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Course Title: Consumer Behavior

Course Code : MBA 772

Contact Hours : 3
Credit Hours : 2
Prerequisite : MBA 642/632

Course Objectives
At the end of studying this course, the student should be able to:
 Explain background of consumption
 Discuss the types of emotions and concepts of consumer motivation
 Describe customer decision – making process
Course Description
The course focuses on theoretical background of consumption such as economic
and social structure, life styles, perception, and changing world of consumption.
It provides the student with the concepts of purchase decision, acquisition,
attitude models, and interpersonal influence. The course explains consumer
satisfaction, disposal, recycling, and reuse.

Course Content
1. An Overview of Customer Behavior
1.1. Introduction: production, acquisition, consumption and disposal
1.2. Consumer behaviors and marketing strategy
1.3. Learning about consumer
1.4. The changing world of consumption
2. The Background of Consumption
2.1. The meaning and nature of culture
2.2. Economic and social structure
2.3. Lifestyles: consumption substructure
2.4. Perceptions: World of sensations
3. Purchase and Acquisition
3.1. Why do people buy? Motivations, needs, and involvement
3.2. Attitude models and consumer decision making
3.3. Organization and household consumer behavior
3.4. Interpersonal influence
4. Post Acquisition
4.1. Consumption meanings
4.2. Consumer satisfaction
4.3. Disposal, recycling and reuse
Evaluation Modalities:
Continuous Assessment ..............................................................50%
o Tests.........................................................................20%
o Individual Assignments...............................................10%
o Team Assignments....................................................20%
Final Exam................................................................................50%

 Solomon M. (2013): Consumer behavior; buying, having and being: Prentice Hall,
New Jersey
 Lindquist and Sirgy (2003): Shopper, Buyer and consumer behavior: Atomic Dog,
Prentice Hall
 Hawkins D. (2000): Consumer Behavior: Irwin
 Shiffman L. and Kanuk (2000): Consumer Behavior: Prentice Hall, New Jersey

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