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A Comprehensive Guide for Kerala High Court Assistant @ Concept with Detailed Approach & Examples @ Exercises Based on Latest Pattern @ Basic to Advance Level Questions with Detailed Solutions @ 5 Full Length Mocks HIsToRY 1. Inwhich year did the Portuguese captured Goa from, Bijapur? (a) 498 4b) 1510 (6) 1516 (a) 1569 2 During the Indian freedom Struggle, who founded the PrarthanaSamaj? (a) Atmaram Pandurang (b) Gopal Hari Deshmukh (6) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar (@) Keshab Chandra Sen 3. Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak hailed form (a) Bengal {b) Kashmir (6) Maharashtra (d) Tamil Nadu 4. The Mohemmadan Anglo-Oriental Callege of Aligarh was founded by ~ (a) Md. Ali Jinnah {b) Mohammad Ali (©) Shaukat Ali (@) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan 5. Dev samaj was founded by - (a) Shiv Narayan Agnihotri {b) Devendra Nath Tagore (@) Swami Vivekamand, (a) None of Above 6. Who was the first Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Caleutta? (a) Hyde (b) Elijah Bey {¢) Lemaistre (a) Mons 7. Communal Representation was far fe firsttime given in the interest of Muslims by (a) The Indian Council Act af 1909 (b) The Government of India Act of 1919 (6) The Government of India Act of 1935 (4) The Government of india Act of 1858 Which of the following is associated with Lord Wellesley, the Governor General of India from 1798 to 18057 (a) Doctrine of Lapse (b) Subsidiary Alli (6) First Mysore War (4) Conquest of Rajputana 4. Who among the fallawing Governor General created the Covenanted Civil Service of India which later came to be known as the Indian Civil Service? (a) Warren Hastings (b) Wellesley (6) Cornwallis {a) William Bentinck Which of the following battles was fought by the allied Forees of Shuja-uid-Daulab, Mir Kasim and Shab Alam against British East India Company? 10, ul 13, uw, 45, 16, W7, 18, 1, (a) Battle of Buxar (b) Battle of Wandiwash (©) Battle of Chelianwala (4) Battle of Tarrain The Revolt of 1857 in Lucknow was led by (a) Wajid AliShah (b) Begum Hazrat Mahal (©) Asat-ud-daula (@) Begum Zeenat Mahal The immediate cause for the Mutiny of 1857 was (a) Doctrine of Lapse (b) The Social Legislation of 1856 (©), The Episode of the Greased Cartridges (d) The fear of the Indians that they would be converted to Christianity Who was called ‘Grand Old Man of India’? (a) DadabhaiNaoroji (b) Jamshedji Tata (©) SurendranathBannerjee (@) C. Rajagopalachari Indian National Congress was founded by. in 1885, (@) Allan Octavian Hume (b) WC. Banerjee (©) Lala Lajpat Rai (@) None of the above In. which, year, the Indian National Congress was established? (a) 1888 (by 1887 (€) 1886 4d) 1885 Who was the Vieeroy of India a formation of the Indian National Congress? (@) Curzon (b) Canning (6) Lawrence 4a) Dufferin Which of the following leaders presided over the Congress Session at Calcutta in 1906? (a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (b) Gopal Krishna Gokhle (¢) Aurobindo Ghosh (@) DadabhaiNaoroji When did the partition of Bengal take place ? we of the (a) 1904 W195 (6) 1906 sn Who founded the East India Association? (2) CR Das (b) DadabhaiNaoreji (c) Debendranath Tagore (@) VD. Savarkar Adda247 Publications. For More Study Material Visit: 20, With reference to Indian freedom strugg)e, whe among the following was labelled as ‘Moderate’ leader in the Congress? (a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale {b) Bipin Chanelea Pal (© Lala Lajpat Rai (a) Aurobindo Ghosh 21, The Shivaji Festival was inaugurated in 1895 by - a) Hume {b) Morley {c) Tilak, (a) Gokhale 22, Who among the following is known asthe liberator of the press’ ? (a) William Jones 4b) Lord Wellesley (6) Sir Charles Metealfe (d) Lord Minto 23, Who called Bal Gangadbar Tilak the ‘Father of Indian Uneest’? (9) Lord Curzon (b) Vincent Smith (@) Valentine Chirol (a) Henry Catton 24, When was our National Anthem first sung and where (a) January 24, 1950 in Calcutta (b) January 24, 1948 in Allahabad (©) January 24,1947 in Dethi (4) January 27,1911 in Calcutta 25, Who had given the title of ‘Mahatma’ to Gandhi? (a) B.G. Tilak (b) Gopal Krishna Gokhate (@) Motilal Netra (a) Rabindra Nath Tagore 26, The split between the Extremists and Moderates came up in the open at the Surat Congress session in the year (a) 1905 {be} 1906 (91907 qay1910 27, Who among the following was the chief architect of reconciliation between the Extremists and the Moderates? (a) Annie Besant (6) Madan Cama 28. At Jallianwala Bagh meeting troops to open fire {a) Ben (b) Irwin () Dyer {@) Montague Which one of the following was a journal brought out by Abdul KalamAzad ? (a) Zaminder (©) Al- Hilal (d) The Indian Sociologist 30. Which of the following struggles of Mahatma Gandhi was related to industrial workers? (a) Champaran Satyagraha (b) Ahmedabad Struggle (6) Kheda Struggle (d) None of these () MA. Jinnah, {dl} Pheroz Shals Mehta ordered the 29, {b) Comrade 31, The name of the periodical among the following published by Mahatma Gandhidturing his stay in South Africa - (a) Navjivan Mb) India Gazette (©) Africaner (a) Indian Opinion 32. Alter returning from South Africa, Gandhijé launched his first successful Satyagraha in (a) Champaran 4b) Chauri Chara (©) Bardoli (q)) Dandi 33. In 1908 an attempt was made on the life of Kingsford, the unpopular judge at Muzzafarpur by = 1 Satyendra Bose 2. Barindra Ghosh 3, PrafullaChaki 4. Khudiram