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Past in
By Nuro Choiril Wiladyah
Pronouns are words that take place of nouns. e.g. I, you, she, he, is, etc.
Subject Pronoun Object Pronoun

Singular I Me
You you
She, he, it Her, him, it

Plural We Us
You You
They Them

Passive Sentence Describe what happens to people or things, often as

a result of actions by other people or things.

Intransitive verb
Some verbs have no object. These are called intransitive verb. We can not use the
passive voice in this verb

Agree Die Look Seem

Arrive Fall Occur Sleep

Be Go Rain Stay

Become Happen Recover Walk

Come Live Remain Work

Transitive Verb
Most active verbs are followed by an object which can be used in the active and
passive voice. These verbs are called transitive verbs.


Present Tense Past Participle

Play Played

Study Studied

Collect Collected

Clean Cleaned


Present Tense Past Participle

Give Given

Hit Hit

Know Knew

Ride Ridden
Simple Present
Passive voice

Forming the Passive of Simple Present

Subject Verb Object

Active form

Passive form
Subject be + V3
(be : am, is, are)
by Object

Active Passive

She helps me. I am helped by her

She helps them They are helped by her

She helps him He is helped by her


(+) I am helped by her

(-) I am not helped by her

(?) am I helped by her?

Exercise 1 : Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
passive form
1. An Island _________ (surround) by water.
2. The class is too large, so it _______ (divide) into two sections.
3. I can't open the window, it _______ (block)
4. The postcard ______ (send) by his fan from another country
5. Customers ________ (serve) by waitress and waiter

Simple Past

Passive voice
Forming the Passive of Simple Past

Subject Verb 2 Object

Active form

Passive form
Subject be + V3 by Object
(be : was, were) (agent)


Active Passive

Somebody painted this room This room was painted yesterday


The robber stole a lot of money A lot of money was stolen by robber

(+) This room was painted yesterday

(-) This room was not painted yesterday

(?) Was this room painted yesterday?

Exercise 2 : Reform the sentences into the passive

sentences. Then change the passive sentence into negative, and
Yes/No question.
1. Sandra and Haris suggested a new idea

(+) A new idea was suggested by sandra and haris

(-) A new idea was not suggested by sandra and haris

(?) Was a new idea suggested by sandra and haris?

2. People grew corn in Ngasem




3. Someone stole my pencil



4. My Friends drew that picture




5. We read the letters




6. I bought some new clothes last week




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