK)

MXK only supports one SELT test at a time. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

Bridge statistics counting by bytes is only supported on -CLK/-TOP uplinks,

GPON, 2X10-8X1GE trunking, AE CSFP line cards, and MXK-19x uplink
and downlink ports. (All MXK)

Since wire bridge is transparent to the MXK, it cannot maintain visibility of

packet types within the data stream; all packets are counted as uni-cast. (All

For features like PWE and VoIP which require IP addresses to address end
points, use IPoBridge. (All MXK)

SNMPv3 clients must re-authenticate with the system after a protection

switch. (All MXK)

Authentication failure traps are not generated when an SNMPv3 user with
readonly access attempts to change a MIB variable. (All MXK)

MXK will generate an SNMP trap when a new ONT is detected only after the
ONU is auto-assigned. (All MXK)

SNMPv3 clients must re-authenticate with the system after a protection

switch. (All MXK)

Authentication failure traps are not generated when an SNMPv3 user with
readonly access attempts to change a MIB variable. (All MXK)

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 57

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

When a link aggregation group is "adminned down", the group is not

"adminned down" when using cross card link agg configured uplinks (MXK
319/819/823 only).

When modifying frame size or rate limiting, the Ethernet MAC is

reconfigured and will renegotiate link; this is a service affecting action. (All

The interface between MXK switches and the host is limited to 2048 bytes;
the L2 learning packets MUST be less than 2048. After the MAC is learned,
jumbo frames are sent in hardware. (MXK 319/819/823 only).

MXK hardware only counts PKT, oversize and the bucket counter (applies to
all Ethernet ports except 10/100 management ports). Jumbo packets are not
counted as Unicast. (All MXK)

MXK switches can only rate limit to a point; all testing should be done with
UDP (not TCP) to demonstrate “real-world” conditions, otherwise there is
always some margin of error with rate limiting. (All MXK)

Dynamic MAC addresses may appear on secure bridges after performing a

DHCP renew on all bridges on DSL line cards (MXK 319/819/823 only).

The link LED may illuminate when copper SFPs are used but an Ethernet
cable is not attached.(All MXK)

When using QinQinQ, only TPID 0x8100 is supported. (MXK 319/819/823


By default, Windows 7 runs stateless, therefore dhcpv6 messages are not

supported. (All MXK)

MXK supports up to 256 on-demand bridge stat counters per card in release
2.5. (All MXK)

The “bridge stats rules” only apply to bridges that have stats as on-demand
and are enabled (byte or packet). GPON has only ingress stats as on-demand,
but for egress there are sufficient egress stats rules to supply the maximum
number of bridges allowed on that card, therefore the egress side stats are not
counted, but if any of the GPON bridge stats are enabled they'll show up in
the output (representing the ingress side). (All MXK)

Transmit multi-cast bridge stats do not climb when running video on VDSL2
line cards (MXK 319/819/823 only).

When using mirroring on MVR, users should mirror the translated VLAN, not
the MVR VLAN. (All MXK)

58 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Upstream multi-cast is only supported on GPON line services. (All MXK)

In lab conditions where the ADSL2+ encapsulation mode may be toggled

between PTM-mode and ATM-mode or visa versa on bonded services, it may
be necessary to reboot the line card to pass traffic. NOTE: If, as is done in
typical production environments, the link is provisioned in either PTM or
ATM-mode and not changed, the line will operate as expected. (MXK 319/
819/823 only)

When using cross-card link aggregation only IPoBridge is supported. The

interface add command directly on a linkagg interface is not supported.
(MXK 319/819/823 only)

Non-learning wirebridges are not supported on the E1/T1 line card. (All

When using the 6728 CPE in ADSL mode, only PTM fallback is supported.
(MXK 319/819/823 only)

New bridge type displays have changed and are not truncated, but are
abbreviated. Please see the Configuration Guide for additional information.
(All MXK)

In order to provide both fiber and equipment protection, type-B GPON

protection is only supported across two different line cards on MXK. (All

When a MAC flap on the same PON link, the MXK sends a MAC move
indication to the host, but also sends the packet to the sgmii interface.
The switch can not tell the difference between one GEM and another. We have
already learned the source MAC on this GPON OLT port, so as far as the
switch goes, there is nothing new here. (All MXK)

Users are able to the delete IP interface on ipobridge interfaces when it is used
as the public side interface for the CPE Manager. (All MXK)

IPoBridges built on asymmetric bridges need to have a static MAC and IP

address or they can age out and cause the MXK to become unreachable.
Bridges built on or later build statics by default. (All MXK)

If a PWE circuit is provisioned without a device IP address, an error message

is reported on the console and the E1/T1 never comes up. (All MXK)

If a no dialtone situation occurs when a phone number is modified using

ZMS, a voice bounce from the CLI clears the problem. (MXK 319/819/823

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 59

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

When an EAPS protection event takes place, all protected VLANs are
flushed. MXK does not flush downlink learned MACs, however anything on
intralinks and TLS is flushed, and relearns/joins are completed by the next
IGMP query cycle. (All MXK)

When running bridged video, it can take up to 15 seconds for 24 bridges to be

displayed when using the “bridge igmp slot 2” command (MXK 319/819/
823 only).

Bridges intended to be used for VoIP must be created as downlink-voice or

downlink-p2p. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

When using cross-card link aggregation only IPoBridge is supported.

Interface add directly on linkagg is not supported (MXK 319/819/823 only).

