Abeni Skincare

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Organic 101 Skincare courses include

*introduction to skincare

*organic skincare ingredients

*skincare liquids


*Wat is exfoliating?

*exfoliating soap and scrub

*lightening body scrub

*lightening oil

*lightening cream

*whitening cream

*whitening face cleanser (fair skin)

*choco skin face cleanser

*hot chocolate body butter

*papaya whitening body wash

*Whitening shower gel

*Whitening body scrub

*peeling oil

*massage oil


*face peeling oil

*baby black soap

*baby shampoo for hair growth

*baby hair growth oil

*Nappy rash cream

*lemon oil

*Orange oil
*Avocado oil

*almond oil

*coldpressed coconut oil

*dark eye circle

*sunscreen cream

*black soap for all skin

*Seven days herbal whitening soap

*toning black soap

*stretchmark cream and scrub

*Turmeric uses and benefits

*Day and night face cream

*How to make carrot powder

*How to make carrot juice

*breast firming oil

*vitamin e oil and egg breast mask

*dark eye circle oil

*anti-aging treatment

*anti-aging serum

*anti-aging face cream

*anti-aging cream(miraculous effects)

Seven days whitening face cream

*anti wrinkles vit c serum

*slim tea drink

*under arm whitening scrub

*Egyptian body milk and wash

*halfcaste cream


*dark feet and elbow removing cream

Its going to be explosive. Enjoy the ride.

Let's talk about d difference between Organic product n chemical- based product

I.e Natural Skin Care

Products Versus

Chemical-Based Ones

Have you ever been puzzled whether to

switch to natural skin care products or

stick with chemical-based ones? If you are

searching for a reason (or two) to go one way or the other… read on.

First, let me ask you this… if you had two

different products - a natural product and a

chemical-based product - and both of the products are very similar in the way they

feel and their outcomes - which one would you choose?

Oh, and let me add something else to this

equation, the chemical-based product looks promising on your skin at first, but it is most likely damaging
in the long run.

Would that impact your final selection

process now?


Let's look at each category a bit closer, so we can arrive at a more educated decision from here.

Do You Use Chemical-

Based Skin Care


Unlike natural skin care products, these

products are made up of different kinds of

chemicals and synthetic ingredients. In spite of the fact that some chemicals make

them effective, they increase the probability of developing into skin allergies, irritations

and side effects. These chemicals, especially, are way too abrasive to individuals with sensitive skin.
As a result, more harm is often done than

good. Also, you are at risk of premature

aging if you use chemicals continuously.

Toxic ingredients, that are not found in

natural skin care products, are prominent in these chemicals, which overtime exhaust

your skin and make it sag because it loses

its natural reproductive elements.

In fact, unnatural products can actually

cause acne. Many of the chemical products

used in unnatural skin care lines can cause

impurities. Common ingredients like

mineral oil can attract free radicals and

result in blemishes, and early aging.

Considering Natural Products

For Skin

Now, natural skin care products are made

from non-artificial ingredients like natural

oils, plants (like seaweed, green tea), fruit extracts and fruit acids. These products

are known to effectively treat the skin and nourish it. Most natural products have powerful antioxidants
that assist in slowing

down the aging process and creating a

younger looking skin.

Skin care derived directly from nature is

one of the best ways to get and keep your

skin healthy and vibrant. Unfortunately,

when choosing a product, you must keep in mind that not all natural skin care

products are created equal. Natural

product formulations can vary wildly from

brand to brand and many are still made

with silicones that are simply not skin-

friendly. The reason many brands are made

with silicone is because, as an ingredient, it

is much cheaper and it makes a lotion or

cream feel more luxurious once you apply it. While silicone feels nice on your body it adds no real value.

Does the product have to be 100% natural

or organic? As long as it is 95% natural, it

is a safe bet, but you have to look at the

ingredients and make sure that they are of

high quality. Even if you were to receive an

organic label from the NAFDAC your skin

care must contain at least 95 percent organically produced ingredients. A

product with more than 95% in natural

ingredients is even better. When it comes

to preservatives (the ones that kill bacteria,

fungus and moulds), make sure that the

product does not use or contain any

parabens .

So since our skin is the largest organ of

our body, it is important to treat it with extra attention and care. Many of us,

health individuals, are becoming more and more aware of the food we put into our bodies. The very
same attitude

should be taken when considering skincare

products, as well. Whether it is face cream, body lotion, anti-aging face serums or acne regimens, our
skin absorbs over half

of the products we put on it, so why punish it with toxic ingredients?

What products do you use today? Are you even considering using natural products in

the future?
Or now

Before a cosmetologist can start his or her work on her customers, you need to know their skin type

We have 4 types of skin. Oily skin,dry skin,sensitive skin and combination skin

Almost half of our populations have oily skin. And these type of skin type attract germs easily.because of
the oily surface, they attract dirts easily.

When the dirts attach itself to the skin the owner of the skin usually have breakouts like
pimples,acne,eczema and so on

If you have oily skin wash your face twice daily with mild soap

Use water base with little alcohol cleanser on your face

This skin looks coarse and breaks easily causing discomfort or pains for its owner

Dry skin has no oil at all, and harmattan is their worst season of the year, If you have dry skin,dont use
alcohol base cleanser and make sure your cream has lots of oil in it and moisturize it regularly

Combination skin include both oily and dry skin. Half of the face is oily while the other half is dry. Same
goes for the body.the ppl should use little bit of alcohol cleanser.and little amount of oil base cream.

Sensitive skin can occur in any of the skin type. They are the type that contact germs easily from other
ppl if same objects are used for them.e.g make up brush cleanex,wipes e.t.c

To speed up the work of your cream you need to apply d CEM method

(Cleansing, Exfoliating Moisturising).

Exfoliating is wen you use scrub to remove the dead cells on the skin surface.

After exfoliating you moisturize the skin.pls make sure the moisturizer you use on the face contains
sunscreen and tell your customers not to wear make up for the rest of the day to avoid breakout.

Cleansing is wen you use water and soap or wipes to clean the skin surface

After exfoliating you moisturise the skin.pls make sure the moisturizer you use on the face contains
sunscreen and tell your customers not to wear makeup for the rest of the day if possible.

How to Determine Your Skin Type

Everyone's skin is normal to them, but in order to care for diverse skin types, we often group people into
some skin categories. Ascertaining your skin type is an important first step in knowing how to treat your
skin, what products to use, and how to have perfect skin.

Determine Your Skin Type

Step 1

Wash your face to remove make-up. Wash with a gentle cleanser and pat dry. This cleans away oils and
dirt that may have accumulated during your day, giving your skin a fresh start. Do not over wash though.

Step 2

Wait for 30mins. During this time, your skin should return to its natural state, the characteristics of
which will determine your skin type. Act normally and don't touch your face.

Step 3

Dab your face with a tissue. Pay attention to the 'T-zone'-the area of your forehead and nose.

Step 4

Skin falls into four types-



Dry and


Normal skin shows neither oil nor flaking skin. It should feel supple and smooth. If you have it, consider
yourself lucky.

Oily skin is characterized by the grease on the tissue. It is also common for a person with oily skin to
have large pores and a shine.

Dry skin may feel taut or show flakes of dead skin. It is associated with small pores. Moisturizing is
important for this skin type.

Combination skin is most common. It exhibits traits of all three of the above skin types. Usually, the skin
is oily in the T-zone and normal to dry elsewhere.


skincare is divided into three courses

The organic
organic pro-mix

organic pro-mix plus For this class we are starting with organics.

First we will be looking at things/equiptments needed in cream making.

*mixer/stick blender

*measuring cup & spoons

* double boiler

* bucket

* towels

* whisker

* bowls

* funnel


There are different type of skin,which requires different method of treatment

Oily skin Oily skin: Enlarge pores, dull or shiny and thick complexion, black heads, pimples or other

Dry skin : Almost visible pores, dull,rough complexion, red patches, less elasticity and more visible lines.
When expose to drying factors, skin can crack, peel or become itchy, irritated or inflamed. If your skin is
dry, it can become rough and scaly, especially on the backs of ur hands, arms and legs.

Normal skin: not too dry, not too oily. It has no or few imperfections, no severe sensitivity, barely visible
pores, a radiant complexion.

Combination skin: can be dry or normal in some areas and oily else where such as the T-zone (nose,
forehead and chin). It can produce overly dilated pores, black heads and shiny skin.

Aged skin: this type if skin is found majorly on the elder's body mostly dry, with lines and wrinkles with
loss of moisture

Before you begin: Health, Safety and Best Practice •Always sterilise equipment and containers before
use. You can use 70% IPA (rubbing alcohol), a sterilising system such as Milton or put them through the
dishwasher and then in a cool oven (140C for 20 minutes. Don’t put plastic in an oven!) Ensure
everything is dry before using. •Maintain a high level of personal hygiene. Wash hands or wear gloves
before starting and ensure all work surfaces are clean and disinfected. •For the greatest accuracy weigh
all of your ingredients in grams using digital scales. •Any product containing water will deteriorate
quickly. When making products that contain water you need to use a broad spectrum preservative from
specialist skincare suppliers. Vitamin E and Grapefruit seed extract are not preservatives. • Anhydrous
products (products that don’t contain water) such as serums, balms, and body butters will have a shelf
life of around 6 months and there is no need to add a preservative. •Always apply products with a clean
finger or spatula to avoid contamination. •Keep oil based products - oils, balms, body butters - and dry
products away from water. •Natural cosmetics made without preservatives can become contaminated
so get rid of any product if it starts to look or smell different. •Always carry out a patch test before using
a product to check for allergies. Apply a little to the inside of your elbow and wait 24 hours to check for
any reaction. •Don’t forget to label your products! Include the date you made them

Essential oils for skin care have been around for thousands of years and used all through history. They
play a very big part in natural skin care and are once again becoming popular.

What Exactly Are Essential Oils? Essential oils are extracted by a process called distillation. They are
extracted from flowers, roots, bark and leaves of different plants. What you are left with is a
concentrated oil that can be used on your skin.

Keep in mind that these oils are very concentrated so never apply them undiluted to your skin. Always
use a carrier oil. Take extra care with citrus oils because they can burn and irritate your skin if not used
properly. Of course keep them away from your eyes and nose and do not ingest them no matter how
good they smell!

Discover the properties,benefits,uses and contraindications of six of the best essential oils

Essential Oil Safety Advice

Essential oils should never be applied directly to the skin. They should always be diluted before use and
used at concentrations of 2% (or less for some oils). 2 drops of essential oil per 5ml base oil = 2%.
Essential oils are highly concentrated and effective in small amounts – less is more! For facial skincare a
1% dilution is usually enough. This equals 1 drop in 5ml carrier solution. Many oils are not suitable for
use whilst pregnant, with certain medical conditions or on children. Always check safety information
(contraindications) for individual oils before use

Skin Care Uses and Benefits: Rosemary has antibacterial and antiseptic properties making it good for
acne, eczema, dermatitis and oily skin. It clears pores and promotes healing improving the appearance
of skin.High in antioxidants and because of it being a natural astringent Rosemary is also very beneficial
to aging skin. It increases blood circulation to the skin's surface, smooths the appearance of wrinkles,
tones, moisturizes and can help with the treatment of scars and sun damaged skin.
Used diluted in your bath, it is not only good for your skin but it can relieve muscle aches and help with
mental and physical tiredness.Rosemary Oil blends well with following oils: Bergamot, Clary Sage,
Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit, Lavender, Lemon and Tea Tree oils.

Cautions: Do not use if you are epileptic, suffer from hypertension or are pregnant. If in doubt always
consult with your doctor.Skin Care Uses and Benefits: Bergamot can be found in a variety of creams and
lotions. Using a few drops in the bath will not only releive stress and anxiety, but is very beneficial for
your skin.

Bergamot has very powerful antibacterial and antiseptic properties and can help speed up the healing of
damaged skin. It also stimulates and regenerates skin making it a useful treatment for dull
complexions.Bergamot has proven effective for treating oily skin, acne, psoriasis, eczema and cold sores.

Cautions: Always be sure this oil is diluted with a proper carrier oil in the appropriate amount. Bergamot
can cause sesitivity to the sun so those with sensitive skin should take this into consideration before
using it. Bergamot blends well these essential oils: Clary Sage, Chamomile, Frankincense, Geranium,
Rosemary, Lavender, Sandalwood, Neroli and Ylang Ylang.

Skin Care Uses and Benefits: Lavender has antibacterial, antiseptic, anti inflammatory and antifungal
properties. It proves very useful when treating different skin ailments.

It can speed the healing of burns, cuts, sunburns, insect bites, psoriasis and skin inflammation. It is
effective in balancing oily skin and is helpful in the treatment of acne. When combined with Chamomile
it is also useful when treating eczema. It tones and revitalizes skin and putting a few drops in your bath
can soothe stiff sore muscles and aleviate stress.

Lavender Essential Oil blends well these other oils: Clary Sage, Citrus Oils, Geranium, Patchouli, Juniper,
Rosemary, Eucalyptus, and Tea Tree Oil.

Cautions: Considered a safe oil which can even be used on it's own. Always test patch first and if ever in
doubt always consult with your doctor

Geranium essential oil

Skin Care Uses and Benefits: Can be used in creams and lotions and is a great addition to a relaxing bath.
Geranium Essential Oil helps balance both dry or oily skin by regulating sebum production. This is a
wonderful oil for combination skin.

It acts as a natural astringent, causing skin tissue to contract resulting in firmer younger looking skin.

It promotes skin cell regeneration, improves elasticity and circulation to the surface of skin making it
ideal for anti aging treatments. Skin appears more radiant and youthful.

It naturally cleanses and has antibacterial properties that aid in healing which can be of great benefit if
you suffer from eczema or acne prone skin. It can also be used to heal burns, wounds and even shingles.
Geranium Essential Oil also helps with water retention making it a good cellulite treatment. It also can
fade the appearance of scars, stretch marks and agespots.

Geranium Essential Oil blends well with these other essential oils: Bergamot, Carrot Seed, Clary Sage,
Grapefruit, Jasmine, Lavender, Neroli, Orange, Rosemary

Cautions: Avoid using if you are pregnant or have very sensitive skin. If in doubt always consult with your

Frankincense essential oil

Skin Care Uses and Benefits: Frankincense Essential Oil can be added to creams and lotions and has skin
rejuvenating, antiseptic and anti inflammatory properties. It can balance out oily or dry skin and
improves skin's tone and texture.

It encourages healing and is helpful with acne, blemishes and sores. It can reduce the appearance of
stretch marks, scars and agespots. Because it encourages new skin cell growth it is excellent for fighting
the signs of aging.

Frankincense blends well with these essential oils: Sandalwood, Lavender, Myrrh, Pine, Orange, Rose,
Bergamot, Lemon and Ylang Ylang.

Cautions: If you are pregnant always take caution. If you are not certain always contact your doctor.

Carrier oils are a very important ingredient when making your own skin care or using essential oils.
Because essential oils are concentrated they need something to dilute them so they can be applied to
your skin with out any irritation. Applying most essential oils full strength can irritate and sometimes
burn skin.

What are they?

They are exactly what they are called. They are natural oils that are used to dilute and "carry" essential
oils so they can be used on the skin. Think of them as a base for your skin care.

These oils are vegetable oils or fixed oils. They do not evaporate like some essential oils, but unlike
essential oils they do go rancid and need to be stored properly.

These oils are made by pressing the fatty parts of plants such as nuts, kernels and seeds. When
purchasing your carrier oils they should be cold pressed so that the essential fatty acids, vitamins and
minerals are not destroyed.
How do I know how much of these oils to mix together?

Below gives a starting point to begin at. Always start on lower side with the essential oils until you know
how your skin reacts to certain oils and then adjust as necessary. (Some essential oils can be more
powerful than others.

2-5 drops essential oil / 1 teaspoon carrier oil

4-10 drops essential oil / 2 teaspoon carrier oil

6-15 drops essential oil / 1 tablespoon carrier oil

The following are the most common and most beneficial to your skin's health.

Apricot Kernal Oil Good for all skin types and known for it's ability to penetrate skin. It is high in Vitamin
E and rich in essential fatty acids which helps retain elasticity and soften skin. It has a light texture and is
well suited for mature skin.

Avacdo Oil Contains high amounts of Vitamins B1, B2, Vitamin A, Vitamin D and Vitamin E. It is also high
in essential fatty acids. It is a superior moisturizer and significantly increases the production of collagen.
It is excellent for dry, damaged and aging skin. It can also help in the treatment of eczema and psoriasis.
Avocado oil is quite thick and rich so it can be mixed with a much lighter carrier oil.

Coconut Oil / Fractionated Coconut oil is used often in skin care products not only because it smells so
good, but also because it encourages healthy skin. It helps retain moisture and smoothes skin. it also has
antibacterial and antiviral properties and can speed healing.

Cranberry Seed Oil This is an extremely effective moisturizer. It is rich in Vitamin E and other
antioxidants and has a significant amount of Vitamin A making it ideal for acne prone skin. It provides
some protection from the sun and is also good for rough, dry and mature skin.

Emu Oil Emu oil is very effective inflammatory, healing excelerant and offers a great deal of protection
from harsh weather. It has a complete source of essential fatty acids and can penetrate through several
layers of skin. It is a good treatment for age spots, dry skin, stretch marks, blemishes, eczema and

Evening Primrose Oil This oil is a natural anti inflammatory and is high in antioxidants. Can reduce
redness in skin and used for skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

Flax Seed Oil This is a very nourishing oil that is high in essential fatty acids. It seals moisture into skin,
improves it's texture and lubricates and softens it. Flax seed oil can diminish the appearance of wrinkles
making it ideal for mature skin.

Grape Seed Oil Grape seed oil is excellent in skin care. It is high in essential fatty acids, vitamins and
minerals. This light oil is good for all skin types, especially for skin types that don't absorb oils well. It
aids in collagen production and keeps cell membranes healthy.

