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Management Notes

 Modern Concept of Marketing, Marketing Mix- Product, Price, Place and promotion,
Supply Chain Management, Logistics Mix, E-commerce and E-Marketing, Business and
Corporate Ethics.
foi.ku dh vk/kqfud vo/kkj.kk] foi.ku feJ.k&mRikn] ewY;] LFkku vkSj lao/kZu] vkiwfrZ Ük`a[kyk
izc/a ku] izpkyu ra=] bZ&okf.kT;] ] bZ&foi.ku] O;olk; rFkk fuxe vkpkjuhfrA
 Wealth Maximization, Sources of Finance-Short and Long Term, Capital Structure, Cost
of Capital, Distribution of Profit, Banking and Non-Banking Financial Institutions
(NBFI), stock market, Multi-national Companies (MNCs), Foreign Direct Investment
(FDI), Foreign Institutional Investment (FII)
/ku ds vf/kdredj.k dh vo/kkj.kk] foÙk ds L=ksr&vYidkyhu rFkk nh?kZdkyhu] iw¡th lajpuk]
iw¡th dh ykxr] ykHkksa dk foHkktu] cSfdax foÙkh; laLFkku] 'ks;j cktkj] cgqjk"Vªh; dEifu;k¡]
fons'kh izR;{k fuos'k] fons'kh laLFkkxr fuos'k A
 Leadership Theories and Styles, Group, Behaviour, Individual Behaviour, Attitude,
Values, Team Building, Motivation theories, Conflict Management, Time Management,
Stress Management, Training, Development and Appraisal Systems.
usr`Ro ds fl)kUr rFkk 'kSfy;k¡] lewg O;ogkj] O;fDrxr O;ogkj] vfHko`fr] ewY; Vhe fuekZ.k]
vfHkizsj.k ds fl)kUr] la?k"kZ&izcU/ku] le; izcU/k] ruko&izca/ku] izf'k{k.k] fodkl rFkk vkdyu
 Entrepreneurship : Incubation, Startups, Unicorns, Venture Capital, Angel Investors.
m|ferk &mn~Hkou] LVkVZvIl] ;wfudkWuZ] m|e iw¡th] ,aty fuos'kdA
 Management of Essential Services : Education Management, Healthcare and Wellness
Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management.
vR;ko';d lsokvksa dk izc/a ku & f'k{kk izca/ku] gsYFkds;j rFkk oSyusl izca/ku] i;VZu rFkk
vkfrF; izca/kuA

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes


Meaning :- (Henry Fayol) To manage is a for cast and to plan, to organise to command to coordinate
and to control.


Traditional Modern

"Management is getting work Management is the process of

done through people" gethings done
With aim/ of achieving
goal effectively, efficiently
There are 3 elements of management
1. Process
2. Effectivness & Efficiency
3. Achievement of goal

 Characteristics of Management :-
1. It is human activity.
2. Related to human organistation
3. It is a creative activity
4. It is a universal activity
5. It based on well established, universal principle.
 Scope of Management :-
1. Production Management
2. Marketing Management
3. Human Resources Management
4. Financial Management
5. Purchase Management
6. Office Management
7. Development Management
1. Production Management :- Production should be according to demand of market.
2. Marketing Management :- Find out the needs & wants of the customers/consumers (through
3. Human-Resource Management :-
i. Recruiment
ii. Selection

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

iii. Training &

iv. Development of Employees.
4. Financial Management :-
i. Determining the sources of finance
ii. Recovery of finance.
iii. Investment decision
5. PurchaseManagement :-
i. Receiving the raw material
ii. Determining the source of supply
iii. Time bounded delievery (of materials)
6. Office Management :-
i. To collect facts , datas & informations
ii. filing (to do filing)
iii. Public relation
7. Development Management
i. To develop the new techniques of production

Scope of Management according to activity

Management of work Management of people Management of operation

Planning Controlling Staffing Directing Production Purchases

Organising Sales

Importance of Management :-

1. Helps in achieving organisational goal.

2. Improves efficiency
3. It makes the organisation dynamic. (creates dynamic organistion)
4. Helps in achieving personal objective
5. Helps in development of society
6. It brings harmony in organisation

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Level of Management :-

1. Top level management President /GM/MD/CEO/Board of Directors.

2. Middle level Management Managers (Production , marketing, finance)

3. Lower level management

Supervisor, Forman, Clerk


Functions of Top level Management

1. Determining objectives
2. Framing of plaus & policies.
3. Determining of activities.
4. To collect the resources
5. Survival of organisation
6. Relations with outside world.

Functions of middle level Management.

1. Interpretation of policies.
2. Recruitment of Resources & their selection
3. to Inspire sub ordinates
4. To control & directing of resources (workers/labourcess)

Functions of lower level management :-

1. Representing governance of workers.
2. Provides good working conditions (Inter personal relation)
3. Safety of workers.
4. To maintain quality of (goods product & services)

Role of Management in Development of Society :-

1. Suppling good quality goods & services.
2. Contribution towards civic activity
3. Helps in ecounomical growth
4. To provides employment apportunity.
5. Shows the path of growth & development
6. Proper utilization of resources.

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

7. Brings changes in lifestyle. /helps to improve living standard.

Functions of Management
1. Planning :-
2. Organising
3. Staffing
4. directing
5. Controlling

Modern concept of Marketing

 Marketing is a social process by which products & services are created to fulfil the needs of
individuals and group.

Marketing Management philosophy/views/ideologies

Producation Product Selling Marketing Societal marketing

1. Production :- This ideology believes that it's easy to sell the product when product is affordable &
easily available.
Profit through large volume of production.
2. Product :- It believs that consumer will buy high quality products.
gets profit through quality of product.
3. Selling :- It believes that a customer will not by a product unless the company makes a large scale
selling & promotional effort (center point - seller)
4. Marketing :- It believes that product should be designed & produced by keeping in mind the needs
of costomers.
Its main motto is consumer satisfaction (Center point consumer)
5. Societal-marketting :- this concept emphasis on the satisfaction of
1. Customers & fulfilment of the goals of interests & welfare of society as a whole.
6. Sustainable marketing :- Sustainable marketing is the type of marketing that uses products and
services that respect the invironment and social aspects around.
It aims to improve life quality by promoting products, services and ideas that don't harm the

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Difference between marketing & selling

Selling Marketing

1. It's a part of marketing activity 1. It’s a broad concept

2. Focuses on Needs of seller 2. Needs of Consumers

3. Main objective is to maximize sells to gain 3. Main objective is satisfaction of consumer

4. Starts after production & ends with sells of 4. Starts much before production & continues
product even after sell

5. Centre of Selling is Seller. 5. Centre of marketing is consumer

Marketing Mix
Marketing mix is the term used to describe the combination of 4 inputs which constitute the core of a
company's marketing system.

1. Product
2. Price
3. Place
4. Promotional activities
1. Product :- Product what a seller sells & buyer buys
Product Mix :- It refers to important decisions related to product i.e.
 Branding
 Packaging
 Labelling

There are two types of products :-

1. Convenience Product :-
i. These are of decay/destructive nature.
ii. These can be bought over and over again.
Eg: Bread, ice cream, chocolate
2. Shopping Products :-
i. These are of durable nature.
ii. You can't buy them again and again.
Eg:- Car, TV-, Washing Machine

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

 Branding :-
 Brand is the indentification of product
(naming of the product)
Features of good branding
1. Brand name should be short & simple
2. Brand name should be easy to pronounce
3. Brand name should be unique.
4. Brand name should be suggesting
 Packaging :- Packaging is a set of task or activities which are concerned with the designing
production of an appropriate wrappers & container, bag designing to carry.

Importance/Benefit of Packaging :-
For Product
1. Protection
2. Indentification
3. Convenien
4. Promotion (Silent salesman)

Labelling :- It means putting Idenfying mark on the package.

It is the carrier of information
It Provides information like :-
Name of product, Name of manufacturer, Contents of products, Expiry, manufactureing date etc.

Product Assortment
Product Width :- The width of mix referes to the number of product line the company has to offer.
eg. :- Hindustan lever 1. Soap 2. Detergents 3. Tea 4. Toothpaste
Depth of Product :- The depth of the product mix refers to the total number of products with in a
product line.
Eg. :- Toothpast & Shampoo These are available different size
2. Price :- Price is the value which a buyer passes to the seller in place of good or service.
Price mix :- It refers to important decision related to fixing price of commodity
Elements of price determination :-
1. Objective of price :- The high price for the profit maximisation and low price for the sales
2. Cost of product :-The price of the product must be able to cover the total cost of product.
3. Extent of competion in the market :- When firms have to face high competition then generally
low price is fixed in case of less completion price can be high.
4. Demand & utility of Customer :- The products with elastic demand
5. Policies of government

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

1. Place :- The set of decision that need to be taken in order to make the product available to the
 Important decision related to physical distribution of goods & services
Place Mix :- It refers to important decisions related to physical distribution of goods and services.

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Place Mix

Channels of distribution Physical movement of goods

Channels of distribution are who help in transferring Physical Distribution:- It means taking
the goods from place of manufacturing to place of decisions regarding transportation of
consumption goods, stock quantity, storage and order
i. Direct channel :- Product directly (Zero level
channel ) from company to consumer There are four major activities involved
No middle man in physical distribution
Company  Consumer
1. Order processing :- It means the
ii. One level channel  Manufacturer/Company
time and steps involved between

taking order from customer and
Retailer (1st)
delivery of goods as per order.

2. Transportation :- It means physical
movement of goods from place of
production to place where they are
iii. Two level channel  Manufacturer

3. Warehousing :- It takes some time
Wholesaler II
between the preparation and sale of

goods, so they have to be stored for
Retailer I
some period.

4. Inventroy (Stock List ) :-
Maintenance of stock of goods.
iv. 3 Level channel  Manufacturer

Agent/dealer III

Wholesaler II

Retailer I


A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

4. Promotion :- Promotion is an activity of communicating with customer & distributional channel

to increase sales. (Publicity)

 Promotion mix :- It refers to all decisions, related to promotion of sales of product & services.
1. Advertising
2. Sales promotion
3. Personal selling
4. Public relation

Advertising :- Sales promotion :- Personal selling :- Public Relation :-

Advertising is a means It is short term use This involves face to Public relations
of communication with of incentives that face interaction means maintaining
the users of product or stimulate the between seller and public relations with
service. customer to buy buyer for the purpose public by companies,
Adgantages of the product. of sell producer, to create
advertising :-  Rebates  Personal good will.
1. Reach  Discount interaction Methods :-
2. Choice  gifts  Two way  News
3. Ligitimacy  Refunds communication  Speeches
 Better reponse  Events

Note :-
Service Marketing Mix :- It consist 7 P's .

1. Product
2. Price
3. Place
4. Promotion
5. People
6. Process
7. Physical Evidence

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Supply Chain Management

Defination of SCM :- "It is the management of flow of goods & services & includes all process that
transform raw materials into final product. "
 Objective of SCM
1. Cost cutting
2. Profit increase
3. Providing the right product at the right time at right place at the cost.
4. To maximize customer's value :
5. Gain a competitive advantage in the market place.

Components of Supply Chain Management:-

1. Manufacturer :- Making new products from raw materials.
2. Supplier :- To provide raw material to make the product.
3. Wholesalers :- They order more products to the company. The products are obtained from the
company at low prices. They supply to the retailer.
4. Retailer :- Buys the product from the wholesaler. And adding his profit sells the product to the
5. Customer :- The customer only needs the product and it buys the product from the retailer.

Stages of SCM (Component) :- P-D-M-D-R Components of SCM.

1. Plan :- Company plans that how will goods & services be given to consumers.
2. Develop :- It involves building a strong relation with source of supply of raw material.
3. Make :- Product is manufactured, tested, packaged & decided for delivery.
4. Deliver :- Customer orders are received & delivery of goods on proper time.
5. Return :- Customers may return defective product & excess product

Seller has to be flexible

Importance/utility of SCM :-
1. Reduces cost (If proper SCM)
2. Increases efficiency
3. Increases output
4. Increases profit
5. Promotes customer service.
6. Reduces product cost.
Challegence before SCM :-
1. To avail/provide quality customer services
2. Increased cost through out the Supplier Chain if there is inefficient SCM.
3. Risk in the supply chain creates pressure
4. To maintain relationship with supplier
5. Availability of qualified personnels.
A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,
Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Logistic Mix
 Process of getting producing & distributing material & product in proper place & in proper quantity
is called logistic mix.
Elements of Logistice Mix :-
1. Order processing :- It means the time & steps involved between taking order from customer &
delivery of goods as per order.
2. Inventory/stock management :- refers to maintain the stock & product
3. Warehousing :- Whatever is produced is not soldimmediately, then it can be stored.
4. Trans protation :- It means physical movement of goods term place of production to place where
they are required.
5. Material handling :- packing of product according to nature of product & to keep it safe.
6. Packaging :- It should be protective & convenient.
7. Information management :- gather the into obout product to keep the recored of its expenses & to
provide into where its demand is.

