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11/26/23, 8:29 PM call it luck, call it fate

call it luck, call it fate

Author(s): tammyboomerang
Updated: Feb 2, 2021
Published: Feb 2, 2021
Tags: fluff crack wenrene wendyxirene irenexwendy meetcute irenedy meetcuteau
Characters: Bae Joohyun, Son Seungwan, Irene, Wendy
Total Word Count: 3390 words

In which South Korean actress Bae Joohyun and Korean-American singer-songwriter Wendy
Shon met in the most unconventional circumstances - all because of an accidental swap.

Inspired by how Wendy's Times Square ad and the showing of Irene's Double Patty will be
on the same day on Feb 17 :)

Disclaimer: Please take this work of fiction lightly since I'm not an expert on how ads and
movies work behind the scenes. This was just really self-indulgent hence the crack tag so
please don't mind the glaring loopholes lol

Considering buying me a cup of coffee at Ko-Fi?

“Again, thank you for supporting and looking forward to our movie. I hope everyone enjoys it,” director
and main producer Kim Taeyeon said in an accent.

The entire theatre erupted into enthusiastic applause. Bae Joohyun couldn’t hide her excited smile
brought by the audience’s response as she sat on her designated spot along with her castmates and
film crew. 1/10
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“What does it feel like to be in the premiere of your first movie in the New York Film Festival?” the
director whispered in Korean to Joohyun as the theatre’s lights dimmed.

“It’s nerve-wracking but the thrill is amazing, unnie. I’ve never been so excited,” Joohyun whispered
back in an elated tone.

Tayeon patted the actress’ arm in affection before the screen in front of them lit up in multiple colors.

Everything happened too fast for Joohyun to properly comprehend it all.

The first thing that Joohyun noticed weren’t the sounds or the visuals coming from the big screen but
the murmurs of the people sitting around her. People suddenly got their phones out of their pockets
and started filming the screen.

The next thing that took Joohyun’s attention was the song playing in the speakers — an English song
sung by a smooth honey-like voice with a catchy melody on top of guitar strings and piano keys.
When Joohyun realized that it was a song she never heard before, that was when it dawned on her
that the screen was playing a montage from a music video of some sort instead of their movie.

Then everything else suddenly became a blur. She looked around and saw that Taeyeon along with
the other producers and their translator were now intensely talking with the event managers. Before
approaching them, she took one last peek on the screen and saw one name in gigantic letters.


Korean-American singer-songwriter Wendy Shon was scrolling through cute pictures of puppies in her
phone when she heard her manager beside her murmur something incomprehensible. Wendy paid it
no mind and continued browsing in her device when the manager started tapping her foot erratically
on the car’s floor.

Wendy looked up and sighed, exasperation lying underneath her American accent as the English
words flowed smoothly out of her mouth. “Will you stop that, Tiffany? Everything’s going to be fine.” 2/10
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“Fine? Everything’s going to be fine? Wendy, we just leaked a Korean film by an acclaimed director
that was supposed to premiere tonight at the New York Film Festival! And on your ad space on top of
that! How can you expect me to be calm about this?”

Wendy made sure her voice was calm and steady to help her manager snap out of it. She, too, was
unnerved by the whole situation but they couldn’t afford the both of them panicking right now. “Tiff, it
wasn’t our fault. We signed a contract and a waiver with the ad agency, correct? We’re not liable for
this. Besides, only the first few minutes were shown before the agency turned the billboard off.”

Tiffany took a deep breath before letting it out in one big exhale. “Y-yeah, I guess you’re right. Since
when were you the logical one out of the two of us?”

Wendy accompanied her shrug with a chuckle. “I should have learned something in the past 5 years
with having you as my manager, right?”

Tiffany closed her eyes and leaned her head back, trying to relax herself further. Out of all the
troubleshooting scenarios that she always tried to prepare herself for as Wendy’s manager, this was
definitely not one of them.

The two of them were on their way to an emergency meeting with the ad agency responsible for this
mess and with the team behind the movie they just leaked. It was supposed to be Wendy’s free night
before her schedule became hectic again with back-to-back promotions for her newly released album
when suddenly she received a spam of messages from her friends and managers with links to videos
posted online. They were videos posted by Wendy’s fans who were waiting for the launch of Wendy’s
ad for her new single and album in Times Square.