Hazelnut Oil A very gentle oil that has natural astringent qualities, making it ideal for oily skin. it is hgh in
Vitamin E, moisturizing and softening skin.
Hemp Seed Oil This is a highly theraputic carrier oil. It has just about the perfect combination of
essential fatty acids for our skin. It is a natural anti inflammatory and is extremely nourishing.

Jojoba Oil Jojoba oil has absorption properties that are similar to our own skin's oil and has antibacterial
qualities makingit a good choice for acne prone skin.

Olive Oil Be sure to always use extra virgin olive oil. Olive oil is highly compatible with our skin and is an
excellent moistirizer. It aids in skin cell regeneration, and cell membrane repair.

Pomegranate Seed Oil This oil is very potent antioxidant. It promotes healthy skin regeneration, is very
nourishing, deeply moisturizes and improves skin elasticity. It is very beneficial for eczema, sunburn, dry
or cracked and mature skin.

Sesame Oil This is a heavier oil that provides protection for skin. It's very rich in essential fatty acids and
can be helpful for eczema and psoriasis.

Sweet Almond Oil This is one of the most useful skin care oils. It contains
Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6 , E and is very rich in essential fatty acids. It is great for all
skin types and softens and conditions,

Sunflower Oil Sunflower oil is deeply nourishing with high amounts of Vitamin A,
D and E. It easily absorbed and helps skin regeneration which makes it good for
damaged skin. It is also good for treating dry and mature skin.

Wheat Germ Oil This oil is rich in Vitamin A, D, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, essential
fatty acids and minerals. It is also an antioxidant and has regenerative
properties. Wheat Germ Oil is good for the treatment of dry, cracked skin,
eczema, psoriasis, stretch marks


We have 2 types of oil.

1. Essential oil

2. Carrier oils

1. Essential Oils: are natural oil typically obtained by distillation and having the characteristic odour of
the plant or other source from which it is extracted.

Essential oils are distilled from the leaves, bark, roots and other aromatic portions of a plant. Essential
oils evaporate and have a concentrated aroma.

List Of Essential Oils Are As Follows:

Tea tree oil

Peppermint oil

Lemon oil

Lemongrass oil




Rosemary oil


Black pepper


Nutmeg oil




Carrot seed oil



Yang ylang



These essential oils go with with carrier oils. You can't use them
without the carrier oil.

Carrier Oils: also known as base oil or vegetable oil, is

used to dilute essential oils and absolutes before they are
applied to the skin. They are so named because they carry
the essential oil onto the skin. Carrier oils do not contain a concentrated aroma, unlike essential oils,
though some, such as olive, have a mild distinctive smell. Neither do they evaporate like essential oils,
which are more volatile. The carrier oils used should be as natural and unadulterated as possible. Carrier
oils are pressed from the fatty potions (seeds, nuts, kernels) and do not evaporate or impart their aroma
as strongly as essential oils.
List Of Carrier Oils Are:

Grape seed

Sweet almond


Coconut oil

Olive oil

Apricot kernel oil

Borage seed oil

Evening primerose


Hempseed oil

Jojoba oil

Sesame oil

Peanut oil

Sunflower oil


Our butters are

Shea butter

Cocoa butter

Avocado butter

Mango butter

I know u are familiar with shea butter and cocobutter. But mango butter and avocado butters are not
that common. But u can get them from organic stores


Flora waters /hydrosols

Witch hazel


Lavender water

Tea tree water





These liquids are what we use to make cream because they are sterile.


They Are:

Kojic acid

Licorice acid


Lactic acid

Glutathione powder

Turmeric powder

Alpha arbutin

Salicylic acid


snow white

giga white

sephi white

Vitamin A

papaya extract. e.t.c

These lightening agents are natural extract that are not harmful to the human skin.
What these lightening agent does is to reduce or stop the production of melanin in the skin. Africans
secrete a lot of melanin in their body unlike the white, that's why out skin are dark, because melanin is
what gives us the dark colour

Melanin also called pigment, is a substance that gives the skin and hair its natural color. It also gives
color to the iris of the eye, feathers, and scales. In humans, those with darker skin have higher amounts
of melanin. By contrast, those with less pigment have lighter or more fair skin coloring.

I will explain few of these lightening agents so that you can be able to know their functions to the
human skin

Glutathione: This is one of the most prominent components of skin

bleaching soaps.

How Does It Work?

It plays an important role in curbing the process of melanin

synthesis by preventing the reaction of tyrosinase and L-DOPA
(taken in through various foods in our daily diet) which bind
together for synthesis. Thus, the production of melanin in the skin is
reduced and the skin appears fairer. Skincare products with Glutathione or through supplement and
most effective way of using Glutathione for skin is with Vitamin C tablets

Glutathione brighten or lighten skin through soaps, creams, and pills. It is scientifically proved to prevent
the production of melanin, which is the pigment responsible for darkening the skin. Research shows that
it is effective when applied topically through soap or creams, but glutathione taken orally has a very low
absorption rate. Therefore, when using glutathione for skin lightening, it is best applied directly to the
skin as a soap or cream.

Some people take the pills or the injection but the one that works faster is the one applied through
cream or soap

Papaya extract: The papaya fruit contains the enzyme papain. This enzyme helps in two ways -
exfoliation and renewal. It helps to exfoliate dry and dead skin cells. After the skin exfoliation, it then
helps in rejuvenating fresh new skin cells. Papaya products would lighten and give you a lovely glow
though not as fast acting as some lightening products, it would lighten you with consistent use. Using a
papaya enriched soap releases anti-oxidants and acts as a skin moisturizer and keeps your skin soft.
Black or White Licorice: Many skin whitening soaps use pure black licorice extract in them. Black licorice
contains glabridin, which is an excellent bleaching agent for highly sensitive skin. It helps in getting rid of
hyper-pigmentation. It has anti-inflammatory properties and hence, is non toxic. This means it reduces
the production of melanin in a totally safe and irritation free manner. U use d black licorice for soap
while the white licorice is used for cream

Green Tea: Green tea is also a good ingredient for skin whitening. It contains huge amounts of vitamin C.
This vitamin C helps in preventing too many melanin pigment cells from getting accumulated in one
place. This helps in inhibiting the occurrence of freckles and spots on the skin.

Kojic Acid: Kojic acid is also one of the popular ingredients used in skin whitening lotions like Kojie Sans
Body Lightening Lotion and soaps. It helps not only as an agent for skin bleaching but also as a remedy
for skin conditions like melasma, cholasma, etc. which are characterized by discoloration of skin. It also
helps in preventing hyper-pigmentation. Kojic acid in soap requires a little longer to get absorbed into
the skin. Hence, the soap needs to remain on the skin for a while before being washed off.

Kojic Acid Kojic Acid is used in Cosmetics for its excellent Skin Whitening effects. Kojic Acid Palmitate is a
derivative of Kojic acid and a fatty acid (Palmitic acid) the chemical modification makes it more stable
and Oil soluble.

How Do I Apply It?

Add this to your usual cream for over and the results are truly amazing. After a week or less, there will
be no more dark marks on your face/body and your make up will be very minimal as there is no need to
wear heavy foundation to hide these marks. Use your cream all over your body and face and you will be
lightened at least one shade. This is an excellent safe skin lightener and is excellent for hyper-

Kojic Acid Dipalmitate Powder:


1 Lightens the skin

2 Minimize redness and irritation caused by UV exposure.

3 Minimize the appearance of age, sun and dark spot.

4 Accelerate wound healing.

5 Help collagen production

Kojic Acid Dipalmitate is oil soluble and is more easily absorbed into skin when it is incorporated into a
cream as compared with kojic acid. It is compatible with almost all cosmetic ingredients, especially
advantageous for use in combination with sunscreens.

Mulberry: This skin lightening ingredient is extracted from the roots of the paper Mulberry bags plant.
Mulberry is said to be a lot more effective than kojic acid within the sense that significantly lower
concentrations are needed to have the same impact as higher concentrations of kojic acid.

Alpha-Arbutin is glycosylated hydroquinone, extracted scientifically from the bearberry plants. as agents
in skin lightening products. Arbutin is naturally in wheat plants, pear skins, and leaves of cranberries and

It helps with old scars. This serum is the consistency

and how it applied to the skin. It was a gel-like
consistency that would turn watery when it hit the skin
and will absorbed very quickly. It's not oily and is perfect
as the first product on the face.

Good! if you wanted to layer other products like

sunscreen or moisturizer on top. I wouldn't really
consider this as a moisturizer. It will add some moisture
but not like a product meant to moisturize, so it is
perfect for oily skin

Beta-arbutin Powder

Beta arbutin is the active substance originated from natural plant which can whiten and lighten skin. It
can infiltrate into the skin quickly without affecting the concentration of cell multiplication and
effectively prevent activity of tyrosinase in the skin and the forming of melanin. can be got ride of and
no side effects are caused. Beta arbutin is one of the safest and most efficient whitening materials that
are popular at present. Beta arbutin is also the most competitive whitening activity in the21st century.


1. Skin lighten, Whiten and dispel fleck,

2. Prevent ultraviolet radiation.

Vitamin A (Retinol): It is a raved anti aging treatment in the skincare industry, also referred to as retinol
or tretinoin. It increases the rate at which skin cells are renewed. Accelerated skin cell turnover means
that the brighter, youthful and glowing skin underneath is revealed. Anyone above 30 years old need to
include retinol in their skin care regimen. And they are safer to use at night as a night cream.

Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide): Niacinamide, also referred

to as nicotinamide or Vitamin B3 has
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It really is
an effective topical skin lightener and works by
inhibiting melanin production within the skin. Vitamin B3 is
located in some skin whitening products and sun screens
but it's also possible to get Niacinamide capsules
where the contents may be applied directly towards
the skin.

Vitamin C: At concentrations of about 10% and above,

Vitamin C works to suppress the production of pigment within the skin but most importantly it kills free
radicals that causes breakdown in collagen. L'Ascorbic Acid or Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate is a
derivative of Vitamin C and this is the form that is commonly found in skin care products. Vitamin C is
more potent when used in serum form like Azure Naturals Vitamin C Serum or Insta Natural Vitamin C
Serum. In addition to skin lightening, other advantages of Vitamin C include not only antioxidant effects
but some studies also demonstrate anti-inflammatory and photo-protective properties.

Vitamin E Oil

You’ve probably heard your doctor discuss the health benefits of taking vitamin E, which include
boosting your immune system, preventing stroke-induced brain damage and protecting against certain
cancers. But vitamin E oil can also work wonders when it comes to your hair, skin and nails. So how can
we get the most out of vitamin E oil with effective good results to our skins?

Apply it at night. “The oil can be thick and greasy, so it’s best used before bedtime, possibly in place of a
night cream or moisturizer,”

Combine it with vitamin C.

“It has been shown that when combining vitamin E with vitamin C, it can act as a natural form of sun
protection,” “Vitamin E oil works to block free radicals from the body, which play a large part in the
aging process. If we can fight off free radicals, then we can reduce wrinkles and keep the skin youthful-
Methyl paraben Preservatives

Methyl paraben is an antifungal and preservative that is widely used in cosmetics. Because it is easily
absorbed through the skin and is generally considered non-irritating, it is a very popular beauty product
ingredient and is used to prevent fungal growth and to generally preserve formulas.

Glycolic Acid

Glycolic acid is a natural ingredient derived from sugar cane,

though it is now often made synthetically. They are made from natural
fruits describes as: glycolic acid (sugar cane), lactic acid (milk), citric
acid (oranges and lemons), malic acid (apples and pears) and tartaric
acids (grapes).

Glycolic Acid Skin Benefits:

It safely removes the outer layer of dead skin cells on your skin, bringing fresh, new skin to the surface.
This is beneficial for those who are looking for products that help with anti-aging. Glycolic acid can also
help lighten discoloration of the skin, such as sun spots or age spots, and help those with acne-prone
and blackhead-prone skin.


1. AHA( alpha hydroxy acid)







8. ALLANTOIN (skin Moisturisers/anti-irritant,

9.Vit B3(Niacinamide)

10. Sandalwood powder

11. Titanium Oxide (Sunscreen)

12. Propylene Glycol (skin conditioning agent, stabilizer)

14. Zinc Oxide ( UV protector,astringent,skin healing)

15. Vitamin E
16 Glycerine

17Papaya Extract (Liquid)

18.guava Extract

19. Ground Rice Powder

20. Goat Milk Powder

21. Cow milk

22. Oat milk

23. Aloe Vera Extract

24. Distilled Water/rosewater

25. Phenoxyethanol ( Cosmetic Preservative..)

26. Aloe Vera Gel

27. Cinnamon Powder

28. Isopropylene Alcohol ( base 4 cleansers and a dissolving Agent e.g for Salicylic Acid)

29. Miracle powder

30. Apple cider vinegar

31. Magic derma

32.crude kenacol

33.whitening glycerin

34. Snow fresh

35.alpha arbutin

36.papaya leaves extract(very good base for acne)

37. Gigawhite

38.black licorice

39.pure honey

40. Activated Charcoal


42.Egyptian milk

Others include:

1. Raw Black soap

2. Collagen(liquid)

3. Rose Water

4. Coconut Oil

5. Blackseed Oil ,seeds and powder

6. Bentonite Clay

7. Fenugreek powder /seeds

8. Baking Soda ( sodium bicarbonate).

9. olive oil




Double boiler: This is a set of two fitted saucepans or pots that are stacked together with space
between them. The bottom saucepan is filled with water, and then the second saucepan is stacked on
top. The steam from the bottom pot rises and heats the upper pot. In other words, place a wide pot on
fire with water and put a thick glass bowl in it to melt your products. This means you are not heating or
melting your products directly from stove or gas but from the pot

Measurements cups: They comes in different sizes and used for


Mixer: This comes in different forms e.g. hand mixer, standing mixer or
use a wooden spoon


There are 3 phases in cream or lotion making. we have the oil phase,
water phase and cool down phase.

Oil phase has to do with oils and butters

Water phase is when you add the skin care waters stated above

Cool down phase is self explanatory

Now this is an example of how to make cream from scratch

1.Oil phase we have

Cocoa butter

Jojoba oil

Coconut oil

Emulsifying wax

2.Water phase includes



Perfumery alcohol

Skin cream: Method

Melt your oils, wax and butter together

When is melted get it out then bring out your water and your stick blender

Then start pouring your oil into the water as you blend keep pouring and blending until you get your
desired texture

Then add your glycerine and your preservatives . This is the cool down phase.

Stir properly then scoop into ur containers.

Homemade lotions without emulsifier

These are how to make homemade lotion without using an emulsifier.The ratio in making dis should be
50/50.your oils should be like one cup and then your water one cup.I use floral water or herbal infused
water when making mine and not just plain water.These are all skin glow lotions.
Grapeseed Oil Lotion

1/2 Cup Grapeseed Oil

2 Tablespoons Beeswax

2 Tablespoons Distilled Water

10 Drops Citrus Oil Or Any Essential Oil Of Your Choice

Over double boiler add beeswax and grapeseed oil until melted together. Slowly whisk in warmed water.
When water is incorporated into melted mixture whisk in essential oils. Whisk until it cools and
thickened. Store in a sterile glass jar with a lid.

Shea Butter Body Lotion

2 oz Shea Butter

10 Drops Lavender Oil

2 Vitamin E Capsules

Over double boiler melt together shea butter and almond oil. Slowly whisk in chamomile and lavender
oil. Whisk until mixture begins to thicken and cool. Puncture Vit E capsule and whisk into mixture. Store
cooled lotion in a sterile glass jar with a lid.

Avocado and Cocoa Butter Body Lotion

3 oz Cocoa Butter

1 oz Avocado Butter

2 Tablespoons Beeswax

4 Tablespoons Hempseed Oil

2 Tablespoons Coconut Oil

Over double boiler melt together beeswax, cocoa butter and avocado butter. Remove from heat and mix
in hempseed and coconut oil. Whisk until mixture cools and thickens. Store in a sterile glass jar with a

Soothing Aloe Vera Body Lotion

1 Cup Aloe Vera Gel

1 teaspoon Lanolin Oil

1/3 Cup Coconut Oil

3/4 Cup Almond Oil

1/2 oz Beeswax

2 Vitamin E Capsules

20 Drops Essential Oil Suited To Your Skin Type

Over double boiler melt together beeswax, lanolin oil, coconut oil and almond oil. Remove from heat
and slowly whisk in aloe vera gel. Add essential oils whisking well. When mixture begins to cool puncture
Vitamin E capsules and whisk in to lotion. Store in a sterile glass jar with a lid.

Simple Body Lotion

3/4 Cup Almond Oil

2 Tablespoons Shaved Beeswax

1 Cup Rose Water

30 Drops Essential Oil Of Your Choice (can be more than just one oil)

Over double boiler melt together beeswax and almond oil. Remove from heat and slowly whisk in
warmed rose water. Add essential oils and keep whisking until mixture begins to thicken and cool. Store
in a sterile glass jar with a lid.

Whip up one of these lotion recipes and you will be happy with the results! Discover the natural beauty
of your skin today!


it removes dead Skin Cells so that any skincare product applied on ur Skin will
work effectively. If you don't exfoliate ur skin,whatever you use may not work
on u. That's sum customers complain about the products not working on them.



4tbsp of Sea salt

8tsp of Olive oil

1 lemon (juice)
8tsp sweet almond oil

Method: combine all ingredients together and mix very well. Apply on your body for 10-15mins then
wash with lukewarm water.