MXK-2TG8GCLK: SNMP cccr error messages appear when performing

walk on voice statistics mibs. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

When adding secure to a TLS bridge, if the secure bridge parameters are not
mac+ip, it will learn IP (there is no harm in learning IP, the bridge will
continue to work). (All MXK)

With the introduction of IGMP v3 towards the network, MXK is relying on

the switch to downshift to v2 if it sees a v2 membership report. If a Cisco
switch is configured for v3, it works immediately, otherwise it does not
behave properly. Video resumes after the first query cycle. (All MXK)

MXK supports autonegotiate on ADSL; adsl2plus mode includes ADSL UP

TO adsl2plusmode (excluding the VDSL bands). (MXK 319/819/823 only)

‡ Existing MSTP/RSTP configurations will continue to have 15 seconds as

default; to change the fwDelay param to 4 seconds, the user must manually
update the stp-param profile. (All MXK)

VoIP CoS is set by default to 0 when provisioning VoIP on zNID-GPON. (All

Workaround: Set the CoS to a non-zero value when creating the connection.

‡ When there is no DS1 alarm on a DS1 port and nothing is connected to a port
in a redundant uplink, use alarm show -d to see standby alarms. (All MXK)

CSFP autonegotiate does not work between 100/1000MB SFPs. (All MXK)
Workaround: Manually set autonegotiate to disable and change mauType/
ifType to mau100basetfd, link will occur and traffic will pass.

For VDSL2 48-port bonding, the downstream rates cap at 60 MB. The
upstream rate caps at 20 MB in all VDSL2 profiles. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

60 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Customers may find 6718 CPEs running 01.01.07 firmware when connected
to the MXK VDSL2-48 linecard. This is due to a backward compatibility
issue that is corrected with a 6718 firmware update. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

VDSL2 links on all VDSL2 linecards are bounced for members in a bond
group when a bridge connection is added or deleted. (MXK 319/819/823

If a manual ONU upgrade is started by a user but left in a non-committed

state, auto upgrade will not be scheduled for that ONU. (All MXK)
Workaround: In order for auto upgrade to work, the ONU must be in
Downloaded-Activated-Committed state.

VLAN COS Marking is supported when MXK adds a VLAN tag. COS
re-marking is only supported with VLAN translation. (All MXK)

If a packet rule for forbid oui is entered without the oui being properly input,
a phantom packet rule is created. This phantom rule can be eliminated by
zSH> delete ingress-packet-rule 1/1 -orphan.
(All MXK)

When using RSTP in a redundant configuration you must also use line-red
timeout 0 to force a switch of activity if an Ethernet link protected with RSTP
fails. MXK does not support RSTP with Port redundancy; only Card
redundancy is supported. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

MSTP/RSTP cannot be used in line-redundant configurations. (MXK 319/

819/823 only)

When configured for dual MVR, membership reports are sent to both
VLANs, however only one of them is supposed to respond with a video
stream. (All MXK)

‡ Direct GPON profile modifications should be avoided; only CLI commands

or SNMP operations are supported. (All MXK)

Bridgestormdetect alarms are not cleared after the line card is rebooted with
active alarms. (All MXK)

If line-red is added prior to inserting a fiber cable into standby, and there is a
fail over to the standby, the standby will come up but does not know it is part
of a line-red.
Workaround: This situation is resolved by a port bounce.

When creating a GPON intralink, an error message may result and the bridge
may not be created. (All MXK)

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 61

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Workaround: To resolve, delete and re-add the bridge.

If an alarm persists after performing a slotreboot of a GPON card with active

an blocked bridge caused by broadcast storm protection, users should use the
alarm clear CLI command to remove the orphaned alarm event. (All MXK)

MXK uses IP subnet therefore it can not used for other purpose.
Workaround: Change the IP host to another subnet outside

• VLANs 0 and 3710-4095 are reserved for GPON functionality, so may

not be assigned when using GPON.
• VLANs 0 and 4090-4095 are reserved for system functionality and should
not be used.
• VLAN 7 is reserved for CPE manager even if it never has been and never
will be configured. If CPE Manager is not used and the use of vlan 7 is
required for other purposes, such as external DHCP for CPE management
via bridge, please use the following to free vlan 7 for general purpose use:
zSH> update cpe-mgr-global 0

cpe-mgr-global 0
Please provide the following: [q]uit.
local-vlan: --------------------------> {7}: 4089
local-slan: --------------------------> {0}:
cpe-cfg-mgr-concurrent-update-limit: -> {5}:
Save changes? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: s
Record updated.

• The ability to add global uplinks for bridges is not supported.

Workaround: Individual bridge paths must be built for each VLAN.
• Hitless upgrades are not supported in this release.
• Configuring a mix of secure and non-secure bridges in the same VLAN is
not supported.
• When using the CPE Manager feature on the MXK it is necessary to
create a static route if the network side IP address is used for a service
other than CPE Manager. Example: CPE Manager is configured to use the
network (public) address of with a default gateway of and POTS cards in the system are also configured to use as the termination IP address on the MXK. It is necessary to
create a static route for the VoIP next hop so the system can route the
voice packets properly.
• The MXK supports 300 simultaneous off-hook events (including calls)
per MXK chassis.
• Bonded links on the VDSL2-48-V are capped by the Broadcom chipset to
DS rates with cap of 60 Mb and US rates of 20 Mb in all VDSL profiles.