However, when the billboard finally came to life, instead of Wendy’s angel-like visuals, they were
greeted by a Korean woman in her early 30s with a forlorn expression staring right through the
camera in the middle of a burger diner. This was apparently the very first scene of the most
anticipated film in this year’s New York Film Festival — a quality drama movie from South Korea. A
few minutes later, Wendy started to receive a new wave of messages with videos showing how
Wendy’s ad unexpectedly played in the New York Film Festival instead of the previously mentioned

Naturally, these videos went viral. Wendy and the movie and its cast had been trending on all social
media sites. Everyone in Wendy’s music agency had been stressing about this switch up for the past
hour. No one had an idea how this came to be. 3/10
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Well, I guess this is free promo, Wendy randomly thought as she watched the buildings pass by. With
that sudden thought, she turned to her manager.

“Tiffany, actually I was thinking…”

Mark grunted in frustration when he entered his favorite coffee shop and saw that the line of
customers reached the door. The prospect of his usual morning coffee (well, technically it was his
nightly coffee since he was working on the night shift) was the one and only thing that was keeping
him sane in this terrible commute to his workplace. A train broke in 14th street’s station which caused
the entire New York subway system to fall into chaos and now he was running late. He just wanted to
arrive at work in one piece and on time.

God, it was just a Monday. It wasn’t any normal Monday though as it was the launch of a new ad in
one of the major billboards under his care. With the thought of how important today was, Mark picked
up his pace and started running to reach the building of his ad agency faster when he suddenly hit a
heavy mass when he turned on the final corner.

“I’m sorry!” Mark distantly heard as he tried to catch his breath with his back on the pavement. Gaining
his senses back, he scrambled up and started picking up his things, without even looking up at the
other man who he bumped into.

“It’s fine, I’m sorry too,” Mark said in a rush as he picked up his last item on the floor which was a
black hard disk drive that contained the important ad.

If Mark wasn’t in such a hurry, he would have noticed that the black hard disk drive he picked up didn’t
have his agency’s logo.

“... so that’s most probably how the movie and the ad was switched up. I’m sorry, ” Mark mumbled
guiltily. 4/10
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Johnny, the taller guy that Mark bumped into on the streets earlier and who was in-charge of the hard
copies of the film festival’s movies, spoke up with remorse laced in his tone. “It was also my fault for
not double checking the hard drive before plugging it in. I really have no excuse on how I overlooked
it. I deeply apologize.”

The film crew’s translator said a quick translation of what Mark and Johnny said. The silence that
followed their explanation was so thick, Joohyun felt like she could cut it through with a butter knife.
She stared at the two identical black hard disk drives at the middle of the table as she tried to process
this entire fiasco.

Taeyeon spoke up a few moments later in Korean, “How could this happen? Did no one wonder why
the lengths of the videos were different or even the fucking file names?”

Joohyun grimaced when she heard Taeyeon cuss. Her producer was mad mad and she had every
right to be. The translator spoke Taeyeon’s words in English without the curse words.

Mark and Johnny remained silent with their heads bowed.

Mark’s supervisor who sat beside him shook his head in disappointment. “On behalf of our ad agency,
we are terribly sorry for this major inconvenience for both parties. We are ready to handle all
damages, Ms. Young and Ms. Kim. Please let us know the settlement amount and we will provide it

Wendy and Tiffany stared at each other and communicated with their eyes for a few seconds before
Tiffany gave a confirming nod. “Wendy and I have discussed that we will be following through with the
clause in the contract for the consequences if the ad was put up by a day late from the agreed date
and time. We would also like an extension for our ad for two more weeks.”

The supervisor widened his eyes in disbelief. “T-that’s all? But that’s the clause with the lowest

Tiffany raised her eyebrow. “Are you complaining?”

The man immediately cleared his throat and shook his head. “N-no, of course not, Ms. Young. We
accept these terms and yes, sure, we will follow through with that clause as indicated by the contract.”

“That’s on our terms,” Tiffany continued. “Of course, we cannot speak on behalf of Ms. Kim’s party for
the damages that they wish to be compensated for. But for us here at Wendy’s agency, we do not see 5/10
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this as a complete loss.