Factors which help in determining level of inventory:-

1. Firm's policy on customers service If offering high level customer service, there will be large stock
2. Degree of accuracy of sales forecast. Inventary is maintained at minimum level.
3. If the producer takes time to produce the goods according to the demand, there will be high
level of inventory maintained and if he takes less time/ there will be low level of inventory
is maintained.
4. If the cost of inventory is less then the stock has to be kept more and if the cost is more then
the stock has to be kept less.
Kinds of warehousing :-
1. Private warehousing :- These are operated by a company or businessman handling their own goods
2. Bonded warehoused :- The goods are kept in bonded warehouses by the customs authorities till the
customs duty is paid. These goods are said to be in bond. These are situated at the airport and
3. Government Warehouse :- These are fully owned and managed by the government. The
government manages them through organisation setup in the public sector. like - F.C.I

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

e- Commerce
 It is a market process in which purchase & sell of goods & services are carried out quickly &
relaiable via. Electronic media by use of internet.
Advantages of e- commerce
1. Mediators are neglected
2. No time boundation
3. Supply of goods & services at fair price & within less time
4. free from local charges & commission.
5. New customer can take decision easily on basic of old customer's revies feedback
6. It is helpful to protect/preservice environment & stop corruption .
Limitations of E- commerce
1. Quality of goods always remains in doubt.
2. Physical observation of goods is not possible
3. Riks of having privacy breach
4. Possibiligy of fraud.
5. Risk of supply of drug/narcotic things prohibited by govt.
Difference between traditional business and e-Commerce
Bases Traditional business e-Commerce
1. Establish Difficult Easiest
2. Need for establishment Market potential for raw Nothing
material sources.
3. Contect with customer Through intermediate Direct
4. Nature of Communication Long time consume instantly
5. Structure of organisation Vertical Horizontal
6. Interpersonal relation Maximum Minimum
7. Human, Resources Semi skilled/non skilled Technical skilled
8. Risk Low/minimum risk High risk
9. Globlisation Minimum Maximum because of
syber have no

Benefits of E-Marketing / E-Commerce

Bebefits of E-marketing/e-commerce for Businessman, consumers and society
1. Benefits to businessmen:-
i. They can expand their market at national and international level.
ii. The number of customers can be increased easily.
iii. Many new and competitive suppliers can be identified.
iv. Promotional cost can be reduce.
v. All other information can be gathered quickly at low cost.
2. Benefits to customers:-
i. Information about products and services is easily accessible.
ii. The consumer can buy whenever he wants.

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

iii. You can do shopping in less time.

iv. Consumers can easily convey their complaints and suggestions to the firm.
3. Benefit to the society:-
i. With this, people of all classes can take advantage of good and cheap product.
ii. Society does not have to face the problems of transportation and pollution.
iii. All the products are easily available in every corner of the country.

E-Business scope :- A firm's electronic transactions and networks can be visualised as extending into
three direction –
1. B2B (Business to Business) :- Here, both the parties involved in e-commerce transaction are
business firm.
2. B2C (Business to Customers) :- B2C transaction have business firm at one end and its customers on
the other end.
3. Intra B Commerce :- It includes the use of intranet for managing interactions and dealings among
varions departments and persons within a firm.
4. C2C (Consumer to consumer e-commerce) :- Here, the business orginates from the consumer and
the ultimate destination is also consumers.

 It is a process of promoting product or services over the internet.
 It is a latest from of direct marketing
Utility/Benefit e-marketing :-
1. The lower cost of advertising.
2. It has access to maximum number of people.
3. You can make changes in the advertisement whenever you want.
4. Its services are available 24 hours. (24×7)
5. This can be campaigned in the market for a long time.
6. Fast result of the campaign as it helps to target the right customers.
7. Easy monitoring through the web tracking.

Types of e-marketing
1. marketing by video
2. e-mailing
3. Blogging

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Barriers of e-marketing:-
1. The website is not available everywhere.
2. Very few people have access to internet and computer operation.
3. Lack of internet and computer facilities.
4. The possibility of risk remains.
5. Marketing of products without a brand is difficult.

Business Ethics
 Business ethics refers to the set of moral values or standards which governs the activities of
 Business ethics is a method of harmonizing individual interests and social interests.
Objectives of Business

Social interest Individual interest

To provide goods and services To earn Profit

 From a businessman ethical decisions are expected:-

1. To provide the customer with true information regarding product or service.
2. Allowing the customer to make free choice, there should be not pressure on him
3. Providing quality products at reasonable price.

Elements of Business Ethics :-

1. Top Management Commitment: - Top management has a very important role to guide the entire
organisation towards ethical behaviour.
2. Publication of a 'Code':- Generally ethical organisations define a code of conduct and set of ethics
for all the employees in the organisation.
3. Establishment of compliance mechanism: - To make sure that actual decisions match with a firm's
ethical standards, suitable mechanism should be established.
4. Involving employees at all levels: - While making ethical programmes and policies employees
must be involved because these have to be practised by them only.
5. Measuring results: - Althought it is very difficult to measure the ethical results but it must be
verified and audited that how far work is being carried on according to ethical standards.

Other Elements related to Business Ethics :-

1. Honesty
2. Discipline
3. Helping Attitude
4. Equality
5. Guiding force

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Corporate Ehics
"Corporate ethics refers to the set of moral values & standrads which governs the activities of corporate."

Expectation from corporate sector (ethics required from them)

Corporate Responsibility towards Different Interest Groups
1. Responsibilities of Corporate towards Consumers :-
i. Production of safe items by maintaining quality standards.
ii. To ensure regular supply of goods and services.
iii. Being truthful in advertising
iv. To handle consumer complaints and grivances quickly.
2. Responsibilities towards Employees :-
i. Providing fair compensation and benefits
ii. Providing good and safe working conditions
iii. Providing opportunities for personal growth and development
3. Responsibilities towards the Owners/Shareholders/Investors
i. To ensure safety of investment
ii. To ensure fair and regular return of investment
iii. To give complete information regarding the financial position of the corporate.
4. Responibilities towards the Government :-
i. To abide by rules, gegulations and laws
ii. To pay taxes and duties on time
iii. To help in solving social problems
5. Responsibilities towards the Community
i. To protect the environment form all types of pollution
ii. To provide more employment opportunities
iii. To promote national integration
iv. Providing economic stability

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Sources of Finance
 Capital is required in every business for the following two purpose.
(1) Establishment of business – It is also known as intial capital
(2) For operating the business – It is required for day to day expenses of a business.
 Business can obtain this capital from multiple places every place from where business obtain this
capital is known as source of finance
Sources of finance on the basis of time :-
1. Short term source :- Sources which provides finance to the business for a period of max. one year
are known as short term source.
Like :-
Advance from customers
Commercial Papers
Trade Bill
Bank overdraft etc.
2. Long term sources :- Sources which provide finance to business for period more than one year are
long term sources.
Like :-
Equity shares
Preference shares
Sources of Finance on the basis of ownership :- On the basis of ownership sources of finance can be
divided in two categories –
1. Owner’s Capital
2. Outsider’s/External capital/ Borrowied Capital

1. Owner’s Capital :-
 Capital /invested in the business by the owner or enterprinners from his own sources.
 The owner’s expect/desird profit against their business.
 It can be of two types
(i) Share capital :-
 The capital invested by owners in the business is known as share capital .
 For ease of transanction share capital is divided in small demoninations
 One part of this capital is known as one share.
 For ecquring ownership one must purchase atleast one share.
 The buyer/investor of share is known as shareholder
 Every shareholder is considered as owner of the business.
 Every owner is entitled to receive part of profits This part of Profit is known as dividend.
Ex. – Equtiy share
Preference share

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

(ii) Retained Earnings :-

 The profit earn in the business belongs to the owners. They have two choices
1. To withdraw te profit from business in from of dividend.
2. To reinvest the the entire profit or part of it in the business.
 Profit reinvest in the business is known as retained earning.
 Means profits not distributed as dividend.

Equity share/General share/ Ordinary share :- Shares not having any preferncial rights are known as
equity share.
Preference Share :- it means share having the following to preferencial rights –
(i) Right to receive dividend prior to equity shares during continuing operations of the company.
(ii) At the time of closure/winding up of the business right to receive capital repayment prior to
equity holders.

Features of Preference shares :-

(i) Fix rate of dividend :- The rate of dividend of these shares is fixed at the time of share issuance.
They are not entitled to receive higher dividend in case of higher profit.
It means they can not participate/avail benefits in growth of the business.
(ii) Fix time of repayment :- Their repayment period is also decided at the time of issue of shares.
In India max. repayment Period can be 20 years.
(iii) Do not have right to vote :- If a decision affects interest of Preference share holders than they
have right to vote, but they can not vote in any other decision but they have right to participate
in the meeting.
(iv) Cannot appint proxy

Features of Equity Shares :-

(i) Real owner of the company :- All important decesions of the company are arrived at through
voting in shareholders meeting by using majority rule and only equity shares have voting right.
Due to decision making powers they are considered as real owners.
(ii) Life equal to company :- Capital of equity share holders is returnable only on winding-up of the
business. Therefore their life is equal is to life of the company.
(iii) Right to vote :-
(iv) Right to appoint Proxy
(v) Unlimited dividend :- Equity shareholders have right on entire profit remaining after payment
of dividend to preference share holders.
(vi) These share can be bold in security
market – These share are highly liquid .

Type of Equity shares:-

1. Equity shares having equal rights
2. Equity shares having differencial rights

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Type of Preference shares :-

1. Redeemble or Irredeemble Preference shares –
 If capital of preference shareholders is returnable during the life of a business on a pre decided
date then such shares are redeemable share.
 If capital of preference shares is repayable only at the time of winding-up then such shares are
irredeemable shares.
 In India only redeemable preference shares can be issued (20 years)
2. Participating & Non-participating preference shares :-
 Generally preference shares are entitled to receive dividend at a fix rate. Remaining profit (afer
payment of profit dividend) belongs to equity share only.
 It means preference shareholder have no right on remaining profit.
 This type of shares are known as non- participating preference shares.
 If preference shareholders are entitled to receive shares in remaining profit then such shares are
participating shares.
3. Cumulative and non-cumulative preference shares :- Generally dividends are given only if profits
are earned, shares having this feature are non-cumulative shares.
If dividend of preference shares cannot be given due to loss or inadequate profit but their dividend
is accumulated and paid in the year when profits are adequate then such shares are cumulative
generally dividend are accumulative for two years only.

Outsiders /External/Borrowed Capital

Financial Institution General Investors

All India State Commercial Bank Debentures

Exim SIDC +

Debenture :-

 Company borrows from investors in small denominations and company issues a certificate of
loan/indebtness/Borrowing . All terms & conditions of borrowing are printed on this certificate
 The debenture holder is considered as lends to the company.
 He is entitled to receive interest on his capital .

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Type of Debenture :-
1. Redeenable & Irredeemable debentures
2. Secured & unsecured debentures :- If Principle & interest of debenture holder is secured by
indetified assits of the company them such debentures are secured debentures.
3. Zero coupon bond :- Bonds having zero interest rate are known as zero coupon bonds it means no
regular intrest is paid. These bonds are issued as par but repaid at higher price.
Different between these prices is equal to interest.
4. Collateral Debenture :-
 It company mortgaes its debentures in security & the loans of bank then such debentures are
known as collateral debenture.
 These debentures are issued in inactive form
 If the original loan is not repayed in time then it gets activated.
 It menas generally it is secondary security of the loan.
5. Convertible debentures :-
 If debentures have option of conversion in to equity shares ofter fixed time interval than such
debentures are convertible debentures.
 The conversion takes place on the basis of value instead of their numbers.
6. Deep discount Bond :- Such bonds are issued discount on face value & repayed at Par. & the diff
between the prices is equal to the interest.
7. Registered/Bearer Debentures :-
 If debenture certificate have name of the bonds then they are considered as register debenture.
 If certificate does’nt have name of the lends then it will be considered as bearer debenture.