90 percent of d dust around us are dead skin cells and no amount of treatment u use can work. now dat
u all are a bit settled let's talk about how to use our scrub :gently rub it all over ur body 4 20mint or
more den wash week

EPSOM SALT EXFOLIATION (the whole body excluding your face)

In a shower, mix a handful of Epsom salt with 1tbsp of Olive oil. Rub all over your wet skin (from your
neck down to your toes), gently scrub in circular motions to exfoliate and soften.

Rinse thoroughly afterwards with mild soap and warm water.

Do this once a week


Ingredients: sugar white or brown 1 cup milk powder 2tbsp extra Virgin olive oil 1/2cup.

Mix sugar, milk powder and oil, blending well to form a smooth paste add honey and mix well........

U can add few drop of essential oils if u have pour in a glass jar or any container of your choice.............

This scrub does cleaning, nourishing and moisturizing of skin.


3 tbsp white sugar

1 tbsp activated charcoal

1 tbsp bentonine clay 1 tsp coconut milk

½ tsp carrot powder

Combine all ingredients together in a bowl n whisk with a fork until thoroughly mixed, add little water.

Put in a container of your choice and use.


3tsps of honey

Half cup of sugar

3tsps of lemon juice

3tsps of milk (powdered)

5tsps of carrot oil

Mix together to form a paste. Apply all over the body and leave it on for 20mins...then wash off with
warm water.


3tsps of honey

3tsps of lemon juice

Either 3tsps of milk (powdered) or egg white or tomato juice

Mix to form a paste, apply all over the body, leave it on for 20mins and then wash off with warm water.


Ingredients: sugar white or brown 1 cup milk powder 2tbsp extra Virgin olive oil 1/2cup.

Mix sugar, milk powder and oil, blending well to form a smooth paste add honey and mix well........

U can add few drop of essential oils if u have pour in a glass jar or any container of your choice.............

This scrub does cleaning, nourishing and moisturizing of skin.


Kojic acid 3tbsp

Glycerin 2tbsp

almond oil 3drops

Vit e oil 2tsp

Lactic acid powder 1tbsp

Carrot oil 1tbsp

Vit b3 2tsp

Beeswax 1tbsp

Emulsifying wax 1tsp

Mulberry extract 3tbsp

giga 3tbsp

Sepiwhite 3tbsp

Fragrance 1tbsp

Melt d sheabutter,beeswax, emulsifying wax and carrot oil and allow to mix. add ur glycerin together
live it to cool den add lightening powders stir very well add other ingredients and stir again ur fragrance
should. be d last to b added.

Argan oil 2tbsp

Arbutin 2tbsp

Kojic melt in water 3tbsp>water 1tbsp

AHA 2tbsp

Steric acid 1tbsp


Fragrance lavender

Mix together. Very well and sell 4 use.


sheabutter 2tbsp

allation 3tbsp

carrot oil 5tbsp

coconut oil 5tbsp

Bees wax 2tbsp

steric acid 2tbsp

glycerin 2tbsp

saffron a drop

apricot oil 3tbsp

vitamin b3 2tbsp

licorice 3tbsp

kojic powder 5tbsp

Arbutin 2tbsp

glutathione 3tbsp

mulberry extract powder

giga 3tbsp

Emulsifying wax 2tbsp

AHA 1tbsp


preservative / germal plus/ citric acid 1st

Fragrance 1st

dissolve your whitening powder with small amount of from room temperature keep aside.

dissolve them in different bowl. In a double boiler, melt shea butter, beeswax, emulsifying wax and
coconut oil on double boiler on low heat stir and put it down and allow it to cool then add your
whitening powder stir add carrot oil and stir very well and add other item listed and stir add fragrance
and fragrance stir very well keep it in a cool place.

Vitamin B3 serum for anti-aging,wrinkle repair


*4tablepoon vegetable glycerine

*1/2tsp of nac vitamin

*1teaspoon of niacinamide,vitamin b3

*1tablespoon rosemary leaf

*1cup distilled water


Take 2tablespoon of rosemary and add one cup of rosewater to it and boil for 7mins to get rosemary tea

Add 2tablespoon of rosemary tea to ur bowl

Add 4tablespoon of glycerine

Add 1teaspoon of vitamin b3

Add 1teaspoon of nac vitamin(optional)

Stir d mixture and store in a dark brown container away from sunlight.

Wash ur face and apply on it,leave for 3mins and then apply your moisturizer.

How to make lactic acid lotion


*1tablespoon lactic acid

*6tablespoon of cetaphil lotion.

Mix well and store in a container

These cream is good for first time begginers that want to lighten dia skin.

Lactic acid is a alphabhydroxy acid used in skincare as chemical exfoilant

Lactic acid is lotion is a great way to exfoilate the skin it can be used on face and body to lighten
hyperpigmentation,age spots and acne scars.

It can get get rids of dry and bumpy skin,help reduce stretch marks and scars.

Sunscreen for glowing skin


*2oz coconut oil

*2oz olive oil

*8oz green tea

*1oz ewax

*1tablespoon zinc oxide


Infuse ur green tea in one cup of hot water

Pour ur oils in a bowl and add ur ewax to melt,add ur green tea infusion into into the oils and stick blend

Add ur zinc oxide and preservative and stick blend it.Store and use when going out to protect ur skin
from ultra violent rays from the sun.

Coconut and olive oil have natural spf that can protect our skin from the sun but its not much.

Zinc oxide d main ingredient sits on top of the skin,protecting it from sun rays

How to make lotion for dark skin/fair skin


*65 grams sunflower oil

*7 grams emulsifying wax

*20 grams conditioning wax

*300 grams distilled water

*22 grams glycerine

*1tablespoon preservative

*1tablespoon scent or essential oil


In a bowl,add ur sheabutter,ewax,conditioning wax.Using a double boiler or microwave melt them and

keep aside.

Warm ur water in keep,add preservative to the oil,add your fragrance oil,add ur glycerine.Whip a
little.Now pour ur water into the oil and stick blend.Leave for a while for it to be thick.

Use twice a day and see how beautiful and glowing ur skin will be.

Skin brigtening lotion

*25g papaya oil or carrot oil

*40g stearic acid

*25g ewax

*180g warm water(like water bath)

*40g papaya or carrot puree

*1 tablespoon fragrance oil

*40ml niacinamide(vit b3)

*40ml of sepi white powder

*40ml of beta arbutin powder

Melt your ewax,stearic acid with ur oil using a double boiler or microwave

Warm ur water to be hot

In a seperate bowl add ur whitening powders and add little rose water to it and use ur double boiler to
dissolve them

Add all the mixture to the oils and stick blend it

Add ur papaya or carrot puree

Add ur preservative and blend again

Lastly add ur essential oil of choice.

For more whitening add 2bottles of clair express serum

Black soap for whitening


*2lbs african black soap

*1/3cup pineapple oil(or any oil of choice)

*1/2 cup papaya puree

*1/2 cup carrot puree

*1 cup goat milk powder

*1 tablespoon rosehip powder

*1table spoon aloe vera leaf powder

*1 tablespoon sandalwood powder

*1tablespoon orange peel powder

*1tablespoon soap whitening powder

*1 tablespoon cinnamon essential oil(or any oil of choice)


Cut your black soap into pieces,put in a pot on put on a stove or gas,leave on low heat for it to melt

Cut your carrot,cook for 5mins and blend(keep aside)

Cut your pawapaw and blend(keep aside)

Add your pineapple oil to the soap and and stir.Leave it on low heat till it forms a paste

When the soap has melted,add your powdered milk and stir

Add all your powders to it and stir

Add your carrot and pawpaw puree and stir

Add your essential oils to it.

For pimples add salicylic acid

For dark patches or spots on the legs add glycolic or lactic acid to it.

Store in a jar and use.When bathing leave it on your body for 5mins then rinse off.
How to make anti-aging moisturizing brighten cream


*75grams avocado oil

*20grams stearic acid

*25grams ewax

*1 sachet of green tea

*1 sachet of black tea

*20grams of rosemary leaves


Combine ur oils,ewax and stearic acid

Add hot water to ur green and black tea and rosemary leaves to infuse

Using a double boiler melt ur oils,butter,ewax and stearic acid together,now slowly pour ur infused tea
in the melted oils and stick blend.

Add ur vitamin e oils and store in a container

Note - Green tea and black tea contains excellent antioxidant and moisturizer that cleanses the skin and
makes it radiant. Rosemary contains powerful anti oxidant that helps to slow down the effects of ageing
on skin....It also tightens sagging and loose skin.Helps it look firmer and reduce wrinkles and fine lines

How to lighten knuckles fast


*4tablespoon aloe vera gel

*4capsules vitamin e

*1teaspoon maxiwhite serum(kojic)

*1teaspoon carrot seed essential oil

*1teaspoon tea tree essential oil


Get ur bowl,add your aloe vera gel to it,add ur maxi white kojic acid serum

Add ur essential oils to it,lastly add ur vitamin e capsules and stir properly until u get a creamy
consistency.Store in a container and apply it on your hands whenever u wash it.

This cream will help your knuckles and hands blend together with the rest of ur body.


Glycolic 2 tbsp

Kojic acid powder 2 tbsp

Aha 1 tsp

Arbutin 2 tbsp

Tretinoin 2 drop

Stearic acid 1 tbsp

Vinegar 2 tbsp


Combine all together mix very well and use.

The stearic acid first dissolve it using d double boiler before adding it to d cleanser.

FACE CLEANSER (chocolate)

Glycolic. ...2tbsp

Aha ...... 1 tbsp

Tretinion. 2drop

Stearic acid.. 1tbspoon

Vinegar.... 2 tbsp



Combine all together mix very well and use.

Face scrub

Turmeric 3 spoons

Orange peel powder 2 tbsp

Honey 3 tbsp

Lime 2 tbsp



Mix together apply on the face for 30min wash off with warm water apply ur moisturizer

But this face scrub lighten the face

If u want for dark person do not put lime


Hot water



Coconut oil or olive oil

Baking soda


With hot water and towel for 5 mins

Steam ur neck first

Mix 1 tbsp of baking soda,half spoon of olive oil, 1 tbsp of salt to form a paste

It removes dead skin cell

Massage it in ur neck and leave for 20mins

Wash it out with warm water

Face mask





Mash banana,avocado and honey together and apply on d face.wash after 10mins

Face and body scrub



Brown sugar

Add turmeric for light person

Mix everything together and use to scrub face and body.leave for 15mins and rinse with water

Face toner


Rose water

Distilled water


Fill half bottle with rose water den fill with distilled water and mix.use on d face after cleaning and
through out d day.store in a cool thoroughly




Whipped Body Butter with Shea butter Coconut oil and Jojoba oil

Ingredients 1/2 cup Shea Butter , 1/4 cup Coconut Oil , 1/4 cup Jojoba Oil , 5-10 drops Essential Oil (I
recommend lavender for a relaxing body butter, peppermint for an invigorating sensation)

Directions Place shea butter, coconut oil and jojoba oil in a glass bowl or measuring cup inside a
saucepan. The saucepan should have enough water in it that the water touches the bottom of your
glass( double boiler,), but doesnt spill out.
Over medium heat, whisk the oils together until they are melted and combined. Mixture will go from
white to semi-clear when ready.

Refrigerate melted oils for an hour or until white and solid. With a stand mixer or hand mixer, beat the
oils until they are fluffy like whipped cream.

Add essential oils and beat to incorporate.

Fill your desired container with the whipped body butter and refrigerate another hour. Notes This body
butter will keep about 6 months at room temperature.

It may soften in warm weather because of the coconut oil.

If this happens it can be stored in the refrigerator.

It is especially effective if used after a scrub


Mint Chocolate Whipped Body Butter

Ingredients: 1/2 cup of organic cocoa butter 1/2 cup organic mango or shea butter. You can also
substitute another 1/2 cup cocoa butter. , 1/2 cup coconut oil 1/2 cup of jojoba or a mild olive oil.

Almond oil can also be used but it will decrease shelf life because it is more vulnerable to oxidation. 1-2
teaspoons peppermint , 2 tablespoons pure cocoa or cacao powder.

If you would prefer a white chocolate version that is not a bronzer, substitute arrowroot powder or non-
GMO cornstarch. 2 teaspoons naturally derived vitamin E, optional

How To Make Whipped Body Butter: Prepare an ice bath by filling a large bowl with ice and fitting a
smaller bowl inside.

The inside bowl needs to be able to hold at least 4-5 cups of liquid.

Using a double boiler or a pot of boiling water with a smaller pot fitted inside, melt cocoa butter and
mango butter over a low simmer. Add coconut oil and melt until completely liquid. Remove cocoa
butter/coconut oil mixture from heat.

Measure 5 teaspoons of cocoa powder into a small bowl and gradually add several tablespoons of
jojoba/almond/olive oil. Mix thoroughly and then add to cocoa butter/coconut oil mixture along with
remaining jojoba/almond/olive oil.

Place mixture in chilled bowl (which should still be resting above the ice bowl) and allow to cool for 10

Remove mixture from ice bath and whip until stiff peaks form. If after a few minutes it does not seem to
be thickening return the bowl to the ice bath and whip there. Store in an airtight jar keep out of direct
sunlight (which promotes oxidation).


Lavender Vanilla Body Butter

Ingredients 1/4 cup mango butter, 1/4 cup coconut oil (you could use virgin or refined) ,1/8 cup avocado
oil, 1 tsp. red raspberry seed oil, 25-30 drops of vanilla essential oil, 15-20 drops of lavender essential oil,
4-8 drops carrot seed essential oil,

Note: Carrot seed essential oil has a very strong earthy, woodsy smell. It is very strong, so start with a
few drops and then add a drop or two more as needed. It is very easy to overdo carrot seed essential oil.
It has long been used in skin care products for its skin nourishing properties.


In a double boiler (or a small saucepan over very low heat), melt your mango butter, coconut oil, and
avocado oil together (I use a whisk to gently mix the oils together).

You dont want the mixture to get too hot, just warm enough to melt the ingredients together.

Remove from heat and let cool for a few minutes. Add the red raspberry seed oil and then move the pan
to the fridge or freezer.

Let cool until the liquid just starts to set up, but is still soft enough to whip. This will take an hour or
more in the fridge, but in the freezer, it should be ready to whip in 20-30 minutes.

If there's a little liquid oil, that is OK. You'll see the oils start to thicken and get a whitish color.

Remove from fridge or freezer and add your essential oils. Using a stand mixer or hand mixer, whip the
mixture until light and fluffy.

This may take a few minutes. If the body butter doesn't whip, it may not be cool enough, so just stick it
back in the fridge or freezer and let it chill a little longer. Store in an airtight container.

This body butter is shelf-stable, so it can be stored at room temperature. Just make sure your hands are
clean before applying, so you don't transfer any bacteria to the jar

A Few Notes: This recipe contains no preservatives, but the oils and butters themselves have been
selected because they are natural



African Black Soap is popular for use on the face and body because it is so gentle, effective against acne
and helps to get rid of blemishes, but did you know that it can also be used to wash your hair? The
ingredients in the soap mean that it is both cleansing and conditioning unlike many commercial
shampoos. You can use the soap as it is or make your own shampoo. There are so many ways you could
be creative in making your Africa black soap shampoo.

100g of black soap

Warm water
2tbsp of jojoba oil

1tbsp of vegetable glycerin

1tbsp of honey

2tsp of avocado oil

10 drops of vitamin E oil

Essential oil of your choice ( lavender essential oil, peppermint essential oil, rosemary essential oil)

1tbsp of aloe vera juice

Honey makes this mixture even more moisturising as it is great for drawing moisture into the hair. The
Aloe Vera Juice in this mixture helps to lower the pH of the soap and leave the hair smoother. Avocado
oil contains ceramides that help to alleviate dry hair. The peppermint oil not only makes this mixture
smell divine it also leaves the scalp feeling tingly clean. Glycerin not only draws moisture into the hair it
also leaves it incredibly soft. Vitamin E Oil smooths and conditions the hair. Jojoba oil is a very light oil
which is closest to the hair sebum it also leaves hair supple and smooth. Rosemary essential oil helps to
alleviate dry hair conditions.

Get a bowl and cut the black soap into tiny pieces, get your warm water and pour it into the bowl make
sure the water get to the same level as the black soap pieces....it depends on how light or thick you want
your mixture. Pour in your oils and mix together, cover the bowl and check every 30min to mix again till
the black soap dissolve completely. Mix well before you pour it in your shampoo container.

So simple to make at home.





Mix your oil very well, add your essential oil and mix well before adding your brown sugar

This body scrub and knuckle or knees or elbows need to be used three times a week to lighten the areas
very effective First, you ll need to choose your exfoliant.

It comes down to sugar or salt, but as you know there are several varieties of each. I recommend four
different types: plain white sugar, brown sugar , Epsom salt and black lava sea salt.

Sugar is less abrasive than salt because it dissolves more easily.

Brown sugar is the best for sensitive skin, because it's the softest.

Salt exfoliates well and can help remove impurities and dead skin.

And the black lava sea salt also removes dead skin along with helping increase cell activity.
The next ingredient you select is your oil.

I chose five different oils that are great for your skin. olive oil, sunflower oil, almond oil, avocado oil, and
extra virgin coconut oil.

To start off, all of these oils, except the avocado oil, are naturally antibacterial, which will help prevent
any problems.

Olive oil is good for really dry skin, and it wont clog your pores.

Sunflower oil is a fatty oil that can help calm irritated skin and prevent clogged pores. Almond oil is
fantastic because it can reduce the effects of UVB rays, and it can help improve skin tone.

Avocado oil is actually extracted from the pulp of the fruit not the seed so it's incredibly rich and will
help your skin retain moisture.

Finally, extra virgin coconut oil is packed with antioxidants and free radicals which help prevent aging. Its
one of my favorite multitaskers.

Please in case of personal scrubbing you can add this or either of them Pineapple ,Tomotoe ,Potatoes.

