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Physiotherapy Practice in Canada Course

Module 6 - Part 4
Preparing for the PCE - Personal Action Plan


Last Name: SHAIKH

Date: 18 NOV 2022

Section 1: My Gaps in Knowledge and Skills

What are my content knowledge gaps?

I lack in neurological part because its hard for me

What are my practice skills gaps?

i am less aware about the canadian practice system which is negative for me

What are my gaps in skills and/or experience with the MCQ format on the PCE?
from school time to latest education i am very well aware about the MCQ format so that positive for
What are my gaps in skills and/or experience with the clinical exam format on the PCE?
I am new to the OSCE system and never experienced it
Section 2: Any Potential Barriers to Preparing for the PCE?

Language Skills If yes, specify


Study Strategies If yes, specify


Exam Anxiety If yes, specify

Yes i lose confident some days before exams

Exam Management If yes, specify


Familiarity with Exam Format If yes, specify

Yes OSCE is new format for me

Adequate Time to Prepare if yes, specify


Financial Resources If yes, specify


Other If yes, specify

Section 3: What Preparation Options am I Considering?

Given my gaps and potential barriers, which preparation options are best suited to my needs?
(tick all that apply)
✔ Study Groups
✔ Mentoring
✔ Exam prep courses that focus on content and practice skills
Exam skills workshops
Exam preparation workshops
✔ Working as a physiotherapy assistant
Bridging programs

Please explain your choice (s)

study groups will help me to slove the questions i have on their base of knowledge and i will get to
know how other people thinks and what their questions are.
having a mentor will help me guide through exact process.
exam preparing course will help me to understand what type of questions are asked in the exams.
working as a PTA will help me to understand the clinical stuffs and will be useful for hands on
Section 4: Preparation Action Plan and TIme Frames.

When do I plan on taking the written component?

Most probably, between september-november, 2023. (september-9-2023 or november 13- 2023)
any one of them depend on my prepration.
When do I plan on taking the clinical component?
as per the CAPR website, its says the clinical component is discontinued and candidates must
pass the written component to be eligible for license through provincial or territorial college. after
Please written component contactStrategies
Your Preparation your regulator
andfor becomingStart
Proposed fully Dates

1 Start PCE exam preparation as I will join online classes for better
understanding of all things. (january-2023)
2 With Tutor classes, I will prepare basics of all things like anatomy,
physiology, biomechanics, excercise therapy with case based MCQ
3 (1march - 10th april, 2023)
From now on I will cover basically 3 subject - Musculoskeletan,
Neurology, cardiorespiratory for 10 - 10 - 10 days method in 1 one for
4 atleast 3 months (11th april - 30th july, 2023)
I will cover those topics which is difficult and necessary to keep eye on
(1st august - 30th september, 2023)
5 Revision of all other things as well as main subject for around atleast 1
month. (30 sep, 2023 - 30nov, 2023)

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