Short term sources :-

Advance from customers:- If prices or goods or services recoverd from customers before their delivery
then it is known as advance from customers Generally no interest is paid in this method.
Bank overdraft :- Bank provides a facility to their selected customers in which they can withdraw
amount more than available amount in their account. It is known as Bank overdraft.
Trade Bill :- It is used by Traders for credit trade. It is a promisary note in which the buyes promises to
make payment on a future date to the seller.
Bank may provide immediate payment on the basis of thir letter this process is known as discounting of

Commercial Paper :-
 It is an instrument of money market. It is used by companies for short term fund requirement.
 Its period may be from 7 days to 365 days.
Letter of Credit :- It is a letter issued by banks on behalf of their customers in which bank promises to
make payment if the customes fails to do so.

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Management Notes

Capital Structure
Capitalization :- It is a quantitavie approach, in which the business calculates quantum/amount of
capital required.
Financial Structure :- Business requires capital for long term as well as short term objectives.
Business can arrange this capital from various sources. Fin. Structure is decision in which business
decides sources to be used & their ratio.
Capital Structure :- It is fin. management decision of the business in which business decides long term
sources of finance & also decides their corresponding ratio.
Optimum Capital Structure :- One capital structure may not be suitable for every business therefore
optimum capital structure shall be choosen out of available sources.
Following are the features of optimum structure
1. Minimum cost of capital
2. Max. profit to the shareholders.
3. Min. Risk
4. Easy availability

Trading on Equity :- If cap. structure of a business includes borrowed cap. along with share cap. then it
is known as trading on equity.
Following are the objective of the trading on equity
1. Max. earning per share.
2. Centralization of decision making power
3. controlling more assets with lesser investment.

Cost of Capital
 From the view of business- Business used investors money to fulfill their economic objectives
anything paid by the business to the investors for using their money is termed as cost of capital.
 It an investor decides to invest in a company then he has to sacrifice his current desires. In return of
his sacrifice he expects rewards from the business rewards received by him are known as cost &
Cost of capital on the basis of time –
1. Initial Cost :-
 It is a one time cost. It result in reduction in effective principal/capital.
Such as – Processing fee, Printing expanses, Legal expanses etc.
2. Continuous Cost :-
 It is a cost required to be paid from obtaining the loan & till the repayment.
Such as- Interest, dividend.
3. Final/ terminal cost :- It is also a one time cost. It is incurred at the time of repayment.
(i) Cost of borrowed Capital
Kd = × 100

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Management Notes

(ii) Cost of Preference shares

Kp = ×100
(iii) Cost of Equity :-
Ke = ×100+Growth rate

Cost of Retained earning :-

Kr = Ke
 The overall cost to the of capital to the company is calculated by using weighted avg. cost of all

Distribution of Profit
Appropriation of Profits :-

 Out of the income earn by business first the business shall pay all business expanses.
 Such expanses of the business which shall be paid cumpulsority are known as charge on the profit.
 After payment of such expenses the corporate tax shall be paid & the balaves profits are known as
profit after tax.
 One part of PAT shall be set aside for future this part of profit is known as retained earning or
reserve. (accumulate profit) (Current years reserve)
 Under companies act maintance of certain reserves are compulsory reserve created with pre
defined objectives are known as pre defined reserves.
Where as if objective is not pre difend than it is known as general reserve?
 Govt. may impose dividend distribution tax on profit distributed.
Present there is no such tax.
remaining profit can be distributed among shareholders dividend is 1st paid to preference
shareholder & the balance profit belongs to equity shareholders.
Wealth Maximization :-
 According to few thinkers the ultimate objective of business is maximization of profit but
according to modern thinkers main objectives of business is maximization of wealth.
 In case of profit maximization the business focuses upon earing/maximize current or short term
 While/however in wealth maximization the management focuses upon increasing wealth/value of
shareholders in long run by using better corporate governance & good business practices means
instead of increasing current dividend of shareholders the management aims to increases market
value in long term

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Management Notes

Banking and non-Banking Financial Institutions

Banking institutions: - Includes thos institutions which are established according to the rules of RBI.
Banks are important sources of finance because they provide funds (money) for variable periods of time.
Banks provide loans to all types of firms like cash, credit, term loan, over drafts.

Functions :-
1. Accept the deposits, specifically demand deposits
i. Current account deposits
ii. Savings account
iii. Fixed deposits
2. Can transact frequently.
3. Provide loans, which can be repaid in Installments or lumpsum.
4. Provide other facilities like :-
i. Collection of Bank bill and cheques
ii. Provide locker facilities
iii. Money transfer facilities
iv. Providing interest on deposits.

Non-Banking financial institutions/companies (NBFC/NBFI) :-

 The financial institutions which do not possess a banking license but perform financial activities
eg :- Insurance companies, mutual funds, MFI (Micro finance institution) etc are called as NBFC
 They are registered under companies act 1956.
 The capital requirement for estabilishment of a NBFC varies – like 2 crore, 5 corore, 10 crore etc.
 They are regulated by different regulatory bodies.
IRDAI :- Insurance regulatory and development authority of India (regulates Insurance companies)
PFRDA :- Pension funds regulatory and development authority (regulates pension funds)
SEBI :- Regulates mutual funds
NHB :- Regulates housing finance companies
 They accept only term deposits
 They cannot issue cheque books.
 Do not provide any kind of card facilities like credit card, debit card.
 Their deposits are not insured by DICGC
 They do not have to maintain CRR.
 They are mandated by RBI to maintain SLR.
 They fall under the ambit of BASEL norms

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Differnces Between Banking Non Banking Institutions Financial

Banking Institution Non-Banking financial
Demand deposits Can accept Cannot accept
Cheque withdrawl Issue Cheques Cannnot issue cheques
Insurance Facility Available on deposits (for No insurance on NBFC deposits
Deposti Time period Accept short term deposts Do not accept short term
deposits (cannot deposit for less
than 12 months time period)
CRR requirement Mandatory Not mandatory

Stock Market
Capital market :-
 The place where financial transactions take place is a capital market
 It is the place where needy people (Companies) borrow money whereas the wealthy invest
 Share is a tool of capital market

Capital market

Primary market Secondary market

 It is the capital market where
 It is the place where new securities
existing securities are repurchased
are issued.
and resold.
Eg :-
1. IPO (Initial public offer)
1. Bombay Stock
2. FPO (Follow on public offer)
Exchange (BSE)
2. National stock Exchange (NSE)

Types of share capital: _

1. Authorised Capital: - The number of shares permitted to be issued by memorandum of association.
(Authorised Capital = 1000 Crore Rs.)
2. Issued Capital: - The shares issued by the company. (800 Crore Rs.)
3. Subscribed Capital: - The amount of capital for which the public commits via an application.
(are higher than issued capital )
4. Paid up capital: - The capital of the company after the applicants have purchased the shares.

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Share security: - The capital of the owners of a company is called a share capital
for ease of transfer, share capital is divided into smaller denominations. This smaller denomination is
called a share  every shareholder is a partner in the company has right to get dividend.

Types of Shares

Preference share Equity Share

 They are less in number & generally  The equity shareholders are not given
promoters own them. priority in distribution of dividend
 They preference share holders are given  They obtain dividend only when the
priority in distribution of dividant company has sufficiem profits.
 It the company gained poor profits,  They have voting rights in the company
even then they are provided with They are the real owners of company.
 The preference shareholder do not have
voting rights in the company.

IPO (Initial public offer ) FPO (Follow on public offer )

 When a company issues a new share for  When a listed company issues new
the public for the first time, It is called an shares for raising funds from the public,
IPO. it is called FPO
 IPO helps in raising new capital for a  In other words the new shares issued
company. after some time of releasing IPO is called
 IPO can be issued only by a public FPO.

Right issue :-

 It is used by a company for generating addition capital from the existing shareholders.
 In this, company sometimes issues shares at a discount to the market price.

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Under writing :-
Financial institution underwrites the IPO of a company, under which the financial institution assures the
investors that the project of the company is good. If shares are not bought by the investors, then this
financial institution buys the shares.

Book Building :-
 It is a process under which the financial institution tries to determine the price of an IPO.
 In the determination of price, various factors like market survey, Investors demand for shares come
into play.

Secondary stock Exchange :-

 The share market where the securities issued in primary share market are repurchased and resold.

Major Share Market :-

1. Bombay stock Exchange (BSE) :-
 Established in 1875.
 Asia's largest stock exchange
 2nd largest stock exchange from turnover point of view.
 Largest stock exchange from m-cap point of view.
 Largest stock exchange from the perpective of number of agreements.
 major index : BSE "SENSEX"

SENSEX (Sensitive index) :_

 Issued in 1986. (Base year 1978-79)
 It depicts the UPS & downs in the prices of shares of 30 largest m-cap companies

Dollex – 30 :- When the share value of 30 companies is calculated in dollars, it is called dollex-30.
BSE-100 :- When the shares of 100-m cap companies are taken into consideration.
BANKEX :- Depicts the average share status of 12 banks.
GREENEX :- started in 2013
Issued on the status of top 20 ecofriendly companies.

National stock exchange (NSE ):-

 Established in 1992 on the recommendations of pherwani committee.
 it is India's first dematerialised electronic stock exchange.
 It is the largest stock exchange of India from turnover point of view.

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There are 2 types of investor in sharemarket:-

 Real investors :- The investors who invest in sharemarket for a long period of time to obtain
 Speculators :- The investors who invest in share market for a short period of time try to profit from
the rise and fall in the prices of share.
1. Bull :- They are optimistic speculators who anticipate a rise in the value of securities/shares.
 They purchase shares with a motive of selling it at a higher price in future, so that they can
earn profits.
 Bulls cause an increase or rise in the prices of shares,
2. Bear :- They are pessimistic speculators who anticipate a fall in price of securities
They cause a decline/fall in the share market
3. Stag :- The investors who purchase & sell the shares rapidly (fast) are called stage.
They are speculative in nature.
They generally invest in IPO.

Multi National Companies

 Their scope of work extends to more than one nation. It means they also provide goods and services
outside their country.

Features :-
1. Their decisions are in the context of the whole country.
2. They provide both goods and services.
eg. :- Technical, marketing, export, capital etc.
3. They work with the objective of maximising their profits.
4. These companies function in different countries via different subsidiary institutions
5. They establish joint ventures by collaborating with other countries.
6. They generally belong to developed countries and establish their business in developing countries
7. Conduct business under FDI norms.
8. Provide quality products in comparison to domestic products.
9. Rapidly improve in quality of products
10. Financially strong companies hence the payroll of an MNC employee is higher than a domestic one.

 The headquarter of this company is based in the country where it initially began (as a starting)
Major MNC :-
1. Microsoft 2. IBM 3. Nestle
4. Cocacola 5. Parle G 6. TATA

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FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) :-

 If the limit of foreign investment in a company is higher than 10% and the investors possess
management rights in the same proportion it is called FDI
1. Greenfield FDI :- A Foreign company establishes a new plant under this.
eg :- Japanese park in Neemrana
2. Brownfield FDI :- When a foreign company acquires an already exising plant
eg :- Walmart purchased filpkar

Foreign institutional investment (FII)

 FII is a part of foreign portfolio investment.
 If the limit of foreign investment is less than 10% and the investors do not possess management
rights, it is called FPI
 It means FPI deals with investments in share market by the foreign investors

FPI is of 2 types :-
1. Qualified forign investor: - When a foreign citizen invests in the Indian share market at individual
2. Foreign institutional investor :- When foreign mutual funds venture capital funds, pension funds,
and hedge funds invest in Indian share market, it is called FII
 Automatic route :- In this, foreign investors do not require prior approval but they have to
inform to RBI within 45 days of the investment procedure, It is compulsorily
 Approval route: - This route includes matters of national security, sensitive areas which require
prior approval for investment.

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Meaning/Definition :-
 "Leadership is a process of influencing the behaviour of sub ordinate towards the achievement to
specified goal. by leaders."
 According to chester Barnard the ledership depends upon three elements.
1. Leader :- Qualities and Behaviour of leader
2. Sub-ordinates/followers :- Ability and Competency of followers.
3. Situation :- Which affects the relationship of leader and follower.

Functions of leader :-
1. Goal settings
2. Planning and policy formation
3. Determining the activities.
4. Collection of resources.
5. To control co-ordination activities
Characteristics of leader :-
1. The person has capacity/ability to influence others.
2. Leadership tries to bring change in behaviour
3. Maintains leader follower relations
4. Determines the goal
5. Leadership is a continuous process.
Leader & manager :-
Leader Manager
1. A leader may not be a manager Because the 1. Manager himself is a leader because he
people who are leading the informal groups influences his subordinates
are not manager
2. Leader has informal authority. 2. Manager has formal authority
3. Leaders have personal view about goal 3. Manager have impersonal view about goal.
4. leaders perform 4. Manager performs
 Communication Planning
 Motivation Controlling &
 Inducing directing activites
 Influences
5. A leader may exists in informal & formal 5. Manager exists only in formal organisation

Styles of Leadership

 "Leadership style refers to the behavioural pattern towards his subordinated (to influence others)"

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Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
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There are 3 types of leadership style.

