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The most powerful, comprehensive treatment available

"I am convinced that integration of Gerson's therapy with the holistic immune-biological
treatments will produce the best possible results."
- Josef M Issels MD

"I see in Max Gerson one of the most eminent geniuses in medical history."
- Albert Schweitzer MD
MAX B. GERSON, M.D. October 18, 1881 - Mar 7, 1959

Shortly before his death in 1959, Dr. Max Gerson published his epic book, “A Cancer Therapy;
Results of 50 Cases.” On pages 121-128, Dr. Gerson clearly laid out various directions he
would like to take his therapy but he never got the chance because he died.

Dr. Gerson was the consummate scientist; perpetually trying to enhance and improve on his
remarkable clinical results.

Dr. Vickers and his colleagues set out to begin utilizing therapies specifically mentioned by Dr.
Gerson along with several other immunological therapies that have proven to stimulate the
immune system and increase clinical outcomes. Our Advanced Gerson Therapy is clearly
showing greater clinical results than the original therapy left by Dr. Gerson over 50 years ago-
--just as Dr. Gerson theorized it would! Dr. Vickers and his colleagues continue to offer the
original Gerson Therapy but it is only under this foundation that these additional immunological
therapies achieve their maximum efficacy.

Dr. Gerson’s dietary therapy is an intensive, nutritionally-based program which has proven to
stimulate the body’s own natural immune response while promoting the breakdown of
diseased and tumor-laden tissue as well as the rebuilding of that diseased tissue. It works
closely with the healing forces of nature to stimulate and restore normal growth by flooding
the body with fresh, raw, cooked, organic, live foods on a scale that no other nutritional therapy
in the world today can compare. It simply is the most powerful, comprehensive therapy
available in the world today.

Specific fruits and vegetables, raw and freshly prepared, supply massive amounts of nutrients
and phytochemicals that have proven, in worldwide studies, to have potent anti- cancer and
health promoting properties. In countless cases, this intense dietary regime has proven to
cause complete regression of cancer.
Holistic, all-encompassing, nutritional immunotherapy, based on the principles of Dr. Max
Gerson’s therapy, is able to reverse a myriad of chronic conditions including, but not limited
to: Arthritis, Lupus, Candida, Thyroid disease, Alzheimers, Asthma, MS, Diabetes, Cancer and
countless other conditions. When done in conjunction with other, highly-effective
immunological treatments results cannot be rivaled anywhere in the world. Below is a review
of our Advanced Gerson Therapy.


GERSON THERAPY - Max B. Gerson, M.D., is considered one of the original pioneers behind
Nutritional Immunology for his many contributions in chronic and degenerative diseases,
infectious diseases, and cancer. His diet, consisting of 20lbs. of organic fruits and vegetables
every day (mostly in the form of juices), as well as a potent detoxification program, is the
foundation from which we build on the therapies below. We are the ONLY facility in all of
Tijuana to go to the United States every two days to purchase fresh, organic fruits and
vegetables off the retail shelf so we can guarantee you the highest quality, most nutritious
produce available. Other clinics order in bulk once every 7-10 days. It is well known that after
5-7 days the nutritional value of foods is cut in at least half.

HYPERBARIC OXYGEN/OZONE/H2O2: In 1931 Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in

medicine after demonstrating that cancer, viruses and bacteria cannot survive in highly
oxygenated and alkaline environments. New in May of 2015 we have added hyperbaric
oxygen therapy, ozone and hydrogen peroxide to the Basic Plan 3 without any additional cost.

IV UVB BLOOD IRRADIATION/OZONE: In this procedure the patient’s blood is drawn and
exposed to UVB Light as well as ozone. The incredible immune-modulating and
immuneboosting effects of UVB BLOOD IRRADIATION are well documented for its ability to
combat cancer, viral and bacterial conditions.

COLEY'S TOXINS: Historically, a surprisingly large number of "spontaneous regressions" of

cancer have occurred during inflammatory infections. Coley's toxins are an immune
stimulating, injectable (dead) bacterial reagent documented historically to have cured many
cases of advanced cancer. Gerson (1958) called for an investigation of Coley's toxins within
the context of his treatment. Issels used this material safely and successfully in thousands of
patients over a period of forty years. Dr. Vickers and his colleagues have used this mixed
bacterial vaccine to successfully treat many hundreds of patients to date. This therapy is
determined based on the strength of the patient’s general condition as severely debilitated
patients find it difficult to tolerate. Historically, Coley’s Toxins are most effective in Sarcoma
and Melanoma.
DENDRITIC CELL THERAPY: Dendritic cells are like generals in your body; they go around
seeking out threats to the system then they present those threats to the immune system and
it is then the immune system that rallies the immune response against the disease. In this
procedure your blood is circulated through ultraviolet light killing unwanted cancer cells and
pathogens while your dendritic cells are being extracted and collected. They are then taken to
a laboratory where they are multiplied exponentially and reintroduced into your body 3-4 days
later. A very powerful adjunct when done in conjunction with our other therapies.