2. STRAWBERRY INGREDIENTS & TOOLS: sugar or salt of your choice oil of your choice fruit or vegetable
of your choice muddler air-tight containers


-Choose your container, and measure your exfoliant so that the container is 3/4 full.

-Measure out your oil. You ll want a 2-to-1 ratio. So, twice as much salt or sugar as oil

-Combine oil and salt or sugar in a bowl, and stir until just combined.

-Add in the fruit or vegetable chopped as finely as you can get it, and muddle the mixture together until
just combined. You dont want to mix it too much or the granules will start to dissolve.

-Scoop into your storage container and store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Almond oil,
strawberries, and sugar make this one of the best versions for evening out your complexion.

You can try this one too ........which combines brown sugar, avocado oil, and cucumber for sensitive skin.
It's incredibly restorative.

3.PAPAYA AND GELATIN: Bring your papaya , gelatin ,mineral water . Blend your papaya and extract d
juice Then mix your gelatin and mineral water together over low heat. Stir it unit d gelatin dissolve then
remove from heat and pour into the extracted juice Then stir very well and allow to cool place in the
fridge after 30 mins bring out and stir it again see if it has a thick texture then apply face to neck.

lie down face up for 30 mins then you can now peel off and rinse your face and neck with cold water Do
this every morning and evening then you will see great and miraculous result favorite variations:


1 cup of brown sugar, 1/2 cup coconut oil, 1/2 tsp vitamin E oil and 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spices (or just
1/2 tsp cinnamon) . Mix them together.
5.VANILLA BROWN SUGAR SCRUB: 1 cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup almond oil, 1/2 tsp Vitamin E oil and 1
tsp real vanilla extract. Mix them together.

6.LEMON HAND SCRUB (for after washing dishes): 1 cup white sugar, 1/2 cup olive oil, 1/2 tsp vitamin E
oil, 15-20 drops (or more) of lemon or orange essential oil Vanilla. Mix them together

7.Lavender Relaxing Facial Scrub:

1 cup white sugar, 1/2 cup almond oil, 1/2 tsp Vitamin E oil, 1/2 tsp real vanilla extract and 15 drops
lavender. Mix them together



Lactic Acid 80percent


Sodium metabisulfite


Kojic Acid 1 spoon

HQ optional


Method 100grams:

Measure out

lactic acid :40grams not ml o!

Glycolic 10grams

Water 32 grams

Glycerin 5 grams

Kojic acid 7grams

Hq 3grams

Fragrance (ojota): 3ml

Sodium Met: 0.5grams

Preservative 0.5grams

Add your sodium met to ur water. Stir till it dissolves.

Add LA and GA to the water. Add your kojic acid and stir. Trust me it wld dissolve fast, u dont need heat,
kojic acid and hq work well in polar environments.

Add your hq and stir well.

Add your fragrance.

Add your preservative. Stir well.

Pour in a bottle and use once or twice a week.

You would shed your old skin and reveal new skin. I.e flakes. Your cream would work well.

When you peel the new skin would be lighter and remain light.

Use on clean skin for 5 mins and rinse off with a baking soda and water mix to neutralise the acid or else
it would keep working.

Then have ur bath.

As you keep using you can increase the wait time.

Please for your face, dilute the peel with water. Half- Half.

It can also be used for dark knees and knuckles. But you keep it longer.



LA- 40grams

GA- 10grams optional

If no GA make LA 50grams

Strong serum of your choice 50ml mix together

Pour in bottle.

This is a 40 percent LA peel if you are using 80 percent lactic acid

For tough body increase the gram of the peel by 15 gram( 50grams of LA+ another 15grams)

Reduce the serum by 15ml(50ml serum reduced to 35ml serum)

And it would still work

There are people who maintain from long term use of HQ like this. Can be done once a week, twice a
week, bi weekly. To shed off dead cells and reveal lighter skin

Result is smoother, clearer, even skin without the use of lotions. But pls moisturise . And when doing a
peel always have your baking soda mix to neutralise

Some people sleep with the 40percent ( this method) over night depends on skin.
Baking soda:

A cup to a small bucket of water. Just pour it over the peel. Then rinse with the mix and have your bath

After the peel, use a lightening cream @night and moisturizer during the day

5 easy DIY face masks for a healthy and glowing skin


The Honey face mask suits every skin type and since it is natural product, there are no side effects
either. Applying honey on the face will help lighten your skin tone and frees your skin of any traces of
pores. Apply honey on your face and leave it for a good 20 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water
and tap dry. You can also add egg yolk and milk to honey for better results.


Aloe Vera has always been known to be one of the best remedies for skin or any skin issues. Applying
aloe vera on your face will help lighten your skin tone, clears away blemishes, prevents wrinkles and it
also works as a natural moisturizer. For a perfect home made mask, you will need aloe vera gel, cream
of milk and a pinch of turmeric. Mix them all and form a paste. Apply this to your face evenly with your
finger tips and leave on for 30 minutes. Wash with lukewarm and you will see a difference. Do this every
for effective results.


who doesn’t know that oatmeal is the best natural scrub for face? But did you know you could also
prepare a face mask with the same. This face mask is best suited for people with oily skin. Oatmeal
clears of oil and keeps your skin smooth and supple. Now here is how you prepare the mask. Blend
oatmeal till it becomes powder and then add hot water. Mix this till a thick paste is formed. Add honey,
lemon juice(one tablespoon) and two spoons of curd. Apply this mixture and wait till the mask dries off.
You will tight around your skin that is when you will need to wash it off with lukewarm water.


There is nothing easier than this DIY face mask for a long lasting glow and shine. Pimples, blemishes, tan
and acne- all these problems can be solved with just this simple to make face mask. All you need is
turmeric and sandalwood. Mix these both with rose water and apply it on your face. Leave it on for 20
minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water, just like you would do with any other face mask.


One egg and two teaspoons of almond oil and your mask is ready. Egg will tighten your skin and almond
oil will keep your skin moisturized- all of this naturally with no side effects. Mix the egg and almond oil
and apply all over your face. Keep it for 20 mins and then rinse.

All these face masks are easy to make, like you read and 30 minutes are all you need. Every face mask
will give good results if you do it at least once a week and keep it for 20 to 30 minutes. Always use
lukewarm water to wash your face pack. In two to three weeks time, you will get a healthy and glowing


5 teaspoons turmeric powder

5 teaspoons sandalwood powder

Pure honey.

Mix the powders together and mix a little quantity with honey. Apply on a thoroughly cleansed skin to
prevent pimples and treat mild acne.

Once you apply these facial masks and wash off, apply a toner like rose water for a soft and clear skin. In
case of severe acne, apply a dash of Apple cider vinegar or salicylic acid to cotton wool.

Your salycilic acid should not be more than 50% strength. If using above 50% mix with water to reduce
the potency before administering.

Other skin toners include vegetable glycerin and almond oil which can be used after washing off

Spot treatment

Neem oil

Peppermint oil

Rose oil

Lemon oil

Carrot oil all these work to remove spots.

You can pour hibiscus powder inside the oils you choose as an overnight mask or turmeric

Guaranteed 1 month clearance of all spots

Magic soap for acne, blackhead, pimples.

Camwood 1tbs

Black soap

Honey 15ml

Sulphur 1tsp

Half cut of lemon

Olive oil 1tsp


Pour black soap in a small bowl, den add 1tbs of camwood mix it up add 1tsp of sulphur mix it up den
put I tsp of olive oil mix thoroughly together dem put 1tbs of honey den mix with half cut of lemon juice
den mix thoroughly. Apply on d face and body don't leave it more Dan 10mins

Home remedies for skin discoloration

Honey cleanses the face and provides mild bleaching effect.

Combine a spoon of honey with a few drops of lemon juice and half

spoon of rose water. Apply on the patches and wash after it dries. A

regular use will treat skin discoloration gradually.

For d skin blemishes, u can add Aloe vera gel to ur cream

Place in a jar

U can mix like 3 of dem in ur cream or mix dem alone

U can place it in a bottle den fill it with olive or coconut oil

Like 3cup for d 6lemon,big ones not small small ones o

List of skin glowing oil

Monoil oil

Rosehip oil

Flaxseed oil

Grape seed oil

Avocado oil

Olive oil

Coconut oil etc

Do d same process with orange and Grape fruit oil

Preparation of Lemon oil

Buy like 6lemon d ripped ones, den peel d yellow skin with d white. Put all d peeled in a plastic bottle
den pour 2cups of extra virgin olive oil nd put it in a place where sun can penetrate to d bottle. Leave it
for 2-3weeks

Den after 2-3 weeks, sheive it nd take d oil

If ur peeled is half of a cup, den u fill d up with olive oil

U can use coconut oil as well

Whitening body wash

1/2cup of Sunflower oil

1cip of liquid black soap dissolved with Rose water

1/2 Shea Butter

Any of d essential nd carrier oils

Add whitening agent


Melt Shea Butter over low heat, usually add a few inches of water in a pot on low heat and put d Shea
Butter in a measuring cup. Place d cup in a pot on d stove, leave it until melted, remove carefully.

Add add melted Ghana soap, Sunflower oil and melted Shea Butter in a disposer, mix d mixture
thoroughly together.

Add any of d essential nd carrier oils

To make it more whitening, add dese whitening agent . Kojie San,whitening glycerin, and vitamin c

Note,mix thoroughly



½ cup of organic cocoa butter

½ cup mango butter or shea butter

1-2 tea spoon of peppermint essential oil

2 tea spoon of vitamin E

2 table spoon of pure cocoa powder


Prepare an ice bath by filling a large bowl with ice and put a small bowl inside

The bowl needs to enable to hold up to 4-5 cups of liquid.

Using a double boiler, or pot of boiling water with a smaller pot fitted inside, melt cocoa butter and
mango butter over a low heat

Add jojoba oil

Add cocoa powder

Remove mixture from the heat

Add cocoa powder into the mixture gradually and Stir as you are adding it.

Place the mixture in chilled bowl (which should be resting above the ice block or inside a fridge for 5-

Remove it from the ice and stir it until stiff paste form (until it forms a paste).

If after a few minutes, is still not tick the way you want it, then put back on ice and stir it while the bowl
is on the ice and bring it down.

Allow it to cool then pour it into a container.

If the cream melt, don’t worry just chill and whip it.

That is your hot chocolate body butter.

It can be use on children and adult especially for men. Always introduce this cream to them.

It’s for caramel skin (it gives you a tone lighter, it glow the dark skin and it is good for a dark skin).


Castile soap 50grm

100ml coconut oil

glycerine 3tbsp

50ml Vita E

50gm papaya powder

50ml of carrot oil

1 cup of honey

1 cup lemon grape oil

kojic 50gm.

NOTE: Always remember to add your whitening powder when d cream is cold. If u add it wen d cream is
still hot it reduces the quality of the whitening powder. So if u want to get a good result add it when the
cream is cold



2 table spoon calendula flour

2 tea spoon lavender flour

1 table spoon dentonite clay

2 table spoon almond

¼ black soap

½ no mark serum

2 tea spoon Santa gum or guar gum


Pieces your black soap into your bowl and boil your water

Then pour your hot water into your black soap and allow to melt

Then pour in your calendula flour

Then add your lavender flour

Add dentonite clay

Add sweet almond oil

Then stir all to mix together very well

Then add nomark serum

Mix very well and pour all into a pot and put it on fire

Allow to start boiling, and then pour in Santa gum or guar gum to give you that jelly and drowning

Add 1 tablespoon preservative, colorant and fragrance

Then mix all together and remove it from fire in other to cool, before pouring into your container or
before using it to bath



3 table spoon of Himalaya salt or Epsom salt

2 table spoon of honey

1 table spoon of turmeric powder

2 table spoon of lemon juice


Add honey to a bowl

Then add your lemon juice

Add your turmeric powder

Then stir all together and mix very well and pour into your container

Use it to scrub your whole body for washing away dead cell in your body

If you want to scrub it very effective then add 1 table spoon of mulberry powder or 3drops of mulberry
extract,1 table spoon of goat milk powder to it and 3 table spoon of dentonite clay to be more effective.



3 cups of water

1/4 cup liquid castile soap

6-12 drops lavender oil

1tsp vit E oil

1/4 cup oatmeal

2tsp avocado oil


Heat d 3 cup of water to a boiling point

Place oatmeal in a glass bowl and pour d boiling water over d oatmeal

Set aside d water and throw away d oats.

Let it sit for 1-2hrs and then strain d water to remove oats from water

In another small bowl, mix castile soap, lavender oil, vit E oil, Avocado oil

Mix them together thoroughly

Pour d soap/oil mixture to fill half of ur container (soap dispenser or bottle)

Pour oatmeal infused water into d dispenser until nearly full

Then cover d bottle and enjoy ur soap



3 cups of water
1/4 cup liquid castile soap

6-12 drops lavender oil

1tsp vit E oil

1/4 cup oatmeal

2tsp avocado oil


Heat d 3 cup of water to a boiling point

Place oatmeal in a glass bowl and pour d boiling water over d oatmeal

Set aside d water and throw away d oats.

Let it sit for 1-2hrs and then strain d water to remove oats from water

In another small bowl, mix castile soap, lavender oil, vit E oil, Avocado oil

Mix them together thoroughly

Pour d soap/oil mixture to fill half of ur container (soap dispenser or bottle)

Pour oatmeal infused water into d dispenser until nearly full

Then cover d bottle and enjoy ur soap.


Put 1 or 2 drops of tea tree oil onto a cotton ball and dab it gently on the affected area. Leave it on for a
few hours or overnight. Those who have sensitive skin must dilute 1 part tea tree oil with 3 parts water.

Alternatively, mix 4 or 5 drops of tea tree oil in 1 teaspoon of raw, organic honey. Apply this directly on
the affected area, allow it to sit for about 15 minutes and then rinse it off

Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix equal amounts of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and water. Dip a cotton ball in this solution and
apply it on the affected skin. Let it sit for about 15 minutes, then rinse it off with water. Repeat the
process twice daily for a few days.

Also, add 1 teaspoon of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and a little raw honey to a glass of warm
water and drink it once or twice daily.


It used to glow the skin

It removes dead cell from your skin

It can be used on your face and also on your body


65 ml or 4 tbsp of brown sugar

4 tbsp of honey

1 tbsp of lemon

1 tsp of camwood the Yoruba for it is osun

Mix them together

NOTE: it can only b stored for a week



1 cup base cream

4tbsp arbutin serum

1 Filipino powder & solution

10ml lavender oil

3tbsp glutathione serum


Mix d Filipino powder & solution thoroughly until it becomes creamy

Then add d two to ur base cream and mix thoroughly

Add ur arbutin serum

Mix thoroughly

Add ur glutathione serum

Mix thoroughly

Add lavender oil

It's best to mix with a mixer

That's ur Filipino whitening cream.



°2 tea spoon carrot juice

°Pinch of carrot powder

°1 tea spoon cinnamon powder

°1 table spoon Turmeric powderr

°3 table spoon Almond oil

°1 table spoon original honey

°1 tea spoon shea butter

°3 drops coconut oil

°1/2 cup of original black soap

°3 drops lemon juice

°1 tsb of lactic acid powder

°2 tbsp Kojic dipalmitate powder

°1 tbsp of alpha arbutin powder

°2 tb of vitamin e oil

°2 tbsp of butter milk powder


Half cup Shea butter

Half cup mango butter

30ml carrot seed oil

40ml cup almond oil

Papaya extract 20ml

Mulberry extract 30ml

Glycerine 15ml

Kojic acid powder 2 tbsp


Mix kojic powder wt glycerine n set aside

Combine all ingredients in a Glass bowl apart from d kojic acid powder mix n melt wt a double boiler
( put a wide pot wt water on fire n place ur glass bowl on top to melt)

Drop n let cool sightly

Add kojic powder mix

Add mulberry extract 30ml

Papa extract 20ml

Put in d fridge n bring it out wen it starts to harden BT still kind of soft.

Mix with ur hand mixer for abt 10 mins until fluffy

Dats ur lightening body butter


2 mold of Ghana black soap

3 spoons of Shea butter

3 spoons of turmeric

2 spoons arrowroot powder

1 spoon neem powder

1spoon oat powder

Half spoon vit E

40ml lemon juice

50ml honey

2 spoons coconut oil

Mix together n scoop in ur container


Glycolic 1 teaspoon

Lactic acid1teaspoon

Salicylic 1 drop

Citric acid 1teaspoon

Method: Mix all acid well. Don't expose body to direct sunlight

use a cotton wool to rub on the body. If you don't want to use it on d entire body u can use it to clear
scar, black heads and whitehead. Just rub for 4days and stop. The peeling process will continue even
when u have stopped using it.

Direction for Use

VERY IMPORTANT: Avoid sun exposure and use of any skin products during treatment period. Use
generous amount of sunblock as soon as all dead skin has come off. NOT Recommended to use during
Summer season.

If serious skin irritation persist, discontinue use and apply petroleum jelly to the affected area

Avoid tight clothes. Advisable peeling sessions could be done 3-4 times a year for smoother, fairer,
blemish free, celebrity like skin!

Peeling may continue for as long as 1-3 weeks depending on how big the area is being treated

You can repeat this peeling process every 3 months.

CAUTION: DO not apply on private parts or anything moist areas such as navel, eye and nose area.


For the Face, Inner thigh, Under arms, and neck, apply peeling oil just once a day for 3 days. Make sure
to wash the skin thoroughly and apply toner or alcohol prior to applying oil. Make sure the oil
application is thicker as you are only applying it once a day for 3 consecutive days. You can start washing
the skin using NO soap on the 4th day, no lotion or any kinds of moisturizer during treatment, only
soothing balm, petroleum jelly or hydrocortisone cream at least or not until the skin has completely
healed. If you have dark underarms with ugly chicken skin, this is for you.