1. Autocratic and authoritative Leadership style :-
Leader keeps power & authority to himself and does not deligate to sub-ordinates & does not do
any kind of consultation with subordinates.

Autocratic Leadership Style


Advantages of this leadership Disadvantage of Autocratic

style leadership style-

1. Quick decision making 1. Frustration & low morality in

2. May bring out the quick & subordinates.
positive result. 2. Initiative & creative ability of
subordinates are not utilized.

It will be suitable when:-

 Uneducated and unskilled subordinates
2. Democratic/participative leadership :-
 Two way communication
 Leaders take decision with consultation of sub-ordinates.
 He deligates & decentralises authority & rights to sub-ordinates

Democratic Leadership Style


A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,
Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Advantages Disadvantages
1. Job satisfaction & high morality in sub- 1. Time consuming in decision
2. Improves decision making ability in sub- 2. Leader gets free from responsibility
3. Development of Positive attitude 3. It may not yield positive result when
subordinates prefer minimum interaction with

 Where job satisfaction is main motive of leadership (main objective of organisation.)

3. Free Rein Leadership :- Complete deligation of reights & authority so that subordinates themselves
take decisions. In this style leader avoids power.
Laissez-faire Leadership Style



Advantages Disadvantages
1. Positive effect on job satisfaction and morale 1. Ignores the contribution of leaders.
of subordinates
2. Max. scope for development of sub-ordinates 2. Subordinates start/may work in different
3. Full utilization of Potential/capabilities of

Suitablility :-
 Where subordinates are well trained & highly knowledgeable.

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

According to George R. Terry

Qualities of Good leader Qualities of leaders
1. Physical Qualities
2. Knowledge & Intelligence 1. Power
3. Honesty & Integrity. 2. Emotional Stability
4. Self confidence & sense of responsibility 3. Knowledge about Human
5. Skill relationship
Communicative 4. Personal motivation
Motivating 5. Communication skills
Decision making 6. Teaching ability
Social 7. Social ability
8. Technical ability

Theories of Leadership

Traditional Theories Modern Theories

Behavioural Situational/Contergency
1. Traditional Theory :-
i. The great man theory :- Assumptions of this theory
a. Leaders are born not made.
b. Leader is a great man
c. Leaders have potential about every
d. Followers are interested only in leader's selection not interested in his
ii. Trait Theory :- Assumption of this theory is a person becomes a leader because of the traits
possessed by him it is concerned with identifying the personality traits of leaders.

Behavioural theory :-
In this, more emphasis is laid on the behavior of the leader rather than on his personal qualities and his
characteristics. It tries to find out. What do leaders do, how they lead, how they behave, how they
motivate subordinates, how they establish communication, with subordinates, etc.

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Management Notes

Two important studies were done under this ideology, which are as follows-
Behavioural theory

Ohio state university Studies Michigon University studies

By flashman and harish By Rensis Lakart
Result Conclusions

Initiative structure Consideration Employee Productions

oriented oriented
This in theory,a In this theory
leader intersts to leader emphasises In this theory In this theory a
make structure & to on consideration to A leader consider leader considers
achieve goal through sub-ordinates the sub ordinates the sub-ordinates
work. Division as a human being as machine tool of
He exchanges not as machine production & uses
Leader expects to information tools hard supervision
achieve goal to subordinate He takes care their policy & focuses on
according to the He takes care of joy & sorrow maintaining level
standards subordinate like He motivates them of production
status, well being to achieve the goal
satisfaction & their & emphasis on
comforts and he inter-personal
helps in personal relationship
problem of

2. Situational/Contigency Theory :- By Fiddelor

 This theory believes that the leadership in influenced by situational variables and thus differs
from situation to situation. Ledership effectiveness depends upon three elements –
1. Leader member relationship
2. The task structure
3. The leader's position
 When these elements are favourable leadership will be effective and when these are adverse that
leadership ineffective.

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Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Group Behaviour
 When two or more people are collected at a place to achieve common purpose is called a group
 Collection of 2 or more people with common objectives
Type of person
1. Competiors:- This person always has a competitive behavior.
2. Individualist :- Such persons put forward their individualistic outlook in the organization or work
3. Cooperators :- He is such a person who has a cooperative approach in the organization.
4. Equalizers :- Treat everyone equally in the organization.
Characteristics of a group :-
1. Collection of two or more individuals
2. Frequent interaction
3. They have their own norms
4. Group cohesiveness.
5. Common purpose.
6. Collective identity
7. Inter dependence.
Group Development Process : by 'Tuckman's and Stephen P Robins.
1. Forming
2. Storming
3. Norming
4. Performing
5. Adjouring
1. Forming :- The first stage in group development characterized by much uncertainty – Purpose,
Structure and Leadership
2. Storming :- The second stage in group development, characterized by intergroup conflict because of
need to clarity roles and behaviour expectations.
3. Norming :- The third stage in group development characterized by close relationships and
4. Performing :- Marked by team work and task accomplishment, productivity is at its peack
5. Adjourning :- Feedback & dispersion
 The group disbandon after the task has been accomplished range from sadness and depression at
the loss of friendship to happiness and fulfilment at task performance

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Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Types of group

Formal Informal

It is created deliberately for the It is created autometacally for

specific task. satisfying social and psychological
(Constituted intentionally & needs.

1. Formal group :-
Types of formal group :-
i. Command Group
 It is a permanent group
 Comprised of manager, supervisor and sub ordinates.
 Who meet regularly for the general and special issue discaussion.
 Connected with department itself.
ii. Task group :-
 It is a temporary group
 It is constitueted by organisation.
 It is constitueted/determined for particular task.
 There is no boundry in hierarchy system.
 There is no boundary in department or outside of dept.
 It can be inter departmental group.
iii. Committee group :-
 It sets up for some specific functions/projects.
 It can be temporary or permanent both.
 There is no boundary in department.
or outside dept. or outside from the organisation.
 me boundary in hierarchy system. ]
Eg :- Budget Committee & planning committee.

2. Informal group :- Types

i. Friendship Group :-
 They have common view
 Compatibility/Similarity in thought process.
 Same age group
 They can be from same birth place.
ii. Interest Group :- Similarity in interests. like - Music, sports etc.
iii. Reference Group :- Group of similar Characteristics

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Management Notes

iv. Membership Group :-

 Transaction & special facilities are availed in it.
 Benefit is distributed among the contributors
 or the members

Differences between formal & Informal groups

Basis Formal Informal
Origin Consciouslly formed Automatically formed
Object Accomplishmen of task Fulfilment of social &
psychological need.
Size Larger/expanded Small
Nature Stable/permanent unstable /tempoary
Communication Horizontal & vertical direction No sequence/grapewine Pattern
any direction
Leadership Formal leadership Informal leadership
Authority Authority comes with post Personal authority

Definition of Group Behaviour :-

"When two or more people who have similar goals come together in a group and behave in the same
Key factors in group behaviour :-
1. Group leadership :- The performance of those acts which help the group achieve its objectives.
2. Cohesiveness :- The members of group interact cooperate they are united and work together.
3. Members – motivation :- Proper motivation can ensure that groups will work together and every
one will do their part.
4. Group names :- Codes and practices developed by a group.
5. Individual Role :- A specific role of self and supporting role to achive the goal of an organisation.
6. Environmental factor :- The context may determine aspects of group behaviour.
7. Task :- There are different types of task given to a group.
 Additive task :- Performance depends on the sum of every one's effort
 Conjuctive task :- Depends on least talented member.
 Disconjuctive task :- Most talented member.

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Management Notes

Individual Behaviour
"Individual behaves, reacts and responses in a given environment is individual behaviour."
Individual behavior is determined and influenced by the personality, experience and ideology of the
individual, so no two persons behave in the same situation in the same manner.

Factors affecting individual behaviour

Personal factor Environmental Factor Organistional

Economic: - Poverty, Leadership:
demand and supply, Autocratic,
Biographical Learned inflation, democratic and free
Characteristics characteristics unemployment

(Psychological factors)
Social:- Caste, Organizational
Physical religion, class Structure:- Rigid
Qualities :- Personality: Introvert, discrimination, Hierarchy System
Strong, Weak, Extrovert, Humble Unity of command
Disabled and Direction
Cultural:- Lifestyle,
Food and drink
Age:- childhood, Incentive system:-
Perception: negative Monetary and non-
adolescence, youth, adult,
and positive Political: Rights monetary, fear and
and Duties punishment

Attitude:- Favorable
Gender:- Male and Female and unfavorable Work Related
evaluation Behavior:-
Ability: - Mental ability, Simple tasks,
Values:- Standards of
Work of choice,
ability related to work, ie Conduct Changing work nature
ability affects the efficiency
of the person.

Marital Level:- There is a

difference in the behavior of
married and unmarried persons.

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Models of Individual Behaviour :- man is affected by different needs.

Rational Economic Social man Organizational Self Complex man

man  man actualisatment 
 Affected by social  man Unstable
Motivated/affected needs or norms Fullfilment of his  Behavior &
by economic needs through Self directed & man can be
intersts organization self controlled have
Belongingness differently in
Recognisation similar

Attitude:- In the general sense, attitudes are positive or negative evaluative statements or descriptions
about motives, people or events. What we feel about a person, act, thing, event, etc., is a sign of our
For example, when I say, "I like my job" it means that I am expressing my attitude towards the job.
"Attitude is evaluating statement either favourable or unfavourable about object/person /event"

Characteristics /Nature of Attitude

1. Attitude is learnt
2. Attitude has an objective/aim (about person /thing event)
3. Attitude influences behaviour.
4. Attitude is relatively stable phenomena.

Types/Components/Elements of Attitude

Cognitive Attitude Effective Attitude Behavioural Attitude

1. Congitive Attitude :- The aspect of attitude that involves belief or knowledge.

2. Affetive Attitude :- Involves emotions and feelings towards people, object.
3. Behavioral Attitude :- Involves actions towards people object etc.

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Components of Attitude Formation:-

1- Through social learning:- In this, the child forms attitude on the basis of what he learns from the
behavior of his parents and other family members.
2- Through educational institutions - Where a person is influenced by the personality of various
teachers and classmates during the course of teaching and he forms an attitude.
3- Personal Experience:- Individuals form attitudes from different types of experiences they get from
their daily routine, workplace, co-workers and managers etc.
4- Organizational Components:- Various components of the organization in which a person works
like objectives, policies, internal environment of the organization, formal and informal groups etc.
influence on the attitude formation of the person.
5- Personality related components: - By coming in contact with people of different personalities in the
organization, the person creates the same attitude within himself.

Human attitudes can be changed by the following means.

1. By providing new information
2. Through fear and punishment
3. By removing differences/conflict
4. By providing participation in problem solving.

Values are generally, tinged with moral flavour and they contain a judgmental element, involving an
individual's idea as to what is right, good, desirable.

"Values define the purpose of life and means of achieving them."
These are judgemental elemants
Characteristics of values :-
1. Values are most central to the core of person
2. These are relatively permanent and resistant to change.
3. They provide standards of Competance and morality
4. Values exceed specific person/place.
5. Values are part of culture, each society has its own culture and individual molds himself according
to the cultural needs.
6. Values are such ideals putting in the mind which are transferred from generation to generation
through specific groups and institutions.

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Importance of vales :-
1. If helps to understand the attitude and motivation of workers.
2. It affects the perception of an individual. For example, the employee takes charge in the company
with the assumption that the salary will not be determined on the basis of seniority but on the basis
of performance, but if it does not happen, then his reaction can be easily estimated, he will look
3. It influences the manager's and worker's capacity
4. Values affect the performance and job satisfaction of the employees, if the values of the employees
match with the organization, then the work performance and job satisfaction will be better.

Types of values are described by Milton Rockies.

Terminal /Final values :- Final values include those objectives which a person wants to achieve in his
life time.

Instrumental/ Means Values :- These values are those which show the means or manner of behavior to
achieve the ultimate objectives.