Base (a) Land 2 (by 3.and 4 ()1and + (a) 2 and 3 34, Whore and when was the Ghadar Party founded? (a) Atweriea, 1913 4b) England, 1917 (© Denmark, 1921 (qd) Scotland, 1925 38. The Silk letter Conspiracy(1916) was organised by ~ (2) Maulana Obeidullah Sindhi and = Maulana Barakatullah (b) Maulana Abdul Bari and Maulana Muhammad Ali (Q) Maulana AbulKalam and Gaffar Khan (d) Raja Mahendra Pratap and Jon Henting 36. With reference to India Freedom struggle which one among the following events occurred earliest? (a) Gandhi-lewin Pact {(b) Lucknow Pact (6) Cripps Mission Proposals (@) August Offer Other, than. Arie Besant, who among the following also launched Home Rule Movement in India? (2) Aurobindo Ghosh (b) Bal Gangadthar Tilak (©) Gopal KrihnaGokhle (4) Moti Lal Nehru 38, The Minto-Moriey reforms also known as Indian Council Act was passed in luring the tenure of Lord Minto. (a) 1910 4b) 1909 rst «dy1918 39, When Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place? (a) 13 April 1918, 4b) 13 June 1919 (13 Apail 1919 4a) 13 April 1920 40, Who is called! the ‘Nightingale of India’? (@) Sarojini Naidu (b) Vijayalakhi Pandit (6) Indira Gandhi (d) Mother Teresa 41. From which of the following places was the Civil Disobedience Movement started by Gandhiji in 1930? (a) Sevagram {by Dandi (©) Sabarmati (q) Wardha Adda247 Publications. For More Study Material Visit: 42, 43, 45, a7, 48, 49, 51 Who among the following was associated with Kakori Conspiracy Case? (a) AbulKalam Azad (b) Shahnnawaz Khan (6) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (d) Asfagulla Khan Who among the foltowing wrote the book “A nation in the making’? {a) DinbandhuMitra (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (©) Surendra Nath Banerjee (@) Subhash Chandra Bose Which one of the following newspaper was launched by Motilal Nehru? (a) The Leader {b) The Independent (©) Hindustan Times {d) National Herald Purna Swaraj was declared as the goal of the Congress in the Congress session held at Lahore under the Presidentship of (a) Jawaharala Neha {b) CR Das (¢) Maulana AbulKalam Azad (a) Gokhale Who gave the slogan first ‘Inguilab Zindabad’? (a) HasratMohani {b) Subhash Chandra Bose 52. Which of the following who died as political prisoner in Lahore prisan after 68 day unger strike? (a) Bhagat Singh (b) BatukeshwarDutt (6) Jatin Das (a) Sukh Dev 53, The leader of the Bardoli Satyagrala (1928) was - (a) Sardar Vallabhbshai Patel (b) Mahatma Gandhi (©) Withalbhai Patel (a) Mahadev Desai 54. A Royal Commission on the Public Service was appointed in the year (ay1912 4b) 1915 (1910 (a) 1918 55, Who founded the Sabarmati Ashram? (a) Aurbindo Ghosh (b) Mahatma Gandhi (¢) Rabinetra Nath Tagore (4) Gopal Das Mehta 56, After the Chauri-Chaura incident, Gandhiji suspended the- (a) Civil Disobedience Movernent (b) Khilafat Movement (c) Non Co-operation Movement (4) Quit India Movement 57. The Swaraj party was formed following the failure of - (2) Non Co-operation Movement (©) Md Iqbal (b) Civil Disobedience Movement (a) Chandra Shekhar Azad (©) Quit India Movement RahnumaiMazdyasan Sabha is associated with: (4) Champaran Satyagraha (a) Sikhs {b)Parsis 58; The Non-Cooperation Movement under Gandhi was in (6) Sindhis (g)Muslims full swing during the Vice royalty of - Consider the following events in the history of Indian (a) Chelmsford Mb) Irwin freedom straggle (©) Reading (qi) Hardinge (1) Champaran Satyagraha Whichy freedom fighter was popularly knewn as (2) Bardoli Satyagraha Deshbandhw’ 2 (3) Ahmedabad Mill Workers: nfl a (@) Lala Lajpat Rai (4) Chauri-Chaura Incident (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak Arrange the following is a correct chronological () Chittaranjan Das sequence of the above events starting from the earliest? (@) CF Andrews (a) 13,24 1245 (13,42 (3124 Who attend the Congress of Oppressed Nationalist at Brussels in 1927, on behalf of the National Congress? (a) Dr, Ansati (b) Mahatma Gandhi (©) Jawahar Lal Nehru {d)Moti Lal Nehra A large crowd gathered in the Jallianwala Bagh at Amritsar on April 13, 1919 to protest against the arrest of- (a) Swami Shradhanand and MazharulFiag, (b) Madan Mohan Malviyaand Mobarmad Ali Jinnah {@) Mahatma Gandhi and AbulKalam Azad (@) Saifuddinkitchlew and Dr, Satyapal Who of the following was a founder of the Bharat Naujawan Sabha in 1926? (3) Lala Laypat Rai {(b) Sardar Bhagat Singh (©) Lalatardayal (@) Sohan Singh Bhakfina 60. The Swaraj Party was organized by (2) LalaLajapat Rai and Feraze Shah Mehia (b) Sarojini Naiduand Annie Besant (6) CR Das and Motilal Nehru (a) C Rajagopalachari and CY Chintamani ‘61. The Viceroy who wanted to train Indians in the art of self government was (a) Mountbatten 40) Ripon (6) Northbrook {¢} Curzon 62, Assertion (A) : The Indian National Congress opposed the Simon Commission and did nat co-operated with it Reason (R) ‘The Simon Commission had no Indian representative, (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A (©) Aistrue but Ris false (@) Ais false but R is true Adda247 Publications. For More Study Material Visit: 63, The number of members in the Simon Commission was (10 qb) 20 (7 (ah 12 64, Who prescribed the separate electorates for India on the basis af the Communal Award in August 19327 {9) Lord Irwin (b) Ramsay Mac Donald (¢) Lard Linlithgow (4) Winston Churchill 65, Which organization had proposed first to constitute the Constitution Assembly to form the Indian Constitution? (a) Swaraj Party in 1928 (b) Indian National Congress in 1935 (6) Muslim League in 1842 (@) By all parties convention in 1946 66. Under whose leadership was the Congress Socialist Party founded in 1934? (a) Jawahar Lal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi (b) Acharya Narendra Dev and Jai Prakash Narayan (6) Subhas Chandra Base and P.C, Joshi (@) SaifuddinKitchlew and Rajendra Prasad 67. Who among the following drafted the resolution on Fundamental Rights for the Karachi Session of Congress in 1931? (a) De BR Ambedkar (b) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (©) Dr Rajendra Prasad (a) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 68, Which of the following statements is not correct? (a) Swami Dayananda Sarasw: Samaj (d) Sir CV Raman (Nobel Laureate) started his life as an Assistant 69, Which one of the following began with the Dandi March? (a) Home rule Movernent (b) Non-Cooperation Movement {(¢) Civil disobedience Movement (a) Quit India Movement 70, When was Burma separated from India {a) 1947 {b) 1942 (61937 4a) 1992 71, Who was the Governor General of India during the Jaunch of Civil Disobedience Movement? (a) Lord Chelmsford (b) Lord Reading, (©) Lard Irwin (d} Lord Wavell 72. During the Civil Disobedience Movement, whe led the "Red Shirts! of North-Western India? (a) Abdul Kalam Azad (b) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (© Mohammad Afi Jinnah (@) Shaukat Ali (c) Mahatma Gandhi was born in’! 73, Dandi March started _ 1930, (a) 16 Aprit 4b) 12 March (©) 19 June (a) 25 aug 74, When First Round Table Conference was convened by British Government. (a) Nov. 1929 (0) Now, 1980 (©) Dee, 1982 4d) Nov. 1931 75. Who called Gandhiji ‘Half naked beggar’? (a) Mountbatten (b) Lord Hastings (€) Winston Churchill (a) Mohammad Ali final 76. Provincial Autonomy wasone of the important features of the Act of (a) 1935 4b) 1919 (c) 1908 ¢q) 1858 77, The Dyarchy which was introduced on 1919 in provinces was in force till the year (a) 1927 (6) 1935 (19597 4d) 1947 78. With which of the following newspapers was Jawahar Lal Nehru associated? (a) The Leader 4b) Amit Bazar Pai (€) The Tribune (q) National Herald 79, In "Individual Satyagraha’, VinobaBhaye was chosen as the first Satyagrahi. Who was the second? (a) Dr. Rajendra Pradesh. (b) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehrw (9 C Rajagopalachari (4) Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel ‘80, Who among, the following made the ‘August offer’ of 1940 rejected by the Congress? (a) Lord Wavell 4b) Lond Linlithgow (©)Sir George Stanley (a) Lord Willington ‘$1, Subhash Chandra Bose had founded ‘Forward Bloc’ in the year? (a) 1939 A.D. (b) 1987 AD, (©) 1938 AD. (a) 1936 AD. 82, With which one of the following movements is the slogan "Do or die" is associated ? (a) Swadeshi Movement (b) Non-Cooperation Movement () Civil Disobedience Mavement (4) Quit India Movement 83. Who is the Viceray of India during Quit India Movement ? (@) Linlithgow 4b) Cornwallis (@) Mountbatten (a) Munro $4, During the freedom struggle, Aruna Asaf Ali was a major woman organiser of the underground activities, (a) RandoliSatyagraha (b) Quit India Mavement (€) Gwvil Disobedience Movement (4) Khilafat Movement Adda247 Publications. For More Study Material Visit: 85, 87, 89, s 1 Who among the following were official Congress negotiators with Cripps Mission? (a) Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel (b) Acharya J. B. Kripalani and C. Raja Gopala chaRri (©) Pandit Nehru and Maulana Azad (a) Dr. Rajencira Prasad and Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Mahatma Gandhi's remark, “A posttated cheque on a crumbling bank’ is regarding the proposals of - (a) Simon Commission —(b) Cripps Mission (©) Cabinet Mission (dy Wavell Plan The final arrangements for the India’s independence were worked out by the= {a) Cabinet Mission (b) Simon Commission (©) Gandhi-trwin Pact (d) Cripps Missi Who headed the Cabinet Mission? (a) Stafford Cripps (b) AY. Alexander (@) Lord Pethick Lawrence (a) None of these Inthe Interim Government formed in 1946, the Minister for Education was (a) Sardar Patet (b) C Rajogopalachari (©) Maulana AbulKalam Azad (a) Annie Besant and Pakistan? {a) MeMohan {b) Lord Durand Who has given the slogan "Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan'? (a) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (6) Indira Gandhi a (4) Rafiv Gandhi India? (a) C Rajagopalachari —(b) Mountbatten The National Anthem was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on (6) Jan, 24, 1950 (a) Jan, 26, 1947 Which of the following days was declared as the (a) August, 15 {b) October, 2 (©) Novernber, 12 (d) October, 26 Who had demarcated the border-ine between India (©) Redeliffe (d) None of these (b) Lal Bahadur Shastei Who was the first Indian Governor General of free (6) Nehru {a Vallathai Patel (a) Dec. 27, 1950 (b) Aug, 15, 1947 ‘International Day of Non violence’ by the UNO? Who was the Prime Minister of England when India got independence? (a) Attlee {b) Churchill {(¢) Thateher (a) Wilson The French East India Company was founded in (a) 1669 b) 1664 (0) 1665 (a) 1666 97, The tax collected by Marathas was known as - (a) Chauth Ab) Pilgrim Tax @h {d) None of these Uplift of the backward classes was the programme of the - (a) PrarthanaSamaj (b) Satya ShodhakSamaj (©) Arya Samaj (@) Ramakrishna Mission Who played Socrates te the first generation of the English educated young men of Bengal ? (3) Swami Vivekananda (b) Rai Narain Bose (¢) Heney Vivian Derozio (@) Drinkwater Bethune 100.By the Charter Act of 1813 the Indian trade except :was thrown open to all British subjects, (@) Tea (b) Spices (©) Coffee (a) Catton. 