Unit 1 - Set Notation, Conditional, Converse, Inverse, and Contrapositive Statements - Review Assignment

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Review Assignment

Set Notation, Conditional, Converse, Inverse, and Contrapositive


Name: _________________________________________



Total ______ = _________%


Show all work or provide rationale for answers if no work is


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1. Write the set notation for the set of natural numbers greater than 1 and less than or equal to 75.

1. _____________________
2 marks

2. Write the set notation for the set of natural numbers greater than I and less than or equal to 75 that
are multiples of 5.

2. _____________________
2 marks

3. The following cards are designated as the universal set U.

a) Using a Venn diagram to show the relationships between the following sets and subsets:
Set B {black cards} • (clubs and spades are black)
Set R {red cards} • (hearts, diamonds are red)
Set S {spades between 5 and 9 inclusive}♠
Set D {diamonds between 5 and 9 inclusive}♦

3 marks

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b) List all the defined sets that are subsets of set R.

b. ______________________
1 mark
c) Are sets S and D disjoint? Explain you reasoning.

1 mark

4. Consider the following: The universal set U is the set of whole numbers from 0 to 20.
If set A { positive whole numbers 1 − 20} and = if set B {negative whole numbers 1 − 20}
Are the following statements true or false, explain you answers.

a. B ⊂ U

1 mark

b. A ⊂ U

1 mark

c. A′ = B

1 mark

d. n( A) = n( B)

1 mark

5. How many elements are found in the ∅ ?

5. _____________________
1 mark
6. Consider the following sets:

Universal Set A ={−7, − 1, 2, 8, 9, 11, 13, 17, 22}

Set B = {−1, 2, 9, 11 17}
Set C = {−1, 8, 13, 22}

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a) Draw a Venn diagram to represent these sets.

3 marks

b) Are sets B and C subsets of set A? Explain.

1 mark

1 mark

c) Is set B′ = set C? Explain

1 mark

d) Find how many elements are in each of the following. (2 marks)

i) Set B only

ii) Set C only

iii) Set B or Set C

iv) Set A but not in Set B or Set C

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7. Harjit surveyed 50 students about their favourite subject in school. Eighteen said their favourite
subject was math, 15 said it was science, and 20 stated it was neither math nor science.

a) Construct a Venn diagram to represent these results.

3 marks

b) How many students only like math?

b. ______________________
c) How many students like both math and science? 1 mark

c. ______________________
1 mark
d) How many students like math or science?
d. ______________________
1 mark
8. Use the Venn diagram to answer the following questions.

a. B ∩C

a. ______________________
1 mark

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b. n(B ∩C )
b. ______________________
1 mark

c. B ∪C
c. ______________________
1 mark

d. (B ∪ C )′
d. ______________________
1 mark

9. If you randomly drew a card from a standard deck of cards, you will get a card that is either red
(R) or black (B). The card will also either be a number card (N) or a face card (F). Determine the
n(B ∩ N ) .

9. _____________________
1 mark

10. Heather surveyed 30 members of her outdoor club (OC) and found that 18 Alpine ski tour (A) and
15 of these members also skate ski (S). Five members did not ski tour nor do they skate ski. Write
out formulas using set notation and calculate the following:

a) Number of participants who Alpine tour ski or Skate ski.

2 marks
b) Number of participants who Alpine tour ski and Skate ski.

2 marks
c) Number of participants who only Alpine tour ski.

2 marks
d) Number of participants who only Skate Ski.

2 marks

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11. The following Venn diagram shows the results from a survey completed regarding viewing
comedy shows on television. The top three shows in terms of percentages where Modern Family
(MF), Big Bang (BB), and 30 Rock (30R). Answer the following questions using information on
the Venn diagram.

a) What percent of viewers watch all three shows?

a. ______________________
1 mark
b) What percent of viewers watch only Modern Family and Big Bang?

b. ______________________
1 mark
c) What percent of viewers watch only 30 Rock?

c. ______________________
1 mark
d) What percent of viewers watch Modern Family?

d. ______________________
1 mark

12. A board game company completed a survey of 100 customers to find out which board games they
owned. The top three were as follows: Scrabble (S), Monopoly (M), and Checkers (C). The
Venn diagram shows that n( S ∪ M ∪ C ) is equal to 100. Use set notation to prove that is equal
n( S ∪ M ∪ C ) to 100 by showing the correct substitutions into your set notation equation.
(6 marks)

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n( S ∪ M ∪ C ) =

n( S ∪ M ∪ C ) [100] =

13. The city of Victoria surveyed 3000 citizens about how they travel to work. The survey (TW);
showed that 1978 took public transit (T), 1494 drove a vehicle (V), 818 cycled (C). It also that 731
took public transit and drove only, 298 took public transit and cycled only, and 27 drove and
cycled only. One hundred and sixty-four citizens used all three forms of transport.

a) Design a Venn diagram to represent the results of the survey.

4 marks

b) How many citizens cycle but do not drive to work?

b. ______________________
1 mark

c) How many citizens do not use any of these three forms of transportation to travel to work? Use
set notation in your answer.

c. ______________________
2 marks

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14. There are twelve rectangles in a box. Four of those rectangles have circles on them, 4 rectangles
have squares and four rectangles have triangular shapes on them. Three cards have blue shapes, 3
cards have brown shapes and five cards have red shapes. Three cards have solid colored shapes on
them, 5 cards have a shaded shape on it, and 4 cards do not have solid colored or shaded shapes on
them. If n(T) represents the universal set of all triangles, n(B) represents the number of blue cards,
n(S) represents the number of cards that that have solid or shaded shapes.
red brown brown red red brown

red blue blue blue brown red

a. n(T ∩ B)

a. ______________________
1 mark
b. n(T ∪ S )

b. ______________________
1 mark
c. n(T ∩ B ∩ S )

c. ______________________
1 mark
d. n((T ∪ B ∪ S ) )1

d. ______________________
1 mark
15. Consider the following statement. “A trinomial is a polynomial with three terms. Change this into
the following:

a. A conditional statement:

1 mark
b. Then write the converse statement:

1 mark
c. The inverse statement:

d. Contrapositive statement: 1 mark

1 mark
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16. Given the following conditional statement, write the converse, the inverse, and the
contrapositive statement for each. State if each statement is true or false. If the statements
are false give counterexamples. “If you work in a hospital, then you are a doctor”.

a. The converse statement:

1 mark
b. The inverse statement:

1 mark
c. The contrapositive statement:

1 mark

17. Determine if each of the following conditional statements are bi-conditional. If the statements are
bi-conditional, rewrite them in the correct bi-conditional format. If the statements are not bi-
conditional, provide counterexamples.

a) If a right triangle contains are 30 degree angle, then it also contains a 60 degree angle

2 marks

b) If a number is a multiple of 4, then it is also a multiple of 2

2 marks

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