Types of Values (Milton Rockeach)

Terminal values (Objects of persons) Instrumental value (Tools)

Eg. Eg.
1. Comfortable 1. Helpful
lifestyle 2. Polite
2. Freedom 3. Loving
3. Equality 4. Obedient
4. Mature love 5. Responsible
5. Self Respect 6. Broadminded.
6. Wisdom 7. Honest
7. Family Security

Factors influencing Values :-

1. Family:- The process of education and values formation continues through the family, they are
taught what is right and what is wrong.
2. Social: - The structure and social values of society, (love, peace, truth, non-violence) affect the
values of the individual.
3. Cultural:- Culture affects values, just as culture is transmitted from generation to generation, in the
same way values are transferred by educational, religious, human institutions.

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4. Life Experience:- A person's behavior reflects his reactions to the events learned or experienced by
5. Personal factors:- A person acquires competence through experience, teaching and training, which
influences the values of himself and the society.

Team Building
Teams are a group of limited number of individuals with complementary skills and who are mutually
accountable for common purpose and define goals.
"Team building is the process of turning individual efforts towards the collective efforts to achieve
specific goal."

Difference between Team and Group

Team Group
1. Team has few number of members. 1. Groups can be made of any size.
2. Performance is both individual and 2. The performance in this is only personal.
group in the team.
3. Teams are independent in their goal 3. Group goal setting is done by the
setting. managers.
4. Team members have individual and 4. Group members have individual
collective accountability. accountability, not collective.
5. Synergy is Positive. 5. Synergy is Negative.
6. Team members have complementary 6. Group members have random and different
skills. skills.

Characteristics of Team :
1. It's goal is to perform collectively
2. The number of members in the team is less, that is, smaller.
3. Synergy is positive.
4. Mutual Responsibility/Accountability
5. Skills are Complementary to each other.
6. There is mutual trust and interdependence among the members.
7. Participation and contribution to the success of the organization.

Team Building Process

The following are the steps in the team building process-
1. Defined Objectives: - The general and specific objectives of team formation should be clearly
defined, so that the members remain aware of their responsibility.
2. Selecting qualified and efficient members for the team
3. Design Activities:-Determining the role of team members to achieve the goal.
4. Identifying the individual strengths of the members: - To find out the individual strengths of the
team members and assign them the tasks according to their capabilities.
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5. Training the members:- If the team members lack of skill and competency, then train them.
6. Monitor Team effort: - To supervise the efforts of the team members, remove the obstacles in the
7. Evaluating team output: - Matching the results of the work done by the team with the objectives, so
that it can be known how well the objectives were achieved
Essential conditions for effective team building:
1. The managers of the organization should develop an environment that supports the work of the
2. The team members must have the necessary skills or abilities to complete the tasks assigned to them.
3. Team members should have their own role, that is, what they have to do, it should be very clear.
4. Each member of the team should give more importance to the objective of the team than his
personal interests.
5. There should be a suitable reward system to motivate the team members.

Types of Team
1. Problem Solving Team:- There are 5-12 personnel in this team, they are the personnel working in
the same department in which the problem is there. Team members meet for some time to discuss
various problems like product quality, working efficiency of personnel and improving working
conditions. and make suggestions available to the managers.
2. Self-managed team:- This team is such a group of personnel that is formed to manage and perform
technical tasks. This team consists of personnel having specific skills and abilities.
Features of this team:-
1- These teams cooperate in management and leadership functions.
2- They set their own goals and observe their own actions.
3- They themselves plan, control and improve their work method.
3. Functional Team:- Presently there are many departments in an organization on functional basis like
production, finance, human resources, marketing, research, advertising and sales promotion etc.
They are run by different managers, the teams formed by the personnel serving in these
departments in their respective functional areas are called functional teams.

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 Motivation means inducing people to perform to their best ability to achieve the organisational goal.
 It is a driving force that push people to action and continuity.
Importance of Motivation :-
1. Motivation changes (helps in changing) Negative attituds to positive attitude
2. It improves performance level
3. Helps in achieving organisational goal.
4. Creates co-operative atmosphere/ environment
and participating
5. Helps the workers to induce for change.
6. Increases job satisfaction.
7. Develops group spirit. as well as boosting morale

Types of motivation : on the basis of motive factors

Positive Negative Monetary Non-monetary

1. Reward 1. Fear 1. Salary 1. Job-security
2. Compliment 2. Punishment 2. Allowances 2. Status
3. Provident fund 3. Carrer
4. Retirement benefits development
5. Profit sharing

Theories of motivation

Traditonal Theory ModernTheory

1. Fear & Punishment 1. X-Y theory

Theory 2. Need Hierarchy Theroy
2. Reward Theroy 3. Two factor Theory
3. Carrot and Stick Theory

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Traditional Theories :-
1. Fear & Punishment: - This theory says that employees work only because of fear of
2. Reward Theory: - Proposed by F.W.Taylor, based on the belief that the worker will continue to
work as long as he gets an equal amount of benefits.
3. Carrot & stick Theory: - This theory based on that reward and punishment are given
according to workers productivity/output of work.

Modern Theory :-
 X-Y Theory : by Douglas Macgreger

X –Theory Y -Theory
McGregor has described the principle X as the It is related to the behaviorist and participatory
traditional principle of managerial direction managerial ideology.
and control.

1. Not interested in work 1. Interested in work

2. Avoids work. 2. likes to take work naturally

3. Behavior of indifference 3. Initiative efficiency to work

4. lack of ambition 4. Self centred/directed

5. Change resistant 5. Committed towards work.

6. liked to be directed 6. Likes to take responsibilty

Note:- Fear, punishment, are resorted to get Note:- This person is positive who is self
them to work. They work for economic and controlled and self directed. They do not
financial benefits. work for the fulfillment of basic needs, but
work for self-respect and self-esteem.

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Needs Hierarchy Theory of Motivation

Propounded by Maslow

This ideology is based on the belief that the needs of man are infinite and he is ready to make
efforts to satisfy those needs. The unfulfilled need of the personnel can be ascertained and

Individual needs Management needs

Self aspiration, achievement Achievement of ultimate goal.

Self actualization

Maintaing status in Self esteem/Ego/esteem Promotion & Special Status

society/Respect need

Love, affection, friendship
Cordial Relations

Savings Safety/Security need

Pension, Providen fund, Job

Food, Shelter, Clothing Physilogical need

Basic salary

Assumptions of Maslow's ideology:-

1. Behavior of people is influenced by their needs.

2. The order of needs can be determined.
3. Motivation stops with satisfied need. It then serves as the next higher level of motivation.
4. People move on to the next higher level need only when the lower level need is satisfied.

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Two factor theory: - by Herzberg

Hygine factor Motive factor

1. It is related to external enviro element 1. Related to content of work

of work 2. Their presence provides satisfaction
2. Their presence reduces dis-satisfaction and motivation
(i) Policy & management (i) Advancement
(ii) Supervision (ii) Responsibility
(iii) Working coditions (iii) growth & development
(iv) Inter personal Relationship (iv) Recognition
(v) salary (v) Achievement
(vi) Coudition (vi) Working self
(vii) Security (vii) Challinging task

Conflict Management
“When two or more persons or groups disagree or have opposing views with each other, it is called a
When a person perceives that another persion has negatively affected who he care.
"Conflict is the difference between two or more ideas."

Cause/Reasions of conflict :-

1. Incompatibility of goals
2. Difference in opinion
3. High expectations from each other by the members in the organization.
4. Wrong interpretation of facts (Differences over interpretations)
5. Availability of limited resources in the organization.
6. Dependency on other for the task
7. Unclear jurisdiction of employee
8. Inadequate and faulty communication.
9. Variety of personal qualities

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Views about conflict :

Traditional View Human Relation view Modern view/Interactionist

Acc. to it Conflict is Beliefs that, conflict is Acc. to it, conflict

harmful & must be natural & works as a positive
avoided unavoidable force in a group and
it is important for
group to perform


Functional Conflict (Positive) Dysfunctional Conflict (Nagative)

Conflict that suppot that goals of the Conflict that hiders group performance .
group and improves its performance.
1. Seperation of workers
1. increases group performance 2. reduces group effictiveness
2. improve decision quality 3. retarted communication
3. motivates creativity & innovation 4. Reduces group unity
4. encourages interest and curiosity 5. conflict enercoues group goal of
5. Creates environment for self organisation
evaluation and change

Types of Conflict:-

1. Constructive Conflict:- When conflict creates such an environment in the organization where
there is open debate on important topics. As a result of which there is desired improvement in
plans, policies and procedures, then this type of conflict is called constructive conflict.
2. Destructive Conflict:- It is the conflict where the members of the organization involved in
activities against each other. And these activities are going on continuously. In the presence of
such activities, it becomes difficult for the members of the organization to work together in a
cohesive manner. This type of conflict is harmful to the organisation.

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3. Organizational conflict:- The structure of large organizations is such that due to which the
development like autonomy, initiative ability, creative tendency and self-expression of the people
working in the organization is inhibited. It is called organization conflict.

Conflict Resolution Techniques :-

1. To establish proper communication among the struggling personnel.

2. To take the cooperation of a person outside the organization to end the conflict.
3. To change the structure of the organization, that is, to change the workplace of the personnel.
4. To increase or expand the resources i.e. to make equitable distribution of resources in the
5. The manager should try as much as possible to avoid conflict in the organization.
6. A proper settlement should be made between the members.
7. Points of common interest should be raised and points of difference should be suppressed.

Time Management
Time management is an art through which a person moves towards making good use of his available
time. It is a lifestyle that motivates a person to work continuously for achieving his goals. It is a major
resource to maximize the available time.
Definition of Time Management
"Time Management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific
activies, sepecially to increase effectiveness, efficiency and productivity."
Time management :- To make effective and productive use to time is called time management.
Time management process
1. Set the goal
2. Priorities of work.
3. Define time limits
4. Organise resources
5. Deligate work.
6. Reduce surplus task
7. Avoid stress.
Importance of Time Management :-
1. Time can be saved with proper time management. Creative work can be done in the remaining
2. Due to proper time management, unnecessary work load does not increase. Which reduce the
3. Execution of work at proper time gives effective work result.
4. Helps to determine priorities
5. Gets more work done in less time.
6. Proper time management gives an opportunity to do qualitative work.

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Obstacles of Time Management

1. Unclear objectives
2. Disorganised/unorganised work.
3. Lack of planning
4. Trying to do everything by yourself
5. Interruptions

On the basis of the utility of time, there are two forms of persons-
Busy Person Productive Person
1. Have multiple priorities 1. Have cuple of priorties
2. Keeps the door open 2. Keeps the door close
3. Multitaskers 3. Concecting important-goal
4. Ask for advise 4. Take real action get the job

 Training of developing skills, knowle habits & attitudes in employees for the purpose of increasing
effectiveness of employer.

Characteristics of training :-
1. Process of getting knowledge
2. It developes special qualities
3. Develops at attitude for doing particular task.
4. Develops the working ability & skills.

Types of Training -
1. Formal training:- The training which is imparted through duly prescribed curriculum and through
trained instructors in a timely manner.
2. Informal Training:- "Informal training means learning by doing actually under the guidance of
senior executives".
Eg:- Learning from the surrounding environment
There is no syllabus or time fixed in this.

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Methods of training

On the job training Off the job training

 This methos of training refers to train the
 In this method of training, the employer employees by taking then away from their
train the employees by doing tasks
1. Apprentice ship :- A trainee is appointed,
1. Conference :- It is highly structured way to
who guides the worker, regarding the skill
convay message and techniques.
of job
2. Vestibule :- Employee are trained in
2. Job rotation :-n the employee is shifted
dummy & artificial environment.
from one job position to another position
3. Case Study :- It helps trainess to take
for a short period of time.
decisions under real work conditions
3. Intership :- The employer gets dance to
Put the problem in front of you and to find
practise under the real work condition. the solution
4. Orientation :- When a new employee first
joins the company, basic information is
given to him for him to settle down.

Other types of training:-

Pre Entry training Post Entry Training

After the selection training is given
Training which is necessary before
to condidates according to his
any job or service
B. ed – teacher
MBBS – doctor

Importance/needs/Utility of Training

1. Modiflying attitudes of employees.

2. Introduce problems.
3. Provide information about the organisation
4. To increase the morale and productitvity of the employees
5. adaptability for change

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Employee Development:- Employee development means to improve the present positions of the
managers to improve their overall effectiveness and prepare them to take on more responsibilities in

Need for employee development

1. To enable the managers to bear more responsibilities.

2. To prepare the way for the promotion of managers.
3. To create effective decision making power in the managers.
4. To increase the efficiency of the organization.
Diffrence between training and development
Training Development
1. It is concerned with technical skill 1. It is concerned with concept of
development and skill
2. It is short term process 2. It is long term process
3. It's Scope narrow 3. It's scope wider.
4. It is concerned with skill and competency 4. It is concerned with personality
5. Training focuses on Present requirement 5. Development focuses on present as well as
of the org. future requirment

Performance Appraisal System

The performance appraisal system, comparative analysis of the performance goals expected by the
organization, the performance capabilities of the employee and the actual performance of the employee.

