Noticia Ingles

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Integrantes: Joselyn Cevallos, Emiliano Castillo, Jaime Yépez.

Questions page 35
When and where did the crime take place?
The crime ocurred on a Thursday in November 2010 at 7pm in the
Pumpkin Park
How many people were involved?
Three involved
Were the robbers male or female?
They were women
How old are the robbers?
Dasher is 16 years old, Caliz is 17 and María is 15 years old.
What did the robbers look like?
They look like friendly teenage
Did they have any weapons?
They didn't have weapons

On Saturday, February 2, around 11:30 pm, a man was attacked outside a bank while he was

going to withdraw $500 from an ATM near Westland County. This attack was recorded by

several video surveillance cameras from private businesses in the area, when one of the men

who had a dark bandana covering his face,also tall and thin with green eyes, dark hair wearing

a baseball cap, shorts and bright yellow sneakers the two others were looking for the money he

took out of the bank, the victim could not defend himself because he was threatened with

pepper spray. The attacker hasn´t been caught yet.

Incident: A man was attacked outside a bank

Time: 11:30pm Saturday

Location: Westland Country

Weapon: pepper spray

Appearance: A male. He is tal and thin. He has green eyes and dark hair, wearing a baseball
cap,shorts, and bright yellow sneakers. Also, he has a dark bandana covering his face.

Report: He hasn´t been caught yet

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