Not really advisable for everday use on face

WARNING:NOT recommended for pregnant, lactating or children


Baking powder 1tbsp

Milk tbsp

Orange juice 1tbsp

Yogurt 1tbsp

Mix all an microwave. Use after melting. Leave Leave d fa for 45minutes or till the dries on the face.
Then us ha ha peel peel off off was u face with warm water


Baking powder 1tbsp

Milk tbsp

Orange juice 1tbsp

Yogurt 1tbsp

Mix all an microwave.allow it to cool a bit and rub all over your face. Leave it for 45minutes or till it dries
on the face. Then wash it off ur face with warm water



1 original black soap

5 tea spoon of honey

4 tea spoon coconut oil

6 tea spoon of glycerin

4 tea spoon of Santa gum



Boil 2 cup of water

Put your original black soap in a bowl and pieces it

When the water is hot, pour black soap into it for 30mints until it melt

Add 6 tea spoon of glycerin, 5 tea spoon of honey, 4 tea spoon of coconut

Pour all into a pot and put on the fire. When it has started boiling, add 4 tea spoon of Santa gum, let it
dissolve very well and it must gives you a jelly looking texture.

Then bring it down and allow it to cool, pour it into your container when it is totally cool.

That’s your baby shampoo for hair growth.



1/2 cup coconut oil/carrot oil

1 teaspoon liquid vitamin E

5-7 drops lavender essential oil

and/or tea tree oil


1. This homemade

moisturizer is simple. Here's what you do: combine the coconut oil/carrot oil, vitamin E

or tea tree oil, and lavender in a bowl.

Now mix. That's it.



Raw olive oil

Castor oil

Jojoba oil

Coconut oil

Peppermint oil


1 table spoon olive oil

2 table spoon castor oil

2 table spoon jojoba oil

1½ table spoon of coconut oil

1 table spoon of peppermint oil

Mix all ingredients together and store for 2days before use.

Note: Stir it together before use. That’s your hair growth baby oil



¼ cup of mango butter

¼ cup of cocoa butter

¼ cup of coconut oil

1/8 of table spoon mulberry extract powder

4-8 drops of carrot oil

10-12 drops of lavender oil

¼ Avocado oil


Do a double boiler

Pour in your mango butter, add cocoa butter, add coconut oil, avocado oil together to heat and melt

NOTE: Don’t allow mixture to be too hot, it only need to be warm and remove from the fire and allow it
to cool a few minutes.

Add your mulberry extract and mix together

Then put it in the fridge/ freezer, allow it to stay for 30mints in freezer while 2-3hour inside fridge. Then
remove from fridge and add lavender oil and carrot oil.

NOTE: use your hand mixer and mix all together until you get a creamy texture. Then pour it into cream
container. Please don’t sell it cheap, because it glows, treat, nourish and refresh baby skin



1 cup of organic (raw unrefined shea butter)

½ cup raw organic coconut oil

8 drops of lavender oil or chamomile oil

1 table spoon of B wax

For disposable diapers-3 table spoon of zinc oxide powder

For clothes diapers, 3 table spoon of arrowroot powder or cornstarch powder, 2 table spoon of aloe
vera gel


Do a double boiler
Add shea butter

Add B wax

Add coconut oil

Allow them to melt together for 5mint or less

Remove from heat and place in the fridge for about 2hours

NOTE: The cooling step is very important part of emulsifying process and can be skip. Once it is cool, it
will be harder. Then scoop into your mixer, and then add 3 table spoon of zinc oxide and the 2 table
spoon of aloe Vera gel blend for 5mints.

When blending allow oxygen to circulate into the cream to fluffy it up. Then pour it into your container.
That’s your nappy rash cream.



Black soap

Shea butter 3 tablespoons

2tablespoon of glycerin

3 tablespoons jojoba oil/coconut oil

2 tablespoons of almond oil

2 tablespoons of sulphur

2 tablespoons of castor oil

2 tablespoons of aloe Vera gel

2 tablespoons of camwood (osun in Yoruba)/sandalwood or both

2tsp of potash

Get a mortar cut ur black soap in pieces & pound well den add up ur ingredients after that pour in ur
soap container

You can rose water if it's too hard

That's our baby soap

You can also include 2tsp of orange peel powder,n 2tsp of goat milk powder, if your kids have craw craw
you can add omi aro like 2tsp,as an adult if you have acne on your back include salicylic acid half a


2 teaspoon of glycerin

2 tablespoons of honey

1 tablespoons spoon aloe Vera gel

1tsp sandalwood

Black soap


Boil water & pour in your black soap allow to melt for one hour

When the black soap has melt add glycerin,add honey, aloe Vera gel

Stir all to mix well

Then on ur gas put a pot on d fire & pour ur liquid soap boiling, add 3 tablespoons of guar gum allow to
boil to looks slimy

Leave to cool



6 lemons, ripe yellow one

Olive oil


Wash your lemon, allow them to dry by cleaning them with a clean towel

Peel each lemon; throw away any peel that has pieces of lemon flesh on them. Only the peels can be use
in the process and not the fruit.

Leave the peel to dry for like 2hours, no moisture must go into the oil to avoid bacteria.

Put the dry lemon peels into any container you have that comes with a tight fitting cover.

Pour the olive oil into the container over the lemon peel and cover tightly.

Allow the oil to cover the lemon peel a little.

Allow the oil and the lemon peels to sit for 2weeks that is the nurturing period. Keep the container in a
cool dry place out of direct sunlight

At the end of 2weeks nurturing period, open the container and strain the oil, you can use handkerchief
to do it after you extracted the oil, throw the shafts and pour your oil in a clean bottle.


Fresh carrot

Bottle olive oil

Wash your carrot then scrap the black of it, then rinse it and cut into pieces

Put them into your blender and blend for like 5mins until it becomes smooth

After blending, pour it into a bowl

Pour in your carrot into the bottle and pour in your bottle olive oil inside. Note: the olive oil should be
less than the carrot.i.e more of carrot than olive oil.

After putting the carrot oil and olive oil in the bottle, close it very tight to avoid air penetration except
moisture process.

Now is the process of 14days nurturing.

This will be your every morning duty, shake the bottle very well every morning so that the carrot and oil
olive will mix together.

From 5days the carrot will start changing color to something like deem white.

Keep shaking, sometimes open the cover little. i.e. allow the gas to evaporate a little.

On exactly 14days, open the bottle and pour into a separate container.

Get a white handkerchief or white cloth use for pap (ogi).

Start the pouring into the handkerchief or pap cloth and squeeze, you will see the oil coming out very
tick and dull but very raw and powerful.

Dispose the shalf of the carrot oil after squeezing out the oil, keep pouring and pressing until you get all
your oil and turn it into your own bowl.

That’s your nurtured cooled pressed carrot oil.

Note; please don’t sell it cheap because is not like those shining ones they normally fry that is common
in the market. This one if you mix it with your cream and use, it will lighten your skin and if you apply it
on baby skin, it will glow their skin.

Note; don’t blend with water, if your blender can’t blend it smoothly, just great it and pour olive oil on



½ cup of pure shea butter (find organic unrefined shea butter)

½ cup of coconut oil (find organic unrefined coconut oil)

1 table spoon of honey (use local or find organic pure honey)

40 drops of lavender essential oil (find 100% pure lavender)

5-10 drops of tea tree essential oil (100% pure tea tree EO)


Using a double boiler or similar setup (use a small pot in a large pot)

Melt the shea butter and coconut oil until they are combine

Add the honey and allow it to melt. When everything is in a liquid state, add the lavender and tea tree

oil and stir to mix. Allow your mixture to cool so that it can solidify. For instance, if you impatience

you can put the solution in the refrigerator (if you are as impatience as I am, you can be tempted to

use the freezer. I would like to warn you against that only because I have done that before, and I

ended up with too solid mixture that I had to melt it back down, which begins another process. When

your solution has thickened up, but is still liquid, go ahead and mix it with your hand mixer. Mix for

several minutes until then color has lightened and the solution has the fluffy appearance.

As the solution solidify, mix every 10minutes until it has its own peak solid state (similar to a lotion
consistency). Mix it one more time and transfer to the jar or other container of your choice.

Note: you can store it at room temperature or in the refrigerator, depending on how solid you want.


When using a new product on your skin, apply sparingly at first to be sure that your skin react well.

After you noticed that your skin reacted well, apply once or twice a day on the affected area.



42 grams of almond oil

9 gram beet root

6 gram Shea butter

30 gram coconut oil

6 gms bee wax

1gms vit E oil

1 gms flavouring. U can add drops of lactic acid, vitamin C


Melt butter oil& beeswax allow 2 cool mix in beet root powder

Stir,until there is no clumps add flavoured oil

Include 1 tbsp of licorice and 1tbsp of arbutin powder or serum

Enjoy ur sexy pink lip

Here are six important tips to help you keep things safe.

1. Avoid contamination
Minimize contamination potential by choosing your packaging carefully. Dispensing bottles are better
than open mouth jars. If using old containers, be sure to sterilize and dry completely before reusing.
Avoid touching products like lip balm with your fingers. Try instead using a cotton swab or a hands-free
container. 2. Avoid light

Direct sunlight and UV rays, oxygen, heat, moisture and bacteria from your fingers can all be detrimental
to your products. Keep your products in dark containers or in dark cabinets to avoid light.

3. Consider the shelf life of your product.

If you are using a recipe that has food in it like avocado , just stick to a single batch. Don’t make
anymore than what you can use at a single time. Some homemade beauty products with food in them
can last a week if stored in the fridge. Non-food products will vary based on the ingredients, but all
homemade beauty products will not last as long as their commercial counterparts. For some products
the shelf life may be as little as two weeks unless you store it in your fridge or add a natural

4. If something smells funny, don’t use it!

This is the kind of advice your mom would give, but it’s true. If something seems fishy (or smells fishy),
just let it go.

5. Keep water away from your homemade beauty products.

Bacteria loves a wet environment. Use clean dry hands when putting on lotion, lip balm, or other
products that require hand application. For things like homemade body spray, use distilled water and
mix in a clean environment. An addition of a natural preservative or refrigerator storage is

6. Use natural preservatives to extend the shelf life of your homemade beauty products:


Almond seed

Olive oil


Make sure they are well dried almond seed

Pour them into your blender and crush

NOTE: At first start with low speed, increase it gradually to high pause your blender for some time and
start again. When your almond sticks together and forms a sphere, it is necessary to stop the blender
from time to time and clean off the almonds

Continue blending, after some time the sphere will become a paste

Then add one tablespoon of unrefined olive oil, add more if you like

When the paste is ready, put it in a glass container and keep for 10days at a room that has moderate

At the end tenth day, separate almond oil from the oil cake.

Pour your oil into a clean bottle



Orange peels



You can buy your orange and drink your orange but save the peels

Lay the orange peels on a clean tray to dry until the peels are hard. It may take up to 1week to dry the
orange peels.

When the peels are hard, use your knife to cut it into small size.

Pour the chopped peel to a container that has a tight fitting cover, then pour the vodka into the peel,
make sure the vodka covers the orange peels a bit.

Shake the container every morning for 10days. Open it once a day to allow the gas in the vodka to come
out .

On exactly 10th day, use a clean handkerchief to strain the oil into another clean container, after
collecting all the oil, dispose the shaft. Pour your oil in a clean bottle. That’s your orange oil.


Fresh avocado



Peel the avocado and slice into pieces

Blend it till it smooth

Pour it into a bowl

Break the coconut and cut it into pieces and blend it till it very smooth

Pour water into the coconut and filter it

Regulate your gas to low heat and put your pot on it

Pour in your avocado blended inside blender again and blend them together with your coconut water
that was filtered.

Then pour it into your pot and start stirring, please allow it to dry very well. No single water should be
found inside and it should not get burnt.

NOTE: The water in the avocado should dry very well, otherwise, it will turn black in 3days time. When it
is thick, bring it down and get a handkerchief. Pour it little by little into the white handkerchief. Continue
the process until your are done. The oil will look like greenish, thick and dull

Pour in into your container. That’s your avocado oil. It nourishes the skin especially for baby. It can be
use for hair also. Dry skin is not exempted. It can also be added to body butter cream and is very

Prepare the oil in ratio 3:3, that is, 3 avocado to 3 coconuts.


1/4 cup of soybean oil /or Almond oil. Add crushed potato and tomato,ascorbic acid and a 1 inch cube
of cucumber to this oil and leave soaking as an infusion. You can also add lemon or orange zest (skin) for
a very powerful anti-dark circles remedy.then cleanse your under eye with it

Alternatively to dark circle you make a toner with ascorbic acid and brewed green tea apply on the
affected area.



All you need is coconut. Depending on the quantity of container you want.


Cut or slice the coconut into pieces

Put them into your blender, and blend it very well until it become watery
Then pour it into a bowl

Put it into your refrigerator and allow it freez for like 30mints

After 30mints, you will discover that the coconut milk has separate from water

Next Step

Monitor the fire applicable (stove or gas) so that it won’t get burnt

Take a spoon and begin to collect the milk to your pot until no milk is left

Note; please don’t add water to it and the stove or gas should be on a low heat. If you are using stove,
ensure that the fire is blue.

Then begin to stir the milk with your spoon until you begin to see your coconut whitish oil coming out

Please avoid been burnt otherwise the oil will turn brown.

Keep taking the oil until no more oil is coming out

The coconut must be whitish and nit like the brownish ones people are selling, this one is raw and it help
in whitening and glowing baby skin.

That’s your cold pressed coconut oil

Note: after blending the coconut, filter it, and then throw away the shalf


3tablespoon coconut oil

2tablespoon almond oil

2tblespoon vitamin e

1tbspoon chamomile oil

Mix all the oils together and transfer to a small fancy oil bottle.

Rub the mixture round the dark area twice daily especially before going to bed.



½ cup pure shea butter

½ cup coconut oil

1 tablespoon honey

40 drops lavender essential oil

5-10 drops tea tree essential oil


You will need:

Aloevera gel 1tsp

Zinc oxide 1tsp

Coconut oil 2tsp

Shea butter 2tsp


Add everything in a bowl, melt on top of a double boiler(put a bowl where u have ur ingredients all
together in a pot of warm water to melt), bring it down after melting then let it cool. Add 5 drops of
lavender essential oil and mix. Pour into an empty bottle and let cool some more



¼ black soap

1 Table spoon coconut oil

2 Table spoon honey

2 Table spoon almond oil

1 Table spoon turmeric powder


Get a mortar pieces your soap inside and pound very well, then pour in your coconut oil.

Add honey

Add almond oil

Add shea butter and pound again very well to mix and smooth and pour into your container, then add



Dudu osun soap




Vitamin E oil
Olive oil

Almond oil



Almond seed/meal/flour


Put your black soap (osun) on a bowl and use your hand or a hard object to mash it.

Make it to be smooth or you can use your small pestle to do it.

Add camwood (optional) to it

Mix it together very well

Add 1 Tea spoon camwood

1 Tea spoon of sulphur (optional, if you have eczema)

1 Table spoon of olive oil then mix together

1 Tea spoon of honey

Mix it together

1 Table spoon of turmeric powder (optional, it lightens)

½ cut of lemon

Add a little potash

1 Table spoon of almond oil

Open like 6 vitamin capsules and mix it together

1 Table spoon of glycerin

Mix it together.

After the application of the above procedure, you have your black exfoliating/lightening soap.

Pour into your container

After pouring, pour coconut oil on it.



2 tea spoon carrot juice

Pinch of carrot powder

1 tea spoon cinnamon powder

1 table spoon turmeric powder

1 table spoon original honey

3 table spoon almond oil

3 drops coconut oil

1 tea spoon shea butter

3 drops lemon juice

½ cup of original black soap

2 table spoon kojic dipalmitate powder

1 tea spoon of acid powder

2 table spoon of butter milk powder

1 table spoon of alpha arbutin powder

2 table spoon vitamin E oil


Get a mortar and pieces your black soap inside it and pound it very well

Add carrot juice

Add carrot powder

Add cinnamon powder

And pound all together very well

Add turmeric powder

Add almond oil

Add coconut oil

Add shea butter

Add lemon juice

Pound all to mix very well

Add your kojic dipalmitate

Add arbutin powder

Add lactic powder

Add butter milk powder

Then mix them together thoroughly, when you are done, pack all into your cream container. Note:
please don’t sell it cheap because it whitens the skin and also treat the skin from skin breakage and body


Toning Soap

black soap base 500g

coconut oil 3tbs

honey 2tbs

carrot oil 3tbs

lemon oil. 3tbs

lemon juice 3tbs

nutmeg half grated

rose water




Kojic acid powder2tbs

Brown licorice2tbp


Pour water in a bowl and break in the black soap mix other ingredients in it,don't pound but mix,until
you get the texture you need

Pour in an air tight container

Your soap is ready for use


Ghana black soap

Coconut oil 5 spoons

Rice bran oil 3 spoons

Lemon oil 3 sp

Carrot oil 5spoons

Wheatgrem pil 3 spoons

Kojic powder 25gm

Essential oil of ur choice 3 spoons

Glycerin 3 spoon

Arbutin 3 spoon



Sock ur black soap in water untill it melt heat ur coconut oil nd glycerin nd add to it stir very well den
add ur essential oil carrot oil nd others items stir den add ur preservative stir nd sell for use

If you want it to be whitening just add soap whitening powder to it.

If u are making for dark person remove the arbutin and kojic acid.


blend 2tsp of each coconut oil ,cocoa butter, shea butter ,avocado oil, lavender oil, miracle powder and
10drops vit. E. Melt all ingredients in a double boiler. When it starts getting dissolve, whip n remove
from heat. Store in an airtight container, regularly massage d affected area with this cream and u will
see miraculous results fading away those unpleasant stretch marks.