101.The battle at Waihind in 1008-03 A.D was fought between? (a) Mahmud of Ghazni and Jayapala (b) Mahmut of Ghazni and Anandapala (c) Muhammad Ghori and Prithviraj (a) Muhammad Ghori and Jaichandea 102.Malik Kafur was whose General? (a) Balban (b) Ala-ud- din Kh (¢) Muhammad bin Tughlug (4) Firoz Shah Taghlug = |The Balmani Kingdom was founded by? (a) Alauddin Bahman Shah (b) Timur (6) Zain - ul -Abicin (4) Malik Kafur 104.The first Sultan to adopt the principle of measurement of cultivable land for determining, the land revenue was (a) Ghiyasuddin Tughiug (b) Itutmish (6) Alauddinkhi (a) Balban 105.The mest learned medieval Muslim ruler whe was well versed in various branches of learning including astronomy, mathematics and medicine was - () Sikandar Lodi (b) Teatanish 106.Who from among the following was the founder of Bahmani kingdom in the Decean? (2) Mahmud Gawan — (b) Hasan Gangu (©) Sikandar Shay (a) Malik Amtsar Adda247 Publications. For More Study Material Visit: 107.The Nobility of the Delhi Sultanate was largely composed af (8) Afghans {b) Arabs (©) Turks (a) Camposite clement 108.TThe Mongols ap peared for the first time on the banks of the Indus during the rule of (a) Raziya (b) Balban, (©) Itutmish (a) Quiub-ud-din Aibak 109.Who among the following founded the city of ‘Ahmedabad? (a) Muzaffar Shab It (b) Ahmad Shah (©) Qutub-ud-din Aitmad Shak (d) Muhammad I Begarha 110.Who of the following was the first woman ruler of medieval India? (a) Razia Sultan 4b) Chand Bibi (©) Durgavati {dy Noorjahan, 111.The Arab conquest of Sind in 712 AD had taken place under the leadership of = (a) Mohammed of Ghazni (b) Mohammed-bin-Caasim (¢) Mohammed of Ghovi (d) None of the above 112.During the Mughal period, which one of the following trades were the finst to come to India? (9) Portuguese (b) Dutch {(@) Danish, (d) English. 113.The last Mughal Emperor was? (a) Akbar b) Babul () Bahadur Shah Zafar (a) Noo 114. Where is IbadatKhana situated? {a) Lahore {b) Delhi (©) Agra (d) FotehpurSikri 115.Who among the following was the daughter of Emperor Aurangzeb ? (a) Jahan Ara (b) Roshan Ara (¢)Gauhar Ara (a) Zeb-un-nisa 116.The Mughal Emperor who appointed maximum number of Hindu Officer was? (a) Humayun {b) Akbar (©) Shabahan (@) Aurangzeb 117.Under Akbar, the Mir Bakshi was required to loak after (a) Military affairs (b) The state treasury (6) The royal household (9) The First Battle of Panipat (b) The Battle of Khanwa (¢) The Battle of Ghagra (4) The Battle of Chanderi 120.Who among the follawing Mughal kings had sent Raja Ram Mohan Roy as his envoy to London? (o) Alamgir t (b) Shah Alam It (¢) Akbar It (@) Bahadur Shah tt 121.The greatest painter of birds at Jahangir’s court was (2) Basawan (b) Mansur (© Syed Ali Tabriz (@) KinwajaAbdus Samad 122.Hlistorian Abul Fazal was killed by (2) Hema 4b) Bairam Khan (¢) Uday Singh (@) Veer Singh Bundela 123.Sher Shah's last campaign was agains! (a) Mount Abu (b)Kalinjar (6) Surat (a Chittor 124.The second Battle of Panipat was fought between Hemu and (a) Babar (b) Humayun (©) Akbar 4d) Ibrahim Lodhi 125.Akbar defeated Durgawati and captured () Bijapur (b) Thani (©) Gondwana (a) Surat 16.The famous ‘Jama-Masjid’ of Delhi was built by (a) Humayun (b) Akbar (©) Shabjahan (d) Aurangzeb 127.In India artillery was first used by - (a) Balban 4b) Babur (¢) Humayun (a) Akbar Under ‘the Mughals the Governor was popularly known as (a) Subahdar {b) Wazir (©) Vakil (¢) Faujdar 129.The huge wealth of the Mughal fell into the hands of after the capture of Delhi in 1739, (@) Nadir Shah 4b) The English (¢) The French, (a) The Portuguese 130.Sher Shah was succeeded by (a) Sikandar (b) Islam Shah (6) Alam Shals (6) Hasan 131 Jizya was abolished by the Mughal ruler~ (a) Babar (b) Humayun (6) Akbar 4d) Aurangzeb 132. Who was the author of Humayun-nama? (a) Humayun’ (6) GulbadanBegam (6) Badauni (@) Ahmad Yadgar (@) The land revenue system 133. Who is known as the Parrot af Indi T18Sir Thomas Roe visited the court of ? ay abate "tation (a) Akbar (©) Jahangir (@ Amir Khusro (d) Mirabai (6) Shaaban (2) Aurangazets 1. Firt Wattle of Panipat was foughe- 12.Which one ofthe following battles was fought between | "tape peel Babur and the Rajputs in 1527? (ise Ghise ‘Adda247 Publications. For More Study Material Visit: 135.Zain-ul-Abdin, who prohibited cow slaughter, was a ruler of {8) Bengal {b) Gujarat (Malwa (d) Kashmir 136.Who among the following are known as King Makers in Indian History ? (a) Sayyid Brothers (b) Hussain Brothers (c)Hassan Family (a) TardiBegh 137.Shivaji defeated the Mughals in the battle of? (a) Purandhar 4b) Raigariy ()Salber (ayShivner 138. Which of the following ruler is called as "Rangeela" (a) Muhammad shah (b) Bahadur shah, (©) Akbar Il (dy Ahmad shah, 139_Which language gained most by the patronage given to scholars by Krishna Deva Rai? (a) Tamil {b) Sanskrit (0) Teluga. (a) Kannada 140.Which of the following was a saint of the Bhakti ‘Mavement in Bengal? (a) Tulsi das {b) Vivekananda ©) Chaitanya (@) Kabir 141,Guru Arjan Dev transferred the headquarters to ~ (a) Agra (b) Amritsar (¢) Karachi {d) Allahabad 142.Guru Gobind Singh was the san of ~ (a) Tegh Bahadur. (b) Arjan Dew (0) Har Gobind {@) Nanak 143. Ashtapradhan was a council af ministers {a) in the Gupta administration, g f 1. (b); The Portuguese conquest af Goa occurred when the governor of Portuguese India Afonso de ‘Albuquerque captured the city in 1510. 