Wendy voiced out her agreement. “Our team noticed a giant spike in views and streams for my music
after the switch up went viral online. We actually predict that this kind of huge attention will be
sustained for a few more weeks during my album promotions and throughout the film festival as well
since people will always bring this up whenever they watch Ms. Kim’s movie.”

As Joohyun listened to the translator simultaneously translating Wendy’s words at her side, Joohyun
couldn’t help but be impressed because Wendy did have a point. They remained as the trending
topics on social media platforms, and entertainment news outlets worldwide continued to broadcast
this incident even as hours had already passed. Observing Taeyeon’s narrowed eyes, Joohyun could
tell that the director thought the same.

“So,” Wendy concluded with a smile. “We actually consider this as serendipity and we have Mark and
Johnny to thank for that.”

The two boys quickly nodded their gratitude at the singer and their watering eyes screamed relief.

Joohyun’s eyes lingered on Wendy for a while, something akin to admiration bubbling inside her.
Wendy was handling this more gracefully than she ever could and it garnered her respect.

Her mind was brought back to the conversation at hand when the supervisor finally addressed her
side of the table. “What would be the terms on your end, Ms. Kim?”

Wendy watched as Taeyeon discussed with her main actors and fellow producers in hushed Korean
across the table. Though they were speaking too fast for Wendy to fully understand their discussion,
she could tell that their party agreed that this could help promote their film as well.

For the meantime, Wendy allowed herself to finally observe closely the actress in front of her while the
latter was distracted. She tried her best to hide it from Tiffany by acting cool-headed about this whole
disaster ever since her manager picked her up but she honestly lost her shit when she realized it was
Bae Joohyun’s movie her ad messed up with. Bae Joohyun whose Korean dramas Wendy always
binge-watched during her free time. Bae Joohyun whose face was all over Koreatown in New York
City in the form of soju posters, sportswear ads, and commercial screens outside cosmetic stores. 6/10
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She always had a weakness for beautiful women and Bae Joohyun was definitely a beautiful woman.
It was safe to say that Wendy Shon had a tiny bit of a crush on the actress but her manager really
didn’t need to know that.

Wendy adverted her eyes elsewhere when Joohyun suddenly looked up and caught Wendy staring at
her. Great, not only did my face sabotage her movie on the big screen but now she might think I’m
also a creep, she thought.

“Ms. Kim’s party has decided to not ask for any financial settlements but instead they would like to
request for more advertisement in the form of billboards and online marketing for the entire duration of
the film festival as compensation,” Wendy heard the translator say.

Wendy could feel the relief radiate from the supervisor at the translator’s words. He was probably
grateful the company didn’t have to shell out any big amount of money. He stood up and straightened
his blazer. “Of course. That can surely be done. Ms. Young and Ms. Kim, would you please follow me
back to my office so we can sign the settlement contracts.”

Wendy, Joohyun, and the rest of the film crew ended up waiting in the lobby for Taeyeon and Tiffany to
finish all the paperwork with the ad agency.

Finding herself standing beside Joohyun, the singer cleared her throat before letting out a raspy “Hey.”

“Hello,” Joohyun said shyly in English. She made a tiny bow out of habit. “I’m Joohyun.”

Wendy smiled. She lived in America for almost half of her life, it had been so long since someone
bowed to her as a greeting. She reached out her arm and replied in fluent Korean, “Nice to meet you,
Joohyun-ssi. I’ve seen some of your dramas and I was actually planning to watch your film too. I’m
Wendy Shon.”

Joohyun accepted Wendy’s handshake with an internal sigh of relief. It was always easier for her to
speak in their native tongue. Speaking English made her nervous and she didn’t want to embarrass
herself further in front of a (very) pretty girl. “Thank you. I saw your name in your music ad back in the
theatre but please forgive me when I say that it’s my first time hearing about you.” 7/10
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The singer threw her head back with a hearty laugh that definitely didn’t sound bad to Joohyun’s ears,
not bad at all. “So is this the part where I ask you to listen to my latest album then?”

Joohyun gave a chuckle of her own. “I might as well, since people will definitely ask us about this
incident. You were cool back there, by the way. You saved those boys’ jobs.”

Wendy shrugged. “No one wanted this to happen and everyone makes mistakes. We’d both benefit
from this anyway.”

A few seconds of silence passed between the two women.