PURE ALOE VERA: For centuries the powerful healing abilities of Aloe Vera have been well
known. Our Aloe Vera is the purest, most unadulterated form of Aloe Vera available anywhere
completely free of chemicals and preservatives and derived from the ALOE BARBADENSIS
MILLER-STOCKTON genus of plant: the most renowned genus as it relates to potency. It is
hand- fileted, immediately frozen and sent two day priority to guarantee complete freshness
and maximum potency.

RAW SPIRULINA: Spirulina's nutritional benefits have been known for millenia. The ancients
Aztecs and ancient African tribes living around Lake Chad, even today, harvest spirulina as a
staple of their diet. The Russian government distributed it to citizens around the Chernobyl
disaster to successfully protect them from nuclear radiation. Countless studies show its ability
to destroy Leukemia cancer cells and tumors. It is, simply put, the most powerful superfood

available on earth. Unfortunately, until recently, the only form of spirulina available was in
tablet, or powder form leaving the product with a horrible taste and smell as the bacteria have
died. Today, for the first time, a LIVE spirulina product is being produced and will have
exponentially more healing power than previously available spirulina products. Spirulina has
the ability to destroy tumors, viruses, and bacteria while protecting cells from genetic damage
caused by radiation. Its ability to oxygenate tissues and its high sulfur compounds essential
for heavy metal detoxification continue to make Spirulina the superfood of superfoods. Here,
at Northern Baja Gerson Center, we are excited to introduce Raw, Living Spirulina harvested
and sent to us the next day, refrigerated. We are looking forward to seeing the amazing results
this treatment has consistently demonstrated in numerous studies.

NEAR INFRARED THERAPY: In his revolutionary book, "The Medicine of Light," author
Nathaniel Mead unveils the current scientific literature demonstrating the effects of light
against cancer. Current scientific studies are showing that when the body is flooded with
chlorophyll then hit with NEAR infrared light, specifically, it is causing the immediate cell death
of cancer cells. The high chlorophyll content of the Gerson Therapy, along with the highly
concentrated chlorophyll content of our RAW Spirulina and NEAR-infrared sauna therapy
provides a potent defense against tumors and metastasis.
HI-POTENCY ENZYME FORMULA: It is well-known that specific, natural enzymes play a vital
role in breaking down and destroying cancer cells and tumors and play a protective role in
controlling the growth and division of new and-or metastatic cancer cells. We use an extremely
high-potency enzyme formula particularly high in alpha- chymotrypsin; renowned for its ability
to break down malignant tissue. This product is unrivaled anywhere in the world.

GCMAF: Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor, or GcMAF, is also called vitamin
D-binding protein-derived macrophage activating factor. It is an endogenous (occurring within
the body) glycosylated vitamin D binding regulatory protein present within the immune system.
This naturally occurring protein is found in all healthy individuals, but is depleted in people with
an improperly functioning immune system. GcMAF plays an important role in activating
macrophages. Macrophages (from the Greek for “big eaters”) are white blood cells that literally
swallow and digest cellular debris, foreign substances, bacteria, cancer cells, and anything
else that does not have the “right” proteins to identify it as a healthy cell belonging to the body.
When GcMAF is depleted, the immune response becomes weak because macrophages are
not being activated by GcMAF. Furthermore, our body’s tissues are not successfully repaired
and homeostatic imbalance cannot occur from a lack of available macrophages. Microglia are
a very important type of macrophage located specifically in the spine and brain. They defend
your immune system against threats to the central nervous system and represent a crucial
first line of defense. When used in conjunction with the incredible, dietary, immune-boosting
Gerson Therapy, the effects of GCMAF are exponentially increased which continues to make
our Advanced Gerson Therapy protocol the most powerful in the world for the successful
treatment of advanced, degenerative disease.