2 (a); PrarthanaSamaj, was a movement for religious and social reform in Bombay based on earlier reform movements. PrarthanaSamaj was founded by Atmaram Pandurang with the help of Keshav ‘Chandra Sen in 1867, 3. (0; Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, was an Indian nationalist, teacher, social reformer, lawyer and an indepenclence activist, He was the first leader of the Indian Independence Movement. The British colonial authorities called hint "The father of the Indian unrest". He was also conferred with the title ‘of "Lokmanya’, which means "accepted by the ‘people’. He belongs from Maharashtra 4. (@) Muhammadan —Anglo-riental College founcled in 1875 by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. was (b) in the Chola administration (©) in the Vijayanagar () in the Maratha administration 144. Who among the following was the first Bhakti saint to use Hindi for the propagation of his message? (a) Dadu {b) Kabir (© Ramananda 4a) Tulsidas 145.The kingdom of Vijayanagar was founded by (a) Vijayraja (b) Krishnadeva Raya (©) Devaraya (@) Harihara and Bukka 146.Who wing Bahmani rulers built the at Bijapur? (a) Mahmud Gawan (b) Ismail Adil Shah (©) Muhammad Adil Shah (a) Yusuf Adil Shah 147.The first dynasty of the Vijayanagar Kingdam was (a) Hoyasala 4b) Sangama () Saluva (a) Tuluva 148. Who built the city of Nagalapura? (a) Bakka | Yb) Devaraya | (©) Krishnadeva Raya (d) Virupaksha 149.Under Shivaji each province was under a (0) Viceroy (b) Governor (©) Diwan (ql) Zamindar 150,Who was the last ruler of Delhi Sultanate? {@) Bahadur shah 1 (b) Ibrahim Lodi (©) Sikandar Lodi ° » 5. (a): Dev samaj, a religious and ‘was founded an 16 February 1887 in Lahore by Pandit Shiv Narayan Agnihotri 6 (b);Sir Ehjah Impey was a British judge, the first chief (@) Mubarak shab ‘William in Bengal. 7. (a)z The Indian Councils Act 1909 or Morley-Minto Reforms passed by British Parliament in 1909 in an attempt to widen the scape of legislative councils. For the first time it introduced separate and discriminatory electorate to muslims. $8 (b); Lord Wellesley remained Governor General of Fort Williauns from 1798 to 1805, The susidiary Alliance is a. policy started by Lord Wellesley. The Subsidiary Alliance System was a Treaty between the company and the Indian native rulers. In return, for payment or subsidy, the company would pplace garrison troops in thatraler’s territory to fight against their enemies, Adda247 Publications. For More Study Material Visit: (8); The civil services were reformed and modernised by Lord Comwallis and hence he is called the “Father of Indian Civil Service”. The civil service is a sector ef government composed mainly of career ‘bureaucrats hired on professional merit 10, (a); The Battle of Buxar was fought on 22 October 1764 between the forces under the command of the British East India Company led by Hector Munro and the combined armies of Mir Qasim, the Nawab ‘of Bengal the Nawab of Awadh and the Mughal ‘Emperor Shah AlamiL'The battle fought at Buxar, a ‘small fortified town" within the territory of Bengal, 11. (b); Begum Hazrat Mahal was the wife of Nawab ‘Wazid Ali Shah of Awadh. She ruled on behalf of hher 11-year-old son BirjisQadar and led the revolt of 1857 in Lucknow 12, (@): The introduction of Enfield rifles in the army was the immediate cause because to load the rifle, sepoys had to bite the cartridge open to release the ‘powderThe grease used on these cartridges was rumoured to be made of beef and pork which angered the hindu and the muslims in the army. 13, (a) DadabhaiNaoroji, known as the Grand Old Man of India, was a Parsi intellectual, educator, cotton trader, and an early Indian political and social Jeader 14. (a); The Indian National Congress ia a broad-based ‘political party in India founded in 1885, The Indian National Congress conducted its first session in ‘Bombay from 28-31 December 1885 at the initlative ‘of retired Civil service officer, Allan Octav' Hume, 15, (d); The Indian National Congre political party in India which ‘The Indian National Congress conducted its First session in Bombay from 28-31 December 1885 at the initiative of retired Civil service officer, Allan ‘Octavian Hume, 16. (d); In 1885, AO Hume laid the foundation of Indian ‘National Congress. 17, (d); Congress Session at Caleutta in 1906 was presided ‘by DadabhaiNaoroji. In Calcutta session of 106, ‘Congress adopted Swaraj as the Goal of Indian people. 18, (b); The decision to effeet the Partition of Bengal was announced in 7 July 1905 by the Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon, The partition toak place an. 16 ‘Cctaiber 190 19, (bj; The East India Association was founded by ‘DadabhaiNaoroji in 1866, in collaboration with Indians and retited British officials in London. It superseded the London Indian Society and was a platform for discussing matters and ideas about ‘India, and to provide representation for Indians to the Government, oa 20, (a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale was labelled as moderate leader in Congress party. He is ‘The Political Guru ‘of Gandhi as he was the one who guided Mahatma Gandhi to travel to India in order to fight against the British, was one of the social and political leaders during the Indian Independence ‘Movemnent against the British Empire in India, He ‘was also founder of the Servants of India Society 21, (0) In 1895 Tilak inaugurated a second annual festival alter revival of Ganesh festival , this ‘of ChhattrapatiShiv 22, (@); In 1835 Sir Charles Metcalfe succeeded Lord William Bentinck, being senior member of eouneil. “Lord Metcalfe” is called Liberator of In but soon he became a victim of party politics in England and was succeeded by Lord Auckland in 1836, 23, (0; Bal Gangadhar Tilak joined congress in. 1890, Valentine Chirol called him “Father of Indian ‘Unvest”, who first of all demanded complete “Swarajya”. 