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Daniela Rangel Sabogal.

Why Artificial Intelligence cannot replace humans at work

All over the world people are talking about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is going to replace
humans at work. The machine can help with some tasks, automate stuff and speed up the
process, so this for companies is a good one, also the process of an AI seems to save
money and offer new service.

But this is only a part of the reality, the AI has ways to work and in those ways we can
understand why the AI cannot replace humans at work. Firstable I wanna say that we know
that AIs are here to stay, so we need to understand that fact, so making an AI an ally and
not the enemy is the first step.

I know that AI can work with a database, so if you need an area that the AI doesn't include
in the algorithm, the machine becomes useless. This is one of the reasons that I believe why
Artificial Intelligence cannot replace humans at work. In areas like arts and design, the AI
only can create something if the characteristics of your work are in the database of the AI.
So creativity is still an area from humans.

Another reason that i considerate they can't replace humans is the emotional intelligence,
the humans have needs for emotional connection, that makes us have empathy and deep
understanding of human experience, and we know this is very important for the companies,
so the if the AI cannot have feelings, they can´t connect with humans, can't feel empathy
and algo doesn't feel pain. This can make the business disconnected with the reality of the
people, for example in areas like design, how can you connect with the experience without
knowing about feelings and emotions? If you think about this, you can see that the soft skills
like, attention to detail, critical and creative thinking, interpersonal skills, work in teams and
more are skills that the AI does not have. Well for me this is a big reason why we still need
people working.

Finally I want to say that the AI is something created by humans, without them this cannot
exist, so this human design grow as an service for humans, its exist like an tool and works
like that, as I say at the beginning, the AI is from humans to humans and the only thing we
can do is to appropriate this as an ally.

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