1 cup of coffee grounds (nestle coffee)

1 tablespoon almond oil

3 tablespoons lemon juice

2 tablespoons sea salt

1tsp of dead sea salt

4 drops carrot oil or argan oil


Get a bowl pour in ur coffee,add almond oil,lemon juice, sea salt n dead sea salt and carrot oil.or argan

Stir well & ready 4 use after one hour

That's our stretch mark scrub

How to use your stretch mark kit

Use the scrub to scrub the affected area so long as its not sore
Apply your stretch mark cream

The stetch mark cream can be applied two to three times A day or as often as you like

The scrub should be twice a week


Turmeric has anti fungi, antiseptic and anti bacteria properties as well as being a natural inflammatory,
so it is ideal to use in skin care.


Acne: Tumeric is a great remedy that will help to get rid of acne

Mix a pinch of cinnamon powder, honey, turmeric for fair and silky skin, it lightening and fade away the
acne and spot.

Pigmentation: To lighten skin naturally with turmeric mask.

Mix 1table spoon of turmeric powder

3 table spoon of lime juice

To form a thick paste, apply evenly to the face, then wash off after 15mint.


½ cup organic shampoo

¾ cold water, 1 tsp table salt, 8-10 drops of essential oil into a blender, along with ¼ cup of water. Add
other ingredients; blend together until the mixture is thoroughly combined and thickened. The gel will
likely be too thick at this point, add more water until you get the right consistency. Pour into a jar and
store in your bathroom. Ready for use.


¾ cup of warm water

½ cup scented shampoo

1 tsp salt

Gently stir your cup of water, shampoo and salt together in a small mixing bowl, mix until well dissolved.
If the gel is too thick, add water. (Use as a base for the following recipes)


To your base, add 2 tbsp of aloe vera gel, 12-26 drops of apple fragrance oil, stir well to blend. Store in a
jar, pump or squeeze bottles.

Add 1 tbsp of apricot kennel oil, 15 drops of peach fragrance oil, the contents of vit E capsules (optional),
1 or 2 drops of orange food colouring. Stir gently until smooth and thick.


Add 2 tbsp powdered milk to warm water, add your base recipe, then stir in the shampoo until well
blended and thick. Add your salt, 19 drops of lavender oil and 1 drop of violet food colouring (optional),
stir until well mixed. Enjoy.


Add 1 tbsp of vegetable glycerine,

10 drops of vanilla essence or extract and 4 drops of rose essential oil to the base recipe. (if desired,you
may also add 1-2 drops of food colouring).


3 egg yolks

2tbsp beeswax

4tbsp lanolin

4tbsp of coconut oil

3tbsp of olive oil

10g sodium hydroxide (if you want to harden your soap)

16g of water

5tbsp of milk(optional)

1/2 cup castile liquid soap


Mix the lye and water, stir well to combine. Also melt your beeswax, oils together, take out little of your
melted oil, add it to your egg yolk, whisking constantly until well blended. Add the lye to the main pot of
oils, pour in your liquid soap, mix well until light trace. Add any fragrance (colors) and the egg into the
oil, mix vigorously well after adding the egg. Your egg soap is ready, pour into containers of choice.


Get white soap base

Essential oil

Sweet almond oil

Yellow cosmetic dye

1) Cut the soap base and allow it to melt, using a water base method

2) Pour off a small amount of melted base into another bowl and add yellow dye to it and mix

3) Pour the yellow soap soap base in a round mold; this will be like the egg yolk. You can place it inside
the fridge so that the soap will turn solid faster.

4) Add sweet almond oil in the remaining white soap base, which will help in skin care while taking a
bath. You can add 1tsp of almond oil to every (100g) of white soap base.

5) Add your favorite cosmetic perfume in the white soap

6) Pour the melted white soap in a mold, leave about 2inches from the top mold

7) If air bubbles appear on the soap base surface, sprinkle some alcohol to remove them

8) Wait until the formation of a thick face on the surface of soap which can carry the yolk

9) Sprinkle the soap alcohol and place yolk at the centre.

10) Fill up the top with the melted white soap. That's why we left 2inches(0.5cm)from the top of mold in
previous step

11) Leave the soap until it becomes strong and then remove from the mold.

12) The egg shaped soap is now ready for use

13) To make the flavour stay longer and for it not to dry, wrap the soap in a plastic wrapper or bags,
specially made for soap packing.

Note: Picking a staple, yellow dye is very important to prevent colouring of the white part.


Get your soap materials, get a plastic egg containers.Drill the egg plastic at the edge (put a hole) wide
enough to take a funnel, pour your mixed soap in it, seal the hole with a cardboard paper and duct tape.
Make sure you seal it well to avoid spilling of hot soap, put in a cardboard egg cartoon and leave to dry.

After 24hrs, cut the tape and plastic egg with a sharp scissors. Arrange your soap and leave to harden
Remember to add Lye (sodium hydroxide to your soap)


Ghana black soap

Coconut oil 5 spoons

Rice bran oil 3 spoons

Lemon oil 3 sp

Carrot oil 5spoons

Wheatgrem pil 3 spoons

Kojic powder 25gm

Essential oil of ur choice 3 spoons

Glycerin 3 spoon

Arbutin 3 spoon



Sock ur black soap in water untill it melt heat ur coconut oil nd glycerin nd add to it stir very well den
add ur essential oil carrot oil nd others items stir den add ur preservative stir nd sell for use

If you want it to be whitening just add soap whitening powder to it.

If u are making for dark person remove the arbutin and kojic acid.



Shea butter/cocoa butter/mango butter or coconut oil 1tsp

Rosehips seed oil 5-6drops

Vitamin E oil 1tsp

Sunscreen 1/2 tsp


Melt shea butter on a double boiler for 20-60 secs, allow it to cool down for abt 5-10mins then add
Rosehips oil, vitamin E oil and suncreen. Allow it to cool down for 5mins to harden then scoop into a
clean container



Evening primrose oil - 1capsule

Vitamin E oil - 1 capsule

Avocado oil - 1/4 tsp

Shea butter -1tsp


Melt shea butter in a double boiler on a low heat. Allow to cool after melting then add primrose oil,
avocado oil and vitamin E oil. Mix together until it have a lotion look.


Wash your carrot, peel the back of the carrot, and remove the stalk

Soak it in hot boiling water for 15mints

Then put it inside cool water, please slice the carrot first before soaking it in cool water

Then spread them inside the sun allow it to dry very well.

Note; it may turn brown but never mind.

Then blend it very well and it will be smooth like powder. That’s your carrot powder


Breast Firming Essential Oils .

10 drops Almond Oil

5 drops Virgin Olive Oil

5 drops Lemon Oil

5 drops Geranium Oil

5 drops Orange Oil

5 drops Ylang Ylang Oil

5 drops Fenugreek Oil

3 drops Lemongrass Oil

5 drops Argan Oil

Try this specialized essential oil blends for Breast Firming

Mix all the above oils well and store in a dark-coloured glass container away from sunlight and direct

The texture of the oil is not too thick. It is smooth and easy to massage plus absorb into skin. Use
everyday morning and evening after shower..

It has no side effect cos is organic and u will see a gr8 result wen u use it consistently


Make a paste consisting of yogurt 100g, 10 drops vitamin E oil ,10 drops fenugreek oil and egg . Apply
this paste over your breast and rub it in nicely. Let the mask settle for about half an hour. Rinse it off
with cold water afterwards

This recipe gives fuller breasts.



Wash your carrot

Peel the back

Remove the stalk

Blend your carrot

Filter it.

The water of the carrot is your juice. And it can be store

Process the carrot you want to use. All this makes your carrot juice.


Add turmeric powder in milk (liquid) to make a mask ,leave it for 15-20mins

This will work for best for dark circles and wrinkles

For oily skin;

Mix turmeric powder and rice flour, add a little water to the mixture to form a paste, wash your face and
let it dry, then apply another layers of the paste on your face and neck, let it dry completely, use cold
water to rinse it off, the mask should be used every day for oily skin.

Glowing skin;

Mix 2 table spoon of yogurt with ¼ tea spoon of turmeric, apply to clean face for 15-20mins.Then rinse
off with warm water. Almond oil, coconut oil, are good for face application after your face has been
rinse. You can also apply it on your face for healthy glow.

Lighten Skin;
1 table spoon of honey, add a pinch of turmeric and use it as a cleanser, massage the mixture all over
the skin, rinse it after 15-20mins. It helps to soften and smoothen the skin.

Acne and Blemishes;

2 table spoon of honey

2 table spoon of nutmeg powder

2 table spoon of milk (liquid)

Mix them together and apply it on your skin. Rinse off after 15mins

NOTE: Nutmeg is for blemishes while honey helps to heal the skin and milk for exfoliating.


Argan Essential Oil it helps rejuvenate skin and can get rid of fine lines


¼ cup almond oil

2 tablespoons coconut oil

2 tablespoons beeswax

½ teaspoon vitamin E oil

1 tablespoon shea butter

Argan Essential Oil it helps rejuvenate skin and can get rid of fine lines

Hyaluronic acid gel or serum

In a double boiler method

let the ingredients sit and melt. Stir occasionally. Once the mixture has melted and all is evenly
combined, pour it into a small glass jar. whisk thoroughly then add your essential oil,

Let it sit at room temperature until the cream hardens, close the jar’s lid, and store in a cool place. Apply
morning and night after washing. Very good for elderly women


2 Tbsp. Rosehip Seed Oil

2 Tbsp. Sweet Almond Oil

10 drops of Cypress essential oil

10 drops of Geranium essential oil

7 drops of Frankincense Essential Oil

Argan Essential Oil

Mix all ingredients in a bottle. You can use this serum morning and night. Like all serums, less is more. It
only takes a small amount to cover your entire face and neck. If you use too much, you will feel greasy!


Vitamin c powder

Floral water

Vegetable glycerin

Mix all thoroughly and use after bathing

Can shrink pores by 90%,remove fine lines and wrinkles

It makes ur face smooth,brighter and glowing


Phase 1

10g of coconut oil

4g of shea butter

4g of Bees wax

3g of steric acid

Phase 2

1g of essential oil

1 table spoon of vitamin E

0.5g of preservative

59g of distilled water

Phase 3

2 table spoon of snow white powder

1 table spoon of goat milk powder

1 table spoon of lightening powder


Sterilize your tools with isoprophy alcohol to avoid germs spreading in your formulation

Heat phase 1ingredients in a separate pot and phase 2 in a separate pot

Pour the distill water in the oil formulation and use your stick blender to whisk till it becomes smooth
level and add phase 3 and blend again till it become creamy.
NOTE: Your whitening cream is ready for use after 3hours.



2 table spoon of organic bee wax

¼ cup of corn starch powder

¼ cup of baking powder

40 drops of lavender oil, tea tree oil, lemon oil, cinnamon clove or bergamot.

½ cup of coconut oil


Combine all the ingredients, except the essential oil in a sauce pan, heat on medium low heat until they
are all melt, stir constantly for about 5mint. Then add your essential oil and stir together

Once it all combine pour into deodorant container and allow it to cool for 10-20mins and after then it is
ready to use.




Castor oil

Jojoba oil

Coconut oil


Mix equal parts of these oils together in a dark bottle and shake very well. Apply to the scalp of your
head with a dropper.

Massage very well into ur scalp.



1 cup distilled water

2 Tablespoons Dried Nettle Leaf

2 Tablespoons Horsetail Leaf (optional)

You can use dry Indian hemp leaf in place of the above leaves

2 Tablespoons Natural Aloe Vera Gel

10 drops of Clary Sage Essential Oil

10 drops of Rosemary Essential Oil

10 drops of Lavender Essential Oil


Boil the distilled water and add the dried nettle leaf and horsetail leaf.

Let the herbs sit in the water for at least 10 minutes or until water cools.

Strain the herbs out and pour the herb infused liquid in to a spray bottle.

Add the aloe vera and essential oils and shake well.

Store in the fridge for up to 3 months and shake well before use.



Almond Oil (80 ml),Coconut Oil(80 ml), Castor Oil(25 ml) Vitamin E (10ml), Lavender oil (5 ml),

Aroma magic Stimulate oil (10 ml)- For a quantity of 200 ml.

Method of Use:

1-Every alternate day massage your scalp and hair for 15 minutes before going to bed .

2-Next morning you can use a hair steamer for deeper nourishment and penetration of oil into hair

3-Cleanse your hair with your favorite shampoo as usual

Benefits of some oils to the hair

1-Almond Oil- The softening properties of almond oil increase the styling manageability of the hair,
which also results in less hair breakage. The less hair that breaks, the more noticeable hair growth is.

Coconut Oil – Coconut oil hair growth benefits can be effectively harnessed when used warm with a
scalp massage. The massage itself helps to stimulate the circulation of the scalp and hair follicles, which
will make it easier for the hair follicles to absorb the valuable nutrients provided by the coconut oil,
nutrients which are necessary to re-grow hair.

Castor Oil- Castor oil contains Omega-9 fatty acids which help moisturize the hair and the scalp
preventing both from becoming dry. Regularly applying castor oil to your scalp and roots to eliminate
dry hair and promote regrowth of hair within months. It will also help to thicken hair that is thinning out.
Helps reduce and prevent damage. Also can hide the appearance of damage while trying to improve
your hair’s health leading to thicker, fuller hair over time.

-Vitamin E - Not only does vitamin E help with split ends, but it also keeps your color vibrant. Vitamin E
may also keep your hair color from going gray. Vitamin E helps with the growth of capillaries. When
there are more capillaries, the circulation improves and it is thought that the improved circulation to the
scalp is the trigger for preventing hair loss.

Aroma Magic Lavender oil- Regular usage is helpful in controlling hair fall and improving hair growth.
One can use lavender oil for hair growth and get rid of other problems like itchy scalp and dandruff. It is
a powerful antiseptic and useful in disinfecting the scalp hence, treating dry scalp, lice, lice eggs or nits.

Aroma Magic Stimulate oil- Helps remove infection in hair follicles. Stimulates hair follicles. Increases
circulation and oxidization to bring about re-growth of hair and arrests hair loss. Nourishes the hair to
give it a healthy glow and sheen.



2 table spoon of mango butter

2 table spoon of cocoa butter

1 tea spoon of jojoba oil

2 table spoon of lavender oil

1 tea spoon of preservative

1 table spoon of vitamin E

1 table spoon of colorant

½ table spoon of fragrance

2 table spoon of alpha arbutin powder

NOTE: If you want to whiten the skin or lighten the skin, follow the below process;

Add bearberry extract powder (natural arbutin powder)

1 table spoon of Niecinamide powder

½ tea spoon of mulberry extract powder

2 tea spoon of E wax


Do a double boiler

Add 2 tea spoon of E wax into a bowl

Add your mango butter

Add cocoa butter

And melt them together

Then bring it down from the fire and allow it to cool for about 10mints.

Do another double boiler

Pour in jojoba oil

Add vitamin E oil

Add lavender oil

Add alpha arbutin powder of bearberry powder

Add Niecinamide powder

And stir together until it is melted

Pour all the ingredients together into mixer to have a creamy texture



1 cup rose water

4 tea spoon glycerin

1 table spoon almond oil

3 pinch cinnamon powder

½ tea spoon of miracle powder


Pour your rose water into a bowl

Add your glycerin

Add you cinnamon powder

Add your almond oil

Add miracle powder

Then mix all together

Then leave for 24hours before use or sell


Filipino whitening powder 50gm it comes with a liquid water which u use to dissolve it.

Egyptian raw milk 100ml

Emulsifying wax 1/2tbsp

Beeswax 1/2tbsp

Propolic extract 20 drops

Bee pollen 1/2tbsp

Snow white 50m

Citric acid 1 tbsp

Royal jelly 1 tbsp

Lavender 2tbsp

Olive oil 2tbsp

1/2 cup of water

Essential oil of ur choice



Combined the emulsifying wax, beeswax, olive oil in a bowl place the bowl on water at a low heat nd
melt when melting combine honey propolic, pollen, raw Egyptian milk, royal jelly in another bowl nd
warm once the oil have melted add water mix nd stir very well with a wooden spoon let mixture
combine together add ur citric acid that has been melted in a water to the mixture stir very well if u cant
stir blend it with a blender the lotion will be getting thicker nd creamy as u blend den live over night for
it to get more thicker add ur essential oil, preservative nd fragrance nd ur whitening powder blend again
sell for use.


Ingredients :1/2 cup of castle soap

3tsp honey

2tsp milk ( goat milk or egyptian milk)

5tsp aloe Vera juice

1tsp coconut/sunflower oil

1/2 cup of glycerin

1tsp royal jelly

30drops grape seed extract

place d aloe Vera juice, and honey stir thoroughly add the mixture to ur blender add the glycerin,
honey, milk, olive oil, grape seed, n blend on low for a minute. Pour in a bowl and mix in castle soap,
make sure it incorporates well. Once you've got a texture you're happy with, pour the soap through a
sieve to remove any solids.


Here’s the basic recipe.

1/4 teaspoon of powdered organic turmeric

2 teaspoons of bentonite clay

2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar

Mix well with a wooden or plastic spoon. Do not use metal. Apply evenly to face and neck, avoiding the
eye and lip area. Let it dry for 10-15 minutes. Remove gently with a warm, wet washcloth

Gives you a glowing, acne free spotless face



E- wax. 2 teaspoon

Shea butter 1tbsp

Glycerin 2tbsp

Stearic acid 1tbsp

Filipiano powder & solutions

Snow White powder: 2teaspoon

Giga white powder 2 teaspoon

Sepiwhite powder 1 1/2 teaspoon

Carrot oil 2tbsp

Half cast oil serum

With a double boiler, pour 2 teaspoons of Ewax

1 tablespoons of Shea butter

2 tablespoons of glycerin

1& half teaspoon of snow white powder

Stir all well until all melt 2gether

& bring down, allow 2 cool

Do another double boiler

Pour 2 tablespoons of carrot oil

2 teaspoon giga white

1& half sepi white & stir well until all mix well & become liquid

Bring down & pour into ur base cream,

Add in ur Filipino powder very well until is liquid mixture, pour in ur half cast oil mix well again

That's ur half caste cream


Out of 10 women, 9 are suffering from discoloration. These are those dark patches on your neck, face,
bum bum and knuckles.