BIOLOGICAL DENTISTRY: Root Canals MUST be removed before complete healing can
occur. We can have that service provided for you here in Mexico or you can find someone to
do that back at home but it must get done early on in your care or optimal healing will not take
place. The former head of the American Odontological Association wrote a book called, "The
Root Canal Cover-Up", where he exposed the disease-causing side effects of Root Canals.
This service is not included in Plan 3 of the Price List.

LAETRILE - Also known as Amygdalin or Vitamin B17 and derived from apricot kernels,
Laetrile's history of being able to destroy cancer cells, while protecting healthy cells, is well
documented. Here at NBGC we apply 9 grams of pure laetrile intravenously which is the
scientific therapeutic dose.

BOB BECK PROTOCOL: We utilize the 9-volt Pulsar Unit and Ozone Unit created by Bob
Beck. The electrical current applied to the body is said to stun any viruses, bacteria and cancer
cells diminishing their ability to multiply giving the immune system the upper hand in its ability
to attack and destroy the invading organisms. Ironically it is the same level of current a healthy
immune system would release to stun the aforementioned organisms.
COQ10 - This vitamin has shown a strong anti-tumor effect in a breast cancer trial
(Copenhagen, Denmark). Principal investigator Karl Folkers reports regression of liver and
lung tumors in a current German trial.

LABS - Routine basic tests (SMAC (Chemistry Panel), CBC with Differential and Urinalysis)
will be performed upon arrival. Specific Tumor Markers as needed for additional fees are


The therapies below are all available but the protocols will vary based on the patient’s needs
and ability to tolerate the therapies throughout their stay at our clinic. The decision to which
therapies will be applied will be made by the doctors and the patient by mutual agreement.


• 13 freshly prepared fruit and vegetable juices

• Vegetarian meals
• Organically grown food
• Potassium compound - oral
• Lugol’s solution - oral
• Pancreatic enzymes -oral
• Acidol - oral
• CoQ10 - oral
• Niacin - oral
• Probiotics Thyroid - oral
• B12—Oral/injectable
• Daily Enzyme therapy
• Daily Medical Visits
• Enemas of coffee
• Chamomile
• Castor Oil Treatments
• Clay packs
• Castor oil packs
• Anti-Cancer Herbal teas
• Aloe Vera
• Hyperbaric Oxygen
• Infra-red technology
• Rectal Ozone
• Bob Beck
• Electro-Magnetic Therapy
• BEMER Technology
• One companion—room and board and 3 juices (sharing same room)
• 3 months of Basic/standard supplements (2 week minimum stay required)
• High Dose Oral Vitamin C
• Coley's Therapy
• Revolutionary, Raw Living Spirulina


ADMISSION DEPOSIT: A mandatory two week stay is required. Prior to admission, you will
be asked to make an initial deposit, based on a two or three week stay, to guarantee your

The deposit is non-refundable with the exception of documented, hospital proof of medical
emergency. There will be a 10% administrative fee applied for any returned funds. The
remainder of the balance will be due in US Dollars upon arrival.

PAYMENT: Once the balance is paid, in full, upon arrival, it is non-refundable with the
exception of medical emergency. Return of funds can take up to six weeks.

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We encourage those who need financial assistance to visit the
websites,, or the
LIFELINE PROGRAM which allows people to use Life Insurance policies to fund personal
endeavors. We have had patients raise tens of thousands of dollars on the website, and

COSTS: Please note that all therapy is based upon the patient’s condition and will be decided
upon assessment by our medical staff of patient’s medical records and general condition.
Discount plans are available for hospitalization of 4 weeks or longer. If a patient requires any
extra medications, procedures, oxygen, etc....the patient will be responsible for paying for
those extra modalities.

Note: Maintaining a patient on the above listed therapies is dependent upon medical review
of the patient by our medical staff. If at any time the patient is not stable enough to remain on
the above protocols, their stay from that time on is subject to regular hospital fees currently in
effect. As long as the patient is doing any form of the above therapies, their stay will be subject
to the full fees for the above listed therapies, even though they may only be receiving a part
of the stated treatments due to the aforementioned assessment by medical staff. Prices are
subject to change without notice based on changes in market prices of treatments we utilize.

COMPANION ROOM AND BOARD: You are strongly encouraged to bring a companion. The
therapy is not difficult to learn, but learning the therapy can seem overwhelming at first due to
the many details involved. Experience has shown that having the support of a companion
results in the most accurate application of the treatment when you return home. Companions
are included in the cost of the treatment on plan 2. We cannot guarantee that a companion
will have a separate bed. A companion may, or may not, have to share a queen-sized bed
with the patient depending on availability of certain rooms.