62 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

• Users should refrain from provisioning linkagg groups comprised of
members of different line rates. This is an invalid configuration.
• If a manual ONU upgrade is started by a user but left in a non-committed
state auto upgrade will not be scheduled for that ONU. In order for auto
upgrade to work the ONU must be in Downloaded-Activated-Committed
• When testing the daylight savings time feature in lab environments please
note that the feature requires that a start and end time be separated by at
least a 2-hour interval.
• By design BlockAll will block the network and should not be used on
asymmetric VLANS.
• Unified Service Provisioning support for the 26xx Family of ONTs is
limited and is suitable for early-introduction use.
• Due to varying switch implementations of link aggregation, DZS
recommends that customers validate new topologies in lab conditions or
in controlled deployments prior to large scale implementation.
• WebUI should not be used to support over 256 CPE Configuration
Managed devices. ZMS or ZMS VA should be used.
• In certain circumstances when enabling extended reach on the GPON line
cards, the distance is not always 100% accurate.
• IGMP snooping is not supported, please use IGMP proxy.
• The MXK-CBL-CLKSYNC-YCBL can only be supported in
configurations in BITS applications.
• MXK only supports SSH2 and is not compatible with newer versions of
OpenSSH and OpenSSL. MXK supports OpenSSH_5.9p1 and OpenSSL
• When installing FiberLAN in environments which use a large number of
TLS bridge interfaces, in the system profile, add fiberlan to the options
parameter. For any questions, contact DZS GSS. See Contacting DZS
Global Support and Service, page 89.
• cpe manager does not work when client is in same subnet as public
• Untagged intralinks are not supported.
• In a redundant uplink configuration using TOP/CLK or 6G uplinks, non
IPoBridge voice and PWE circuits will stop working if the active card
uplink port goes down or bounces. There currently is no plan to change
this since DZS has been recommending that customers use IPoBridge
functionality when building voice and PWE circuits for several years.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 63

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

• Bonding across the two 12-port groups on the 24-port VDSL2 vectoring
line card and across the three 16-port groups on the 48-port VDSL2
vectoring line card requires cross DSP bonding that is not currently
supported by Broadcom.
• Line cards and features not supported by the Web UI should be
provisioned using ZMS or the Command Line Interface.
Workaround: Use the Command Line Interface.

Current Issues

Depending the system (data base) size for a system with redundant uplink
cards, full initialization of the standby uplink card may require up to 30
minutes after the active uplink card completes the initialization process.
System Redundancy is not fully restored until the standby uplink card has
completed initialization, but service is restored as soon as the active uplink
has completed initialization.

Missing fields in Option 82 on LinkAGG TLS bridges.

Missing PPPoE Vendor tag.

In a -HA setup, there is no validation and warning messages if a user tries to

re-configure the intershelf links such as building bridges. Note -HA setup
automatically configures interlinks and does not require additional

When "ha disable shelf #" command is applied to a -HA system, the system
will set to non-HA (default) configuration. The behavior is per system design
since -HA and non-HA have differences in SW structure. It is assumed
non-HA is desired when "ha disable shelf #" is applied.

QoS priority (p-bit value) is not used for downstream traffic on ADSL PVC.
All traffic is treated with same priority.

The minimum required Boot Code for GPONX8-IO3 line card is
Make sure that the boot code has been upgraded prior to upgrading the
application SW to The Card Boot Code version can be viewed in
the ROM Version field by using the “slots SlotID” command.

System with 6x1GE uplink shows lease error message during bootup. This
does not affect traffic/operation.

In a -HA setup, inconsistent information display between primary and

secondary may occur when using "bridge show vlan #" command. Note there
is no impact to -HA switch over function.

64 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

In -HA configuration, a bridge loop situation would take down bridges on the
ONT. This issue will be fixed in future releases.

Color-aware based rate limiting is not available.

Wild card VLAN promotion bridge provisioning is not supported for the
following line cards. This feature will be implemented in the subsequent
• MXK-EFM-T1E1-24
• MXK-PWE-T1/E1-24
• MXK-VDSL2-BCM-17A-48-V

Card change command is supported for changing -IO to -IO3 but can generate
error messages if changing back from -IO3 to -IO. This would be fixed in
future releases.

The dump binary command does not prompt for username and password to
perform sftp when in secure mode.

When more than 256 secure IP entries are issued on a GPON card, some hosts
will not work properly. (All MXK)

RSTP is not supported in this release. (All MXK)

The onu inventory CLI command displays results twice when OLTs are
type-B redundant. (All MXK)

Egress COS marking is not supported.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 65

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Invalid error message is shown following uplink failovers on xcard linkagg.

(All MXK)

When a card is pulled with 8 OLTs 32 active splits per OLT, ONUs on OLTs
2-7 all drop out of range. (All MXK)

If an IPoBridge based interface is configured as the primary default route, and

the uplink serving it goes down, the system doesn't recognize it and route to
the secondary address

Rate limiting is not supported across double tagged wildcard bridges. (MXK
319/819/823 only)

Boundary Clock PTP master interfaces are supported on subtended Ethernet

ports on TOP uplink cards. Boundary Clock PTP master interfaces are not
currently supported on all line cards. This limitation will be addressed in a
future release. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

PTP is not supported on IPoBridge when using the uplink bridge type; only
TLS. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

If a packet traverses a downlink static secure MAC bridge and there is no

bridge-path for that MAC, a bridge storm will be falsely indicated. (MXK

The bridge flush command allows bridge flush mac vlan where "vlan" is not
the expected keyword, but presumed to be a value parameter, so unexpected
results occur. (All MXK)

PPPoA-PPPoE internetworking currently does not work when using uplink

cross card link aggregation (MXK 319/819/823 only).