24. (d);“Tana Gana Mana” is the national anthem of India. e-was first sung in Calcutta Session of the Indian, National Congress on 27 December 1911. “Jana Gana Mana” was officially adopted by the Constituent Assembly as the Indian national anthem on 24 January 1950. 254 (@); The title of Mahatma was bestowed on Gandhi by Rabindranath Tagore. 26. (@); The Indian National Congress which was established in 1885 was divided into two groups in the year 1907 mainly into extremists and moderates at the Surat Session of Congress, GF Annie Besant,was a British socialist, theosophist, ‘women’s rights activist, writer and orator and supporter of Irish and Indian sel-rule. She was the chief architect of reconciliation between the Extremists and the Moderates, 28, (0); The Jallianwala Bagh massacre, also known as the Amritsar massacre, took place on 13 April, 1919 when a crowd af non-violent protesters, along with Baishakhi pilgrims, who had gathered in Jallianwala Bagh, Amwitsar, Punjab, were fired ‘upon by traps of the British Indian Army under the command of Colonel Reginald Dyer. 28, (0; The Al-Hilal was a weekly Urdu language newspaper established by the Indian leader Maulana AbulKalam Azad and wsesl as.a medium for criticism of the British Raj in India. The first issue came out on 13 July 1912. 30, (b); Ahmedabad Mill Worker Satyagraha , 1918 was ‘one of the initial movements related to mill warkers, Jed by Gandhi in the beginning of 20th sentury after hhis return from South Africa Adda247 Publications. For More Study Material Visit: 31. (a) he Indian Opinion was a newspaper established bby Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi. The publication ‘was an important tool for the political mavement Jed by Gandhi and the Indian National Congress to fight racial discrimination and win civil rights for ‘the Indian immigrant community in South Africa. Teexisted between 1903 and 191 32, (a); Gandhiji launched his first successful Satyagraha at ‘Champaran in 1917 after returning from South Africa. 33, (b); Prafulla Chaki and Khudiram Bose was chosen for the murdering of Kingsford, the magistrate of “Muzaffarpur, Bihar. Kingsford during his previous ‘enue as the Chief the Presidency Magistrate of Calcutta was unpopular for passing harsh and cruel sentences on young political workers of Bengal 34. (a); The Ghadar Party, initially the Pacific Const ‘Hindustan Association, was formed in 1913 in the United States under the leadership of HarDayal, Sant Baba Wasakha Singh Dadchar, Baba Javala Singh, Santokh Singh and Sohan Singh Bhakna as its president 35, (a); The Silk Letter Movement refers to a movement ‘organised by the Deobandi leaders Maulana ‘Obeidullah Sindhi and Maulana Barakatullahy ‘between 1913 atl 1920, aimed at frecing India from ‘he British rule by allying with Ottoman Turkey, Imperial Germany, and Afghanistan, 36, (b); Lucknaw Pact -1916 Gandhilrwin Pact- 1951 August Offer = 1940 ‘Cripps Mission Proposals-194: 37, (b);Gther than Annie Besant, Bal eh Jaunched Home Rule Movem 38. (b): The Indian Couneils Act 1909 or Minto-Morley Reforms was passed by British Parliament in 1909 in an attempt to widen the scope of legislative councils, It was passed during the tenure of Lord Minto. 39. (0); The Jallianwala Bagh massacre, also known as the: Amritsar massacre, took place on 13 April, 1919 ‘when a crowd of non-violent protesters along with Baishakhi pilgrims, who had gathered in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar, Punjab, were fired “upon by troops of the British Indian Army under ‘the command of Colonel Reginald Dyer. 40. (a); Sarojini Naidu’s poetry is lyrical and musical, using ‘many types of meter and rhyme and filled with rich ‘imagery, for this reason she iscalled the nightingale ‘of India 41, (9; On 12 March, 1930 he along with his 78 followers began a march from the Sabarmati Ashram to “Dandi” on the Gujarat coast. It was a distance of 200 miles. At Dandi a few day s later they violated ‘the salt laws by making salt from sea-water. Thus, a 42, (4); The Kakori Conspiracy was a train robbery that took place between Kakori and, near Lucknow, on 9 August 1925 during the Indian Independence ‘Movement against the British Indian Government, The robbery was organised by the Hindustan Republican Association (HRA), The robbery was conceived by Ram Prasad Bismil and Ashfaquilah ‘Khan who belonged to the HRA. 43, (0); Sir Surendranath Banerjee was one of the earliest Indian political leaders during the British Raj. He ‘went on to write the widely acclaimed “A Nation in Making” published in 1925. 