Based on the performance appraisal system, important decisions are taken like increase in salary,
Promotion, change in service conditions, training and other policy changes.
 Training will be given if you do not perform to the best of your ability.
 The man object of review to see potential of employee.
Challenge of performance:-
1. Judgment errors.
2. Leniency effect :- There can be situation where some managers are too lenient and will end up
apprasing all employees above average.
3. Halo effect :- Do not judge some one based on first impression
4. Rater effect :- This includes biasness and favouritism
5. Stereotyping :- In this error, a manager tends to make judgment by their own predetermind
mindset towards a particular employee's race, gender etc.

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 Entreprenership is the investing & risking of time, money & effort to start a business & make it
Entrepreneurship of Features/Nature:-
1. Innovation: - This is an innovative activity, that is, activities are performed on the basis of new
techniques rather than traditional activities.
2. Creative: - The creativity to convert useless things into useful things is in entrepreneurship only. So
creativity is main tool of entrepreneurship.
3. Provides leadership rather than ownership:- In this, any person from non-business family can
provide leadership to the business.
4. Risk Bearing: Entrepreneurship is synonymous with the ability to take risks. An entrepreneur sets
up a new venture and business. For him, the product's presentation, market uncertainty and price
determination are the risk factors.
5. Process of finding opportunities: - In this, new opportunities are explored keeping in mind the
problems and needs of the society and customers.
6. Based on principles and not on intuition: - Entrepreneurship is an action based on principles. It is
not based on the intuition of any person.

Importance of Entrepreneurship:-
1. Basis of Economic Development of the Nation- Entrepreneurship is not only the basis of business
activities, but it also creates employment opportunities in the country, increases the national income
by utilizing the resources.
2. Helps in Establishing new enterprises:- Entrepreneurs establish new industrial units even in risky
areas by arranging necessary resources.
3. Helps in developing new products & technique- Due to entrepreneurship, development of new
products and new technology is possible.
4. Opportunity to exploit full human potentiality: - In entrepreneurship, the entrepreneur himself
establishes the enterprise and he makes full use of his potential to make it successful.
5. Creation of Employment opportunity - New jobs are generated in the country due to
6. Balanced Economic Development:- Entrepreneur paves the way for balanced economic
7. Helps in Social change:- Entrepreneurship increases the income of individuals by providing
employment. As a result, their standard of living increases by which positive changes are brought in
the society.

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Process of entrepreneurship

Self discovery

Indentifying opportunities

Generating/evaluating ideas.


Raising Start up Capital




"It is venture which runs on unique idea and solve real life problem"

According to Ministry of Commerce & Industry (GOI) a start up will be :

1. Not older than 5 years.

2. Annual turnover does not exeed 25 Crore.
3. An entity in corporated or registered in India.
Working towards innovation, development, commercialisation of products/ service / process
driven by technology.
1. People have limited area of understanding about startups.
2. Lack of digital access
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Incubator: - A business incubator is company that helps Startup Company to develop by providing such
as managerial and technical services etc.
Provides assistance in the following areas.
1. Providing workplace or office.
2. To cooperate in technical and managerial field.
3. Assist in the creation of an effective business plan.
4. Help related to market and finance.
Role of Incubator:-
1. Incubator nurtures the startup like a parent.
2. Provides experienced mentorship to startups.
3. Establishes relationships with investors and new startup partners.
4. Provides experienced consultation to start up companies

This is a type of tag for a new startup company. The term was coined by Eileen Lee in 2013.

A startup company with a net worth of 1 billion or more. It also includes the future growth
Opportunities and market potential of the company. That startup company is called Unicorn Company.

Indian's Unicorns Companies:-

1- Paytm
2- Oyo
3- Byju's
4- Swiggy
5- Zomato

Venture Capital
“Venture capital is the capital invested by firms of professional people with managerial participation in
companies that are rapidly growing and changing and having high potential for growth.”

Venture capital is -

1- It is long term capital.

2- It is provided by the professional capitalist.

3- It is invested in risky sector= to earn more profit.

4- In this along with capital, managerial skills are also provided.

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5- He constantly analyzes the progress of the company.

Differences between traditional capital and venture capital

Traditional capital Venture capital

Its sources are- share capital, Debenture,loans Its sources are - capitalists or venture capital
from financial institutions, banks etc. funds which have been established by many
capitalists together.
This capital is available only to the traditional It is available to new modern innovative
industries. industries.
Its investment is where the risk is less. It is invested where the risk is high.

Angel Investors
" These are people who have extrea money and want to invest in upcoming starup. They provide capital
as well as experienced consultancy."

Difference between angel investor and venture capital

Angel investor Venture capital

Angel investors are single individuals. capitalist Venture capital is collective capital. Firms or
companies that invest in new startups.
They have less investor capacity. Whereas the investor capacity of venture capital is
It is the main source of finance in the initial stage When the company is expanded, then venture
of startup. capital enters.

Education Management
 It is the process of utilization of human & material resources so as to effectively & efficiently
accomplish functions task of educational programme.
Objectives of Educational Management:-
1. To provide an education triendly environment for students.
2. To provide opportunity for growth & development of teacher
3. To focus on personality development students.
4. To prepare student and society oriented educational program.
5. To organise teacher conference & training program.
6. It helps to create suitable environment for the growth and development of children.
7. It helps to increase the quality of education.

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Management Notes

Functions of E.M. :-
1. Getting maximum results with minimum efforts.
2. Managing school programmes and activities.
3. To coordinate school activities.
4. Maintaining school records and financing
5. To maintain a public image of the institution.
6. Managing conflicts and stress.
7. Motivating.

Fundamentals of Educational Management:- There are 3 main elements.

1. Input: - In this school building, furniture, playground, headmaster, administrator, teacher,
student, education learning material, innovation technology, etc. are all included.
2. Process: - In this, management of financial division, buying and selling, development,
communication, personnel, office etc. is included.
3. Output : - In this, all managerial achievements, attitude, logical thinking, managerial control etc.
are included.

Healtchare and Wellness Management

The World Health Organization has defined a health system as "a health system consists of all
organisations, people and functions whose primary objective is the promotion and maintenance of
Health management is concerned with the overall management and leadership of public and private
healthcare organizations to ensure that holistic healthcare is run smoothly.
Definition:- “Health care management is the process of providing health-related services to society,
communities, families and individuals with efficiency and effectiveness.”
Objective:- “The objective of Healthcare Management is to create a positive work environment where
patients can be treated in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.”

Organizational Structure of Healthcare Management

Here there is a multi-level hierarchical system in the organization.

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Organizational Structure

General Management Clinical/Professionals

 Doctor Assistance
Chief Management Clinical Staff
(M.D., CEO Chairman, President etc)
It is responsible for the management and  Physician & Nurse
administration of the entire organization.  Surgen & Lab Technician
Under the general management of a healthcare  Specialist & Pharma/Chemist
organization, there are different specialist
departments, which are responsible for their  ENT & Assistant
functions.  Heart
1- Policy analyst: - To cooperate for policy
 Bone
 Other
2- Finance Department :- Responsibility for
financial management
3- Auditing :- Responsible for financial
accounting and auditing
4- Budget: - To cooperate in budget
5- Human Resources :- It is related to
recruitment, selection of general and
clinical staff in the organization
6- Marketing: - Overseeing the marketing
related functions of the organization.
7- Repair and Maintenance: - Maintenance
and improvement of building and other
resources and equipment.

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Function of Helthcare Management :-

1. To provide high level medical facilities to the patient.

2. Maintaining patient satisfaction and well being.
3. Assuring quality service.
4. To manage the budget and finances of the overall healthcare establishment.
5. To prepare the action plan of all the personnel.
6. To look after the different departments of the organization.
7. To create a positive environment in Helthcare Unit.
8. To provide quality service to the patient at low cost.
9. To make the patient have a good relationship with the doctor.
10. To conduct health improvement activities according to the determinants of health.
11. To ensure efficient and effective use of resources related to healthcare.

Patient Management :– Health care Management Make sure to promote excellence in Patient – care
1. Patient Satisfaction and relationship with their physician.
2. In order to do this they must make sure that their employees are willing to follow protocols and
keep a positive attitude with their patients.

Healthcare Management in India

Healthcare in India is provided by the state government, local bodies and institutions wich governed by
the central government.

The central government mainly works to develop and monitor national health standards and regulations
and link the states with funding agencies.

1. Public health sector -

i. Primary Health Care :- Village Level Recognized Social Health Worker, Village Level Assistant
Nurse Midwife (A.N.M)

Sub Centre, Primary Health Center

ii. Primary Health Centre:-

Community Health Center.

Rural hospital

District Hospital/Health Center

Medical college

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

iii. Health Insurance Programmes

Universal health insurance programme.

Employees State Insurance Scheme.

Central government health scheme

2. Private Sector:- These include the following-

i. Private Hospitals, Polyclinics, Nursing Homes and Dispensaries.

ii. General Physicians and Clinics.

iii. Greater health care services.

3. Indian System of Medicine and Homeopathy:-

i. Ayurveda:- Uses herbs as medicine.

ii. Unani:- Unani medicine is also similar to Ayurveda.

iii. Homeopathy:- It is a system of naturopathy. It believes that the mind, body, soul of a person is
affected when the disease occurs and hence that whole person should be treated.

iv. Naturopathy:- Naturopathy is related to the healing power of nature.

v. Sidha :- Thousands of raw medicines are used in this method.

4. Voluntary Health Sector and Non-Government Organization:-

i. Campaign Groups:- These groups run specific health campaigns. For example, there should be a
rational drug policy.

ii. Government Voluntary Organizations:- These voluntary organizations play the role of
implementing government programs like family planning and integrated child development

i. Health Care for Special Groups of People:- Rehabilitation, Care of Disabled, Women, and
ii. Medical Researcher and Activist
iii. Health care Services sponsored by the Rotary Club, Lions Club and Chambers of Commerce

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Wellness Management
“Meaning of Wellness” :- Wellness is not only the absence of disease or infirmity but it is a state
of positive health. It stimulates the physical, mental, spiritual and social and emotional
dimensions of the individual.

Nature of wellness (Key elements of wellness)

1. Wellness is a holistic activity.

2. The nature of wellness is positive and interrelational.
3. It is related to the wellness of life. It includes the elements of quality of life, well-being,
happiness, and life satisfaction.
4. It is related to clarity of real life purpose.
5. It is related to the unity and totality of life.
6. It emphasizes on making life's efforts constructive.
7. It is related to open relationships and optimistic outlook.

Dimensions of Wellness

1. Physical Wellness
 Physical wellness involves moving your body(exercise), eating well balanced meals (nutrition),
sleeping, managing stress, receiving preventative medical and dental care, and getting sexual
health screenings when you become sexually active.
2. Social wellness
 Social welfare involves having a strong social network can give you support and guidance when
you are stressed or need stress relief. Additionally these relationships can aid in the development
of healthy relationships.
3. Environmental Wellness
 Environmental wellness means taking care of your global environment and your personal
surroundings. De-Cluttering your room, recycling your trash or volunteering to clean up your
environment can improve health for all.
4. Financial wellness
 Financial wellness means taking steps to live within your financial means and living in, and
planning for future financial health. You can do this by planning financially, creating a budget
and learning to be a good consumer.
5. Spiritual wellness
 Spiritual wellness is a process of understanding beliefs, values and ethics that help guide your
life. whatever your preferred approach, spending time asking and exploring your spiritual life
can be an important part to your overall wellbeing.

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

6. Emotional wellness
 Maintaining a healthy emotional life is important to overall health. some ways to stay
emotionally healthy are to manage your stress level, stay on top of school work, get eight hours
of sleep, ask for help or see a therapist at the counselling centre.
7. Intellectual wellness
 Intellectual wellness means staying curious and engaged in learning new things. Engage in
creative activities. Read for pleasure, be aware of social and political issues, or join a club that
focuses on enhances intellectual interests.