When the igmptimer is modified with bridge-path modify, the multi-cast

aging timer is also changed. (All MXK)

When modifying outgoing COS and SCOS on bridge interface, the new COS
and SCOS value never gets entered. (All MXK)

Cisco switches occasionally generate invalid logs when the MXK enables
sync, collect and distribute too early on LACP link switchovers. (All MXK)

Innocuous Leaseapi alerts have been seen on devices connected to a 6X1GE

uplink. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

When running PWE with linkagg, neither the uplink bridge or the IPoBridge
interlace count unicast packets. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

66 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

The VDSL2-48-V line card may report traffic ready when it is still in
configuring state. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

"Speed Megabits per Second" values in the 2x10G-81GE uplink interface

stats are invalid when 10G port is used in linkagg. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

Unsupported Functionality

Provisioning of VLAN/SLAN untagged and single tagged bridges not

allowed on uplink ports in release (All MXK)

Multicast statistics on GPON ports is not supported. (All MXK)

The bridge add command using wildcards is not supported on redundant
OLT. (All MXK)

Video is not supported on RG connections guided VLANs. (All MXK)

When a DHCP client with the same MAC is configured on two different
bridges, traffic is blocked on the first bridge. This is a hardware limitation.
(All MXK)

Non-learning wirebridge is not supported on ADSL/VDSL product; only

GPON, Active Ethernet and EFM. (All MXK)

Ingress rate-limiting is not supported on bonded ATM-mode ADSL links.

(MXK 319/819/823 only)

PTM over ADSL is not supported on CPE Manager. (MXK 319/819/823


Single VC-mode is not supported in ATM mode on tagged bridge interfaces

on VDSL2 line cards. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

Wire bridge is not supported in Spanning Tree based rings. (All MXK)

There is no SNMPv3 trap or access lists support on MXK. (All MXK)

TLS secure bridges are not supported on VDSL2 line cards. (MXK 319/819/
823 only)

TLS secure bridging is no longer supported in release 2.5; use downlink

point-to-point bridges instead. (All MXK)

Bridge loop detection is not supported on VDSL2 line cards. (MXK 319/819/
823 only)

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 67

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

CPE Manager is not currently supported on ADSL fallback (MXK 319/819/

823 only).

Wirebridge is not supported on VDSL2 line cards except for those VDSL2
cards supporting POTS. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

Auth Mode “None” is not valid in SNMPv3 DES; MXK only supports Auth
mode of md5 and sha with priv protocol of DES. (All MXK)

Internal MXK command line tools do not support SNMPv3. (All MXK)

Wirebridge is not supported on T1E1 bonded services (MXK 319/819/823


VDSL2 24 line cards are not currently supported on CPE Manager. (MXK
319/819/823 only)

COS and SCOS egress packets are not supported when using uplink cross
card link aggregation (MXK 319/819/823 only).

MVR is not supported in ADSL2+ fallback. (MXK 319/819/823)

Host-based routing is no longer supported in release 2.5. (All MXK)

Secure web access (https) to the ONTs is not supported via CPE Manager.
(All MXK)

DHCP relay is not supported in IPv6. (All MXK)

Forbidoui is not supported on non-learning bridges. (All MXK)

Tagged traffic on VDSL2 services utilizing ADSL modems is not supported.

(MXK 319/819/823 only)

Wirebridge is not supported on the VDSL2-48 port line card. (MXK 319/819/
823 only)

IPSLA is not supported. (All MXK)

The WebGUI is not supported when using the 2tg8gf uplink binary. (MXK
319/819/823 only)

The bridge showdetail command does not report all details. (All MXK)

68 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

VLAN translation and promotion is not supported on the following VDSL2
line cards:
• MXK-VDSL2-24
(MXK 319/819/823 only)

Ingress rate limiting is not supported on VSL2 line cards; only egress rate
limiting is available on those cards. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

CPE Manager no longer works if a wildcard VLAN with SLAN promotion is

configured on a port. (All MXK)

Egress TOS/COS/SCOS marking on IP interface on uplink linkagg group or

an IPoBridge interface is not supported. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

Cross card link aggregation groups are not supported on MSTP. (MXK 319/
819/823 only)

Packet rule dstmacswapstatic is not supported on TLS bridges. (All MXK)

‡ CFM on redundant uplinks is not supported when working with Cisco and
Telco Systems equipment. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

The dstmac packet rule is not enforced on an Active Ethernet 20 card TLS
bridge. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

PPPoA-PPPoE internetworking not supported on the VDSL2-48-V line card.

(MXK 319/819/823 only)

Enhanced Ethernet Statistics are not currently supported on the VDSL2-48-V

line card. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

Forbid OUI and secure bridges are not supported on the single slot VDSL2-24
card, however they are supported on vdsl2_pots and vdsl-48. (MXK 319/819/
823 only)

‡ MXK does not support upstream multicast traffic across ETHX3400 and EFM
bond group on EFM card via TLS bridges. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

Rate limiting is not enforced when VLAN translation is used on SHDSL

bonded links. (MXK 319/819/823 only)

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 69

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Recommended version of ZMS

• Please refer to the ZMS release notes for corresponding features
supported in ZMS.

Interface Changes
User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for

• Added the protected-mgmt-frames field to the cpe-wlan-subscriber

Please see protected-mgmt-frames Field in cpe-wlan-subscriber Profile
on page 4.
• Added the naptfullcone option to the nat field in the CPE RG WAN
IP-Common Profile.
Please see USP Support for NAPT Full Cone in CPE RG WAN
IP-Common Profile on page 4.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

70 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 71

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for

• Added a new field band-steering to the cpe-wlan-advanced profile.