There are different methods to treat/reduce/eliminate it:

METHOD 1: Sandalwood is very good for discoloration and harsh sunburn; it also has anti aging element
in it. It also have turning effect and help in shrinking skin pores.

It also prevents sagging and aging skin, it tighten the skin tissues (sagging cream).

METHOD 2: Mix rose water with 2 table spoon of sandalwood together and apply on the affected area. It
will lighten that dark patches.

Leave it for 2mints and rinse it off

METHOD 3: Get a vitamin E capsules.

Open it and use the oil on the affected/discolored area and massage it in. don’t rinse it off.

Do apply this method regularly at night before going to bed.

Please add this to sunburn treatment. Sandalwood works for sunburn. It smoothen the affected area.

Soak a towel in a very cold/chilling water, squeeze out the excess and place the towel on the affected
area, repeat the process severely like 3 times a day.


Another method could be use for the same purpose.

After using the cold water, cut a fresh aloe very, remove the gel apply it on the affected area, allow it to
dry and well absorbed into the skin. This method is good preferable at night.

Method 2

Mix 3 table spoon of turmeric with some water to make a paste. Apply on a clean face, let it dry then
wash it off with a cold water, do it daily for a week, you will see changes by then. Ensure you do this
Method 3

Blend irish potato, apply it on the affected area, leave it to dry and after 20mints wash it with cold
water. Do it daily.

This method can also work for dark armpit, dark knuckles in between thighs because it lightens dark


Dark eye circles, eye bags or under eye puffiness are one of the most embarrassing things women don’t
like. Have ever noticed that under your eye lid there is this part that is swollen? It can also called tired
eye. This could be as a result of aging. It can be caused by smoking, dehydration, alcohol consumption,
lack of sleep, sun damage and caffeine consumption. Sometimes you make up but the eye bag makes
you look sick or tired which is not real. These are the natural method to treat them:

Method 1

Cut some slice of cucumber, chill in the fridge for 20mints.

Bring it out, close your eye, and then place the cucumber on both eyes.

It also lightens dark circles too.

Leave it for 10mints. Then rinse it off.

Repeat it like twice a day.

Method 2

1 table spoon of cucumber juice with 1 table spoon of lemon juice, mix them together.

Soak a cotton wool on it and apply under your eye.

Leave it for 15mints and rinse it. Do this daily for 1week until use see a positive change.

Method 3

Soak cotton wool in rose water for a few minutes, put the soaked wool on your closed eyes and leave it
for 15mints. Repeat twice daily.

Method 4

Mid 1 table spoon of tomato juice with half table spoon of lemon juice use a cotton wool to apply it
under your eye lid. Please be careful with this.

Leave if for 10mints and rinse off.


Dark eye circles, eye bags or under eye puffiness are one of the most embarrassing things women don’t
like. Have ever noticed that under your eye lid there is this part that is swollen? It can also called tired
eye. This could be as a result of aging. It can be caused by smoking, dehydration, alcohol consumption,
lack of sleep, sun damage and caffeine consumption. Sometimes you make up but the eye bag makes
you look sick or tired which is not real. These are the natural method to treat them:
Method 1

Cut some slice of cucumber, chill in the fridge for 20mints.

Bring it out, close your eye, and then place the cucumber on both eyes.

It also lightens dark circles too.

Leave it for 10mints. Then rinse it off.

Repeat it like twice a day.

Method 2

1 table spoon of cucumber juice with 1 table spoon of lemon juice, mix them together.

Soak a cotton wool on it and apply under your eye.

Leave it for 15mints and rinse it. Do this daily for 1week until use see a positive change.

Method 3

Soak cotton wool in rose water for a few minutes, put the soaked wool on your closed eyes and leave it
for 15mints. Repeat twice daily.

Method 4

Mid 1 table spoon of tomato juice with half table spoon of lemon juice use a cotton wool to apply it
under your eye lid. Please be careful with this.

Leave if for 10mints and rinse off.



1 table spoon of E Wax

½ table spoon of shea butter

1 table spoon of lightening glycerin

1 tea spoon of kojic dipalmitate powder

1 table spoon of carrot oil

¼ kojic clear pack


Do a double boiler

Add your lightening glycerin

Add E wax
Add shea butter and stir all to together

Let it melt, then bring down and allow it to cool

Then do another double boiler

Add carrot oil

Add alpha arbutin powder

Add kojic dipalmite powder and stir all together

Mix it very well and turn it into your first mixture and mix all together

Then turn it into your blender or mixer

Blend it until it gives your creamy mixture NOTE: It can also work for a dark knuckles and dark thigh


To avoid pimples and breakouts, these are the dos and don’t:

do not pick your face, leave it alone for beauty sake, picking of plucking of your pimples can leave a scar
on your face which turns into acne

Always was your hand because of dirties, germ and bacteria. Do not touch your face with a dirty hand

Do not place your face directly to heat e.g. hand dryer, or the sun, always use sun screen creams.

How to treat pimples

Mix1 table spoon of sandalwood

½ of turmeric powder

1 table spoon rose water

Mix very well and apply where you have pimples and rinse it off after 20mints.

The first method mentioned and this other once am about to mention are the remedy for pimples, acne,
blackhead and blemish.

Method 2 ½ table spoon of honey (heat the honey)

A drop of lemon

Mix and apply on the affected part and leave it for 15mints then rinse it off.

Method 3

Ice cubes- massage with ice cubes on the affected areas for 15mints

Apply white tooth paste, leave for 15mints.

Do it 3days not more than that because it will dry up the pimples, remove black head.
You can scrub the black head with a baking soda/bicarbonate of so add with a tooth brush and rinse off
after 15mints.

You will see result immediately.

Method 4

2 table spoon of turmeric

1 table spoon of lemon

1 table spoon of honey

Mix together and apply on the affected areas and rinse off after 15mins


Inflammatory is another kind of pimples. They are those red and swollen types that are very painful.

I hope you know that kind of pimples, it look like boil. Well, if you have those or you want to treat
someone that has it, apply the following method:

Method 1

3 tea spoon of baking soda or bicarbonate of soda

Add a little water to form a paste

On a clean face, apply it on the area and let it dry up, leave it for 15mint

Then rinse it off with warm water


You can use just tomatoes to scrub your face

Do it everyday

You will see changes before you know it

And please always have patience with yourself, don’t give up because you did it for 2days and I didn’t

Remember everyone has different skin type with time you will see the changes that you want



2 table spoon of cocoa butter

1 table spoon of shea butter

2 table spoon of sweet almond oil

1 table spoon avocado oil

1 table spoon cocoa butter


Do a double boiler

Add cocoa butter

Add shea butter

Heat to melt and bring down to cool for 10mints

Add cocoa powder and mix very well

Add sweet almond oil

Add avocado oil

Mix all together. Then pour it into mixer or blender to mix very well and pour it into bowl and allow it to
be freeze for 30mins.

NOTE: Remove from freezer after 30mints when it has solidify and reblend to give creamy texture.

Weight Loss drink

Drinking this Every Evening Burns Belly Fat Like Crazy

You can boost your energy by making this lemon and pineapple water at home. It burns belly fat faster
and the taste is great.

If you eat late night snacks then you should consume this drink instead. You will feel fresh and your body
will be slim naturally.

It reduces extra fat from your belly area with the help of enzymes and antioxidants. It improves the way
you look, flatten and firmer your stomach, and boost immune system. You can mix ginger with
pineapple water to increase taste and benefits. If you continuously drink it, you will see your body
changing rapidly.

The best time to consume is evening because your body becomes week at that time and you need a
metabolism-boost. It will detoxify the body, and clean any toxins you have in your liver and stomach.
Consume it for days and you will see results in looks. Below mention is the method to make Pineapple
water drink.

Pineapple juice – 1 cup

Lemon – 1

Ginger – 3

Mint leaves – 6

Water – 2 cup


Juice these ingredients and consume it in evening for better results. When you are hungry and you want
something before dinner, you can consume this drink instead of going for junk food and artificial drinks.


½ cup papaya juice

3 cups of water

2 cups of oil (of choice)

5g of sodium hydroxide (lye)

Base soap (castile soap)


Melt your base soap mixed in oil, add water, then stir until well dissolved, pour in the papaya juice and
stir (Make sure to add lye to your water). mix well and finally pour into the mold. Leave in the mold for
48hrs, remove from mold, then cut into shapes. Let it sit for 30days before use.


Carrot soap is easy to make and the ingredients can be found at the supermarket at low prices.

The color of the soap will vary according to the quality of the ingredients.

300 ml coconut oil

400 ml olive oil

100 ml almond oil

200 ml of water used for cooking carrots

100 g pureed carrot

110g sodium hydroxide

½ tablespoon pure honey

10 drops carrot seed essential oil


Before starting, put on rubber gloves, make sure you have space to work with the ingredients, and use
wooden utensils.

Step 1: Boil the carrots until soft, remove from heat and puree with a fork.

Step 2: In a separate container, combine the pureed carrots and 200 ml of the cooking water.

Step 3: Carefully add the sodium hydroxide while stirring with a wooden spoon. Let the mixture sit for
several minutes.

Step 4: Incorporate the coconut, olive, and almond oils along with the honey and carrot seed essential
oil into the mixture.

Step 5: Stir with a wooden spoon. Youll notice the mixture will start to thicken.

Step 6: Put the mixture into silicone molds and let harden for 2 days before using.

: Almond body lotion.


1/2 cup of water

1/8 tsp of borax

1/2 cup of almond oil

1tsp coconut oil

1tsp of beeswax

2tsp of honey

3-4 drops of any essential oils


1. Mix water and borax together,stirring until well mixed set aside.

2. Mix almond oil,coconut oil,honey, and beeswax in a glass measuring cup

3. Place a cup with d oils and beeswax in a pan if water.heat over medium until d beeswax is melted.
Wen d wax is melted, bring d water/borax solution almost to boiling ( put d borax in a microwave to
warm a lil).

4.remove d oil beeswax from d stove and pour into blender .

5. Slowly add water/borax to d mixture in d blender and whip..

Allow d lotion to cool completely.the consistency may seem a bit thin, but it will thicken as it cool.

6. You may add ur essential oils now and mix together

5 tips to get rid of dark patches on skin

It is very common to get some dark brown spots on your skin. Major cause behind this might be sun
exposure or some times it might be because of hormonal changes too. If you also have some black or
brown spots on your face, no need to worry, check these very simple and very effective home remedies
to get rid of this

Vitamin E oil

It is best for all skin type, take 2 vitamin e capsules (it is available in all chemist shops), pin it and
squeeze out its oil. Now massage your face with this in circular motion.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is very effective in lightening dark spots because of its natural bleaching properties. Just
apply some lemon juice on spots regularly and you can see results in just few days
Lemon can dry your skin, so after washing your face always apply some moisturizer

Raw milk

Lactic acid present in raw milk can lighten dark spots and it will alos nourish your skin. Apply raw milk to
the affected areas overnight, and you will slowly see a reduction in darkening and spots.

Turmeric powder with orange juice

This is a great mixture you can easily prepare at home with very common ingredients from your kitchen.

Mix a pinch of turmeric powder with 2 tablespoons of orange juice.

Apply this to the affected areas overnight.

This mixture will help lighten any pigmentation or dark skin patches and with regular use will remove
the spots entirely.


Apply warm honey to the face, and leave it on for 20 minutes. Wash off with water. Use this mask at
least 4 times a week to see visible effects.

*NIGHT GLOW SERUM---Aloe vera gel--2tsp, milk--2tsp, Olive oil--1smalltsp, Citrus Essential oil of your
choice, 2tsp, mix thoroughly until they form smooth creamy-like consistency, apply this on your face
every night

Home Remedies for Oily Skin

1. Clay Mask

Clay masks remove dirt, makeup, dead skin cells, and other impurities from the skin while tightening
pores, giving you a cleaner, more refined skin tone.

Mix rosewater or plain water into 3 tablespoons of Fuller’s Earth to make a paste.

Apply to face, leave on 20 minutes.

Rinse with water.

Repeat once a week.

2. Vinegar

Both white and apple cider vinegar exfoliate skin and balance the hormones responsible for over-
production of oil.


Use a cotton ball to apply vinegar to your face.

Leave it on for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Repeat for 3 weeks.

Note: Vinegar can also be chilled or frozen into ice cubes and rubbed over the skin.

3. Salt

As a disinfectant and a natural drying agent, salt is one of the most effective ways to remove excess oil.


Fill a spray bottle with tepid water and add a teaspoon of salt.

Close your eyes and spray the salt water on your face.

Do not rinse.

Repeat daily to get rid of oil skin.

4. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice dries out excess oil, revitalizing and rejuvenating your skin.


Mix equal parts water and fresh-squeezed lemon juice.

Apply it to your face.

Once it’s dry, rinse with warm water, then cool water.

Repeat regularly, preferably right before showers.

Note: You can replace the water with cucumber juice.

5. Apple

Apples are rich in fiber, vitamin C, and alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) which tone, soften, and moisturize the

Process 1

Mix ½ cup mashed apple, ½ cup oatmeal, 1 slightly beaten egg white, and 1 teaspoon lemon juice to
make a paste.

Apply to face and leave on 15-20 minutes.

Rinse with cool water.

Repeat regularly.

Process 2

De-seed and crush a fresh apple.

Mix it with 4 tablespoons honey.

Apply to face and leave on 15-20 minutes.

Rinse with lukewarm water.

Repeat regularly.

6. Cornstarch
Cornstarch dries up excess oil, leaving skin soft and clear.


Mix 2-3 tablespoons cornstarch with warm water to make a paste.

Apply to face and leave on until dry.

Rinse with lukewarm water,

Repeat daily.

7. Tomato

Tomato juice removes excess oil and tightens pores.


Put a fresh tomato in the blender to make juice.

Use a cotton ball to apply it to your face.

Leave on until dry, then rinse with lukewarm water.

Repeat 1-2 times weekly.

8. Milk

Milk serves as an oil free cleanser that minimizes sebum to leave skin soft and supple.

Process 1

Wash your face thoroughly.

Mix 2 teaspoons milk with 2-3 drops lavender or sandalwood oil.

Use a cotton ball to massage the mixture into your skin.

Leave on overnight or until dry, then rinse with water.

Repeat daily.

Note: you can also wash your face with plain milk.

Process 2

Dip an ice cube in milk and rub it on your face.

Keeping dipping and rubbing for 5-10 minutes.

Repeat regularly.

9. Almond Honey Scrub

Almonds and honey exfoliate skin, removing excess oil, dead skin cells, and other impurities.


Mix almond meal with honey to make a paste.

Use a hot wash cloth to massage it into your face for 5-10 minutes.

Rinse with water.

Repeat regularly.

10. Baking Soda

Baking soda exfoliates to remove dead skin cells, regulates oil production, and helps to balance the
skin’s pH levels.


Mix 2 tablespoons baking soda with 1 tablespoon water to make a paste.

Massage it into your face.

Let dry 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

11. Banana and Honey

Banana and honey remove excess oil and soothe skin, leaving it brighter and more hydrated.


Blend one peeled banana and 1 tablespoon honey to make a fine solution.

Add a few drops lemon or orange juice.

Apply to face and let dry 15 minutes.

Wash off with cool or steaming hot washcloth and pat dry.

Apply oil free moisturizer.

Note: you can also apply plain honey as a mask.

12. Orange Peel

Orange peel contains astringents, which help to control oil secretion.


Dry an orange peel in the sun.

Blend it to make a powder.

Mix the powder with rosewater to make a paste.

Apply to face and leave on 15 minutes.

Rinse with water.

Repeat regularly to control oil and prevent blemishes.

13. Egg Yolk Mask

Egg yolk is one of the simplest ways to remove excess oil.

Separate the yolks from two eggs and whip them.

Use a cotton ball to apply them to your face.

Leave on 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

14. Oatmeal with Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera and oatmeal absorb excess oil.


Mix 1 tablespoon oatmeal with Aloe Vera gel to make a paste.

Apply to face and leave on 15 min and[truncated by WhatsApp]

HOME REMEDY FOR SURBURN. Grate potatoes and apply to sunburned skin. The starch will cool and
soothe the burn.

Apply peppermint oil to sunburned skin, as long as the skin isn't blistered. Use a peppermint infusion as
a milder wash to help cool a sunburn.

Use apple cider vinegar, plain or diluted, to ease a sunburn. Dissolve Epson salts or baking soda in
water, apply to a clean cloth, and drape the cloth over the affected skin. Add some black or green tea to
your bathwater to soothe sunburned skin. Or pat sunburned skin with wet tea bags.

Mix 1 cup water and 20 to 25 drops lavender oil and use to bathe the sunburned area. Or, apply the
solution with a spray bottle.


1. Wash your raw turmeric.

2. Scrap its skin.

3. Put in a cooking pot.

4. Cover it with water like you want to cook yam.

5. Leave it to boil for 40mins.

6. When it becomes tender, drain and dry it on a paper in room temperature.

7. When it dries completely, grind it to powder form.


Detect the one that works for you and you are not allergic to.

1) Lemon grass / Tea leaf ,Lemon,turmeric, garlic and ginger.

Boil your lemon grass, sieve and allow cool, blend lemon,turmeric, garlic and ginger together and pour
inside d water. Put in a plastic bottle or glass jar and refrigerate , it lasted 5days. Then drink morning and
night. It works wonder.

