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What’s on Your Mind?

: Discussing Social Media

Simone Santa Catharina

Aline Maciel Pereira


1) Discuss with your partner:

a) Do you like using Facebook?

b) What do you like to do more when you are on-line on Facebook?

c) Do you follow any Facebook pages? Do you ever comment your friend’s posts?

d) Do you think using Facebook is a positive or a negative thing? Why?


2) These photos belong to a Youtube video. In groups, try to organize them in a

chronological order and try to guess the story. After that, you are going to present to
your classmates what have you thought. REVISTA BEM LEGAL • Porto Alegre • v. 5• Especial • 2015 36


3) Watch and compare your version of the story (exercise 2) with what really happened
in the video.


4) Watch the video again and discuss in groups the meaning of the words below. If you
already know their meaning, write it. If you don't, search them in the dictionary and
complete the table below. After that, share what you have searched with the class. REVISTA BEM LEGAL • Porto Alegre • v. 5• Especial • 2015 37

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5

to run clubbing to quit new to see

single relationship to follow life to hide

Word Meaning


5) Answer the questions in pairs:

a) What is this video about?

b) What are the main character’s actions? Why do you think he acts like that?

c) How do the other characters behave?

d) Watch the video again: What do you think happened in the end?

e) Did you enjoy the video? Why?

f) Have you ever seen something similar to that happening in real life?

6) Discuss with your partner:

a) Have you ever watched a video like this? How was it? Did you like it?

b) What is a video like this for? For what reasons would someone make a video like
that? REVISTA BEM LEGAL • Porto Alegre • v. 5• Especial • 2015 38


7) In pairs, observe the sentences below:

a) Have you ever seen the words “tonite” and “gr8”? Do you understand their

b) In which situations words can be written like that?

c) Do you know this kind of language in Portuguese? Give examples.


8) Discuss in groups:

a) Are you familiar with Youtube comments?

b) Have you ever read or written one?

c) What are they used for? Why do people write comments on this website?

d) What are the characteristics of this kind of text? (size, vocabulary, etc). REVISTA BEM LEGAL • Porto Alegre • v. 5• Especial • 2015 39

9) At home read the comments below observing the characteristics of this kind of
text (-Is it long/short? – Is it formal/informal – Is there any word abbreviated?
Why?). Also observe what the opinions expressed in each comment are. After
that, based on the discussions made so far, write your own comment about the
video expressing your opinion. REVISTA BEM LEGAL • Porto Alegre • v. 5• Especial • 2015 40

Simone Santa Catharina
Licenciada e bacharel em Letras Italiano pela UFRGS,
trabalha com o ensino da língua italiana e da língua
inglesa, na qual estará se formando em menos de
um ano, também como professora. Ela leciona
italiano e inglês no Colégio Parobé em Porto Alegre,
há 10 anos, para alunos na terceira idade.
Recentemente apresentou um trabalho sobre
semelhanças e diferenças entre o italiano e o
português na 60a. Feira do Livro de Porto Alegre. è
sócia da Associação Rio-grandense de Professores
de Italiano, ARPI, e da Associação de Professores de
Inglês do Rio Grande do Sul. Simone é Especialista em Metodologia do Ensino de
Português e Língua Estrangeira pela UNINTER.

Aline Maciel Pereira

Licencianda em Letras Português-Inglês pela
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Possui
experiência no ensino de Língua Adicional e em
pesquisa de Iniciação Científica. Lecionou no
Programa de Português para Estrangeiros UFRGS e
participou do projeto PorPorpular (padrões do
Português Popular Escrito) desenvolvendo estudos
iniciais na área de Linguística de Corpus sobre o
vocabulário do jornal Diário Gaúcho. REVISTA BEM LEGAL • Porto Alegre • v. 5• Especial • 2015 41

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