Please see “band-steering” field in cpe-wlan-advanced Profile on page 7.
• Added new values omci-tftp and omci-ftp to the method option to the
onu image download command.
Added a new server option to the onu image download command.
Please see H-series ONTs Image Download initiated through OMCI on
page 7.
• Added a new field SysNameAlias to the system profile.
Please see “SysNameAlias” Field in the System Profile on page 8.
• Added two new options in the Options field of the system profile:
add256ipv4secbrdg and add512ipv4secbrdg, to provide up to
1024 secure entries on GPON -IO cards.
Please see MXK-GPONX4/8-IO Cards Support up to 1024 Secure Entries
on page 8.
• Added Access Control Lists (ACL) to the MXK Z-Shell Command Line
Interface (CLI) for CLI User Privilege feature. The new command that
manages CLI ACLs is user-acl. The user-acl command has three main
sub-commands: list, rule, and user.
Please see CLI User Privilege on page 8.

72 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

User Interface Changes for

• Added a new feature bit reverse-polarity to the CPE VoIP feature

profile to configure reverse polarity for zNID POTS ports by the USP
command from MXK.
Please see Enable/Disable Reverse-polarity in USP for zNID POTS ports
on page 10

User Interface Changes for

• Added new feature bit vmwioff to the voip-features field in the

voip-server-entry profile and features field in the subscriber-voice
Please see An option to provision VoiceMail Message Waiting Indicator
(VMWI) at the subscriber port level on page 12

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for

• Added sshServerPort and sftpClientPort fields to the system 0 profile.

Please see An Option to Configure TCP and SSH Ports for SFTP sessions
between MXK and ZMS on page 14

User Interface Changes for is a maintenance release with no new interface changes.

User Interface Changes for

• Added mode field to the rule add bridgeinsertoption82 command.

Please see Add Operational Mode option to DHCP Option82 on page 15

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 73

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

User Interface Changes for

• Added standbytx disable command. Please see Disable Transmit Laser

for Standby Uplink Card on page 17

User Interface Changes for

• Improved the cross-card linkagg display from the linkagg show

command. The improved display shows all links in both active and
standby cards as one linkagg group instead of two separate groups as
previously shown.

User Interface Changes for

• Changed validation in the CLI bridge add command to not allow the
creation of an untagged bridge on linkagg group.

User Interface Changes for

• USP Provisioning for Active Ethernet zNIDs (MXK 823/819/319),

page 21 (many USP commands added for Active Ethernet).
• E911: SNMP Support for Querying LLDP Information (All MXK),
page 23
• When transport protocol field in voip-server-entry is changed from udp
to tcp or vice versa, a “reboot required” message is displayed to the user.

74 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

CPE Support Matrix
• ONUs which Support RG Provisioning
• Firmware for OMCI only zNIDs
• Support for new zNIDs
• Support for CPE with vectoring

ONUs which Support RG Provisioning

Table 2 describes DZS ONU CPE models and software support for RG
provisioning for GPON only.

Table 2: CPE support for ONU RG provisioning

DZS CPE model numbers Software minimum

24xx S3.0.522, M3.0.522

26xx S3.0.522, M3.0.522

27xx S3.1.261, M3.1.261

28xx S4.0.027, M4.0.027

42xx S3.0.522, M3.0.522

9xxx S2.5.131, M2.5.131

Firmware for OMCI only zNIDs

Table 3 describes DZS ONU CPE models and software support for OMCI for
GPON only.

Table 3: Firmware support for OMCI only zNIDs

DZS CPE model numbers Firmware minimum

2301 R1.1 25543

2311 R1.1 25594

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 75

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Support for new zNIDs

Support added for the following new zNID models in the release:
• GPON-2101P (GPON and GE)
• 2400A1 family (GPON and GE)
• 2700A1 family (GPON and GE)
• 2700H1 family
• GE-6024T
• 9600 family
• GPON-9740

Support for CPE with vectoring

Table 4 describes DZS VDSL2 CPE models and firmware support for

Table 4: CPE support for VDSL2 with vectoring

DZS VDSL CPE model Minimum firmware level supporting vectoring

6718-A1 01.01.13

6712-W1 01.00.03

6718-W1 01.00.03

6728-W1 01.00.03

Note: For VDSL with vectoring, disable ADSL modulation on the


Note: The G.INP standard does not cover ADSL, and as such, G.INP
on ADSL is not supported.

Note: the DZS 6228 CPE does not support G.INP.


76 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

DZS MXK card types
Table 5 shows the binary images for the uplink and line cards supported on
the MXK.

Table 5: Card configuration

Card model number Binary image Parameter

MXK-UPLINK-2X10G-8X1GE-TOP mxup2tg8gtop.bin defaults accepted

MXK-UPLINK-2X10G-8X1GE-CLK mxup2tg8gtop.bin
MXK-UPLINK-2X10G-8X1GE mxup2tg8g.bin
MXK-UPLINK-4X1GE mxup4g.bin
MXK-UPLINK-4X1GE-CU mxup4gcopper.bin
MXK-UPLINK-8X1GE mxup8g.bin
MXK-UPLINK-6X1GE-CLK mxup6g.bin

MXK-GPONX4-IO mxlc4gp.bin defaults accepted

MXK-GPONX8-IO mxlc8gp.bin
MXK-GPONX8-IO3 mxlc8gp3.bin use -f parameter, see
MXK-GPONX8-IO3 Line Card
on page 18

MXK-ADSL2+-BCM-48A mxlc48aadslbond.bin defaults accepted

MXK-ADSL2+-BCM-48B mxlc48badslbond.bin

MXK-ADSL2+-POTS-BCM-48A-RNG-2S mxlc48aadslbond.bin linetype adsl-pots-pv (enter this

value when using a TAC card
for lookout testing)
(enter this value for lookout testing
without a TAC card)

