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This paper is submitted to fulfill one of the English assignment assessment requirements

Compiled by: Rodiatul Alawiyah (2223-2-19-0019)

Supporting Lecturer: Ahmad Fauzi





We give thanks to Allah SWT. Thanks to His grace and guidance, we as the authors of the
English paper. Shalawat and greetings are bestowed on the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Along with his friends and family.

Furthermore, we, as the authors, would like to express our infinite gratitude to all those
who have assisted in the smooth running of this paper, both in the form of material and
moral encouragement. Thanks to Mr. Ahmad Fauzi S.Pd. as a lecturer in English courses
who have guided us.

We as authors apologize for any shortcomings in this paper. We hope that this paper can
be useful and can fulfill the assigned task.

Thank you.

Tangerang Selatan......................2022




Content ..........................................................................................................................................................

CHAPTER I ...........,..............................................................................


1.1 Background 4

1.2 Problem formulation 4

1.3 Purpose of the problem 4



2.1. Definition of Shape and Dimensions

2.2. Example of Shape and Dimensions

2.3. Example of Shape and Dimensions for junior high school student



3.1. Conclusion

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................7



1.1 Background

There are many things about shape and dimensions in everyday life. Form is a meeting point
between space and mass. Form is also a geometric description of the part of the universe of the plane
occupied by the object, which is determined by its outer boundaries but does not depend on its location
(coordinates) and orientation (rotation) with respect to the universe it occupies.Reporting from
Cuemath, dimensions in mathematics are measures of length, width, or height that are extended in a
certain direction. Where every form of matter on earth has dimensions, including physical quantities.
Dimensions indicate what base quantity is used in a measurement.26 Mar 2022

1.2 Problem formulation

a.what is Shape and Dimensions?

b.What is example of Shape and Dimensions?

c. write the example of Shape and Dimensions for junior high school student?

1.3 Purpose of the problem

The purpose of the problem from the formulation of the problem above, namely:

1. Know what Shape and Dimensions

2. Know the Example in Shape and Dimensions

3. Knowing examples of Shape and Dimensions for junior high school student


2.1. Definition of Shape and Dimensions

Form is a meeting point between space and mass. Shape is also a geometriexplainedc description
of the part of the universe of the plane occupied by the object, which is determined by its outer
boundaries but does not depend on its location (coordinates) and orientation (rotation) on the plane.
the universe in which it resides. The shape of the object also does not depend on specific properties
such as: color, content and material.A British mathematician and statistician, David George Kendall
defines "shape" as follows:[1]A shape is all geometric information that remains unchanged when its
location, scale,[2] and rotation parameters are changed.Simple shapes can be explained by the theory of
basic geometric objects (two dimensions) such as points, lines, curves, planes (eg squares or circles), or
they can also be by solid objects (three dimensions) such as cubes or balls.[3] However, most of the
shapes we encounter in everyday life are complex shapes. For example tree shapes and coastline
shapes, which are so complex that more than simple geometric theory is needed to analyze them. One
theory that attempts to analyze these complex shapes is the fractal theory.Whereas,Definition of
dimensionsReporting from Cuemath, dimensions in mathematics are measures of length, width, or
height that are extended in a certain direction.Where every form of matter on earth has dimensions,
including physical quantities. Dimensions show what basic quantities are used in a measurement.Thus,
dimensions in physics are a way of writing quantities that show the constituent quantities. Dimensions in
measurements do not consider numerical values (quantities).

2.2 Example for Shape and Dimensions

example of shape

1. Triangle : Pizza slice

2. Square: Rubik

3. Rectangle: pencil case.

there are others likeplane: flat, circle, , oval, etc. flat shape, round, tube, cube etc

Example of Dimensions

Dimensions are a work of art that has dimensions, which can be in the form of length, width, or volume.
The length, width, and volume are special characteristics of dimensions. In a work of art, there are
several types, namely dimensions one, two, three, and four.
The first dimension is a dimension that has only one dimension element, namely length. One-
dimensional objects can move freely to the right and to the left. An example of a one-dimensional object
is a line.

Dimension Two

The meaning of the second dimension is a dimension that has two dimensional elements, namely the
length element and the width element. Two-dimensional objects can move freely to the right, left, up
and down.

Two-dimensional objects are often also referred to as flat wakes. The main characteristics of two-
dimensional objects are the area and circumference. Some examples of two-dimensional objects are
triangles, rectangles, squares, etc.

Dimension Three

The third dimension is a dimension that has three dimensional elements, namely length, width, and
height. Three-dimensional objects can move freely to the right, left, up, down, front and back.

Three-dimensional objects are often also referred to as geometric shapes. One of the main
characteristics of three-dimensional objects is that they can be filled with certain objects or in other
words have volume. Some examples of three-dimensional objects are blocks, cubes, tubes, cones,
houses, cars, animals, people, etc

Dimension Four

Although it is still being debated, some experts state that dimensions are closely related to the problem
of time. Thus, the fourth dimension can be interpreted as a third dimension which is equipped with a
time dimension.

2.3 Example of Shape and Dimensions for junior high school student

Example of dimensions

Example question 1

The dimension of acceleration is...

A. [L][T]-1

B. [L][T]-2

C. [L]2[T]-2

D. [L][T]2


Problem solving

Based on the acceleration formula, we get the unit of acceleration, namely

\frac {m} {s^2}. So the dimensions of acceleration are as follows

\frac {m} {s^2} =

\frac {length} {time^2}.

Acceleration dimension =

\frac {[L]} {[T]^2}.

Dimensional acceleration a = [L][T]-2.

This question the answer is B.

Example of Shape

Circle, Triangle, Square, Rectangle, Kite, Trapezium, Parallelogram, Rhombus and different types of
polygons are the 2-d shapes. Cube, Cuboid, Sphere, Cone and Cylinder are the basic three-dimensional
1. Square = Segi empat

2. Rectangle = Persegi panjang

3. Trapezoid = Trapesium

4. Trapezium = Trapesium

5. Triangle = Segitiga

6. Kite = Layang - layang

7. Rhombus = Wajik

7. Pentagon = Segi lima

8. Hexagon = Segi enam

9. Heptagon = Segi tujuh

10. Octagon = Segi delapan

11. Nonagon = Segi sembilan

12. Decagon = Segi sepuluh

13. Circle = Lingkaran

14. Oval = Oval

15. Ellipse = Elips

16. Crescent = Bulan sabit

17. Curvilinear Triangle = Segitiga melengkung

18. Quatrefoil = Quatrefoil

19. Parallelogram = Jajar Genjang

20. Cross/Plus = Salib/Tambah

21. Arrow = Panah

22. Heart = Hati

23. Moon = Bulan

24. Star = Bintang

Example sentences using shapes

The circle is red. It is a red circle. (Lingkarannya berwarna merah, itu lingkaran merah)

The square is blue. It is a blue square. (Segi empatnya berwarna biru, itu segi empat biru)



3.1 Conclusion

Forms in English are referred to as shapes. Shapes or shapes can be drawn or in the form of two
dimensions or three dimensions. This two-dimensional shape is called a flat shape, while the three-
dimensional shape is a spatial shape.while dimensions According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary or
KBBI, the definition of dimensions is a measure in the form of length, width, height, area, volume, etc.
Meanwhile, when viewed from a work of art, the notion of dimension is a work of art that has
dimensions, which can be in the form of length, width, or volume.






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