Tourism and Hospitality Management

The general meaning of tourism is taken to travel or travel from one place to another. The act of
traveling or going out has been in the cultural heritage of India since time immemorial.
The following terminology is used according to the purpose of the visit.
1. Tourism:- To go out for a walk or travel outside the home to experience something new with
adventure, comfort, fun, joy.
2. Deshatan/Departure:- Going to other country-state for economic activities, business and
employment. In many parts of Rajasthan it is known as 'Deshawar'.
3. Pilgrimage:- Traveling to revered religious places under the Sanatan culture, being filled with
spiritual happiness and devotion, is called pilgrimage or pilgrimage.
For example, the journey of pkj /kke] Amarnath Yatra.
 Tourism Management :- Providing important services for Tourits like transportation, food, hotels,
imformation about tourist place & other imp. service, with efficiency & effectiveness is called
tourism management.
Objectives of Tourism Management :-
1. To find out beautiful & interesting.
2. To provide tourist sports and destination information (about it)
Components of tourism management:-
1. Transportation:- Transport facility is necessary for tourists so that their travel can be made easy.
2. Attraction of the site:- The attraction of the place is important in the selection of places for the
tourists to visit. Tourism management provides information about attractive places to tourists.
3. Accommodation or Hotel:- To provide accommodation facilities to the tourists according to their
needs for rest and relaxation.
4. Variety of entertainment and restaurants:- To provide variety of restaurants, amusement parks,
clubs, musical shows to entertain, have fun, do and enjoy the variety of cuisines.
5. Finance arrangement:- To provide finance for tourists on easy monthly installments.
6. Visa rules:- To make visa easily available to international tourists. Because in this global era
economic development is attracted by income from tourists.
7. Travel Agencies and Tour Operators:- Providing vehicles for the tourists to go out and come back.

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Purpose of Tourism :-
1. To end the indifference caused by staying in one place for a long time and get excited again.
2. Take an exciting journey to do something special in which to visit forests, mountains and
inaccessible places.
3. To gain knowledge and experience other to travel.
4. Travels for the propagation of ideas and religion, such as Buddhism, Christianity.
5. Travels for business and livelihood, such as participating in business conferences, fairs, exhibitions.
6. Travels for political ideas, struggles and attainment of power.
7. Going to distant regions for the attainment of education, such as going to distant countries to study
in reputed universities, etc.

Tourists :- Tourist is one who travel and stay temporarily in another place.
Types of tourists:-
1. Local Tourist
2. Domestic Tourist
3. Foreign Tourist
4. Free Traveller
5. Group Tourist
6. Bussiness Tourist

Types of Tourism :-
1. Recreational Tourism :- Tourist prefers to visit such a place where there is environment, peace and
there are sports and other facilities to amuse the mind, so that mental and physical fatigue can be
2. Cultural Tourism :- Travels to see and learn new life culture like folk dance, art, painting,
3. Heritage Tourism :- Tourists go to see it. Man-made divine and grand buildings, ancient
monuments, historical forts, havelis.
4. Eco Tourism :- In this, tourists travel to see and know the ecology, wildlife and diversity of remote
natural places. For example, the journey of Kashmir-Ladakh and Kerala.
5. Adventurous Trousim :- In this, tourists try adventures such as mountaineering, or world tours on
bicycles or excursions by car rally.
6. Ethnical Rural Tourism :- It includes a journey to an unknown place to study the human race or to
know and see the ancestral place of one's ancestors.
7. Religious tourism:- Traveling to holy places or places of worship of different sects, creeds and
religions is called religious tourism. Like - Christians going to Vatican City, Muslims traveling to
Mecca-Medina and Hindus traveling to Char-Dham.
8. Wellness Tourism :- The middle and low income group of developed countries and the people of
underdeveloped countries go to developing countries, where comparatively less expenditure is
incurred for their health related treatment and diagnosis so the tourism gets promoted. For example,
there is tourism in India for yoga, meditation, surgery etc.

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

9. Sports tourism: - Many tourists travel to countries where this type of event is held to participate in
sports competitions or while being present as spectators. Like - kite competition, olympics, world
cup etc.
10. Wedding tourism - Eminent persons or business groups have started organizing important events
of their life in the form of celebrations at popular tourist places.
For example, birthdays, wedding anniversaries, etc.
11. Wildlife Tourism - Nature lovers who love the beauty of nature and the animals living in the forest
go to visit protected sanctuaries, parks or safari in different states / countries. Like - Sariska,
Keoladeo or Ranthambore Sanctuary.

Hospitality Management
Let us start with the term 'Hospitality'. Hospitality is the relationship between the gest and the host. It
is the act/practice of bein hospitable including friendly generous reception/welcoming of guests. their
entertainment and providing services with warmin and courteousness. It is basically concerned with
providing a place to stay, food, entertainment and other facilities to make the stay comfortable.
Different types of establishments offer hospitality serives. eg:– hotels, motels, lodges, resorts, and
furnished apartments.
 A hotel is a commercial establishment offering lodging, meals and other services to its guests.
 A motel provides services like a hotel and provides parking facility near the room or a room door
that opens out onto the parking lot.
 A lodge offers rented accommodation especially for sleeping and may not offer food and other
 A resort is known for its leisure attraction. It offers a broad range of amenities, sports facilities and
leisure activities for ensuring a total vacation experience.
 Furnished apartments provide all essential amenities needed by the guests.
 Furnished camp provide hospitality to people who go hiking.
Undertake adventure sports etc.

Providing hospitality services with effictiveness & efficiency

i.e. food & bewrages, Travel & accomedation event management etc.
It is an umbrella kind of organisation

Hotel Hospitality

1. Deals with hotel facility & ticketing 1. Deals with lodging, food, drinks
& guidance resort, restaurant, theme park, pub
2. individual etc.
2. Umbralla organisation

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Hospitality Management Function: - In order to have smooth and efficient functioning the tasks are
carried out by different sectors or departments.

Tourism Meetings & events
and recreation

Hospitality Industry

Food and beverage Accommodation or

service Front office

Guest Cycle :- Guest Cycle starts even before the guests physically steps into a hotel and it consists of
four stages-

1. Pre arrival stage :- The activities done in the pre-arrival stage include :-
iv. Quoting rates for a guest
v. Reserving a room
2. Arrival Stage :- In this stage, as the title suggests, the guest actually arrives and registers or checks-
in .
3. Occupancy :- This stage consists of providing various services as per the guest's requirements.
Ensuring security of the guest and co-ordination of various guest services.
4. Departure :- This is the final stae of the Guest Cycle where the guest is ready to leave/more out or
"Check-out" of the accommodation.

Department involved in Hospitality Management of an organisation

1. Front Office :-
 It is the focal center point of hotel.
 It is responsible to develop good relationship between the guest and the organisation and also in
building a good image.
2. House keeping department :-
 The Prime function is to maintain cleanliness and space hygiene.
 Internal flower arrangement and maintenance of external landscape or garden.
3. Food and Beverages Department :-
 It is responsible for the sale of food and beverages. The relevant service deparments involved are
kitchen, banquets, restaurants., room service bar /coffee shops etc.
4. Support Service Department :-

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

(i) Finance and Accounts

(ii) Engineering
(iii) Human Resource department
(iv) Sales and marketing departments.

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

Important Questions
izc/a k (Management)

RAS Mains -2021-22 ijh{kk gsrq

15 Words
1- Ikzca/k ls vkidk D;k vfHkizk; gS\
What do you mean by management?
2- Ikzca/k dh iz”kklu esa D;k mikns;rk gks ldrh gS\
What can be the utility of management in administration?
3- Ikzca/k ds eq[; dk;ksZa dk mYys[k djsa\
Mention the main functions of management?
4- foi.ku dh vk/kqfud vo/kkj.kk crkb,\
State the modern concept of marketing?
5- foi.ku izca/k ds nks dk;Z crkb,\
State two functions of marketing management?
6- foi.ku o fczdh esa varj crkb,\
Differentiate between marketing and sales?
7- foi.ku izca/k ls D;k vk”k; gS\
What is meant by marketing management?
8- foi.ku D;k gS\
What is Marketing?
9- foØ; lao)Zu ls D;k vk”k; gS\
What is meant by sales promotion?
10- miHkksDrk lao)Zua rduhd ds uke mYysf[kr dhft,\
Name the consumer promotion techniques?
11- lsok gsrq ^foi.ku lafeJ.k* esa D;k lekfgr gS\ ¼RAS 2016½
What Constitutes “Marketing mix” for Service'? (RAS 2016)
12- mRikn gsrq ^foi.ku lafeJ.k* esa D;k lekfgr gS\
What Constitutes “marketing mix” for the product?
13- “Silent Salesman” ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\
What do you meant by “Silent Salesman”?
14- Lka/; foi.ku fopkj dks la{ksi esa le>kb,\
Explain Sustainable marketing in brief?
15- foi.ku feJ.k dk vFkZ Li’V djksa\
Explain the meaning of marketing mix?
16- lkekftd foi.ku fopkj/kkjk dks Li’V djksa\
Explain social marketing ideology?

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

17- mRikn pkSM+kbZ dks ifjHkkf’kr djsa \ ¼RAS Special 2016½

Define product width? (RAS Special 2016)
18- dher ,oa eqY; ds laca/kksa dh O;k[;k dhft,\ ¼RAS Special 2016½
Explain the relationship between Value and price. (RAS Special 2016)
19- lqfo/kk mRikn ds izeq[k y{k.k crkb,\
List the characteristics of convenience product?
20- foi.ku esa forj.k ek/;eksa ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\
What do you understand by channels of distribution in marketing?
21- O;fDrxr fczdh ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\
What is meant by personal selling?
22- oLrqvksa ds HkkSfrd fooj.k ds rŸo crkvksa\
Explain elements of physical description?
23- D;k foKkiu ,d laokn gS\
Is advertising a dialogue?
24- ^foKkiu Øsrkvksa dks Hkzfer djrk gS] dSls\
'Advertising confuses buyers, how?
25- lkoZtfud lac/a k dh rhu fo”ks’krk,¡ fyf[k,\
Write three characteristics of public relations?
26- vkiwfrZ Ükà[kyk izca/ku dh eq[; fpark D;k gS\
What is the prime concern of supply chain management?
27- vkiwfrZ Ük`a[kyk izca/ku esa eky okilh ,d laons u”khy pj.k gS] dSls\
Product return is a sensitive stage in supply chain management, how?
28- ca/kd eky xksnke D;k gksrk gS\
What is Bonded Warehouse?
29- e - O;kikj o e - okf.kT; ds e/; varj Li’V djsa\
Explain the difference between E-commerce and E-Business?
30- e -O;olk; vkSj ikjaifjd O;olk; esa dksbZ rhu varj crkb,\
Give any three differences between e-Business and Traditional business?
31- e - Ukhykeh dks Li’V djs\a
Explain e-Auction?
32- e - dkelZ dh dksbZ nks lhek,¡ crkvksa\
Mention any two limitations of E-Commerce?
33- e – ekdsZfVax dh pqukSfr;ksa dks js[kkafdr dhft,\
Underline the challenges of E-Marketing?
34- e –foi.ku vfèkdre yksxksa rd dSls igqap cukrh gSa \
How does e-marketing reach maximum number of people?
35- O;kikj ds uSfrd O;ogkj dks izHkkfor djus okys nks rŸo crkb,\
Name any two factors which affect the ethical behaviour of business.

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

36- O;olkf;d uSfrdrk dk vFkZ crkb,\

Explain the meaning of business ethics?
37- ^Xkzkgd dh O;kikjh ls uSfrd vis{kk* js[kkafdr djsa\
Underline the 'ethical expectation of the customer from the businessmen'?
38- ,d “ks;j /kkjd ds izfr fuxe ds nkf;Ÿoksa dks js[kkafdr dhft,\
State the responsibilities of a corporation towards investors and shareholder?
39- ,d daiuh dh ^iwt
a h lajpuk* D;k gS\ ¼RAS 2016½
What is the 'capital structure' of a company? (RAS 2016)
40- lkekU; “ks;j ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ ¼RAS 2016½
What do you understand by “Ordinary share”? (RAS 2016)
41- vYidkyhu foŸk ds midj.k ds :Ik esa ^^O;kikfjd isij** D;k gS\¼RAS 2018½
What is “commercial paper” as an instrument for short term finance? (RAS2018)
42- cSad vf/kfod’kZ D;k gSa\
What is overdraft?
43- thjks dwiu ckW.M D;k gksrs gSa\
What are zero coupon bonds?
44- iwt
a h lajpuk ls D;k rkRi;Z gS\
What is meant by capital structure?
45- cSafdx o xSj cSfdax laLFkk ds e/; dksbZ nks egŸoiw.kZ varj crkb,\
State any two important differences between banking and non-banking institution?
46- izkFkfed iw¡th cktkj D;k gksrs gSa\
What are primary capital markets?
47- rstfM;s D;k gksrs gS\a
What is mean by bulls in Sharemarket?
48- Brownfield FDI D;k gksrk gS\
What is Brownfield FDI?
49- ,d cgq jk’Vªh; daiuh fdls dgk tk,xk\
What is mean by Multi national company?
50- fujadq”k usr`Ro “kSyh dk izca/k esa D;k ;ksxnku gks ldrk gS\
What can be the contribution of authoritarian leadership style to management?
51- usr`Ro dh egku O;fDr fopkj/kkjk crkb,\
State the great man Theory of leadership?
52- ÞlajpukRed igyß ds usr`Ro ij djsa\
Comment on the leadership of “initiatives structural ”?
53- Uksr`Ro dk vFkZ Li’V dhft,\
Explain the meaning of leadership?
54- Uksr`Ro dh fo”ks’krk,¡ crkb,\
What are the characteristics of leadership?