MXK-EFM-SHDSL-24-NTP mxlc24gshdslbond.bin defaults accepted


MXK-AE-2X10G-8XGE mxlc2tg8gae.bin defaults accepted

MXK-AEX20-FE/GE-2S mxlc20ae1s.bin
MXK-AEX20-FE/GE mxlc20ae.bin
MXK-AEX20-FE/GE-CSFP mxlc20ae1scsfp.bin

MXK-VDSL2-BCM-17A-24 mxlc24vdsl2.bin defaults accepted

MXK-VDSL2-SPLTR600-BCM-17A-24 mxlc24vdsl2.bin
MXK-VDSL2-SPLTR900-BCM-17A-24 mxlc24vdsl2.bin
MXK-VDSL2-POTS-BCM-17A-24 mxlc24vdsl2pots.bin

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 77

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Table 5: Card configuration

Card model number Binary image Parameter

MXK-VDSL2-BCM-17A-48-V mxlc48vdsl2.bin defaults accepted

MXK-VDSL2+POTS-BCM-17A-24-V mxlc24vdsl2pots2.bin defaults accepted

MXK-VDSL2+POTS-BCM-35B-24-V mxlc24vdsl2qpots.bin defaults accepted

MXK-EFM-T1/E1-24 mxlc24t1e1bond.bin linetype ds1 for T1 or e1 for E1

MXK-PWE-T1/E1-24 mxlc24t1e1bond.bin linetype ds1 for T1 or e1 for E1

MXK-POTS-72 mxlc72pots.bin linetype pots-pv

MXK-ADSL-72 mxlc72aadslbond.bin defaults accepted

MXK-MTAC-ITM-RING tacitmring.bin linetype e1 or ds1

group: group number

MXK-POTS-EBS-PKT-24 mxlc24ulcs.bin line type ebs-pots-pv

78 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Downloading, Upgrading, Downgrading and Restoring
software on the MXK (823/819/319)
Before downloading a new release of the system software on the MXK (823/
819/319), DZS recommends, as a precautionary measure, that you back up the
existing system configuration and the current version of the system software
locally on the MXK (823/819/319). Backing up the existing system
configuration and software can also be done to a TFTP or SFTP server on the
• Upgrading or downgrading software on the MXK (823/819/319), page 84
• Restoring the backup version, page 87

Caution: Before installing an MXK software temporarily disable

the ONT Auto Software Upgrade feature so it does not compete
with the system recovery.
To check the ONT Auto Software Upgrade configuration records
> get remote-sw-upgrade-profile *
To disable the function just prior to installing the upgrade
> update remote-sw-upgrade-profile enabled = false
To enable the function after the upgrade has been completed and
service restoration has been completed
> update remote-sw-upgrade-profile enabled = true *

Note: To ensure performance compatibility it is recommended to

upgrade zNIDs prior to upgrading MXK to versions.
MXK (starting from includes the performance
improvement in handling an increased amount of downstream
Broadcast and Multicasts traffic for GPON FiberLAN applications.
To match the improvement change made on MXK starting
from, zNIDs need to operate with the minimum required
SWs listed below (latest GA version is recommended):
zNID24xxA: 3.1.335
zNID26xxA/P/T: 3.2.060
zNID28xxD/P: 3.1.960
zNID6024T: 3.2.060
zNID24xxA1: 4.1.101
zNID27xxA1: 4.1.101

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 79

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Note: Line cards will reboot twice only when a new FPGA image,
software that updates hardware function, is included in the card
".bin" file
When an FPGA update occurs for a card type the CLI will report:
The card will boot up and detect the new FPGA
The FPGA will be automatically installed
The CLI will report a card removed than added transaction
notice : 1/a/12 : shelfctrl Card # removed.
notice : 1/a/12 : shelfctrl Card # removed.
The card will then boot up to "RUNNING".

Note: System database conversion for 2.4 and lower versions.

When the system boots up with the 2.5 version it will:
• Automatically back up the exiting running database file /card1/
• Convert the existing infotbl.v8 to the infotbl.v9 version
• Reboot a second time using the new infotbl.v9 version
• Make sure there is enough room on the flash card to support both
database files at the same time.
> dir

Note: Mismatched software versions on redundant uplinks

IMPORTANT! Please read this note.
If mismatched versions of 2.5.2.x and 2.5.1.x software releases are on
the active and standby uplink cards in an MXK system, the system
will not boot successfully.
There are two scenarios where this mismatch is most likely to occur:
• When upgrading from 2.4.x.x or earlier or 2.5.1.x to 2.5.2.x and
you do not update both the binary and raw files on both uplink
• When adding an uplink card to a system (whether a new uplink to
add redundancy or a replacement uplink for a redundant system). If
either the system or the added card is running 2.5.2.x and the other
is not the problem can occur. If unknown version of software
(binary and raw) on either uplink, it is safest to follow the
following Upgrading an uplink card procedure.

80 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

In general, when adding a new uplink to a running MXK system, the
new uplink must have the matching software (binary and raw file) to
the software running the system. DZS recommends verifying the
software match and if necessary preparing the new uplink card to
match in a lab system before moving the new uplink card into a
production system.