44, (b); The Independent Allahabad based newspaper begun by Motilal Nehru in 1919, The paper closed down under British repression two ‘years later, 45. (a); In the Lahore session of December 1929, Congress passed the Poorna Swat) resolution. It was the same session in which Jawaharlal Nehru was elected as president of the Congress 46, (a); Inquilab Zindabad is an Urdu phrase which translates to "Long live the revolution!” The poet, surnalist, scholar and independence activist ‘Maulana HasratMohani (born 1875) coined this slogan in 1921 in protest against the British 47, (b); The Raknumai Mazdyasan Sabha was founded in 1851 by a group of English educated Parsis for the “regeneration of the social conditions of the Parsis and the restoration of the Zoroastrian religion to its pristine purity” 48, (€)s Champaran Satyagraha -1917 ‘Ahmedabad Mill Workers Strike-1918 ‘Chinuri-Chaura Incidence - 1922 Bardoli Satyagraha - 1928 49, (@); In February 1927, Jawaharlal Nehruon behalf of the National Congress attended the Congress of ‘Oppressed Nationalities at Brussels organised by political exiles and revolutionaries from the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America suffering from economic or political imperialism. 30, (d); The Jallianwala Bagh massacre, also known as the Amritsar massacre, took place on 13 April, 1919 when troops of the British Indian Army under the command of Colonel Reginald Dyer tired machine guns into a crowd of non-violent protesters. The Civilians, in the majority Sikhs, had assembled to participate in the annual Baisakhi celebrations, a religious and cultural festival for Punjabi people and also:to condemn the arrest and deportation of ‘two national leaders, DrSatyapal and De Saifuddin Kitchlew. 51. (b); Bharat Naujawan Sabha was founded by Bhagat Singh in March 1926 and was a more public face of the Hindustan Republican Association Adda247 Publications. For More Study Material Visit: 54. (a); 55. (bh 58. (0); 61. (by; Lord Ripon remained India’s V 52, (; Jatindra Nath Das, also known as Jatin Das, was an Indian independence activist and revolutionary. He died in Lahore jail after a 63-day hunger strike. 55. (2); The Bardoli Satyagraha of 1928, in the state of Gujarat, India during the periad of the British Raj, was a major episode of civil disobedience and revolt in the Indian Independence Movement. The movement was eventually led by Vallabhbhai Patel, and its success gave rise to Patel becoming ‘one of the main leaders of the independence A comprehensive examination of India’s Civil ervice system was undertaken im 1912 when the British Government in London appointed what ‘was called the Royal Commission on the Public Services in India’ Competitive examination for public recruitment Sabarmhati Ashram is located in the Sabarmati suburb af Ahmedabad, Gujarat, adjoining the Ashram Road, on the banks of the River Sabarmati, four miles from the town hall. This was one of the residences of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. It -was founded by Mahatma Gandhi. 36. (0); The Non-Cooperation Movement was a significant ‘phase of the Indian independence movement from British rule, It was led by Mohandas Karamehand Gandhi after the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, The non-cooperation movement was withdrawn ‘because of the Chauri Chaura incident 57. (a); The sudden withdrawal of the Non Cooperation Movement left congress with na otfier_sufh programmes and lead CR Das EOPSsighied froff¥the presidentship of the Congress. tng, with Moti Lol Nehra, NC Kelkar they launched=their Gwn political outfit called “Congress. Khilafat Swaraj Party” or simply the “Swaraj Party” Lord Chelmsford was succeeded by Lord Reacting in T921 as Viceroy of India till 1925, This phase many important events like nen-cooperation movement, Formation of Swarajya party, Kakori incldent 59. (c); Chittaranjan Das, popularly called Deshbandinu, ‘was a leading Indian politician, a prominent lawyer, an activist of the Indian National Movement and founder-leader of the Swaraj Party in Bengal during British occupation in India 60, (¢); The Swaraj party was formed by C.RDas and Motilal Nehru in late 1922, eray from 1880-84 ‘This liberal politician is known for many reforms in the internal administration of India. A Resolution in 1882 set off the institution oF local self. government in India that's why he is calles father ‘of local self government 62, 63, 6 7. 68, 69, 70, 71. {3}; The Indian Statutory Commission was a group of seven British Members of Parliament of United Kingdom under the chairmanship of Sir John Simon assisted by Clement Attlee. The commission arrived in British-occupied India in 1928 to study constitutional reform in Britain's most important colonial dependency. It was appased by congress. (9); Ithad 7 members which were lifted frem the three political parties of the British Parliament under the ‘chairmanship of Sir John Simon, (b); The Communal Award was made by the British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald on 16 August 1952 granting separate electorates in India for the Forward Caste, Lower Caste, Muslims, Budd Sikhs, Indian Christians, Anglo-Ind and Untouchables, (b);An idea for a Constituent Assembly of India was proposed in 1934 by M. N. Roy, a pioneer of the ‘Communist movement in India and an advocate of radical democracy. It became an official demand of the Indian Notional Congress in 1988, C. Rajagopalachari voiced the demand for a constituent Assembly an 15th November 1939 based on adult franchise, and was accepted by the British in August 1940. (b); The Congress Socialist Party was founded in 1934 as a socialist caucus within the Indian National Congress under Acharya Narendra Dev and Jai Prakash Narayan. (b);The Gandhi Irwin Pact was endorsed by the ‘Congress