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Ushodaya Supermarkets Private Limited.

Exit Process/Interview

When an employee wishes to leave the services of the organization there is an impact on the process of
work ,revenue generation and also on the organizational climate. In order to minimize the effect of this
separation and ensure an effective transition period on Ushodaya, the below mentioned process would be
followed. It would be the responsibility of the concerned Functional Head and Human Resources
department in ensuring that the process is followed.


1. When an employee wishes to separate himself/herself from the services of the company he/ she
would have to hand over a written resignation letter to his/her immediate reporting authority. The
reporting authority will initiate a first level discussion with the employee to ascertain the reasons
for the resignation. If in the discussion the supervisor feels that the employee could be retained
with Ushodaya he/ she can recommend a discussion with HR.

2. When the resignation of the employee is accepted, the reporting authority must sign on the
resignation letter mentioning acceptance and the date by which the employee can be relieved. It is
at this stage that the supervisor must mention whether the notice period of the employee is to be
served or the difference to be recovered.

3. Once the supervisor has signed on the document, it is to be forwarded to the HR Dept.

4. It is the responsibility of HR to send the concerned employee to issue a Clearance/No Due form
and exit interview format at least 5 days prior to the last working date of the employee.

5. The employee should get the necessary clearence from the concerned departments and hand over
the documents including the exit interview form to HR on the last working day.

6. HR/ Manager is to schedule an exit interview with the employee on the last working day.

7. The employee’s final settlement will be processed once all documents are received and submitted
to HR. It would take approximately fifteen working days for it to be cleared.

Annexure I

Employee No: Store / Corporate Office / Ware House:

Ushodaya Supermarkets Pvt Ltd

Ushodaya Supermarkets Private Limited.,

Name of the employee: Department:

Location: Designation:

Final Clearance Form

Head of the Department: Stock Position

Front Office Any Dues from the

Stores Manager
Damage Stocks
Asst Store Manager



Housekeeping / Helper

All the above position Cluster Manger

& Operations Manager & Vigilance

Cluster Manager – Need to sign above

mentioned positions

Loss & Prevention – ( Internal Audit Stock Counting

Team )

Cash Shortage

Corporate Office & Distribution Dept Personal files

Pending works

Depend upon the employee work

Networks Clearance System to be disabled
IT & IS Dept Model No;

Email Id

Pen drive

Ushodaya Supermarkets Pvt Ltd

Ushodaya Supermarkets Private Limited.,

Laptop Returned

If not – period of keeping

it active

Finance & Accounts CUG SIM Card


Final Settlement Amount

to be paid out

Salary Advance/Personal
Loan Outstanding

Mobile recovered/ any

Excess bills need to

Any other dues

Human Resources ID Card/Swipe to be
handed over

Leave balance

Resignation letter

Exit Interview

Keys to desk/ cupboards


Annexure II

You are invited to participate in our employee exit interview. Your responses will be strictly confidential
and will help us in our endeavor for continuous process improvement and change at Ushodaya. Thank you
very much for your time and support.

Emp ID No:

Name of the employee:



Exit Interview

Ushodaya Supermarkets Pvt Ltd

Ushodaya Supermarkets Private Limited.,
1. What made you take a decision to leave Ushodaya?

Better job opportunities ___

Personal Reasons ___

Better salary ___

Further studies ___

Organization ___

Work Pressure ____

Other reasons ___

2. If for better opportunities – which company are you joining?

3. At the time of joining were your role and performance expectations set for you?

4. Did you get appropriate feedback from your manager or immediate supervisor about your
performance? If yes, how frequently were you given feedback?

5. How were your relations with your Superiors and Subordinates?

6. Would you agree to withdraw your resignation if your job is redesigned?

7. Would you like anything to change at Ushodaya? If so what?

Ushodaya Supermarkets Pvt Ltd

Ushodaya Supermarkets Private Limited.,

8. What is your Feedback on our Organization Culture?

9. Any Additional Comments? If so what?

Signature of the employee ____________________________

Signature of Manager ______________________________

Signature of HR Dept ______________________________

Date _____________________________

Ushodaya Supermarkets Pvt Ltd

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