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Who Am I?

Name: __Lily______________

Go to Answer ALL of the questions as HONESTLY as you can.

What is the name of your designation? _________Mediator___________

What is your code? INFP

Letter Percentage

I 69%

N 63%

F 61%

P 51%

What do each of the letters mean?

__I__ = ___Introverted__________________________________________

__N__ = __Intuitive___________________________________________

__F__ = __Feeling_____________________________________________

__P__ = __Prospecting_____________________________________________

Section: List bullet points:

Strengths  Empathetic
 Generous
 Open-minded
 Creative
 Passionate
 Idealistic

Weaknesses  Unrealistic
 Self-isolating
 Unfocused
 Emotionally vulnerable
 Too eager to please
 Self-critical

Friendships  Most fulfilled with a small group of close friends

&  Looking for authentic friendships
Relationships  Hope to be friends for life
 High expectations for romance
 Hopeless romantics

Career Paths  Fulfilling career

 Work that helps others
 Needs independence
 In tune with values

Workplace  Find a sense of purpose

Habits  Try to cultivate emotional and moral connections
 Needs reassurance
 Loyal
 Upbeat
 Considerate
 Honest
 Pleases others
 Motivated
 Thrives with positive feedback
 Shows respect
 Encouraging


I feel like this is a pretty good depiction of my personality, however, it states that I would be
creative, and I don’t believe that I am; everything else seems to be quite accurate. I believe I am
empathetic, passionate, and open-minded, and I do believe that my weaknesses, unrealistic,
too eager to please, and self-critical, are all correct. I have a small group of friends who all care
for each other and I would much rather surround myself with them instead of a big group of
people who don’t care as much. With a career, I would much rather do something that I love and
that benefits others in some way.

My traits and skills connect to my career plan as I believe that becoming a veterinarian will be
very fulfilling and I will be happy to be able to help others. I think being very open-minded and
empathetic will be very useful in this career along with forming connections with the animals and
their owners. I think my weaknesses will make it harder for me to reach my goals and career,
however I am extremely determined and passionate to become a veterinarian.

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