in the Karachi Session of 1931, that was held from March 26-31, The congress adopted a resolution-an Fundamental Rights and Economic Policy which represented the Party's Sacial, Economic and Political programme. It was later ‘known as Karachi Resolution, Mahatma Gandhi was born in Porbandar on ‘October 02,1889. The Salt March, also known as the Dandi March and the DandiSatyagraha, was an act of non violent civil disobedience in colonial India initiated by Mohandas Karamehand Gandhi to produce salt from the seawater in the coastal village of Dandi, as ‘was the practice of the local populace until British ‘officials introduced tavation on salt production, deemed their sea-salt reclamation activities illegal, and then repeatedly used force to stop it. (©); Burma separated from India in 1937 in the hope of weakening Burmese nationalist movernent. (@); On April 3, 1926 Lord Irwin was appointed 30th Viceroy and Governor-General of India, During this period the important events were Visit of Simon Conmission (1928), Nehru Report (1928), Jinnah’s 14 Points, Murder of Saunders in 1929, Bomb thrown in Assembly Hall in Delhi by Bhagat Singh, civil disobedience movement execution of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev (1931) ns, Europeans (0; (0; Adda247 Publications. For More Study Material 72. {b)zRed Shirt movement alse known as Khudai Khitmatgar led by Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan 73. (by; The Salt March, also known as the Dandi March and the Dandi Satyagraha, was anactof nonviolent civil disobedience by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi to produce salt from the seawater in the coastal village of Dandi. Gandhi fed the Dandi March from his base, Sabarmati Ashram, near the city of Ahmedabad on 12 march 1950, 74, (b); The First Round Table Conference officially inaugurated by His Majesty George Von November 12, 1930 in Royal Gallery House of Lords at London atid chaired! by the British Prime nister, Ramsay MacDonald 75. (@); Winston Churchill called Gandhiji - “Half Naked Fakir’. 76. (a); Government of India Act 1935 was passed by British Parliament in August 1935, Provincial autonomy was an important feature of ‘Government of India Act 1935, 77, (b);Government of India Act 1935 was passed by British Parliament in August 1935. Salient Features Act 1935. were Abolition of provincial dyarchy and introduction of yarchy at centre. 78. (d); National Herald was founded by freedom fighter and Indias first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru in 1938, 79. (b); The first Satyagrahi selected in Individual Satyagraha was Acharya VinobaBhave, who was, sent to Jail when he spoke against the waifl Secofit Satyagrahi was Jawahar Lal 'NéhruleThind Was Brahma Dat, 80, (b);On§ August 1940, early in the Bittle OF Brtairthe ‘Viceroy of India, Lord Linlithgow, made the so- called "August Offer’, a fresh proposal promising ‘the expansion of the Executive Council to include more Indians, the establishment of anadvisory war ‘council, giving full weight to minority opinion, and the recognition of Indians! right to frame their own ‘constitution, (a): The All India Forward Bloc isa left-wing nationalist political party in India, It emerged as a faction ‘within the Indian National Congress in 1959, led by Subhash Chandra Bose. 82. (d);Mahatma Gandhi In 1942 organized Quit India movement and gave the slogan of ‘Do or Die! 83, (a); Lord Linlithgow was Viceroy of India from. 1936 to ‘1944 and this eight years period was longest reign as Viceroy of India. During this period, parts of Government of India. Act 1935 came into force in 1937,Start of World War-Il (1939), resignation of Subhash Chandra Bose and foundation of “Forward Block”, Escape of SC Base fram India, ‘of the Goverment of Ini 81 Jinnah’s two nations theory, August Offer (4940,Foundation of Indian National Army, Cripps Mission (1942), Launch of Quit India ‘Movement, ‘$4, (b); Aruna Asaf Ali wasa freedom fighter and is widely remembered for hoisting the Congress flag at Bombay during the Quit India Movement. She is known as the Grand Old Lady’ of the Independence Movement 85. (@); Pandit Nehru and Maulana Azad were official ‘Congress negotiators with Cripps Mission. The ‘Cripps mission was an attempt in late March 1942 by the British government to secure Indian ‘cooperation and support for their efforts in World, ‘War Il (b); Mahatma Gandhi's remark, ‘A post-dated cheque ‘on acrumbling bank’ is regarding the proposals of ‘Cripps mission, 87. (a); Cabinet Mission was composed of three Cabinet Ministers of England. The mission arrived on March 24,1946, The objective of this mission was to devise a machinery to draw up the constitution of Independent India make arrangements for interim Government and thus the mission was like a declaration of India’s independence. 88, (€); Cabinet Mission was composed of three Cabinet Ministers of England. The mission arrived on March 24, 1546. It is headed by Lord Pethick Lawrence, 89, (bJsIn the Interim Government formed in 1946, the Minister for Education was C Rajagopalachari 90. (@); Sir Cyril Radeliffe demareated the border line bebyeen India and Pakistan in 1947. The India and Pakistan Border is known as Radclifte line. “1. (B)j"Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan’ slogan is given by Lal bahadur shastri. 92. (a): € Rajagopalachari was the first Indian Governor ‘General of free India 93, (

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