“By any chance…” Wendy started again a little unsurely. “Will you fancy having dinner with me some
time this week? Consider it as my treat for the inconvenience this caused you.”

Joohyun only raised her eyebrow, pleasantly surprised at Wendy’s bluntness. “Wouldn’t you be busy
with your album promotions and upcoming concert?”

“If someone can swap two entirely different media materials in the most coincidental way, then I can
definitely make time for a gorgeous woman like yourself,” replied Wendy with a cheeky grin.

The actress let out a chortle to try masking the sudden heat she felt on her cheeks. “Haven’t you
heard the saying that ‘flattery will get you nowhere’, Wendy-ssi?”

“So are you saying that flattery won’t land us a date? But, how did you even know I have a concert
soon? I thought it’s your first time knowing about me. I didn’t mention any concert tonight.”

Joohyun couldn’t possibly cover up anymore the obvious flush on her entire face. “Okay, maybe I
looked you up a bit on the way here…”

Wendy couldn’t help but smirk which irked Joohyun because how could a simple action of lifting one’s
corner of their mouth look so attractive on Wendy?

“I had to know whose ad it is that replaced our movie, okay!”

“You flatter me, Ms. Bae. Flattery may not bring me anywhere but it can definitely bring you here,”
Wendy said with a palm over her heart. 8/10
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Joohyun would have retorted with a comeback if it wasn’t for the look on Wendy’s face. She forgot
how to speak as Wendy’s previously smug look was replaced by a genuine smile and softened eyes.
The shorter girl intrigued her very much and talking to her unlocked a flurry of different feelings in her

She was taken out of her reverie when Taeyeon and Tiffany finally stepped out of the elevator,
settlements completely made and contracts signed back in the supervisor’s office.

“The van’s outside, Wendy. Let’s go,” Tiffany said in English once she was at Wendy’s side.

Wendy glanced back at Joohyun with wistful eyes, regretful that her time with the actress was now cut
short. “Well, Joohyun-ssi, meeting you was definitely the highlight of my month. I hope you have a
good stay here in New York.”

Joohyun watched as Wendy bowed in farewell in front of her and Taeyeon before turning around to
walk out of the building. Wendy was confidently greasy but she was definitely chivalrous, she’d give
her that. Most of her suitors wouldn’t stop pestering her even if she blatantly said no.

“Wendy-ssi,” Joohyun called out before the singer and her manager reached the glass doors.

Wendy turned around at the speed of light at Joohyun’s voice. “Yes?”

“We’re staying at the Four Seasons Hotel. I’m free this Saturday. Pick me up at 7PM?”

Wendy quickly looked at Tiffany, knowing she heard and understood Joohyun. She wasn't religious but
Wendy prayed to all the gods she could name that she would get her manager’s permission. Tiffany
quickly scanned through Wendy’s schedule in her head. “You have an interview shoot at 4PM but
that’s just for about 2 hours then you’re done for the day so —”

“Then yes!” Wendy perked up, bringing her attention back to Joohyun. “I’ll be there. Saturday. Four
Seasons. 7PM. Got it.”

“Don’t be late, superstar,” Joohyun teased.

Wendy shot her a promising smile before exiting the building with her manager. 9/10
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Joohyun felt Taeyeon’s judging stare burning a hole at the side of her head so she raised her arms in
defense. “What? She’s cute. And she looks nice.”

Taeyeon could only shake her head in amusement.

That night, Joohyun fell asleep with earphones still in her ears and her phone’s screen flashing the
cover art of Wendy Shon’s latest album. She couldn’t wait for Saturday and tell Wendy which tracks
were her personal favorites.

For the next months, a lot of people made conspiracy theories that it was an intended promotional
media play but both parties refused to publicly comment further on the topic.

Fans called it a publicity stunt.

Mark and Johnny called it a dodged bullet.

Tiffany and Taeyeon called it luck.

But for Wendy and Joohyun, years down the road, when Wendy finally got the courage to ask the
actress to be her girlfriend, when Seoul started to become Wendy’s home just as much as New York
was starting to become Joohyun’s, they would eventually call it fate.

A/N: As always, I appreciate your upvotes and comments! Let’s all wait and cheer for Irene at the
special premiere on Feb 10 :)

Considering buying me a cup of coffee at Ko-Fi? 10/10

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