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

55- Ikzca/k esa usr`Ro ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\

What do you understand by leadership in management?
56- ^^izca/k esa usr`Ro ,d nqyZHk lk/ku gS**Li’V dhft,\
“Leadership is a rare tool in management.” Explain?
57- ^^Lkewg fuekZ.k izfØ;k esa LVkWfeZx vifjgk;Z gS**]dFku dks Li’V dhft,\
“Storming is inevitable in group formation process”, explain the statement?
58- ^^vukSipkfjd lewg vkSipkfjd lewg dh izfrNk;k gS**] dFku dks Li’V dhft,\
“Informal group is a reflection of formal group”, explain the statement?
59- Lkewg O;ogkj dks ifjHkkf’kr dhft,\
Define group behaviour?
60- O;fDrxr O;ogkj ds varxZr rkfdZd ekuo ij dhft,\
Comment on the rational man under individual behaviour?
61- O;fDrxr O;ogkj dks izHkkfor djus okys euksoSKkfud dkjd crkb,\
Mention the psychological factors that influence individual behavior?
62- O;olkf;d vfHko`fŸk dk vFkZ Li’V dhft,\
Explain the meaning of Business attitude?
63- vfHko`fŸk fuekZ.k ds ?kVdksa dks crkb,\
State the components of attitude formation?
64- D;k vfHko`fŸk tUetkr gksrh gS\
Is attitude innate?
65- vafre o lk/ku eqY; D;k gS\
What is the final and means value?
66- vfHko`fŸk o eqY; esa varj crkb,\
What is the difference between attitude and value?
67- Vhe o lewg esa nks varj crkb,\
State two differences between a team and a group?
68- ,d izHkkoh Vhe fuekZ.k gsrq vko”;d “krZs crkb,\
State the necessary conditions for effective team building?
69- ^^Lo izcaf/kr Vhe** ds ckjs esa dhft,\
Comment on “Self Managed Team”?
70- udkjkRed vfHkizsj.kk ldkjkRed ifj.kke nsrh gS] Li’V djs\a
Negative motivation gives positive results, explain?
71- ekSfnzd o xSj ekSfnzd vfHkizsj.kk dk varj Li’V dhft,\
Explain the difference between monetary and non-monetary motivation?
72- vfHkiszj.kk dkfeZdksa ds dk;Z fu’iknu esa o`f) djrh gS] Li’V dhft,\
Motivation increases the performance of the workers, explain?
73- vfHkizsj.kk ds xktj o NM+h fl)kar dh O;k[;k dhft,\
Explain the carrot and stick theory of motivation?
74- vfHkizsj.kk ds fl)kar dh nks ekU;rk crkb,\
State two assumptions of the theory of motivation?

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

75- vfoŸkh; vfHkizjs.k ds dqN :Ik crkb,\

Explain some forms of non financial motivation?
76- vfHkizsj.kk dh nks rduhd ds uke crkb,\
Name two techniques of motivation?
77- le; izca/k esa izR;k;kstu dSls lg;ksx djrk gS\
How does delegation help in time management?
78- le; izca/k dh nks egŸoiw.kZ ck/kk,¡ crkb,\
State two important constraints of time management?
79- la?k’kZ lekfIr dh rduhdksa esa ckgj ds O;fDr ds egŸo dks bafxr dhft,\
Indicate the importance of outsiders in conflict cessation techniques?
80- laxBu esa la?k’kZ fdl izdkj Qk;nk igqapkrk gS\
How does conflict benefit the management?
81- izca/k esa la?k’kZ ds nks dkj.k crkb,\
Give two reasons for conflict in management?
82- la?k’kZ ds laca/k esa ijaijkoknh n`f’Vdks.k dh D;k ekU;rk gS\
What is the assumption of the traditional approach regarding conflict?
83- jpukRed la?k’kZ] izca/k dks dSls Qk;nk igq¡pkrs gSa\
How do constructive conflicts benefit management?
84- le; izca/k ds egŸo dks js[kkafdr dhft,\
Underline the importance of time management?
85- ^^vLi’V mÌs”; le; izca/k esa ,d ck/kk gS** dSSl\s
“A unclear objective is a hindrance in time management” how?
86- Ikzf”k{k.k ls dkfeZd dks D;k Qk;nk gksrk gS\
What are the benefits of training to the workers?
87- ^^dk;Z ij izf”k{k.k** dk vFkZ gS\
“On the job Training” means?
88- izdks’B”kkyk izf”k{k.k ds ckjs esa crkb,\
Tell about vestibule training?
89- izf”k{k.k o fodkl ds e/; nks varj crkb,\
State two differences between training and development?
90- dk;Z fu’iknu ewY;kadu dh pqukSfr;ksa dks Li’V dhft,\
Explain the challenges of performance appraisal?
91- ^^m|ferk ,d jpukRed fØ;k** dSls\
How “Entrepreneurship is a creative activity”?
92- m|ferk dk vFkZ crkb,\
Give the meaning of Entrepreneurship?
93- LVkVZvi D;k gksrk gS\
What is a Startup?
94- ^^LVkVZvi ds fy, bUD;wcs”ku vko”;d** dSls\
“Incubation required for startup” how?

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

95- ,atsy fuos”kd o m|e iwt

a h esa varj crkb,\
Differentiate between angel investor and venture capital?
96- m|ferk ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ bldh fo”ks’krkvksa dh foospuk dhft,A
What do you understand by entrepreneurship? Discuss its features.
97- “kSf{kd xfrfof/k;ksa ds fy, izca/k fdl izdkj lgk;d gks ldrk gS\
How can management be helpful for educational activities?
98- “kSf{kd izca/k ds nks egŸoiw.kZ mÌs”; bafxr dhft,\
Point out two important objectives of educational management?
99- gsYFkds;j izca/k dks ifjHkkf’kr dhft,\
Define Healthcare Management?
100- gsYFkds;j izca/k esa NGO dh Hkwfedk dks Li’V dhft,\
Explain the role of NGOs in healthcare management?
101- osyusl D;k gksrk gS\
What is wellness?
102- lekt esa osyusl dh D;k vko”;drk gS\
What is the need of wellness in society?
103- Ik;ZVu dks ifjHkkf’kr dhft,\
Define tourist?
104- Ekkuotkrh; Ik;ZVd D;k gksrk gS\
What is an ethnical tourism?
105- vkfrF; izca/ku dks le>kb,\
Explain hospitality management?
106- vkfrF; izca/k ds le{k dkSulh pqukSfr;k¡ gS] crkb,\
What are the challenges before hospitality management?
107- vfrfFk pØ D;k gS\
What is Guest cylce?
108- Ik;ZVu izca/k dh pqukSfr;ksa dk fo”ys’k.k izLrqr djsa\
Present an analysis of the challenges of tourism management?
109- vkfrF; izca/k ,d Nkrk laxBu dh xfrfof/k gS] ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A
Hospitality Management is an Umbrella organization activity, Define.

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

50 Words
1- Ikzca/k lekt ds fodkl esa dSls lgk;d gS\
How is management helpful in the development of society?
2- mRikn thou pØ dh fofHkUu voLFkkvksa dks le>kb,\ ¼RAS 2016½
Explain the different stages of the product life cycle? (RAS 2016)
3- izeq[k lao)Zu feJ.k lk/kuksa dk laf{kIr o.kZu dhft, ¼RAS 2016½
Briefly describe the major Promotional mix tools (RAS 2016)
4- vkiwfrZ Ük`a[kyk izca/k dk vFkZ Li’V djrs gq, blds le{k pqukSfr;ksa dk o.kZu dhft,\
Explain the meaning of supply chain management and describe the challenges faced by it?
5- oLrq&lwph ¼LVkWd½ ds j[k&j[kko dks fu/kkZfjr djus okys dkjdksa dk mYys[k dhft,\
Mention the factors that determine the maintenance of inventory?
6- bZ& dkelZ lekt dks ykHk igqapkrh gS] dSls\
e-commerce benefits the society, how?
7- e &O;kolkf;d dh voèkkj.kk o mikns;rk dks Li"V dhft,\
Explain the concept and benefits of E-business?
8- O;kolkf;d uSfrdrk ds fofHkUu rŸoksa dh O;k[;k dhft,\
Explain the various elements of business ethics?
9- laink ¼/ku½ dks vf/kdŸke djus dh vo/kkj.kk dks le>kb,\ ¼RAS 2018½
Explain the concept of wealth maximisation? (RAS 2018)
10- iat
w h lajpuk vo/kkj.kk esa “kq) vk; ,oa “kq) lapkyu vk; ds fl)kar esa fHkUurk,¡ crkb,\¼RAS 2016½
Differentiate between the net income theory and net operating income theory of capital structure? (RAS
11- ykHkksa ds caVokjs dh vo/kkj.kk ij ,d y?kq ys[k fyf[k,\
Write a short note on the concept of distribution of profit?
12- lerk va”k o vf/keku va”k ds e/; varj Li’V dhft,\
Explain the difference between equity share and preference share?
13- fons”kh laLFkkxr fuos”k dh foospuk dhft,\
Discuss foreign institutional investment?
14- ^^lHkh izca/kd usrk gSa] ysfdu lHkh usrk izca/kd ugha gksrs** dFku dh O;k[;k dhft,\
Explain the statement "All managers are leaders, but not all leaders are managers"?
15- fu.kZ;&fuekZ.k] lapkj] vfHkiszj.kk o lŸkk izR;kstu ds vk/kkj ij usr`Ro dh rhuksa “kSfy;ksa esa varj Li’V
Differentiate between the three styles of leadership on the basis of decision making, communication,
motivation and delegation.
16- ^^lewg fodkl izfØ;k ds fofHkUu pj.kksa dk o.kZu dhft,\
“Describe the different stages of group development process?
17- Ekkuo ewY;ksa dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dk o.kZu dhft,\
Describe the factors affecting human values?

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492
Management Notes

18- ^^,d izca/kd dks vius dk;Z lapkyu esa eqY; fdl izdkj lg;ksx djrs gSa** Li’V dhft,\
Explain how "values help a manager in the conduct of his work"?
19- Vhe fuekZ.k izfØ;k dk o.kZu dhft,\
Describe the team building process?
20- vfHkiszj.kk ds f}&dkjd fl)kar dks le>kb,\ ¼RAS 2018½
Explain the two-factor theory of motivation? (RAS 2018)
21- vfHkizsj.kk ds X o Y fl)kar dks le>kb,\
Explain X and Y theory of motivation?
22- izf”k{k.k ,d laxBu dks dSls Qk;nk igqapkrk gS\
How does training benefit an organization?
23- m|ferk ns”k dh O;olkf;d o vkfFkZd xfrfof/k;ksa esa dSls ;ksxnku ns ldrh gS] o.kZu dhft,\
Describe how entrepreneurship can contribute to the commercial and economic activities of the country?
24- jksxh izca/ku dks le>kb,\
Explain patient management?
25- osyusl izca/k ds vk;keksa dk fo”ys’k.k dhft,\
Analyze the dimensions of wellness management?
26- Ik;ZVu izca/k esa dkSu & dkSu ls ?kVdksa dks “kkfey fd;k tkrk gS] lfoLrkj ls le>kb,\
Explain in detail which components are included in tourism management?
27- vfrF; izca/k esa lfEefyr eq[; foHkkxksa dk o.kZu dhft,\
Describe the main departments involved in hospitality management?

A-1 Keshav Vihar, Riddhi-Siddhi Chouraha, Gopalpura Bypass,

Jaipur- 302018 Mob.: 0141-3555948, 9636977490, 8955577492

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