PLAN YOUR STAY: Three weeks of treatment is generally recommended. Any emergency
procedures that may be necessary ARE NOT included in the price of the program. If the patient
is severely advanced it is highly recommended to have extra founds readily accessible.

HOME SETUP COSTS: A three months' supply of Gerson diet medications and supplies
averages about $1000. If you are on the Advanced Gerson Therapy, your first 3 months of
supplies (supplements for the BASIC Gerson Therapy only—not extra teas and supplements
we may have you on while at clinic) are included in the cost of the treatment and will be sent
home with you. Juicers range from $450 to $2500. We choose to use the PURE JUICER,
however we recommend the GREEN STAR for those looking for a cheaper option.

All evaluations and discussions regarding specific medical treatment will occur at the hospital


PROPER BLOOD TESTS: Before coming to our clinic, we ask that you have all the following

TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS: American citizens DO NOT need an American passport to enter

or leave Mexico contrary to what everyone tells you and what the U.S. Govt website says. The
only things needed are a birth certificate AND drivers license or govt issued photo ID of any
kind. · Please arrange to arrive around 10am-12pm if possible and depart on the same day
around 2pm- 3pm.

Book your flight to the San Diego International Airport or Tijuana, Mexico. Please provide us
with your cell phone number before you come, and turn it on as soon as you land. Please
text/call our driver immediately upon landing. On your arrival, our driver will meet you AT your
baggage claim area. DO NOT go outside the airport. Stay right at your baggage claim area.


"This melanoma report represents a wonderful model of how retrospective observational data
can be put together to indicate whether a prospective trial might be warranted and might well
serve as the model for future early field investigations."
- Alan Trachtenberg, Acting Director, Office of Alternative Medicine, Office of the Director,
National Institutes of Health, March 21, 1995

"The results of this study are most provocative and convincing I might add” - T. Colin Campbell,
Cornell University, pers. comm., 1995.

"If it [the melanoma report] is not pursued, it will represent a betrayal of patients who have had
to wait too long for genuine breakthroughs."

- Edward Lord Baldwin of Bewdley, Co-Chair Parliamentary Group for Alternative and
Complementary Medicine, House of Lords, UK, in an address before the House of Lords,
74LD23- PAGV7, Jan. 10, 1996.

"Proponents of alternative medicine should put (a randomized study of the Gerson diet) at the
top of their agenda."

- Julian Peto, Royal Cancer Hospital, UK, May 15, 1996.

"When I toured the alternative-cancer-therapy clinics and hospitals in Tijuana, I was impressed
by the lack of statistical information on outcomes. Some had a track record of thousands of
patients, but they were unwilling or unable to provide potential patients/consumers with clear
statistics. Of the medical practices that I visited, only one had a published, peer-reviewed,
quantitative analysis of outcomes."

(That would be us) - Prof. David J. Hess, "Can Bacteria Cause Cancer?" NY University Press


1. Medical records, including pathology and current lab reports, discharge summaries, X- rays,
CT, MRI, and CAT scans not already provided (digital copies are preferred). If you encounter
difficulties obtaining the necessary medical records, please do not delay travel. Upon your
arrival, we will have you sign a medical release and obtain the records for you.
2. Laptop, smart phone or other WiFi device for checking and sending email.
3. Blank notebooks, pens and pencils.
4. Clock radio or travel alarm.
5. Personal articles (toilet/grooming).
6. Pajamas, robe, slippers, and informal clothing for pleasant days (in the 70s) and cool
evenings (in the 50s). Bring some kind of bathing suit and-or shorts to be used for the full
spectrum infra sauna.

7. Supplies of your current prescription medications and medical supplies.

8. Some medications (e.g.: pain killers, especially morphine and Demerol) and supplies (e.g.:
colostomy fittings) are not internationally standard. Colostomy patients, please bring
colostomy sleeves for irrigation. Please bring quantities adequate for you stay.


Valid Passport or Valid Western Hemisphere Border Crossing Card for all U.S. Citizens. If a
passport is not available a driver’s license AND a certified or original copy of birth certificate
will also suffice.

A Passport, visa or other documents WILL BE required for all others. They will need these for
entry and re-entry into the U.S.

No papers of any kind are required of anyone to enter Tijuana, Mexico. If you have any other
questions, please contact Dr. Patrick Vickers and our staff either by e-mail or by phone.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.


TEL. +1 715-299-5070

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