Upgrading an uplink card

1 Connect to the standby uplink craft port via a field PC using a MXK DB9 serial
COM port adapter or via a remote terminal server @ 9600 81N
a Connect the PC ethernet cable to the MXK standby uplink out of band
management port
b Set a static IP on the PC interface such as
c Turn PC firewall off
d Open the PC TFTP application and place the required MXK uplink .bin and
raw.bin files in the TFTP download directory
e From the MXK ping the PC to verify the connection
2 Pull then push the standby card to start a reboot then enter the MKX file
utility mode. enter zhone ENTER after about 5 seconds of the boot at the
RAW phase
a Check the flash files
cd /card1

b Add a MXK temporary IP address


3 Download the software image and RAW files from the field PC and flash the
The uplink files depend on the uplink card type and may differ form the
example below.
image download mxup2tg8graw.bin
image download mxup2tg8g.bin
image flash mxup2tg8graw.bin 1

Note that the load command is an alias of the image download command.
These two commands can be used interchangeably.
4 Reboot the uplink card


MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 81

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Note: After upgrading to or beyond, systems

configured for radius-then-local will operate differently than they
operated before the upgrade.
Before the upgrade, if radius-then-local was configured and the
RADIUS server was reachable, users that were not registered on the
RADIUS server but were registered on the MXK would be allowed to
log into the MXK based on local registration only. Using this
algorithm, it would not be necessary to register users on the RADIUS
server if they were registered locally on the MXK. There are some
inherent security risks with this older approach.

Note: WebUI http.tar files to restore GPON Unified Services

Provisioning support
This version of the Release Notes documents the update of the WebUI
http.tar files to restore GPON Unified Services Provisioning support
for the WebUI MXK release. Since this update was done
within the http.tar file itself and not within the MXK binary files, a
new loadbuild number was not required. The only difference between
the original .318 (version 1) posting and this one (version 2) is an
update to the WebUI http.tar files.
To distinguish between .318 version 1 and version 2 containing the
updated http file, the new file is identifiable by the “-2” extension,
i.e., “.318-2” in its name. Since the binary files in “.318-2” are
identical to those found in the “.318” version 1 build, a software
query of the system will not contain the “-2” extension, but will
display “”.
The version 2 http files can also be identified by the fact that all have
5-Mar-15 date codes whereas the version 1 http files were
timestamped on 25-Feb-15 for MXK-319/819/823 and 26-Feb-15 for

82 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Note: infotbl conversion
IMPORTANT! Please read this note.
Failure to observe the following information and correct any
anomalies can result in a service impacting situation.
On an upgrade from releases prior to 2.5, the system performs a data
conversion that improves data storage efficiency and access time.
In release 2.5 DZS is introducing a new version of the infotbl
database that improves performance and reduces memory
consumption. When upgrading from 2.4 to 2.5, infotbl.v8 will be
The new database is written to a file named infotbl.v9 (from .v8). In
the process of the conversion a temporary copy of the .v9 is created,
as .v9.tmp, until the conversion is complete.
At the end of the upgrade there will be the following database files on
the flash:
• infotbl.v9: The new converted database
• infotbl.v9.old: The backup version of the new database
• infotbl.v8.old: a backup copy of the database prior to conversion
A temporary copy of infotbl.v9.tmp will grow as large as infotbl.v8
was before conversion, and then be renamed.
The conversion requires that the flash file system must have free disk
space to store 3 times the current infotbl.v8. Use the dir command
and compute the open space required and compare it with the open
space available.
Failure to have this free space will result in a failed upgrade and a
truck roll.
After a successful upgrade the infotbl.v8.old should be removed.
When this process is complete the system will initiate an automatic
reboot to reclaim unused database memory. This second boot will
only happen once when converting from infotbl.v8 to infotbl.v9.
Subsequent reboots are not effected.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 83

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

Upgrading or downgrading software on the MXK (823/819/

1 Backup the existing files and run the database.
a Backup card image files and run DB to the local flash card. Make sure
to check the available disk space prior to the backup.

Note: If ZMS exists then there should be a weekly or daily DB

backup file in the ZMS server in the directory /opt/tftpboot/
However, a fresh backup of both DB and the existing image files
are suggested as described in this section.

Create a backup directory on the /card1 directory:

zSH> cd /card1

zSH> dir

b Create a backup directory or clean up an existing backup directory.

Go to the backup directory:
zSH> cd bkup

If the backup directory exists, clean up this existing backup directory

by using the following command:
zSH> del *.bin

zSH> del *.tar

If the backup directory does not exist, create one by using the
following command:
zSH> cd /card1

zSH> mkdir bkup

c Copy all the required card image .bin files, including the raw.bin files,
and optionally .tar files for the WEBUI to the backup directory.
Note that before copying the binary files and raw files, you can use
dir /card1 to show the .bin card files, and use get card-profile * to
identify all of the required .bin card files. The following examples
copy the binary file and raw file for MXK-UPLINK-2x10G-8X1GE
zSH> dir /card1

zSH> copy mxup2tg8g.bin bkup/mxup2tg8g.bin

zSH> copy mxup2tg8graw.bin bkup/mxup2tg8graw.bin

84 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

(Optional) Copy the .tar file if the backup process includes backing
up .tar file. Note that before copying the .tar files, you can use the
slots command to identify the shelf size (319, 819 or 823 type). The
following example copies the tar file for MXK 819:
zSH> slots
MXK 819

zSH> copy mxk819_http.tar /card1/bkup/mxk819_http.tar

d Back up the running database.

If the current release on the MXK is 2.5.xx, use the command below
to backup the current DB. To check the current version use the
swversion command.
zSH> copy /card1/datastor/infotbl.v9 /card1/datastor/infotbl.v9.bkup

If the current release on the MXK is 2.4.xx, use the command below
to backup the current DB.
zSH> copy /card1/datastor/infotbl.v8 /card1/datastor/infotbl.v8.bkup

Note: To back up MXK DB to ZMS using ZMS NetHorizon

1. Right-click the MXK from NH client and select Backup
Device Configuration under the Device Operation menu.
2. Specify a filename for the DB backup and click Start Backup
button. Filename can be MXK name or site name for easier
When the backup is complete, a successful backup completion
screen will appear on NH.

