The Importance of Preserving Cultural Heritages - Anna 2

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The importance of preserving

cultural heritages

Name: Nguyễn Trần Bảo Anh ( Anna 2 )

Class: 10C3
Subject: IGCSE Global Perspective

I. Introduction - The definition of “cultural heritage"

Cultural heritage is the manifestation of a way of life passed down from generation to
generation, formed by communities. Customs, rituals, festivals, local knowledge,
beliefs, value systems, artwork, and other intangible components make up cultural

The significance of cultural heritage as assets that convey identity and continuity is
frequently highlighted. Cultural legacy has traditionally been seen as an artefact of the
past, representing and articulating customary values, beliefs, knowledge, and so forth.

II. Cultural legacy: What it means to individuals and communities

Throughout history, the definition of heritage has changed. In the 18th century, it first
became popular as a collectible artefact, serving as a testament to the history of the
civilization that created it. It began to have documented value in the 19th century and
was described as an intangible cultural asset that reflected peoples' ideas, customs,
and experiences. It was revalued in the first half of the 20th century in accordance
with the social role that the people provided, and it started to be seen as a "common
good" within the society. But from the second half of the 20th century, heritage has
become a commodity with significant commercial worth added to its cultural and
social significance. In the twenty-first century, visiting historical places has become a
popular pastime for most people living in urbanised cultures and a major public issue.
These days, heritage is seen as a key driver of global recognition and a potent draw
for travel-related activities.

Anthropologists view cultural heritage as a social construct in which certain cultural

qualities are chosen by one or more groups as a part of a social process known as
"heritagization." The concept of cultural heritage was accepted by UNESCO's
Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage in
1972, however it only took into account physical material, such as monuments,
collections of buildings, or locations. Intangible components were added in 1989,
emphasising traditional and popular cultures.

III. The viewpoint of a history teacher about the significance of safeguarding
cultural assets

Alfred Nobel High School history teacher Ms. Ngo Ngoc Linh stated: "History is the
core foundation to lay the foundation for the future development of humanity, so
preserving its imprints is important." Each person and community should take
responsibility for protecting the cultural legacy left by their ancestors.

The speaker expressed that as scientific technology advances, it becomes increasingly

evident that protecting cultural heritage is imperative for all nations. We must
effectively address the outstanding issues with cultural heritage preservation in order
to progress towards a future of compassionate and sustainable development. Young
people nowadays certainly understand the importance of maintaining monuments, but
it might be challenging to figure out how to do it well and reach as many people as
possible. Since it's still early, we may begin with the simplest measures imaginable,
such as utilising technology to restore historic relics from antiquity or revitalising the
distinctive cultural characteristics of indigenous peoples.

IV. Strategies for safeguarding cultural heritage

- Spread the word about heritage conservation and raise awareness of it:

+ Increase understanding of the importance of heritage on a personal and societal


+ Spreading knowledge about heritage preservation and increasing fishers' feeling of

obligation to communities and people.

- Purchasing infrastructure

+ Make investments in surveys and research on heritage,...

+ Make capital and facility investments to protect cultural assets; make efficient use
of and save that investment source,...

+ Make the investment necessary to enhance the calibre of human resources available
for heritage management.

- Intensify heritage protection measures:

+ Boost state heritage management and organisational capability.

+ Socialise the preservation effort by emphasising the importance of local


+ Strike a balance between socioeconomic growth and the preservation of cultural


+ Promptly address infractions while safeguarding and using cultural assets.

V. Sources



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