2) Lemon, honey, and ginger too works. Grate/ blend your fresh Lemon,ginger and (garlic if u can bear d
smell) boil with little water, sieve and allow cool, then you put honey and juice your Lemon into it and
drink. Pls note that if you av infection or menstrual disorder, your menstruation might comes d same
day or next as it will flush it all out.

3) Also chewing of Scent leaf known as Efinrin or bitter leaf also works but u go Mess pass Jelili oniso.

4) Napa ginger and honey tea too, but juice grape into it to make it work faster.

5)Lemon juice in warm water too, every morning and night

Note pls:

All Nursing Mother's shouldn't take this until after winning period

But take Moringa leaf and honey instead, boil your Moringa leaf if u can't chew, allow cool and put

Note that addind honey to a hot recipe makes it loose its potency, so add only when its cool.

When using all this recipe always measure yourself to know how much pounds of fat you've burn,
especially when you don't av more than a courier travelling bag and a box of clothes like me. Or else,
you will start sewing new clothes for your new Stature

Home remedies for sunburn.

1. Baking Soda

Baking soda can be very soothing on sunburned skin due to its alkaline nature. Plus, it has antiseptic
properties that will relieve the itchy sensation associated with sunburn.
Fill your bathtub with cold water, add one cup of baking soda and stir well. Soak in the water for about
15 minutes. After getting out of the bath, pat dry or allow your body to air dry. Do this once daily until
you get positive results.

Alternatively, mix four tablespoons of baking soda with enough water to make a paste. Apply the paste
directly on the affected skin using a cotton ball. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash it off with
tepid water. Follow this remedy once or twice a day for several days depending upon the severity of
your condition.

2. Oatmeal

Oatmeal can also help treat sunburned skin. It has soothing properties that help the skin retain its
natural moisture and reduce irritation.

Fill the bathtub with cool water, add one cup of oatmeal to it and mix thoroughly. Soak in the bath
water for about half an hour. After getting out of the water, air dry your body and avoid rubbing the skin
with a towel. Do this once daily until you get rid of the sunburn symptoms.

Alternatively, cook oatmeal with enough water until it has a runny consistency.

Skin Softening Aloe Vera


You will need:

1 cup glycerin soap base

1/8 cup aloe vera gel ( or remove the gel fresh

from the bark of the aloe vera leaf )

2 tbsp nettle leaf , crushed and dried


Mix together all the three ingredients in a

microwave safe bowl, warm it in the microwave

till the soap base is melted, remove and pour into

moulds. Allow it to set for a while, de-mould, and

you’re done!
Face toner


Rose water

Distilled water


Fill half bottle with rose water den fill with distilled water and mix.use on d face after cleaning and
through out d day.store in a cool dry place


Ingredients _:1/2 cup of castle soap

3tsp honey

2tsp milk ( goat milk or egyptian milk)

5tsp aloe Vera juice

1tsp coconut/sunflower oil

1/2 cup of glycerin

1tsp royal jelly

30drops grape seed extract


place d aloe Vera juice, and honey stir thoroughly add the mixture to ur blender add the glycerin,
honey, milk, olive oil, grape seed, n blend on low for a minute. Pour in a bowl and mix in castle soap,
make sure it incorporates well. Once you've got a texture you're happy with, pour the soap through a
sieve to remove any solids.


½ cup papaya juice

3 cups of water

2 cups of oil (of choice)

5g of sodium hydroxide (lye)

Base soap (castile soap)


Melt your base soap mixed in oil, add water, then stir until well dissolved, pour in the papaya juice and
stir (Make sure to add lye to your water). mix well and finally pour into the mold. Leave in the mold for
48hrs, remove from mold, then cut into shapes. Let it sit for 30days before use.


Carrot soap is easy to make and the ingredients can be found at the supermarket at low prices.

The color of the soap will vary according to the quality of the ingredients.


300 ml coconut oil

400 ml olive oil

100 ml almond oil

200 ml of water used for cooking carrots

100 g pureed carrot

110g sodium hydroxide

½ tablespoon pure honey

10 drops carrot seed essential oil


Before starting, put on rubber gloves, make sure you have space to work with the ingredients, and use
wooden utensils.

Step 1: Boil the carrots until soft, remove from heat and puree with a fork.

Step 2: In a separate container, combine the pureed carrots and 200 ml of the cooking water.

Step 3: Carefully add the sodium hydroxide while stirring with a wooden spoon. Let the mixture sit for
several minutes.

Step 4: Incorporate the coconut, olive, and almond oils along with the honey and carrot seed essential
oil into the mixture.

Step 5: Stir with a wooden spoon. Youll notice the mixture will start to thicken.

Step 6: Put the mixture into silicone molds and let harden for 2 days before using.

How to make rice soap for skin whitening(melt and pour method)


*1lb goat milk soap base

*1/4 cup rice powder

*20 drops lemon essential oil

* soap mold

* teaspoon of sodium lactate


Melt ur goat milk paste,add a teaspoon of sodium lactate,add 20 drops of lemon essential oil.

Stir it very well and add ur rice powder to it and stir.Pour in your mould and let it sit for 6-12hrs before

This is not like other soaps that u cure for months before using.The rice powder and goat milk will
mFacial cleanser with african black soap and whitening powders.

Facial cleanser with african black soap

Recipe-(Whitening powders)

*1tablespoon sandalwood powder

*1tablesspoon rice powder

*1tablespoon tumeric

*1tablespoon milk powder

*1tablespoon indian healing clay

*1cup african black soap

Mix all together and use in cleaning ur face.It will remove impurities from the face and also good for
sunburn,acne prone skin and oily skin too.

Facial mask recipe for whitening


*1tablespoon rice powder

*1tablespoon sandalwood powder

*1tablespoon orange peel powder

*1tablespoon tumeric powder

Rice powder,its natural and anti-aging and oil absorbing properties makes it good for oily skin or acne
prone skin.It is also a good whitening agent that soothes sunburn and makes skin smooth and fair

Orange peel powder is one of the effective ways to whiten skin naturally which also helps to lighten the

Sandalwood powder is filled with assorted nutrients that can enhance healthy functioning of ur skin
which can help lighten d skin.

Milk powder contains lactic acid and other nutrients that exfoilate the skin and at the same time whiten

Tumeric powder can help relieve sunburn,repair skin damage and reduce pigmentation.

Mix all powders together with either honey or water to form a paste then apply on ur face and leave
for some minutes before u wash off.

Facial Cream Type 2:


» 2tsp olive oil,

» 2tsp emulsifying wax,

» 3tbsp water,

» 2tsp citrus oil (orange oil or carrots oil)

» vitamin E oil 1 capsule and

» 2tsp rose essential oil.


On a double boiler, melt the emulsifying wax and olive oil. After melting add 3tbsp of water and mix very
well then add vitamin E capsule, citrus oil and rose essential oil and mix very well into a creamy
consistency. Scoop into a clean container.
Eye gel for puffiness,eye bags,dark circle and wrinkles.

Things u will need are-* cosmetics jar

* measuring spoons

*1 and half tablespoon aloevera gel-its anti-inflammatory effects decrease puffy under eye bags. It is
anti aging and contains vitamins and anti oxidants, heals and soothes the skin.

*1 tablespoon vitamin e oil-very moisturizing,helps restore elasticity,heals scarring and fine lines

*10 drops licorice extracts-fades dark spots,blemishes and lightens skin.Potent anti oxidant that fights
free radicals,soothing and healing

*10 drops green tea extracts-contains caffeine and tannings that reduces swelling and puffiness under
the eyes,rich in anti oxidants.


pour aloe gel in container,put licorice extracts,add 10 drops green tea,stir to combine well.

Add ur vitamin E cream or oil,stir and put in a container.Store in a bag and keep in d fridge.Use when its
cold coz it helps to reduce the puffiness and circulates blood flow

How to Lighten face naturally

Recipe-1 tablespoon beeswax

1 tablespoon stearic acid

1/2cup papaya oil mixed with carrot oil

1/2cup aloe vera gel

1 tablespoon vitamin b powder

10 drops peppermint essential oil

1tablespoon preservative.

*******Lets make our papaya oil first.

Get one ripe pawpaw and cut to pieces. Don't remove the skin or seeds.Put in the blender and blend to
get the puree. Put pan on the stove, pour 2 cups of olive oil or any oil of choice. Alotdd ur pawpaw
puree to it and cook(it wont loose nutrients)stir and allow it to cook.When its cooked the puree will float
on top of the oil.Allow to cool then sieve into ur container.

How to make aloe vera oil

Procedure-wash and cut ur aloe vera leaf to tiny pieces,put in a blender and blend it.Pour coconut or
olive oil in a pan on low heat,pour in ur fresh aloe vera juice into the oil and cook on low heat for 10-
15mins.Bring down,allow to cool then sieve into ur container.

Method 2

cut ur aloe leaf into tiny bits,put in a container and fill it up with coconut oil.The oil has to cover the aloe
vera.Shake well and cover,store in a dark place where there is no sunlight and use after one month.It
will smell bad but thats okay.Strain it and add ur essential oils

Aloe vera is good for moisturizing,soothes burns,fight aging,accelerate wound healing,lighten

blemishes,reduce infestation,promote hair growth,condition hair and scalp,prevent dandruff.

Treatment for pimples

Recipe- 60g oils(olive and avocado oils)

20g stearic acid

15g emulwax

40g oatmeal +1/2 cup of water

50g african black soap

1/2 teaspoon aloe vera leaf powder

1/2 teaspoon lemon peel powder

1/2 teaspoon papaya leaf powder

1/2 teaspoon tumeric powder

1/2 teaspoon indian healing clay

1/2 cup of water to mix powders

10 drops tea tree essential oil

Procedure-Dissolve ur oatmeal powder with water and leave for 24hours before blending.(u will get
oatmeal milk when blended).Use the blended oatmeal milk to dissolve ur african black soap

Melt ur stearic acid,emulwax with ur oils,wen melted add ur african liquid black soap to the oils and
blend,mix ur powders with with water and add to the mixture,add ur tea tree essential oil and blend it
very well.It will be thick and creamy.

Wash ur face and apply,leave for 10mins and wash off.After a week all ur pimples will clear off
Fairness serum


-1 tablespoon glycerine and rosewater(i use boots)

1 teaspoon kojic acid powder or oil

1 teaspoon carrot oil

2 tablespoon aloe vera gel

4 vitamin e capsule

1/2 tablespoon essential oil

Bowl for mixing

Procedure-pour ur glycerine and rosewater in a container,add one teaspoon of kojic acid and stir.

Add ur aloe gel,vitamin e capsules and essential oil(carrot oil).Mix very well and pour into ur sterilized
container.Use day and night.

Serums are often overlooked.

Your moisturizer PROTECTS your skin, that's all. Your serum will CHANGE your skin. You need both to
achieve the result your looking for.

Apply your serum first and your moisturizer over top.

This will give your skin the benefit of healing whatever your trying to target, as well as preventing it.

How to mix skin lighten soaps

Recipe-3 bars of lightening soaps(i use amos white soap,kojic san soap and clear therapy soap CT+

1 cup african black soap

1 cup of milk powder

1/4 avocado oil or any oil of choice

4 tablespoon water

1 teaspoon cedar wood essential oil(optional)

1 teaspoon rosemary essential oil

Procedure-grate all soaps together,pour in a bowl and mix them together.Put in ur african black
soap,add ur milk powder,avocado oil and water.Use ur hand or wooden spoon to mix throughly.Add ur
essential oil and store for use.U can use any skin lighen soap for this.


As a Face Cream

One of the most basic uses of Egyptian Magic is as a face

cream. This oil-based cream works as a deep moisturizer,

keeping skin smooth, soft, and supple if applied regularly.

When using Egyptian Magic on your skin, begin by taking a

little bit of the cream out of the tub and rubbing it between

your fingers and hands. This process warms the cream,

giving it an oily consistency that easily blends into the skin.

For best results, apply this cream twice a day.

For a deeper level of moisturizing, Egyptian Magic also

makes a great face mask. After pulling your hair back and

cleaning your face, take a larger than normal portion of

cream from the tub. Apply the cream to your face and allow

it to sit for 15 to 30 minutes. Use a tissue to wipe off the


As a Makeup Remover

At the end of a long day, use Egyptian Magic to clean off

the remains of your makeup . The natural oils found in this

cream effectively clean the skin and break down the oils
found in most cosmetics. Massage a small amount of

cream onto your face with a wet cloth or hands. Rinse off

the cream, making sure to avoid your eyes.

As an Acne Treatment

Some users find that Egyptian Magic helps to treat their

acne and acne scarring. While evidence for this is purely

anecdotal, some believe that the oils found in this cream

cause the skin to stop producing oil, reducing the likeliness

of acne. To treat your acne, apply the cream twice daily

after washing your face, removing any excess with a tissue

or cloth.

As a Conditioner

Egyptian Magic is just as nourishing for hair as it is for the

skin. In order to use it as a conditioner , rub a small amount

into the tips of your hair while showering. Allow it to sit for

15 minutes and then rinse it out.

You can also use it

occasionally as part of a hot pack.

To tame fly-aways, simply rub a small amount of cream

between your palms and smooth them over your hair before

leaving in the morning. Reapply as needed to control your

hair while keeping it looking shiny and healthy.

Egyptian Magic for Healing

Egyptian Magic can help your body heal in many ways.

Because of its moisturizing properties, it makes for a great

lip balm or hand salve: simply rub a small amount onto dry

lips or hands.

Some users report that Egyptian Magic helps speed the

healing of cuts and burns. To use it for this purpose, rub a

small amount of cream onto the affected area. If you are

treating a cut, be sure to clean the wound beforehand and

cover it with a bandage after applying the cream. Wait to

apply the cream for 24 hours after sustaining any burns to

make sure heat does not continue to conduct underneath


Chamomile infused oil or olive oil 30g

Beeswax 10g

Raw honey 5g

Bee pollen 1/2tsp

Propolis 40drops


Put the oil and beeswax together in a small saucepan and melt on low heat, reserving 1 or 2 tsp of olive
oil. Whisk the honey in a small bowl, slowly blending in the pollen, propolis and reserved olive oil. Mix
well. Once your oil and beeswax have melted, remove from heat and let it cool, stirring until you have a
creamy substance. Add the honey mixture to the pot and vigorously whisk everything together. When
the mixture is thoroughly mixed, pour into a small tin and chill in the fridge. Use on skin, lips, blemishes.


60ml titanium dioxide

60ml sodium silicate

3ml anti bacterial liquid

3ml preservative (phenoxy ethanol)

60ml moisturizer (castor oil)

60ml Cocos ethanol amide(CDEA)

60ml kamias extract (Averrhoa bilimbi)

32 lye solution (caustic soda)

60ml evaporated milk

6k coconut oil

12pieces glutathione capsules

100ml fragrance

60ml apple extract

4L distilled water

Now since titanium dioxide and caustic soda comes in powder, dissolve in water. Titanium dioxide 60g in
1.5L of water and 1kilo caustic soda in 2.5L of water


pour your c/nut oil into a pail, the gluta powder from the capsules,then mix it with c/nut oil until the
powder is fully dissolved. Now pour your ingredients into the mix in the following order: sodium silicate,
CDEA, moisturizer, kamias extract, apple extract, milk, titanium dioxide, preservative, antibacterial liquid
and the fragrance. If the ingredients are not added in this order, the texture of your soap will be rough.
Mix the ingredients well with hand mixer (As you pour in your ingredients one by one, keep mixing).
Now gradually pour the lye solution into the mixture, mixing continuously in one direction (changing
direction when mixing will create swirls or a cloudy effect on soap). After adding the lye solution, you
will notice a change in the color & consistency of the mixture, continue mixing until it becomes like that
of condensed milk, the mixtures get finer as you continue to mix. Make sure you mix well enough;
otherwise the soap will feel rough.

Cover the hollow part of your mold with plastic sheet so that your soap will not stuck to the mold and
can be easily removed. Pour your soap into the mold, let it stay in the mold for 48hrs, before removing,
cut into shapes. You can get 60 or more pieces, smoothen the edges of soap with scraper. Use after

Shelf life 1-5 years


60ml titanium dioxide

60ml sodium silicate

3ml anti bacterial liquid

3ml preservative (phenoxy ethanol)

60ml moisturizer (castor oil)

60ml Cocos ethanol amide(CDEA)

60ml kamias extract (Averrhoa bilimbi)

32 lye solution (caustic soda)

60ml evaporated milk

6k coconut oil

12pieces glutathione capsules

100ml fragrance

60ml apple extract

4L distilled water

Now since titanium dioxide and caustic soda comes in powder, dissolve in water. Titanium dioxide 60g in
1.5L of water and 1kilo caustic soda in 2.5L of water


pour your c/nut oil into a pail, the gluta powder from the capsules,then mix it with c/nut oil until the
powder is fully dissolved. Now pour your ingredients into the mix in the following order: sodium silicate,
CDEA, moisturizer, kamias extract, apple extract, milk, titanium dioxide, preservative, antibacterial liquid
and the fragrance. If the ingredients are not added in this order, the texture of your soap will be rough.
Mix the ingredients well with hand mixer (As you pour in your ingredients one by one, keep mixing).
Now gradually pour the lye solution into the mixture, mixing continuously in one direction (changing
direction when mixing will create swirls or a cloudy effect on soap). After adding the lye solution, you
will notice a change in the color & consistency of the mixture, continue mixing until it becomes like that
of condensed milk, the mixtures get finer as you continue to mix. Make sure you mix well enough;
otherwise the soap will feel rough.

Cover the hollow part of your mold with plastic sheet so that your soap will not stuck to the mold and
can be easily removed. Pour your soap into the mold, let it stay in the mold for 48hrs, before removing,
cut into shapes. You can get 60 or more pieces, smoothen the edges of soap with scraper. Use after
Shelf life 1-5 years

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