2 Download the new version of the software files to the MXK then flash the
uplink raw file.
a Download the required card .bin files (optionally .tar file specific to
the chassis model also) to a local TFTP or SFTP server directory and
set it as the default directory of the TFTP or SFTP server application.
The available MXKGAsoftware files can be downloaded from:
b Download the new software files with the image download [TFTP
IPAddress | SFTP IPAddress] fileName command.
Note that the image download [TFTP IPAddress | SFTP IPAddress]
all command will download for all cards that have the configured
card-profile record.
c Identify the uplink raw file. The filename varies by the model of the
uplink card.

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 85

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

zSH> card show a

sw-file-name: ---------> {mxup2tg8g.bin}

Table 6 describes the .bin and corresponding raw files for the uplink
cards on the MXK (823/819/319). The filename for the raw file is
based on the model of the current uplink card.

Table 6: Uplink card .bin files and corresponding raw files

Uplink raw image

mxup2tg8g.bin mxup2tg8graw.bin

mxup2tg8gtop.bin mxup2tg8gtopraw.bin

mxup4g.bin mxup4graw.bin

mxup4gcopper.bin mxup4gcopperraw.bin

mxup8g.bin mxup8graw.bin

mxup6g.bin mxup6graw.bin

d Download the uplink raw file with the image download [TFTP
IPAddress | SFTP IPAddress] fileName command. Make sure to add
the “raw” text before the”.bin”. For example:
zSH> image download mxup2tg8graw.bin

Note: Note that the load command is an alias of the image

download command. These two commands can be used

e Flash the uplink card’s raw file on both primary and standby uplink
card (if a standby uplink is present) with the image flash command.
The following two examples provide two different ways to use the
image flash command, either way could work.
Example 1(the two-step way):
zSH> image flash mxup2tg8graw.bin 1
Image flash successful

zSH> image flash mxup2tg8graw.bin 1 standby

Image flash successful

Example 2 (the flash all way):

zSH> image flash mxup2tg8graw.bin 1 all
WARNING: This operation will overwrite the boot partition of the ACTIVE and
STANDBY flash disk in port 1.
Continue? (yes or no: [no] yes
Image flash successful

86 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

3 (Optional) Download the MXK HTTP WEB GUI file with the file
download [TFTP IPAddress | SFTP IPAddress] sourcefileName
destinationfileName command, use the shelf number in the FileName,
insert between “mxk” and “_http.tar”. For example:
zSH> slots
MXK 819

zSH> file download mxk819_http.tar mxk819_http.tar

4 Install the new version.

a Perform a uplink boot file integrity check, use the info from Step c
under Step 2 to identify the FileName. For example:
zSH> image verify mxup2tg8g.bin
Image verify successful

b Load the new software by entering systemreboot to reboot the

zSH> systemreboot
Do you want to reboot the system? (yes or no) [no] yes
Do you want to exit from this request? (yes or no) [yes] no
Are you sure? (yes or no) [no] yes

The system reboots with the new version of the software and may take
several minutes to complete. The systemreboot command does not affect
the existing system configuration.

Restoring the backup version

Restore a previous version of the software when necessary.
Restore the locally backed up software files
1 Change directory to the backup directory on the card1 directory.
zSH> cd /card1/bkup

2 Use the copy command to restore the software by copying all the required
the .bin files, raw.bin files and .tar files (optional) from the backup
directory to /card1 directory.
Note that before copying, you can go to the backup directory and use the
dir command to show all the required files. The following examples copy
the binary file and raw file for MXK-UPLINK-2x10G-8X1GE card:
zSH> dir

zSH> copy mxup2tg8g.bin /card1

zSH> copy mxup2tg8graw.bin /card1

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes 87

MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

(Optional) Copy the .tar file if the backup process includes backing up
.tar file. Note that before copying the .tar files, you can use the slots
command to identify the shelf size (319, 819 or 823 type). The following
example copies the tar file for MXK 819:
zSH> slots
MXK 819

zSH> copy mxk819_http.tar /card1

3 Flash the uplink card’s raw file on both primary and standby uplink card
(if a standby uplink is present) with the image flash command. The
following two examples provide two different ways to use the image
flash command, either way could work.
Example 1(the two-step way):
zSH> image flash mxup2tg8graw.bin 1
Image flash successful

zSH> image flash mxup2tg8graw.bin 1 standby

Image flash successful

Example 2 (the flash all way):

zSH> image flash mxup2tg8graw.bin 1 all
WARNING: This operation will overwrite the boot partition of the ACTIVE and STANDBY
flash disk in port 1.
Continue? (yes or no: [no] yes
Image flash successful

4 Use the copy command to restore the database file to the previous
If the previous version was 2.4 then use:
zSH> copy /card1/datastor/infotbl.v8.old /card1/datastor/infotbl.v8

If the previous version was 2.5 then use:

zSH> copy /card1/datastor/infotbl.v9.bkup /card1/datastor/infotbl.v9

5 Load the software by entering systemreboot.

zSH> systemreboot
Do you want to reboot the system? (yes or no) [no] yes
Do you want to exit from this request? (yes or no) [yes] no
Are you sure? (yes or no) [no] yes

88 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

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resources and global support team, we are committed to delivering
world-class technical and product support 24/7, when customers need it. To
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MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

90 MXK (823/819/319) Release Notes

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